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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Jack watched as they left, almost extending a hand for them to grab, but he should have said to take Macy down with them, Jack sat there staring into the sky, Macy laid her head on his left leg, "They're telling the truth...right papa?" she said, the started to cry "I can't lose you too!" she shouted a bit, Jack put a hand on her shoulder, not saying anything, because he had no idea, he was weak, and couldn't do much of anything for Macy now. They sat there quietly for a bit, then Macy's soft voice broke it, "When angels fall, with broken wings...", Jack knew that song, and finished what she was trying to say, "I can't give up, I can't give in...When all is lost, and daylight ends...I'll carry you..." he stopped, as he was getting quite tired now, "Remember when mama found that music store? And you fixed that radio? And that was the first song that played?" she said, "Yeah...I do..." he said, she was about to say something else, and he simply went 'shh', as to stop her from bringing any unwanted memories. "D-Do you see them yet?" he asked, Macy got up and looked around, and didn't see anyone, "Not yet papa..." she said, 'Papa...Still gotta get used to that...'.


Sergeant Halford


Hal followed behind Leonard as he joined Avery and took her place as both went to find the medic. She knelt down near the edge of the slope, watching the two from above.

"Hope you don't mind if I keep you some company. Is there anything you need?"

Nathaniel Reed


Nathaniel was just writing down in a file that was labeled Clifton, when Leonard came into the lab. "Hey.. Uh.. Nathan.. we got a person with a possible concussion. He fell down that steep hill near by. He could've broke something to." he said. Nathaniel picked up a large medic bag that he had by the desk and followed Leonard out, not hesitating to ask any questions. Once they made it out of the house Nathaniel noticed the Avery coming out from the thicket.

She noticed us and waved us down, "Over here, this way is the safest!" She ran back into the thicket and I followed her in. It didn't take long to get to the location where a man, a little girl was waiting, and the uniformed woman from the dinning room. "Make room," he called out calmly, "I need to lay him flat."

He looked at the little girl, remind him of his little Jamie, "Dear, can you help me? I need you to sit down and let his head rest on your legs can you do that?"

@CERBERUS177 @CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
Running with Nathaniel, they would arrive on the injured man. Leonard would get on one knee, and examine the man's body. "Well, he has a few cuts and bruises, but looks as if he fractured nothing. It's probulary very minor injuries like a sprained ankle, Nathan." He would decent amount of medical Knowhow, but nothing too advanced.

Nathaniel Reed


"Now what mister?"

Nathaniel gave her a small smile and said, "Just being here for him is enough for you to help." He opened up the bag to show all of the medical supplies that would help the man. He looked down at him and asked, "Okay, I need you keep talking. Having you talk allows me to know you are still okay. Let's start with you name? My name is Nathaniel Reed." Nathaniel watched over the man making sure to look over the injuries that seem to stand out.

"Well, he has a few cuts and bruises, but looks as if he fractured nothing. It's probably very minor injuries like a sprained ankle, Nathan." Leonard announced. Nathaniel nodded and told him, "Which is good, considering that the main injury right now is the chances of him having a concussion. Can you and another Scout get the makeshift stretcher to get him into the house?" He turned to Avery and said, "Can you bring me some water? It seems like he is malnourished and dehydrated." Avery nodded and ran off before the rest.

@CERBERUS177 @CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
After searching the cabins for a stretcher, he would find a military grade stretcher. Grabbing another scout, he would come back to the injured man. Leonard and the scout lay the stretcher on the ground, waiting for orders.

@KarenAKAMint , @Valor Green , @CERBERUS177

(Last post for me for a while. Since its 2:50 am.)
"My name...My name's Jackson Stanton..." Jack said, looking around, "My thumb was dislocated...Should that be of worrisome? I...popped it back into place a little while ago..." he said, as his thumb still hurt, "I can't move it though..." he said, thinking he broke it, meaning that he'll need a cast. "And...I think there's a stick in my back, I don't really know." he said, he could have been sitting on one, and didn't know it until he was lying down.


@Valor Green

Nathaniel Reed


Nathaniel listened to him talk. After directed his attention to his thumb Nathaniel pick up his hands. One of his thumbs was clearly been dislocated and palced back, but he can't risk his thumb now. "Okay Jackson, we are going to move you the stretcher and take you to the Main House to rest. It's clear you haven't had a good night's rest in a ling time," Nathaniel told him. He looked at Leonard and the other scout, "Alright guys gently get him onto the stretcher and start moving him to the Lab. Make sure his head is elevated as you go." Avery was just coming back with two cantined and a rolled up pancake. I took one of the cantined and said, "Are you good to drink water?" Avery gave the little girl the other cantine and roll.

@CERBERUS177 @CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
"What about papa? Shouldn't he get something...?" she said, as Jack was giving her the food, sine they haven't came upon much of it lately, Jack went to say something, but didn't, or, couldn't for that matter, she was right, he hasn't had much, since she doesn't like it when he hunts for food, as in, killing deer's and bunnies etc, so they've been eating fruits and things alike, but since apple and orange trees are pretty hard to find in the forest, and fruit fields are dead because of the attacks and not many people watering and pesticide the crops to kill bugs, 'I wonder what a strawberry tastes like...?' he thought to himself, as it's been a good 2-3 years since he's had something like that...

