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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

(Lia did nothing, she started it. xD )

Mel shrugs. "But other then that we train most of the summer so we can defend ourselves during the fall..." She said while sighing. "That's when we lose a lot of demigods..." She said and runs a hand through her hair.
Blue sighs. "....Alright.... you just try to relax alright?" He sounded genuinely concerned for her with that comment as he went to work. When cloud dragon appears, the size of a pillow. Golden symbols hover over it; sparks flying inbetween the two making the dragon bigger and developed. The symbols seemed to speed up its growth. Yet it still sleeps.
Rorys curiosity was once again peaked, though he could it could easily be a soft topic. One he'd have to be overtly sensitive with,

"What happens in Autumn? Why would we need to defend ourselves?"
Sömmer leans against the gnarled trunk of a tree, watching him work on the dragon. She was anxious knowing that if it worked she was part Titan and if it didn't it was a clear sign her dad didn't care enough to claim her. The odd golden symbols Blue was using were kind of pretty really, and as the dragon grew she was astounded by how golden symbols held so much power.

Suzume/ Sebastian/ Valencia

The trio rode Tiko Valencia's ridiculously huge darkness tiger towards camp the three huffing and puffing from their sprinting moments before. Currently they were about a quarter mile down the farm road leading to camp Half-Blood and were hoping to be closing in fast. Especially since they were being pursued by very hungry and dangerous Laistrygonians.

Since Sebastian was not a distance fighter he was in charge of directing Tiko following the clues that Valencia gave him from what Nyx gave her. He rolled his eyes at the ridiculousness of the situation. Behind him Valencia was shooting off arrows using some of her magic skill to light them on black fire as she pegged the cannibals. Sadly her and Suzume's attacks only seemed to slow down or anger the beasties. He really respected them both since he met them earlier this week and that was saying something.

Suzume's control of air was magnificent and though she could only manage it a few times the high pressure wind blades she made wreaked havoc on the cannibals mowing down twelve of them in two shots. Now she was putting all her concentration into manipulating her fan-blades and cutting vital points. He hoped to escape from these beasties but knew that even if they escaped they would have to defeat them otherwise the way would only be more dangerous for others who may follow. As he thought of this three of Valencia's arrow hit their mark beautifully ending three different Liastrygonians.

Sebastian turned Tiko to the left and into the woods leading to the camp he heard so much about....from spirits that is. He saw a few waving him forward and nodded slightly out of appreciation for their help. "
Take care of these spirits dad...they deserve better than to simply wander." Sebastian saw the gate leading to camp just as Tiko roared in pain.

The tiger toppled over throwing all three of its riders, Valencia received the worst damage crashing into a tree and going limp immediately. Sebastian broke his arm from landing and switched his sword to the other and he struggled to get up. Suzume's knives dropped as she shifted her concentration into becoming intangible slowing down and landing flesh and blood on her two feet. She whipped out her staff and it elongated the blades snapping into position at each end. Sebastian stepped in front of her and looked back. "Get her past that gate, then get help....Go!"

Although full of fear Suzume nodded and turned lifting the unconscious Valencia up onto her shoulders and flying as fast as she could manage into camp. "HELP!! Monsters at the gate!!! HELP SEBASTIAN!!" Sebastian smiled glad they got away but had to duck quickly as another ball of sharp crushed metal whisked by him. He saw Tiko's remains....a simple puddle of Darkness. He felt his anger build... he knew this was exactly how campers die he'd spoken of it to ghosts and he was angry.... His anger built until he was absolutely livid the few spirits around immediately fleeing out of fear. Sebastian ran towards Tiko's remains. "He's not just shadow...he's pure, darkness if I can."

