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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

Proud with his kills, he would walk to the corpses (located further down the long slope.) He would would rip one of the bear's teeth out, to show to Avery. He would would hike back down to the camp, engaging the safety of his rifle. Arriving at the main cabin's porch, he would pick up the military magazine. He would walk inside, and and wave to the children. Heading to the dinner room, he would stop in the doorway, and call out to Michael, "Is it fine that I can enjoy breakfast with you two?" He would lean against the doorway for a answer.

@Kingmalikai , @Valor Green
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"Yeah sure Leonard." Michael flashed a quick smile at him before resorting to a neutral face as he set the food in front of... Emilia was her name? He set the plate of food in front of one of the seats at the table and took the chair opposite to it. Leaving five spots for people to still sit down.
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Sergeant Emelia Halford

"Thank you," she said as she took a seat at the table.

"I do hope my presence is not the cause of too much discomfort. I assure you, it's only temporary."

She nodded to the younger man as she received her plate.


Michael nodded quietly, "So then why are you here? I wasn't exactly around when you likely explained it to Avery." Michael had relaxed slightly but still seemed quite tense.
Leonard would take a chair, and sit down. He would begin to cut the food into small bits, and eat it with the fork in his other hand. He would put both the knife and fork down and grab a napkin. Wiping his face he would say, "I am sorry for the hostile actions and words I had said earlier. I just became in some kind of state. I hope we could become at least friends." And he would look over to Michael and say: "Did you make this? It's pretty damn amazing."

@Valor Green , @Kingmalikai
"No... I found it at the table. One of the chefs must have gotten up early and made it. Trust me if I could cook like this I would probably have a different job." Michael smiles for a second then widens his eyes and glances at the kids, before relaxing as he realized they must not have heard him.

@Valor Green, @CheekiBreekiComrade
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Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal closed her eyes and clasped her hands in front of her, quietly reciting a small prayer to herself before eating.

"I appreciate the sentiment," she said to Leonard. "I don't believe friendship is necessary, but amicable terms would be nice."

"As for my being here in the first place, my squad was ambushed and scattered by rebel fighters. I only hope some of my men managed to make as fortuitous an escape as I have."


Scarlett Baxxer

Keeping her distance from the newcomer, she set about washing dishes. Scar was a bit surprised to see someone still in uniform, a bit afraid she would be recognize as the traitor she was... but then again what if the new woman also abandoned her station too. With that in mind, she inched closer to the grown up discussions. Eavesdropping in other words. At the appraisal of her cooking, she fully incorporated herself into the group.

"Thank you. The secret ingredient is a dash of cinnamon."
Leonard looks over to Scarlett, "You are a amazing cook, I must tell you that much." He look over to the sergeant, and shake his head. "Rebels? I used to be a marksmen with them. I use to scare the hell out of patrols. I would wait until they were in range, and I'd give 'em hell." He'd randomly paused and just stop speaking.
Nathaniel Reed


Jamie's help on the samples was very helpful, now that Nathaniel was able to let the samples go through their process. With his white coat still on, he walked up to the main floor, wanting report in with Avery. She popped in earlier, making sure he had Jamie come up to join the other kids. He knew it was for her own good, so she thanked the little girl and sent her upstairs to be with the kids.

He entered the main floor seeing the kids all seating in the living room whispering to each other. Most likely up to no good. Nathaniel gave Jamie a warning glance and made his way to the Library. Avery normally held class here or she would be rearranging the bookshelves, making sure all the books to entertain the kids were lower. But she was nowhere to be found. Nathaniel knew well enough that she was in, but didn't want anyone to bother her. As he was about to leave, a slight click was heard behind him as he say Avery coming out from the bookshelf.

"Sorry, I wanted to tell you I was free now," he told her, "If this is a bad time I can come by later." Avery gave him a smile and shock her head, "No, that's fine. Sorry seems like everything is moving fasted then usual. Either way it is time for my check up..." Nathaniel laughed at her reaction as he said, "Right, well have you eaten yet?"

Avery nodded, motioning to the door, "Yes, quite good. Scarlett is quite a cook. By the way, after my check up, I need to hold a meeting, but I'm still unsure if I want to..." She spoke quietly as we passed by the Kids and the dinning room. He noticed a woman in uniform among the four adults in there. "New recruit?" he asked.

Avery shock her head and continued to talk once they where halfway down the stairs to the basement, "No, temporary guest. She's the reason I'm afraid of holding the meeting. I agreed to have scouts escort her to a small town to get communication devices so she can contact her base. What am I to do? I can't afford to have the government know of this place. Let alone that we are housing ex-rebels. What do you think they would do to them?"

