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Realistic or Modern Camp Heaven

As Michael passes by Avery in the hall he flashes a quick smile, sweat still beading down his brow. Trying to look casual, but ultimately looking extremely suspicious.
Jaime Reed


"Hi Micheal!" Jamie's soft voice called out, "What's wrong with you? Breakfast is done so are you coming?" Jaime didn't let the older man answer as she pulled his arm as she forced him to the kitchen where the other kids were with their parents. The dinning room in the house was large but it couldn't hold more then twelve at the time. During winter, this table is usually used for the adults leaving the kids to eat in the living room. Out the window she can make out Avery and another woman making their way to the long table outside in the community area, where dinner will be served later.
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Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal put her hands up in an apprehensive gesture as she slid past the man to follow the other person away, leaving her weapons behind. She stood at ease in a picnic area, keeping eye contact and speaking in a professional tone.

"I've been separated from my squad and stranded without communications. I request that I be allowed to contact United Nations Armed Forces for extraction."

Oh thank god. "Hi Jamie I was wondering where you and the other kids were." Michael's mind flashed to the destroyed play room. I'm going to have to find something else to do... "I think that we should all go for a walk in the-" Michael's mind flashed to him getting lost in the woods, I'm sure that was just because it was dark, "woods." He finished with a smile.
Leonard would sit on the porch's steps, inspecting the M1911. He would pull back the slide, and look inside the chamber. He would say, "Full ammo. Not bad." He would let go of the slide, causing a nice sound of sliding metal. "I might just keep this." He would stand up, and place the M1911 in his waistband, and walk to the outskirts of the property.
Avery Clifton

"I've been separated from my squad and stranded without communications. I request that I be allowed to contact United Nations Armed Forces for extraction."

"I would love to do that for you," Avery said with a snicker, "If we had anyway to communicate that is. You see this used to be a Lodge house meant for my family to get away from the rest of the world. So there is no internet nor telephone lines here. If you wish we can allow you to stay the night, fed you and house you. Then you can head down south along with food for your journey. That is all I can provide for you." Tammy galloped toward them and stopped beside Avery. She patted the dog in the head and looked back at the Sergeant waiting for her answer.

Jaime Reed


"I think that we should all go for a walk in the- woods."

"Avery told me it's off limits for us," Jamie said as she sat beside another little girl, "Something about it needing to be cleared out. Can we play with the animals today in the barn!?" The animals in the barn was off-limits form everyone except Avery and the Farmers, unless you had permission. Jamie knew Micheal wouldn't allow her to go back to her Papa on a school day so she had to think of another thing to do. "Oh, or we can take the stairs to the Lake!" she exclaimed.
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Sergeant Emilia Halford

She kept her composure on the surface, though she looked away momentarily, clearly restraining herself.

"As I'm sure you're aware, the first rule of a search and rescue is to stay put and await a search party."

Her tone became slightly more harsh as she spoke.

"Now, surely this 'peaceful camp' has a radio transmitter with which to relay coordinates - coordinates far from the general vicinity of any... 'peaceful camps'. Hm? I would say that little favor is the least I could do to repay your 'hospitality'."

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Scarlett Baxxer

The sudden wishes of a nice morning by the leader disrupted Scar's focus on cutting the peach. Resulting in a fresh cut on her index finger on her left hand. She went to cleanse it off while sending a good morning back to Avery. She did not hear the commotion as the running water blocked any sounds. Once she was finally out, she went back to the kitchen to see it unusually empty. The time was customary for everyone to have gathered their important meal of the day. She went off in search for them.
Avery Clifton

"As I'm sure you're aware, the first rule of a search and rescue is to stay put and await a search party. Now, surely this 'peaceful camp' has a radio transmitter with which to relay coordinates - coordinates far from the general vicinity of any... 'peaceful camps'. Hm? I would say that little favor is the least I could do to repay your 'hospitality'."

Avery gave her a smile and said, "First off, I don't know anything about military ways. And second, if our hospitality isn't up to your stands, you could go and find a working phone in the abandoned town just a six hour trek north. All we have is a radio that we use to listen to the news. That is all." She took a seat, and looked at the Sergeant. "I'm sorry we can't be much of help. So you can take my offer to stay the night or you can make your way further north to get to a phone. Your choice."

@Valor Green
Sergeant Emilia Halford

Hal tilted her head, giving a smile in return.

"I appreciate the offer, madame, and I sincerely apologize for any offense."

She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, giving a momentary pause.

"However, it would seem my meaning is a bit muddied by metaphor, so I will speak bluntly," she continued, clasping her hand together in front of her. "And take this not as a veiled threat, but as a good and honest warning. There will be a search party coming to find me, and judging by the commotion caused by one uniform, I doubt you're prepared to see a Blackhawk touch down here, eh?"

Avery Clifton

"And take this not as a veiled threat, but as a good and honest warning. There will be a search party coming to find me, and judging by the commotion caused by one uniform, I doubt you're prepared to see a Blackhawk touch down here, eh?"

Avery took in her words, and it's true she wouldn't want to have more Military officers here. "I understand, but I'm telling you the truth. We do not have anyway to communicate out but we have a radio that we use to listen to the radio station to get out news. I'm trying to house in my home as a friendly gesture. So what can I do to help you?" Avery looked to the Main House recalling the fact that they others were probably eating and about to head out and do their jobs. "I can sent a scouting team to get what you need, but other then that I can't help you. I have other's to take care of as well. Children and women who are expecting. Would you have them suffer for a comms that we personally do not have in our camp?"

@Valor Green (heading out for the night, need to do some errands in the morning. Be back as soon as I can.)
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Sergeant Emilia Halford

"Madame, I would not wish you any inconvenience on my own behalf," Hal said with a hand over her heart.