He slid under another metal ball and became ethereal as soon as he touched Tiko's remains willing himself to become one with the darkness. His ethereal form becoming imbued with tangible power feeling a great spike in his strength. His eyes glowed and he willed the darkness to become chains an shot them through the nearest Liastrygonians chest. He willed shadows swords to form and sent all of them at the remaining three cannibals dropping two and wounding one. Sebastian's massive spike of power wore him out and his enhanced ethereal form melted away as he become physical again. "Damn." He muttered as he fell to one knee his sword in his good hand. He could only watch as the last cannibal struggled to stand. It stalked towards him slowly as the Liastrygonian Sebastian ran through with chains slowly melted hate and gratification on its face and in its eyes as he anticipated Sebastian's death. "Shit......you couldn't just die already?"

(Sebastian's enhanced ethereal form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.f81321a44f541e7f8f5a8b80668defe6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.f81321a44f541e7f8f5a8b80668defe6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>)



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Mel looks at him. "Camp only runs in the summer... Like most camps and because the supervisor gets to return to Olympus for the rest of the year..."


Lia and Blake were walking back from the forest when they heard the calls and made there way over quickly. Blake yawned and looked at them. "I'll help you to the infirmary... Lia will help your friend..." He said while helping Suzume and Valencia. Lia makes her way towards the gates and summoned her staff and made her way pass the arches.
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Blue hears the cries for help. He turns around knowing where they came from. "The gates... Lia the camp super trooper is already on the way, I just know it." He looks back to Sömmer. "Remember don't give her too much blood. Just a couple drops we want her smaller than the first scale for now." He tosses her a paper showing dragon size's. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/62f079dd-d588-4226-8a8e-601406a21680.jpg.b42427edbe513ef0437b802088681f8b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/62f079dd-d588-4226-8a8e-601406a21680.jpg.b42427edbe513ef0437b802088681f8b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hears the cries for help but figures the entire camp heard them. Knowing most demigods, the entire camp would have gone running to aid the demigod in trouble. They wouldn't need her anyways. "Your going to help I assume" She says, looking over the paper he tossed her not looking up. She drew her dagger a poked the tip into the palm of her hand, small beads of blood forming in her cupped hand.
"Nah, everyone else probably ran straight towards the noise anyways. I have my priorities right now." The golden symbols glow brighter and disappear. "Alright the dragons ready, just let the drops of blood fall on it's head and wait."
Sömmer smirked. Someone else thought the same thing as she did. Normally she got dragged off by her cabin to help. She straightened then and stepped over to where Blue had finished the dragon. "Don't get your hopes up" She says as she let a couple drops of blood drip onto the head of the dragon. She withdrew her hand and wiped the blood onto her jeans.
(Eh. @Dolphan of Lyfe and @Opallies are able to jump in whenever. It isn't my job to get them to join. Obviously they are busy. I understand what you are saying but its hard when I am actually active I am told to slow down so people who aren't around can post. We all have seperate storylines...)
Sebastian struggled to get back on his two feet hefting up his sword as the Liastrygonian approached. "I will devour you child of Thanatos....you will not escape my hunger not after you and your little friends-" Sebastian threw his sword at it's head making it dip to the side to avoid it as it flew past and lodged itself in a tree. "What you complaining about us destroying your pack....after you all tried to EAT US!!!"
(Okay I'll pull a little twist to stall things.)

The cloud dragon stirs as the clouds harden into scales. The dragons eyes open as it first takes a look at Sömmer, giving a disapproving look. The dragon fades away into the air, as if it were a cloud. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d4cfc52_img-thing(1)-1-1-1.jpg.be399b3ba78368c401b428df6dec8e20.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d4cfc52_img-thing(1)-1-1-1.jpg.be399b3ba78368c401b428df6dec8e20.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lia quickly creeping up towards theLiastrygonian, staff in hand while her eyes glow purplish flames, she quickly slammed her stuff against its head before jumping back.

No one came to their call since they were either too busy training or watching the fighting going on.
(Oh i wasn't offended or taking it that way. Honestly I was afraid you would take my post the wrong way. Its totally okay if thats what you want)

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