(Derp forgot she says papa, not jack)



@Valor Green
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Leonard and the scout, pick up him lightly and place him down on the stretcher. They would walk him up to the the porch, and place him down so they could open the door. Opening the door, the walk to the lab, and place him on a empty table. "You are one lucky person mister, you could've had much worst than some scrapes and bruises." Leonard says.

@KarenAKAMint @CERBERUS177 @Valor Green
"Once we get him to the house it will be faster fro him to get a proper meal," Avery said and looked at Nathaniel for guidance, "I mean I can head back to the camp to get something light... What is their something you want?" Nathaniel looked at the man and said, "Something light to give him some nutrient, fruits or vegetable will be preferred." The Scouts have placed the man in the stretcher, and began to follow Avery out again. Nathaniel made sure to stay just behind them but also have the little girl in front of him in case something happens. Soon enough they made it to the Lab, as they placed him on the table. "He's going to need rest and a table won't do guys, there should be a few cots in the back room," He said as he opened the door to the back room, "Get him situated."

Avery came down to the lab a small bowl of fruits. They were the last of last season's fruits but it enough to make a proper light meal out of it. Avery handed him pulled up a rolling chair to seat beside him and asked, "Are you able to eat by yourself of do you need help." She extended her hand with the bowl in it as she waited for him to say something. Nathaniel was making head way in the Lab as he looked for something to make sure his thumb would stay where it is. "Papa?" he heard Jamie call out to him, "Is everything okay?" Nathaniel gave her a small smile and said, "Everything will be okay just need to make sure not to make to muck noise upstairs. Can you do that?"

Jamie nodded a smile on her face. She noticed a little girl in the lab, she was new, but it was clear she must be here with the person they brought in. She left the Lab and head back to other, not wanting Micheal to freak out. Nathaniel entered the room where everyone was inside. "Thank you guys, you can clear out. Avery and I can handle it from here."

@CERBERUS177 @CheekiBreekiComrade @Valor Green
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Jack wanted to sleep, but didn't know if that was a good idea, "I'll do it myself ma'am, thank you for the offer..." he said taking the bowl gently, grabbing some orange slices and eating them slowly, Macy sat next to Jack, she looked tired herself, but, he was hurt, and she probably wouldn't leave his side. "Macy...You can go if you wish to hun..." he said after swallowing the orange slice, "I'm," she yawned a bit, "fine papa, I want to make sure you're alright..." she said, Jack rested a hand on her shoulder, "I'll be fine." he said, smiling to her now. They've helped him so far, but he still felt, a bit uneasy. "Got any, pain killers or something like it?" Jack asked Nathaniel.

Leonard would leave the lab, letting the unamed scout carry him to a cot. He would walk out of the main house. He would grab his bag of supplies, walk towards the forest. He was usually alone in these supply runs, but he wished he had someone else. Grabbing The sergeant's M1911, he would engage the safety and walk with it in his hand. He walked for sometime, reaching the top of a hill, overlooking a town. Grabbing his map, he would see if he had been here. He seen no X mark, so he made his decent.

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Avery laughed under her breath at the sound of being called Ma'am. She was only nineteen and not even close to being called a Ma'am. "She can stay here of she get's tiered. But we have other kids that are more then willing to keep her company while you recover," Avery told him. Nathaniel left the room quietly and came back with a bottle of white liquid. "We don't have pain killers, but we have milk of the poppy to help you sleep it off. It's hard to look for meds, but the small field of poppy had provided us with a close replacement. I personally tested it to see if it was good to use, so take it once you are done eating," Nathaniel told him, placing the small bottle on the side table between two cots.

"I'll let you do your job now, Nathan. You know where to find me if anything else happens. I need to go over things before the council meeting," Avery said as she stood up from the chair. She gave the little girl a smile and left the lab, heading up to the her secret room where she held more personally things inside. Nathaniel was holding a empty folder with him as he made his way around the lab and room. Giving the two to talk before having to work on covering up any of his wounds and casting his thumb.

Nathaniel walked up stairs, wanting to get himself something to eat as well. The kids were all in the living room like before and waved Jamie over. "Yes, Papa?" she asked him as she sneaked away. "I'm going to be taking care of the man down stairs, so we can't go over the samples today," he said as eh knelt down, "If the little girl comes up to play, be good and show her around, with Micheal's permission." Jamie nodded and went back to the group as Nathaniel got him eggs and toast. Waiting and eating for Jackson to fall asleep.

Sergeant Halford


Having seen things were taken care of, Hal returned to the house and took a seat in the living room. She took off her beret and scrunched it up in her hands, looking at it in quiet contemplation. Things were still for now, at least for her, having no orders or tasks for the time being. It was like being on leave without the creature comforts of one's own possessions.
Avery Clifton


In the back room, Avery had a bookcases full of old documents that her Grandfather used to hid in here. It wasn't until she was twelve that he showed her this place. When he would work on his journals, She would sit on the floor beside him as she read several document. During winter what had been able to get the papers arranged and fixed as their was not a lot happening during that time. People know of this place, but know not to go in. It was the only major rule she placed upon their arrival.