"I'm content to sit here until help arrives, but should you wish to to avoid that, then I would offer my assistance in any measures you wish to take."

She offered a kindly smile and clasped her hands together.

"So, if you would assemble a party and - I hate to request this, but - relinquish my weapons, then we will locate a communications device to expedite my extraction and facilitate your isolation."

She straightened her posture and resumed an at-ease stance, awaiting her response.

Avery Clifton

"So, if you would assemble a party and - I hate to request this, but - relinquish my weapons, then we will locate a communications device to expedite my extraction and facilitate your isolation."

"Very well then," Avery answered, "You may have your weapons back, but they stay out of your hands and on safety. I remind you having a scouting party with you will be good and bad considering some don't like uniformed individual here. But you have my word that you will get your things safely. By the way It's only fair to give you my name now. Avery Clifton, and welcome to Camp Heaven." Avery extended her hand to her, forming a sort of truths for the moment. She don't know her nor does she know what the Sergeant could do. "Oh, and I should warn you, the man from before, will be everywhere you go. It's a precaution I need to take when they're are kids around."
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Hiking through the dense forest wasn't hard for Leonard, but he hated that his mind roamed, bringing back memories of war. I can't let all these innocent people be killed because of some officer.. He would keep repeating to himself. He would reach a hill, and sit on the slope. He would take out a Sniper rifle scope, and snap it onto the gun's tactical rail. He would look through the scope, and try to look for the animal that had been harassing the camp for the last couple of days.

Sergeant Emilia Halford

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Clifton," Hal said, shaking her hand.

"You have it on my word and my honor that I mean you and yours no harm. In fact, this all may have gone much more smoothly had I not been subjected to such hostility."

She placed a hand on her hip and looked down, wiping a hand across her forehead.

"As a show of good faith, I'll leave my armaments in your possession until a party is assembled and ready to depart."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the second magazine for her sidearm, offering it over to Avery.



Breath slowly and use the sway of the rifle to your advantage.. His father used to say to him. He would scan through the mountains and look for the wild beast. He would see the outline of the beast in the distance, and smirk. He would change the magnification of the scope and sway the rifle to its head. Breathing slower, his finger would move to the trigger, and he would fire.

BANG! The sound of the wild beast was loud, but short. The sound of the gun firing would echo through the forest.​
Avery Clifton

"As a show of good faith, I'll leave my armaments in your possession until a party is assembled and ready to depart. Truce?"

Avery took the magazine and answered, "Truce." She place in her back pocket, along with the small book. "For now, I welcome you to some breakfast and the use of the restroom," she told her and suddenly the sound of a gun shot through the forest was heard. Small muffled screams from kids were heard from within the Main House. Several of the other Scouters came out from the houses, heading toward the source of the sound. "What is going on?" Avery asked the youngest Scout. He looked behind her to the Sergeant but then answered, "Seems like the animal has been found."

Avery nodded and looked toward the Main house as she made out the small faces of the kids, "Make sure the rest of area is clear, we don't know if the animal has friends with him." The Scout ran off and Avery turned to the Sergeant, "Stay within the open area, the path to the lake is thick and can mislead you." With that Avery made her way to the Main house, wanting to reassure every one.

She entered the house as the kids began to surround Avery, "Alright everyone, it's just the Scouts hunting down an animal. There is not need to worry. How about you guys have a free day, today." The kids cheered and walked back to the dinning room as they continued their business. "Micheal stay in the open area just to make sure the Kids are in one place," she told the caretaker and headed into the Library where she was able to go over somethings.
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"Yes ma'am." Michael did a salute and returned to where the kids were, "Alright everyone once you all finish eating how about we all go into the living room and play a game of Duck Duck Goose? Sound like fun." Jeez Michael, you're still frazzled about earlier. Michael himself began to sit down and took something to eat as well, making sure to keep an eye on the kids.
Sergeant Halford


Hal lagged behind Avery for a bit and followed her into the house, trying to maintain a slight presence despite imposing posture and heavy boots. She made her way into the dining room, offering a nod in greeting to the people therein.




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Opening the bolt of the rifle and pulling back, the casing flew out. He would watch the area around the beast to see if it hand any friends. He would notice another beast, looking Much larger than the one he shot. Leonard not hesitating, chambers a new round. He aims for the beast's head. Hopefully this will kill it. Examining the face of the beast, he had recognized the long snout. "I shot a bear.." He would say to himself.

He would sway the rifle towards the bear's frontal lobe area, and pull the trigger. BANG! Another shot rangs out. The bear just slumped over, not making even A sound he could hear.

Scanning the area, he failed to find anymore bears.​
"H-hi." Michael speaks with an edge of nervousness but also with a slight glare aimed at you. He stands up having been done with his food and stands in between Hal and the kids, "Do you have something in particular you want?"
Sergeant Halford

She approached the man, maintaining eye contact, and extended a hand in greeting.

"Sergeant Emilia Halford. I've been invited to join you for breakfast... If that's acceptable."

She gave a quick downward glance toward the children and lowered her head slightly.

"Did Avery say it was alright with her?" Michael keeps his hands at his side staring intently at you.
Sergeant Halford

"Miss Clifton is the one who invited me, yes," she stated with a nod.

"But of course, I wouldn't want to intrude, if my presence is still unwelcome."

Michael bites down on his lip, It's not as if I want to not trust you... It's just instinct. Fighting against all of his instinct Michael painfully said, "No... it's fine, why don't you sit down I'll get you something to eat." Not waiting for you to sit down Michael moved over to get what looked like pancakes... maybe...
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