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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Kingmalikai said:
"Looks like we'll be taking out one chair now!" Michael takes one of the chairs and tosses it off to the side, "Round 2, GO!" Michael began strumming the guitar again and in a matter of 2 seconds stopped.
Macy followed through with the same plan, taking a chair again, sealing another round. She was giggling a bit now, smile on her face.
Jaime Reed


Micheal took one of the chairs away and went back to playing the guitar. This time being to short causing Jamie to miss her chance and was left standing. "Oh well," she said, as she look at Micheal to continue.

@Kingmalikai @CERBERUS177
"Another round down, many more to go." Michael said as he started playing the guitar again...


After many rounds of musical chairs it all ended up with only one person remaining. Macy was the only one left at the end of Musical Chairs. Michael began to rack his head for ideas outside of the kid's room that he could do.

@CERBERUS177 @KarenAKAMint
Leonard would take his empty bag, and walk back to his cabin. He would walk inside and plop on the bed. He would reach under the bed, and grab a bottle of vodka. He would just be lying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He hoped someone should come see him, someone he can talk to.
Lawson exited the woods wearing his bandana and beanie. He had been sent into the woods to scout the surrounding area.

"I found a nice treehouse... I could turn it into a proper sniper stand." he mumbled to himself

He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and walked past the cabins but noticed the new scout Leonard out of his eye.

"Hmmm Vodka"

he walked towards the cabin and entered

"How's it going?"

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Scarlett Baxxer

"I see..." Her vision began to cloud as the tears she had been holding down for what felt like forever came to the forefront. She had let the potato fall from her hand and used that hand to cover the aching sobs spilling out. She went to her knees and let herself get carried away in thought. She wanted someone, anyone to take this pain away.

@Valor Green
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Macy was happy, but, she wanted to see Jack again, so she left and went back down to the room Jack was in, she took a seat next to him. She sat there for a little while before lying her head down on his chest, and falling asleep.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jack opened his eyes a bit, squinting at the light a bit, and looking around, seeing Macy sleeping on his chest, he smiled, then tried to wake her, when she didn't wake up, he decided to let her have the bed, he got up and moved her into the cot, then took his jacket off, or whatever was left of it, and laid it on her, he tucked her in, and got that adorable smile and tug of the cover, he smiled again. Then walked upstairs, not really seeing anyone, he walked outside and took a seat on one of the steps outside, enjoying the nice cold air.

(Anyone want to intrude, feel free.)
Michael watched Macy leave the room, he was tempted to say something but assumed she was probably going to see that person she came with. He returned to his thinking noticing that the kid's were starting to get particularly bored. As Michael was thinking he saw another person he didn't quite recognize. It was probably the new person. He pulled out a puzzle from the closet, 1500 pieces? That should be enough. Michael laid the puzzle box down on the table, "I'll be right back everyone just finish this puzzle, I've got to do something real quick." Michael walked after the stranger. Opening the front door he saw him on the steps, I still hate talking to strangers but... I know that Avery would appreciate me getting along with these newcomers. Walking up behind him not wanting to startle him he cleared his throat a little, "Penny for your thoughts?" Michael said as he sat down on the steps next to him.
Jack looked behind him, "Yes...?" Jack said, not really knowing what to say, he rubbed his face and yawned a bit. "My name's Jack by the way." Jack said, reaching his hand over for a handshake.

Avery Clifton


After another hour of working on the path, Avery was tired. The weather was beginning to get cooler, signalling it was just past noon. Taking the tools back into the shed behind the Main house, she sat in the shade. She was clearly hot from the work she did, which now was a third way done. After a few moments in the shade she head the front door open. In the spot she was in it didn't give her a clear view of who it was. She didn't think that it was very important so she tried to catch her breath.

After a moment, she could make out Micheal voice. She couldn't make out his words but them out. Slowly she got up from her seat and made out the figure of Micheal and our new guest, Jackson. Avery stood by allowing them to talk, knowing that this was a huge step for Micheal to do. Then she remembered, the kids. She gave a smirk and walked to the back , carefully, and entered the house to catch the kids sitting around, bored out of their minds. "How about I read you guys a story?"