Remembering she had to tell the builders to clear out the path to the lake, she left her office and library. The Kids were still in the house enjoying water game they were playing with Micheal. Avery noticed the Sergeant sitting the couch, lost on what to do. "Are you bored?" she asked, "I'm about to help out in clearing the path to the lake if you would like to join me. It's something other then just not doing anything. Besides, fresh air is better then being inside."

@Valor Green
(Wasn't notified, sorry)

"Macy...If you want...go ahead and go, I'm going to be here awhile." Jack said to her, "Alright...But, I want to make sure you're safe!" Jack ruffled her hair softly, "Get going now..." Jack smiled a bit, and closed his eyes, going to sleep. "Alright...Goodnight papa..." she said sadly, as Jack fell asleep, Macy looked at Nathaniel, "Where do I go again mister?" she asked him with a slight smile, seeing that Jack could trust them enough to sleep and recover, they must be good people.

"Where do I go again mister?"

Nathaniel was on his desk as he was eating. He looked at the little girl and said, "Here let me take you to the other kids." He got up, taking the now empty plate with him. Once they got to the main floor, he pointed to the only adult in the group of kids, "You see him, he is Micheal. He is the only that takes care of the other kids." Jamie waved over getting his attention, "That's Jamie, my daughter. You can ask her anything and she can help you with an answer. If you ever want to come and check on Jackson, you are free to come down to the lab and visit him." Nathaniel notice Avery and the woman in uniform talking but went back to his lab once he dropped off his plate in the kitchen. Jamie walked up to the other girl, making it obvious she was leaving the group, and said, "Hi, my name's Jamie! What's your name?"

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The town was fairly populated by some mean looking people. He looked for flags, and notice the Anarchy Symbol flag. They were Freedom Fighters. He would head to the grocery store, and it was nearly empty, but it had can food, paper towels, and smaller miscullenous items.

Looking through the empty houses, he grabbed books, toys, and electronics and stuffed into his medium sized bag.

After looking through the last house's garage, he founded a black dirtbike. Jumping on, he started the bike. He reeved the bike, and sped off, towards the hill he came from.​
"Macy..." she said, a bit shy, as that she hasn't met someone around her age, she's only met Jack and her mother, she didn't know what to really do, as ever since her mother died, she's been on the move with Jack, and stopping ever so often at rebel compounds. Jack had to do odd jobs just so they could get by for the time being, receiving food, water, and money at times.

Sergeant Halford

Hal looked up from her hands as Avery addressed her.

"I was just collecting my thoughts," she replied. "But sure. Lead the way."

Hal took to her feet and replaced the hat on her head before following Avery out to the path.

Jaime Reed


"Come on, we are about to play a game!" Jamie exclaimed as she ran back to Micheal. "Micheal! What are we going to play?" she asked the older man in charge of them. The other kids waved at Macy, shy themselves.

@CERBERUS177 @Kingmalikai

Avery Clifton


Today marks the anniversary of Camp Heaven. Avery got up and motioned her out of the house. A small tool shed was located in the back of the house, between a steep hill heading even higher up the mountain. The one single car that brought Avery up here was parked there, it had seen better days, but since the Main road was overgrown, it was best left for parts. She opened the shed up to locate some axes, bush trimmers, and a flashlight. "Here you go, an ax and a trimmer for you," she announce as she handed her the tools. Avery clipped the flashlight to the belt ring of her jeans and taking her own tools with her.

The started to head to the path, passing by the other residences of the Camp. Many of them waved at her as she walked by and then going back to their work. "Right, I'm going to check on one of our builders that can come and help us," she said walking up to one of the shared cabins. She knocked on the door labeled one and called out, "Amelia! Are you up! It's almost noon, you know!" There wasn't an answer and she continued, "If you are free later, I need your help in clearing out the Path to the lake. Just make sure to get your tools in the shed!"

Avery walked away from the cabin and rejoined the Sergeant. "Well she'll join if she's feeling okay," she told her, "Well let's get the job done by dinner or sooner." Not waiting for her to respond back, Avery began to hack away over grown roots and branches that seemed to be blocking the path. Avery even took out weeds that seem to be pocking up from the ground making sure that the path was seen as a path and not just another place within the thick forest.

@Valor Green @Smoaki
Macy walked over and stood among the group, feeling a bit scared of everyone, she would like to be with Jack, but he was hurt and needed rest, and she didn't want to sit around, because that's boring. "So...what kind of game? I've never played one before..." she said, she never went to a school, as they moved around alot after the wars.

Driving through the forest was a pure rush for Leonard. He enjoys the small jumps and swerving through the trees. He would reach the entrance to the camp, driving up to his cabin. He would lean the bike against the wall. And yell for Avery.

"Avery! I got supplies!"

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