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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Rory was a bit saddened by the idea of there not being a clear answer to his particular question, and became a bit uneasy when she stated that he'd be dealing with Hermes kids. He knew that to be the messenger god, but as well the god of thieves. The thought only made him grip his journal tighter, now he'd have to keep it even closer. If that were possible.

When she called to a male in the archery range he looked over curious as to who she spoke so friendly to, while she acted more guarded with him.
She speaks with a hint of annoyance leftover from his callus mimicking. "Seriously Blue, if you dragged me here to see you make fluffly cloud dragons I swear....." @Light
"She's not just a fluffy cloud dragon. She's more like... how can I say this. An extension of your body. Once I finish her she'll just be a cloud dragon but once she gets her hands on the slightest drop of blood. She becomes apart of that person and becomes a storm dragon. Imagine having a dragon like that know exactly what you want it to do without saying a word. Hell! You can even put yourself inside the thing." Blue turns around and smirks at her. "A dragon that can't exactly die by weapon. She could probably hold up a minor god or better!"

"That's where you come in. My blood isn't divine enough to awaken it's full potential and if I'm right about you being a titans daughter your blood will be able to awaken it. If it doesn't that means you're a gods child and we're back to square one. If it does... well I'll let you know whats next if it does. This is your best shot to at least getting an idea of what your parent it like."
Lia watching them from the shadows with the help of Blake. "I know everyone wants to know who their godly parent is... But if you don't know... We're kind of in the middle of a war... according to Chiron..."
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Lia watching them from the shadows with the help of Blake. "I know everyone wants to know who their godly parent is... But if you don't know... We're kind of in the middle of a war... according to Chiron..."

(You're spying on us or no?)
"Thats actually kind of sick" she says, her voice free of sarcasm. "But if it needs blood that is from or derived from a titan... that means its a pretty lethal weapon. Im not even sure if I can trust you. Plus Chiron will have a fit if he knew I was h-" She is cut off by Lia who was evidently spying on them. Leave it to her and probably Blake who were basically Chirons puppets. She looks at them and raises an eyebrow "War? Yah well I wasn't aware of that. But thats typical since I'm never told shit like that." She looks at Lia and her eyes flick to Blue and then back.
Lia watching them. "We just found out as well. Why do you think more demigods keep popping up along with monsters? Also im not his lap dog im just one of the oldest survivors here."
Rory waited for the boy Mel referred to as Archer Boy to respond but as it seemed he hadn't heard her he spoke up, hoping to have a bit of a conversation as they awaited a reaction from the other male.

"Whose your godly parent?"
"But War with WHO?" Sömmer presses. A war was definitely not good. Not good for anyone, especially demigods. That would mean they would have to pick sides.
Mel looks at him briefly before she kept walking to show him around. "Erebus..." She said while walking ahead of him. (@SkyFilms)


jacunliffe said:
"But War with WHO?" Sömmer presses. A war was definitely not good. Not good for anyone, especially demigods. That would mean they would have to pick sides.
Lia sighs softly and puts her hands on her knees. "...Titans... They have risen again..."
She gave Blue a look, telling him that this was not a good idea to test the dragon. "Thats... not good.." She says voice calm. A war with the titans was really bad. Sömmer bites the inside of her lip. "So why the heck did you follow us then Lia?"
Blue's fingers twitch as the cloud dragon fades away. In about three seconds he already had his bow in his hand and four arrows readied already hitting the ground around Lia in a square formation. "How can we trust your word. How can I trust you not to say a word about this. By the way if you move they detonate." He readies another arrow.
Rory rose a single brow as he strolled beside her, he knew little of the Greek god but knew enough. His mind flipping through its many internal books which held each of his memories and knowledge. And before he could halt himself spoke,

"Erebos, Greek for deep darkness or shadow, often conceived as a primordial deity, representing the personification of darkness. Page 213." He quoted unintentionally before looking at the girl beside him, "you seem a bit bright for being a daughter of one of the five beings born from chaos. Do you have many siblings?"
Lia grins, her grin not kind. "Blue I see you keep forgetting who my father is..." She vanished before standing in front of Sömmer and Blue. "Still... Testing this theory of yours is dangerous... Especially when we are about to be thrown into the middle of a war... Especially when a prophecy is coming into play..." She said while staring at them, the hands in her eyes moving.


SkyFilms said:
Rory rose a single brow as he strolled beside her, he knew little of the Greek god but knew enough. His mind flipping through its many internal books which held each of his memories and knowledge. And before he could halt himself spoke,
"Erebos, Greek for deep darkness or shadow, often conceived as a primordial deity, representing the personification of darkness. Page 213." He quoted unintentionally before looking at the girl beside him, "you seem a bit bright for being a daughter of one of the five beings born from chaos. Do you have many siblings?"
Mel walking with him. "Someone's a nerd.. And not really... Besides my dad's God kids..." She said while shrugging as she shows him the cabins.
"Dangerous if his theory is right? Or dangerous in general." Sömmer glared at her, her hands closing into fists. "I wonder what Chiron would do if we tested this... how about now?" A dark light had crept into her eyes. One that had never been there before. Sömmer looked at Lia, almost egging her on.
Lia watching her and tilting her head. "If it's true he probably won't do anything... It's his job to train demigods to protect themselves... And demi titans if there are any who are willing to turn against their parents... I remember a demi Titan who turned against her father and then was left on a cursed island for helping a hero.."
"Tsk, same old Lia." The arrows fade away as he sets his bow onto his back. "War is no longer any of my concern. I made sure of that when I stopped being a mercenary. To be honest I doubt it'll concern me or the dragon." He looks over at Sömmer.
"Then its fine if we test this out then?' She asks. Sömmer really didn't care if they had Lias blessing in the experiment but better she at least seemed like she did. She looks at Blue, the dark gleam still there, but faint.
Rory ran his fingers through his mess of hair, and fiddled with his collar as he shrugged himself.

"It's a bad habit, I've always been pushed to learn things and all the info stuck a bit to much. And I blurt out certain things."

He looked upon each cabin thoughtfully wondering which was his, where he'd live, and who was his half siblings.

"Oh," he murmured softly before biting his lower lip thoughtfully.

"So, what's something I should know about about camp?"
Lia watching them. "I know you don't care for my blessing so honestly I don't care. If you get in trouble it's not my fault. I have to go make sure nothing attacks camp while you two frolic in the forest." She said as she vanishes. Blake yawns and looks at them tiredly before walking off, "good luck with the dragon..."


SkyFilms said:
Rory ran his fingers through his mess of hair, and fiddled with his collar as he shrugged himself.
"It's a bad habit, I've always been pushed to learn things and all the info stuck a bit to much. And I blurt out certain things."

He looked upon each cabin thoughtfully wondering which was his, where he'd live, and who was his half siblings.

"Oh," he murmured softly before biting his lower lip thoughtfully.

"So, what's something I should know about about camp?"
Mel shrugs. "Frequent monster attacks. Death, pain and blood." She said while walking with him, showing him the different cabins.
Blue stares into her eyes, sensing the darkness inside her beating the light inside her. He decides to play dumb with this. "I don't know. I can finish the dragon but right now doesn't seem like a good time."
Rorys eyes widened gradually with each of Mels words finding each one to not be even a speck more positive then the one before. But looked away to mask his unsure expression,

"Oh, I see. My favorite nouns those two, Pain and Death. Who can live without 'em? Well I can name someone but I won't."
"If you can, then do it. You dragged me out here and I don't like coming out here for nothing." Sömmer says then gave him a look. Lia put her in a bad mood.

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