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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds


Sömmers eyes widen as the dragons scales harden. Then as it gives her a look she blinks, hoping she was just imagining it. But nope. The dragon was real. Then it fades away as quickly as it appeared. She could see Blues eyes watching her from the corner of her eye and she swallows. "Well that was fun..."

It had dissapeared so obviously it meant she wasn't a titans daughter. She exhaled a bit but her eyes followed the cloud that dispersed into the air.
Blue just throws his hands up in the air from complete shock. "I... I just.. wow." Blue shakes his head. "So I was right..."
Sömmer looks at him. "Wow what?" She wiped the small trickle of blood that still dripped on her pants again.
Blue grabs Sömmer's shoulders and shook her. "Do you know what this means! You are a titan's daughter but you're just not uuhh.... how do I say this... uhh to the dragon you're not worthy enough."
Sömmer puled out of his grip. "Not worthy enough?" Her head was spinning. She didn't want to be a titans daughter. Especially with the war that was only going to get worse against them.
"Like uh depending on who your parent is the dragon might've expected more from you. Or it's because you haven't been claimed yet."
The Liastrygonian staggered back surprised by the sudden appearance of the girl, Sebastian took the opportunity and reached out his hand willing his sword to fly back to his hands the blades spinning as it flew out of the tree. The Liastrygonian was in the line the sword travelled and the blade went tip first through the cannibals head turning it to dust in an burst starting from the head and spreading. The slowly melting Loastrygonian let out a garbled cry of rage shortly before Sebastian sat down easily feeling thoroughly exhausted.
"So definitely part titan then... perfect... just what I want" Sömmer says, speaking with a voice dripping in sarcasm. "But that explains why I wasn't claimed 3 years ago." Then she thought for a second internalizing his words again. "Wait a second, you seriously think the dragon was judging me or something? Like I'm not the half human version of my parent? Jeez"
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]The Liastrygonian staggered back surprised by the sudden appearance of the girl, Sebastian took the opportunity and reached out his hand willing his sword to fly back to his hands the blades spinning as it flew out of the tree. The Liastrygonian was in the line the sword travelled and the blade went tip first through the cannibals head turning it to dust in an burst starting from the head and spreading. The slowly melting Loastrygonian let out a garbled cry of rage shortly before Sebastian sat down easily feeling thoroughly exhausted.

Lia looks at him. "We can't stay here we need to get into camp before something else comes after us... Like that Minotaur that is heading this way..." She said as she quickly went over to him despite him being in his Etheral form, she managed to grab onto him and started heading towards the arches.
"D-Dont touch me." He said shrugging off her hand, when in his ethereal form he could enter people's body a rip their souls out...not something he wanted to do to a random girl. He staggered past the arch and got to the other side of the hill before tripping and rolling down banging his broken arm against the ground multiple times. When he finally stopped rolling he just laid there the pain from his arm flew through his body like lightning. "Today ..............sucks."
"It'll come back... and when it does it'll see the potential I see in you now." Blue smirks and outstretched his arm. "It's getting late and you must be tired of all the events that took place today. May I walk you home my fair maiden?" Blue says in an obnoxiously fake gentlemen manner. Smiling at his own stupidity.
Blake makes sure the Apollo kids are taking care of Valencia and Suzume before going to check on Lia and the other kid when he sees said other kid rolling down the hill.

Lia rolls her eyes as she follows. "Then change back so I can someone to help you and your injuries or I'll do it myself..." She muttered while looking at him, hasn't recognized him yet.
Sömmer rolls her eyes slightly grinning at his obnoxious offer. "If you want." She shrugs, finding it odd she doesn't hat Blue as much as she did earlier that day. She figured it was because he helped her with that cloud dragon in the woods. But she didn't take his outstretched arm.
Blue withdraws his hand and started walking as the sun starts to set. "You coming?" He calls over his shoulder. As he walks to the cabins.
Sebastian looked up at Lia, "Lia you of all people should know how dangerous it is tot ouch me when Im ethereal, its like inviting me to murder you." As he phased back into reality Sebastian's gold eyes met Lia's gaze watching the hands tick as usual.
Lia's eyes widened a fraction as the hands stopped moving for a moment. "Sebastian...? Oh my gods..." She said before hitting him slightly. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again..." She said before hugging him. "Gods im glad your okay... Mostly." She said while looking at his arm.

Blake yawns as he leaves Suzume and Valencia in the hands of the Apollo kids, rubbing his eye as he goes to find somewhere to sleep.
Sebastian smiled and wraped his good arm around Lia. "Meh a little nectar and ambrosia and I'll be fine, that's why I sent Suzume and Valencia ahead."
Lia pulls back to look him over. "They probably forgot about you." She said in a mock joking tone as she pulled some ambrosia from her pocket. "Here... I usually keep some on hand in case of trouble.." She said while hand it to him.

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