Nathaniel looked at her shocked and answered, "Do what you know best." He sat on his rolling chair as she sat on a cot bed, "Lead us and make sure we are safe. Besides, once they make a mess of this place, word will get out. That would make the government look bad. Personally, I rather she not be here, but it is only human to help another in need." The rest of the check up, Avery was silent allowing him to work. Once he was done and had updated her on the soil samples, she began to head for the door.

"Nathan," she said, referring him to his nickname, "Thank you. You seem to know what to say. I'll see you later in the meeting." He waved her goodbye as he was left alone in his lab. Five month he has been here with Jamie, and has done quiet a job. I was able to cure some illnesses. Now that spring is here, he will be able to show he can help with making the farms better.
Scarlett Baxxer

"That's too much credit." Scar explained and watched the interaction between the scruffy faced man and the uniform clad woman. They seemed to be proud of the work they had done during their time in the war. She did not know how to feel about that. still a sore subject in her mind. As they continued, Scar bounced on her heels while looking down at her clasped hands.
Michael scowled at the mention of the war, explosions, blood, and gore still flashing in his mind, "This place is sort of a place where we can stop talking about war, you know... especially in front of..." Michael glances over to the kids, who have fallen unusually silent.
Jack and Macy were walking through the woods, looking for a place to stay for awhile, "I'm hungry..." Macy said as she walked with Jack, "You can have the apple in my bag sweetie.", "But that's for you papa..." , "It's for you if you want it, I can go on without it.", she looked at him and shook her head, and kept walking with him, she picked up a large stick, and held it like a gun, "Bang bang, boom! Look papa, I'm like you! Bang!" Jack smiled, "Not for a few more years you aren't." he said and took the stick from her, he wanted Macy to be a peaceful person, unlike him...Jack saw a camp ground, there was smoke coming out of one of the cabins there, Jack stood near the edge, being dumb, the ground below him gave way, and he rolled right on down to the camp, coming to a stop between two stumps, he couldn't move, as to see that he was in a bit of pain, since he hit a bunch of rocks and sticks coming down. Macy screamed when he fell, making all the more noise.




@Valor Green

(If you don't want this here, I can edit it.)
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Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal simply stared almost vacantly at Leonard as he seemed to break down, her face betraying none such emotion. As a scream reached her ears, she stood up from her seat, reaching for the now empty holster at her side.

"Is that one of yours?" she asked, turning to Michael.



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"Doesn't sound like it." Michael's eyes went wide as he thinks over the situation, "As much as I don't want to say it... I think you've got to go. Someone has to take care of the kids," Michael turned to face Leonard, "You should go too. For the extra safety more than anything."
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Scarlett Baxxer

It was a mess of emotions when Leonard started to break down. She knew how he felt but she could not seem to do anything about it. The past should be left in the past. It did not look like he had that luxury. She stood behind the table for a fraction of a second before rushing over and hugging him, her maternal instincts kicking in and trying to comfort the man. Her height making it awkward when she pulled his head to cradle near her bosom, his stubble prickling her collar bone. Scarlett rubbed soothing circles on his back, hushing his sobs like a mother would do to a child who had a nightmare.

"We know, darling. We know. No one should have to bear these memories and yet, we do. It's alright though. You're among friends."

Upon seeing the quick movement of Hal, she let go of the troubled man. The alarm from the other two adults, making it seem serious.

"You better go."
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Jack tried to get up, but coughed up some blood, must have jammed his lip on a rock. He propped himself on the stumps, struggling to stand, he held a finger to his mouth, motioning her to be quiet. He let himself drop, and he laid against one of the stumps, and checked his arms and legs. He looked at his hand and saw that one of the fingers was dislocated. "...Crap..." he said and laid his head back to look up into the sky, "D-Do I pop it back or...?" he was scared to even touch it, but he gripped the thumb, and yanked it, making a nasty popping sound, he wanted to scream, but held it in. He was still in no shape to stand, still recovering from that long roll and fall. He looked to Macy, and pointed at a small way down, and held a finger to his mouth again, meaning 'come down, but stay quiet'.


@Valor Green


Avery Clifton


Avery was just coming from the basement, after he check up. She was
wondering about the scouting team that will be going the Sergeant to retrieve comms. The kids were still in the living room, in their best behavior as always. She was about to walk past them when the scream was heard. The Kid's looked up scared. She made a quick head count and found them all here. This scream was new.