@CERBERUS177 @Kingmalikai
Michael took his hand, "It's Michael." He gave him a slight smile, "So you staying then? Seems like your daughter has made herself pretty comfortable."
Kingmalikai said:
Michael took his hand, "It's Michael." He gave him a slight smile, "So you staying then? Seems like your daughter has made herself pretty comfortable."
"...She's uh...not mine...by blood..." he said, hoping that doesn't start anything with 'who takes the kid' or, 'I don't think she's safe with him' behind his back. "I've been defending her and her mother for a good year, well...Macy only really, Sarah, her mother she..she died last year..." he said, hoping he doesn't ask how.
"Ah, I see..." Michael senses the incoming awkward silence and decides to try to prevent it. He pulls out a carton of cigarettes, "I paid a lot for these in the city I came from a while ago. Been using them up ever since... want one?" Michael holds out the carton to you, you can see there's only two cigarettes left.
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Kingmalikai said:
"Ah, I see..." Michael senses the incoming awkward silence and decides to try to prevent it. He pulls out a carton of cigarettes, "I paid a lot for these in the city I came from a while ago. Been using them up ever since... want one?" Michael holds out the carton to you, you can see there's only two cigarettes left.
"Nah...I don't smoke." he said, "Bad for you, especially since there's no mainstream doctors anymore." he said, taking out some regular candy, and chewing that. "I prefer either candy, or gum." he said, he can't stand cigarettes, he's grown up with parents that smoked, not caring for his own well being, in the long run.
"Suit yourself." Michael took out one of the cigarettes he took a match out of his pocket struck it and lit the cigarette, "I don't often get to use this pack up, with how often I'm around the kids. Still, it helps. Helps to forget." Michael looks down for a second, "Where did you come from. Before all of 'this' happened." Michael gestured wildly as he finished.
Kingmalikai said:
"Suit yourself." Michael took out one of the cigarettes he took a match out of his pocket struck it and lit the cigarette, "I don't often get to use this pack up, with how often I'm around the kids. Still, it helps. Helps to forget." Michael looks down for a second, "Where did you come from. Before all of 'this' happened." Michael gestured wildly as he finished.
"...Iraq...Afghanistan...Anywhere where the Marine's were needed." he said, talking about his military past like it was nothing, he was proud of before this all happened, after this all happened he was ashamed, now he just doesn't care who know's and who judges him.
"I came from Chicago... long ways away. The city went to hell after all the chaos started. It was bad with muggings and robberies before, but after..." Michael shook his head, "It seemed like it was that bad almost every where though..."
Kingmalikai said:
"I came from Chicago... long ways away. The city went to hell after all the chaos started. It was bad with muggings and robberies before, but after..." Michael shook his head, "It seemed like it was that bad almost every where though..."
(GTG, will give the story later, sorry!)
Kingmalikai said:
"I came from Chicago... long ways away. The city went to hell after all the chaos started. It was bad with muggings and robberies before, but after..." Michael shook his head, "It seemed like it was that bad almost every where though..."
"Yeah, but I'm sure it wasn't as bad as my one relief mission...We were on our way to a strong hold, getting ready to take it down, there was a school bus in front of us, we were being courteous of it and stayed behind it..." he started to get a tear, "Long story short...IED, lots of screams and broken soldiers...Never seen my squad members cry, until that day." he said, wiping his face.
Sergeant Halford

Hal looked down at the sobbing presumed-widow, unsure of what to do. She turned her eyes off to the side, unable to make physical contact in good conscience, yet also unable to leave.

"I-... I'm sure he's... He's out there. Surely."

Her silence between statements underlined the uncertainty.

Scarlett Baxxer

"How would you know!? He's dead. Dead, dead, dead. They found us and now he is dead. Dead, dead, dead." She sobbed louder and repeatedly saying "dead". It was her only sane thought. Her face that was usually clear was now blotchy from the restricted air flow. Tears, snot and saliva leaked down her contorted face.

Five minutes turned into ten and she kept up her wail but had finally stood up. Through teary eyes, she had found the knife used to peel the potatoes and with shaky hands seized it and turn it towards her.

"I can't live like this. Knowing he is dead." She hiccuped.

@Valor Green
Sergeant Halford

She lifts her head, curiously watching the woman lift herself off the ground. Rather than reacting rashly to the threat of suicide, Hal remains still to hear her grievances. Lifting off the counter, she approaches her slowly and reaches a gentle hand forward to take her hand, keeping intense eye contact.

"Come now, and think about this. Would you really rather die in your misery than see your child's joy?"

She wraps her hand around Scarlett's, keeping a grip on the knife.


He'd look up to the guy, raising an eyebrow. He would say, "Do I know you? I must've forgotten you. It's happens." He would lay back, and let the bottle hit the ground and roll. He would stand up, and go through his nightstand, and find some high grade woman's chocolate, laughing.

"I did grab some a couple a days ago. I totally forgot."

He'd walked past the guy, and say, "I'll be right back man. Someone needs this."

He'd walk out the cabin and yell Scarlett's name.

"Hey! I found something you might like," he would yell.​

@overlordfangirl , @GreatGuyTomorrow
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Avery Clifton


Gathering all of the kid in the library, as they found a place to seat in the open space she made for them. Taking out the last book she read to them and was yet to finish, she began to read. It was an old novel she grow up reading while my summer here. I was half way through what remained, when she made out screams from with in the house. It was clearly Scarlett's voice along with another gentle voice. I told the kids to stay put and not leave the room, as Avery made her way to the source of the yelling. Once in the kitchen she could see Hal trying to get a knife out of a historical Scarlett.

"Come now, and think about this. Would you really rather die in your misery than see your child's joy?"

Slowly she came into the room and closed the door. With her hands visible she said, "Scarlett, give the knife to Hal. We don't want anyone to get hurt. Come one Scarlett. I know you are stronger then this." Avery was just behind Hal as she stopped, hoping to make out her eyes. "We will find him, you just have to have faith in him coming back. Please Scarlett, give use the knife."

@overlordfangirl @Valor Green

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