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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Sergeant Halford

"Hostiles are bound to have read his signal. We should expect company soon."

She glanced down to the soldier, noticing his stillness.

"Hey," she muttered as she nudged his shoulder. She placed a hand over his to maintain pressure on his wound, keeping her handgun at the ready.

After being told to go help, he grabbed some sunglasses that wrapped around his head and ran out to help them. Jack came to the sight, seeing the downed bird was a bit saddening, "Friendly.. Coming... Coming down! " he shouted in between breaths, holding his hands out and slowly walking down with small medpack he had when he was traveling with Macy.

@CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
Nathaniel Reed

Nathaniel made his way to the back of the barn and found a tarp place over a small rectangular object. Removing the tarp and folding it up quickly, be found the vehicles in a small storage place made to power them. Grabbing his own wheeler, Jackson and Nathaniel made their way to the bellowing smoke trail that was visible above the trees. Gun shots where heard off to the distance, then the sound of Hal and Leonard. Jackson took off, dismounting his vehicle and made a run for it. Following behind Jackson on the four wheelers, they made it to the wreckage. "How many survives?" he called out as he slowly made his way behind Jackson, "We have four wheelers to transport anyone to the house, if I need to do surgery."

@CheekiBreekiComrade @CERBERUS177 @Valor Green
Sergeant Halford

"Heads down," she said, peeking out at the others. "Multiple dead, one wounded. Medic, on me."

She laid down her weapon and beckoned toward Nathaniel before pointing to Jack.

"You. Find a vantage point and provide overwatch. This is still an active battlefield."




Watching the area wasn't a hard task, but it was the most important one of them all. He would feel his hands shaking wth adrenaline, but not enough to effect his aim. He would reach into his pocket, grabbing his long range scope. He would clip the scope on, and adjust the magnification. He would then look around, looking for any sudden movement.


When nudged, he would shake his head, trying to wake himself. He'd would place pressure on the wound, after a couple minutes, he would wipe his hand on his vest, causing the vest to have long bloody hand marks. He would ask the unknown woman, "Why are you helping me? I thought civilians in this area hated us." He would reach into his Army Combat Uniform sleeve pocket, pulling out a small picture. It was a tall muscular man with a short Hispanic female, both holding a small baby. He would take off one his flight gloves (not the one holding the wound), and he would use his thumb to feel the small picture's texture. He'd look over and say, "I-I.. have a family.."

@Valor Green , @KarenAKAMint , @CERBERUS177
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Nathaniel Reed

Nathaniel moved toward Hal and knelt beside the injured soldier. "Our leader doesn't encourage violence, so we tend to help those in need..." he answered the man as he began to work on the wound. He began by getting through the soldier's vest. This act brought several memories when he used to patch up his family members. Mostly the ones in the government side. Once he got to the wound he got to work.

@CERBERUS177 @Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade
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Sergeant Halford

"Stabilize the patient," she ordered. "I'll get the stretcher, and we'll get you out of here ASAP."

She looked around at the others, noticing the shotgun on overwatch and the pointman looking down his scope.

"For fuck's sake. You two, switch up. And Leonard, when I say hold a position, that means stay the fuck there!"

She darted out from her cover to retrieve the stretcher off of the four-wheeler. She let out a long breath to calm herself as she returned to Nathaniel's side, watching for contacts.



Nathianiel Reed

After three minutes, he was able to stablize the wound. It was an shot, and from the angle the bullet went, it seems like it missed his organs. "Alright, help me get him on the stretcher. Once we get him to the lab, I can get the bullet out. So, let's move before he loses more blood," Nathaniel told Hal as he closed up his med kit. He took hold of his legs and waited in place so they can work in union to lessen the pain.

@Valor Green
Sergeant Halford

Crash site

Hal slid her hands under the soldier's shoulders and helped lift him onto the stretcher. Alongside Nathaniel, she took him to the four-wheeler as the sound of more vehicles approaching became apparent through the trees.

"Hurry on back to camp," she told him. "See if you can get us some backup, and we'll cover your tracks. I want to hold this site for salvage."

She picked up Leonard's dirt bike and set it up with the kickstand to use as cover.

"Contacts from the southeast! Expect multiple hostiles and heavy armaments. Don't get flanked, and keep escape routes clear. No one leaves until I say so."



Nathianiel Reed & Avery Clifton

Hal helped Nathaniel get to the Four wheeler and she told him, "Hurry on back to camp. See if you can get us some backup, and we'll cover your tracks. I want to hold this site for salvage." Nathaniel nodded and turned on the vehicle with the soldier on board. He didn't wait another moment as he took off to the camp. It didn't take long for him to arrive, and Avery came out of the main house as she called out to him, "Where are the others?" Nathaniel called out for some of the scouts to help with the soldier to take him down to the lab. "Rebels were heading to the crash sight so I had to leave with him," he pointed to the soldier as he was being carried away, "They need back up to make sure the Camp is safe."

Avery Look at him and told him, "With Hal in the fight, they might think we have sided with the government. They might try to get to us. The truce he have with them might break with this." She turned and entered the house, pointing to four of the scouts that were still in camp, "They need you at the crash site. I want no blood shed in either side, so remind them of our truce. No life is unnoticed for our care. We are still neutral." The scouts nodded and headed out, with there weapons on stand by. She faced the kids and pointed to the library, "Stay in there for the time being." Avery was going to tell Nathaniel something but he was already down stairs going through the surgery on the injured soldier.

@Valor Green @CheekiBreekiComrade @CERBERUS177
(Sorry about not replying in so long, we were moving and we didn't get wifi connection until today.)


He would groan as he placed on the stretcher, and hold the small picture in a curled fist, quietly speaking to himself. He would close his eyes, and a single tear would fall down the side of his face. He just wanted to go back to his wife and young daughter.


He would watch them leave, and he would turn around, climbing inside the helicopter. He would unhook the other soldiers, dragging them out. He'd lay them side by side. He would grab their service rifles, and toss them out. He would feel across the dashboard, looking for valuable equipment. He would rip them out, and toss them in his bag. He would climb out, and sit next to the bodies. He would look for dog tags and name plates. He would strip them of their gear, placing it in a neat pile. He would take the rifles and stick them in the ground, placing all the soldier's flight helmets on top. He would take a shovel, and began to dig. He would move all the soldiers inside, covering them up with the dirt. He would salute the rifles, and run back to camp.

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