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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Courtney enters the big house with Blake. Scruffy stayed beside Courtney keeping at her pace. "Thank you so much for taking up your time to help me out!" She looks at Blake.
Courtney waves as Blake makes his exit. She looks at Chiron as Scruffy moves infront of Courtney defensively and lays down. As if saying I'm calm but you better keep your distance.
Sebastian leads Lia to the lake seeing a few spirits on the way but keeping it to himself. As they walked Sebastian summoned his shadow wings and wrapped one around Lia. "I have to show you this grim showed me these visions and I saw more when I was asleep. Something's going to happen but I can't tell what."
"Yes I'm new here, sorry for bothering you. My name's Courtney. This is Scruffy. Pleased to meet you."
Lia looks at him confused. "What do you mean?" She said while looking back at him. "Sebastian you can't just say something like that and say you can't tell me..."

Chiron nods his head. "I'm Chiron, camo director and head counsellor."
Courtney looks down at Scruffy then at Chiron. "So I was wondering if I can stay here.... with Scruffy."
"That seems really nice. Thank you for your trouble!" Courtney runs out the big house with Scruffy running ahead of her trying to race her.

"Oh no you don't!" Courtney's legs glowed in light as she sped up gradually passing Scruffy. Rushing straight into the infirmary luckily stopping herself by putting up a wall of light and slamming into it instead. Scruffy approaches having slowed down as she rubs her head. "Hey maybe we should get to know the fellow campers!" She says as she gets up and enters the infirmary with Scruffy tailing behind her.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU](Infirmary doesn't have a door so it's easier to bring patients in and to get out. xD )

(Fixed it.)
"I think we might disturb them. Sssshh" She puts her finger to her mouth in a be quite gesture to Scruffy who reacts to the gesture in the way he was trained to. He plays dead since the dead can't make noise... much. She slowly walks over and whispers just in case people are asleep but loud enough to get someone's attention if they're awake. "Hello?"
(Sorry. Life got busy again.)

Sömmer rolls her eyes. She folded her arms across her chest "So your saying I don't have self control? Because if I got pissed off with you, you're more likely to find yourself skewered. I would be in full control." How dare he say that she would lose control and hurt someone... well Blue was sort of annoying but she wouldn't hurt him intentionally... At least she thought she wouldn't.
"You know what I mean. Just watch out." He looks over at Sömmer trying not to laugh. "You take me way to seriously! Unless I have a straight face on most of the things I say you shouldn't take to heart. Charming aren't I?" He flashes his special smirk as the Hermes cabin is in eyesight.

Scruffy picked up a scent just like Courtney's. He's always been trained for this special moment. Always was reminded to remember this scent. Scruffy bolted after Courtney getting slightly bigger so she can sit on his back and went straight towards the scent.
Lia looks at him confused. "What do you mean?" She said while looking back at him. "Sebastian you can't just say something like that and say you can't tell me..."

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )


Mel smiles a bit absentmindedly. "I'm fine, anyways I think Chiron wanted to talk to you about something but I can't remember since I have to show the newbie around. Anyways later." She said as she left with Rory.

(It's okay, and I only leave when it's around 1 am at night where I'm at.)


SkyFilms said:
Rory chuckled lightly, though it came out a bit dry and rough.
"I'm guessing she gets asked that a lot," he state referring to the time travel.

"Everything that's going on?" He repeated quizzically, "is something out of the ordinary happening?"
Mel turned to him. "Not really but I did ask that once and she looked ready to kill me... And well... Things have been kinda hectic around her... With all the monster attacks and new demi gods showing up..."

(@SkyFilms, @Lynx2350)
"Miss? This is the middle of nowhere, you can't want to be 'round here by yourself-"

The cab driver was cut off when a wad of cash paying for the drive was thrown into his lap as the stoic passenger wordlessly stepping out into the empty highway, trunk in hand, kicking the door shut with her foot. Oksana didn't look to see if the cab was gone - she honestly didn't care - before she began her ascent up the steep hill. She let out a breath when the Big House loomed over at the top of the hill, feeling the warm chill that, no, she hadn't spent her entire last summer on an acid trip (warmth) , and two, she wasn't human (chill). Or at least, not entirely.

Oksana didn't go to the Big House like she was supposed to. She walked right past it, then walked across the bridge over the river, then to the cabins. She made no eye contact with anyone she passed - there was no one who missed her over the year that had come and pass. When she finally reached the Hermes cabin, she opened the creaky door as quietly as she could, placing her trunk against the wall and leaning against the wall beside it. She sighed, her head dropping forward and her hair making a curtain of bright red around her face.
Scruffy runs by the cabins. Smelling something new and directing himself into the Hermes cabin. Shaking Courtney off as he attacked Oksana's belongings, trying to find something.

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