"Jamie," she called out to the kids, "Make sure everyone stays here. Do not go anywhere without Micheal." With that she ran out the door,
looking for the source of the sound. It was clearly a female voice, a child or both. Scouts were in alert and she sent them off toward the north side and Lake. Someone was hurt and Avery isn't going to stand by with out finding them here. For all she knows the animal might be out there.

She head a small noise and she followed it, finding a young man and a little girl. The girl must have been the source of the scream, but the young man was the one hurt. Blood was coming out from his mouth, and he was clearly hurt from the steep slope he slide down from.

"How badly injured are you?" she asked the man. Avery looked at the little girl and said, "He's going to be okay, we can patch him up and will be fine." She tried to reassure her so she would calm down. "My name is Avery, I'm the leader of the camp, let me help you."

He would hug Scarlett and say, " Thank you." He would grab his rifle and run to the front door. He would chamber a round into the rifle look for the scource of the scream. He would see Avery, and trail behind her. He would see the small girl, and the slope the man feel done. Hearing Avery call out to him, he slinged his weapon, went for his first aid kit. "Should I go down there?"

@KarenAKAMint , @CERBERUS177 , @overlordfangirl
KarenAKAMint said:
Avery Clifton

Avery was just coming from the basement, after he check up. She was
wondering about the scouting team that will be going the Sergeant to retrieve comms. The kids were still in the living room, in their best behavior as always. She was about to walk past them when the scream was heard. The Kid's looked up scared. She made a quick head count and found them all here. This scream was new.

"Jamie," she called out to the kids, "Make sure everyone stays here. Do not go anywhere without Micheal." With that she ran out the door,
looking for the source of the sound. It was clearly a female voice, a child or both. Scouts were in alert and she sent them off toward the north side and Lake. Someone was hurt and Avery isn't going to stand by with out finding them here. For all she knows the animal might be out there.

She head a small noise and she followed it, finding a young man and a little girl. The girl must have been the source of the scream, but the young man was the one hurt. Blood was coming out from his mouth, and he was clearly hurt from the steep slope he slide down from.

"How badly injured are you?" she asked the man. Avery looked at the little girl and said, "He's going to be okay, we can patch him up and will be fine." She tried to reassure her so she would calm down. "My name is Avery, I'm the leader of the camp, let me help you."


(Before Avery)

Macy climbed down and ran to Jack's side, "Are you alright Papa?", "I'm fine...Just need to rest..." he said, and looked on gazing into the gray sky, then Macy grabbed Jack's arm and squeezed, Jack looked down, and saw someone running towards them, "How badly injured are you?" she asked him, then she looked to Macy, saying that he'll be alright, Jack wanted to push the lady away from her, but couldn't, "M-my...head is spinning and...I don't have the feeling to...move yet..." he finally said, though weakening as he talked, he looked to Macy, "I...am..sure it's ju...st a head injury...hun, I'll..recover..." he said, trying to stand again. He's had a concision before, but this could be something a little less serious and more or less the reaction of his body finally giving up from the lack of sleep and food. He couldn't get back up, "Take care of Macy please..." he said, looking up to the girl before him. Macy was shaking a little bit. *Then a man with a gun came over to them, Jack couldn't react or anything, so he was now scared, for Macy, and himself, as they'd probably leave him for dead, and take her. He stayed on guard, and if the man made a move to harm Macy, he will use every ounce of strength and energy in his body to take down the man with the gun.

(Opps didn't see yours

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Avery Clifton


"Leonard, go down to the lab and tell Nathaniel that we have a man how needs to be looked over. Tell him that he might have a concussion!" she ordered. Avery began to climb down making sure that the injuries that the man had wasn't more then just a head injury. Making sure to keep her distance and not hurt herself in the process. The man looked like he was on his last bit of energy, and told him, "Our medic will get here soon. There is no reason to lose hope. Macy is not going to lose you..."

Even though they were in a steep slop, Avery knew this land like the back of her hand. Just a few feet from here, you can reach a level clearing that lead to the overgrown Main street, that leads out of the Mountain. "I'm going to be right back," she told them, "I'm going to meet the medic to a better location to get to you." With that she ran off, finding her way to the main opening of the camp.

@CERBERUS177 @CheekiBreekiComrade
Running through the main house, he slide into the doorway of the lab. "Hey.. Uh.. Nathan.. we got a person with a possible concussion. He fell down that steep hill near by. He could've broke something to." Leonard would engage the rifle's safety while it was on his back.


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