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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Alright guys, let's do this Kyle said to the horses as he jumped on the chariot, it took off, and he was able to turn around and start fighting, if someone attacked him. He pulled some water from a special storage that he had made and froze it as a sheet on the ground in front of Mel's cart.
The horses for the Hemera cabin rush off.

Courtney holds out her hand and a ball of light shoots out towards Kyle's chariot. Erupting into a nova of light. (Don't worry. Not explosive if you're thinking that. Just a really big light. Kind of like walking into the sun if you could. @TheGodSnake )
Kyle flinches and close his eyes, focusing on making the ice reflective, it was succesful and the light shone back at Courtney's chariot, leaving Kyle safe. He then got more water from the storage and froze it on the ground directly behind him, making little ramps so as to jolt the Chariot, hopefully flipping it, he then turned around and made a Trident out of water before freezing it and throwing it ahead at Mel's Chariot axle.

Zane was behind Courtney's Chariot and saw a chance, he levitated three javelins, launching them for the chariot in front of him, one of them, heading for the two people inside, the other two for the leather straps keeping the horses attached to the chariot. (Not the reins)
TheGodSnake said:
Kyle flinches and close his eyes, focusing on making the ice reflective, it was succesful and the light shone back at Courtney's chariot, leaving Kyle safe. He then got more water from the storage and froze it on the ground directly behind him, making little ramps so as to jolt the Chariot, hopefully flipping it, he then turned around and made a Trident out of water before freezing it and throwing it ahead at Mel's Chariot axle.
Zane was behind Courtney's Chariot and saw a chance, he levitated three javelins, launching them for the chariot in front of him, one of them, heading for the two people inside, the other two for the leather straps keeping the horses attached to the chariot. (Not the reins)
Mel narrows her eyes before swerving out of the trident's way but keeps going.
The shade contacts on the horses eyes reflects the light. Courtney blasts a beam of light at the ground. Suddenly light in the form of large and tall spikes sprout from the ground. Taking out the javelins and heading in Zane's direction.

Blue concentrates and golden symbols flow around the chariot. Making the horses speed up while Courtney starts rapid firing spheres of light at Mel.

( @Soul OMU )
Lia driving, is currently up ahead against Valencia and Blake who are both driving while Sebastian, Nikki and Solace are fighting it out.

Mel driving while bringing up a shield of shadows. "Your not allowed to attack the driver! Just the fighter!" She snapped at the Hemera kids while driving the chariot faster.
Zane focused and basically punched into Courtney's mind, releasing a quick burst of his high frequency disruptive sound, and summoned his sword only to throw it at the spikes, shattering them. He continued on, still not too far from the hemera kids.

Kyle had an evil Idea. What'll it cost me for you guys to run off track? He asked the horses pulling the hemera chariot. He neared the three mismatched teams. "Well hello everybody, have some ice, on me!" He yelled, as a port opened up on the outside of the chariot spraying the three chariots with water before quickly freezing, making the surfaces slick and people cold.

(Who wants to be the horses)
"Sorry, bad aim!" Courtney yells back at Mel. She takes a risky move, by jumping onto the chariot railing. Holding her arms out to balance herself she jumps onto one of the horses. Once she gets herself together. She struggles to stand up and set on leg on one horse and one leg on the other. Light envelops her legs and attaches to the horses as if she were a part of them. She holds out her hands as light blasts out of her palms, acting like rockets. The horses adjust the movement of their hooves to this newfound speed. The golden symbols helping them in doing so.

Blue looked up and saw how hard Courtney was struggling to keep this up while seeming to be in serious pain. "Court stop it!"
Sebastian blocked three sad sword strikes from Solace, though never having met the kid seemed new, not just to camp but to his skills. Sebastian grabbed onto the railing of the chariot as Valencia decided to ram them going broadside into his and Lia's chariot. Sebastian ducked a swing from solace and knocked him down with a quick smack to the face with the flat of his sword.

Solace rubbed his face which stung as he struggled to get up, the chariot jostling him at every bump. He got to his feet and took in his surroundings, they were nearing the curve and he was in a very precarious position between the boy with the black blade and Nikki. He parried a slash from Sebastian but lost his grip on his sword looking very dismayed as it clattered along behind them "Oh no."

Suzume watched the races gripping Amanda's hand a little harder worried for the poor boy who lost his sword, the competitors were going at it and she couldn't help but fear for everyone's safety one driver had already been attacked and there was an overwhelming amount of tension down there as they rode.

Valencia pulled a little ahead of Lia her mind buzzing and as she heard Solace's "uh oh" she got angry, "What happened!" She roared over the wind, solace explained and she sighed. Then she got an idea "Switch with me!" "What?!" "Switching me Solace!" "Is that even allowed!" "I don't know and I don't particularly care, I will not let a newbie get hammered by these guys. You drive. I fight." Solace shrugged "Fine." Valencia slid past Solace her twins swords almost instantly in her hands. "Bring it!"
(whats happening? Other than the race starting... plus who is Sommer with again.. I am totally drawing a blank)
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Sebastian blocked three sad sword strikes from Solace, though never having met the kid seemed new, not just to camp but to his skills. Sebastian grabbed onto the railing of the chariot as Valencia decided to ram them going broadside into his and Lia's chariot. Sebastian ducked a swing from solace and knocked him down with a quick smack to the face with the flat of his sword.
Solace rubbed his face which stung as he struggled to get up, the chariot jostling him at every bump. He got to his feet and took in his surroundings, they were nearing the curve and he was in a very precarious position between the boy with the black blade and Nikki. He parried a slash from Sebastian but lost his grip on his sword looking very dismayed as it clattered along behind them "Oh no."

Suzume watched the races gripping Amanda's hand a little harder worried for the poor boy who lost his sword, the competitors were going at it and she couldn't help but fear for everyone's safety one driver had already been attacked and there was an overwhelming amount of tension down there as they rode.

Valencia pulled a little ahead of Lia her mind buzzing and as she heard Solace's "uh oh" she got angry, "What happened!" She roared over the wind, solace explained and she sighed. Then she got an idea "Switch with me!" "What?!" "Switching me Solace!" "Is that even allowed!" "I don't know and I don't particularly care, I will not let a newbie get hammered by these guys. You drive. I fight." Solace shrugged "Fine." Valencia slid past Solace her twins swords almost instantly in her hands. "Bring it!"

Lia growls and ushers the horses faster, before ramming into their chariot, completely ignoring Nikki and Blake who are inching ahead. Nikki uses her powers to absorb the ice and launched icicles at the other teams' chariots.

Lizzie driving while following along side Kyle and ramming into his chariot.

Amanda holding Suzume's hand. "Hey... It will be okay... No one has died in these..."
(okay thanks.)

Sömmer twirls her sword and swipes at Kyle when he is looking the wrong way hoping to connect with his arm or shoulder. As she swings she sends out a high pitched squeal into Kyles mind just to guarantee the connection. She looked up at Lizzie driving the chariot and yelled at her over the thundering of hooves and wheels on the track. "Just try and pull ahead a bit..." She had devised a sort of theory she wanted to test out involving the sabotage of the chariot itself... @TheGodSnake
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The Hemera chariot finally catches up to the others. Courtney has the light strapping her down to the horses fade away so she can front flip back into the chariot. When done she almost falls off when she lands it. Blue looks over at her, giving the signal. "Alright then... it's risky but lets do this." Courtney pulls off the glass sphere that was strapped to Blue's hip. She throws it high in the air and fires a beam of light at it. Making it all ricochet like a disco ball. The rays of light hitting the ground before the racers tearing it up with potholes. The glass sphere falls to the ground making shattered glass spray out along that area as well. Courtney grows dizzy from the lack of power and the headache leftover from Zane.
Sömmer completely misses the glass sphere the Hemera kids throw out since her focus is taking out the nearby chariot. Her focus shifted from Kyle who she hoped was feeling at least part of her mental attack. Sömmer looks to Blue just as the chariot begins to bounce dangerously over the potholes. Instinctively, she threw her arms out to balance herself, gripping the sides like a life line. "That's it!" She growls under her breath. She draws her knife from under her belt and throws it aiming for the dizzy Courtney's leg hoping to take her or both of them out depending on whether she hit Courtney or Blue gets distracted by the knife. Her eyes glow darkly, flooding her with anger. She sort of hoped the silver knife did damage.

(I think I passed my Economics test... At least I hope I did. The stupid teacher added like 40 more questions when he told us it was only 50. )
The silver knife hits Courtney in the leg. The unsuspecting girl screams out from shock and pain. When they run over their own trap, the horses seemed to be lucky enough to not step on any glass but the potholes and the shaking were too much for Courtney's leg. She dropped to one knee, grimacing while pulling out the knife.
Sömmer smiles a bit, eyes still dark and tells Lizzie to speed up a bit. Hemeras offense has been crippled... "Hmm. " She twirls her sword, a faint buzzing in the back of her head, a sign she needed to slow down with the telepathy and cerebral attacks. She swallowed and glanced around looking for another chariot to try and weaken.
"Courtney! Switch!" Blue yells back at his injured sister. Courtney fights to stand up but with the help of Blue she stands up and grabs the reigns. Blue takes the knife Courtney pulled out. Cutting a piece of his clothes and tying the knife to the tip of a light arrow. Blue readies the arrow and with great aim he fires at the reigns of Sömmers chariot.

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