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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

"Manticores." Vanessa groans. "Disgusting creatures." After a minute, she speaks up again. "So, we have Blake who was almost killed by the beast and a little girl that was chased down." She rubbed her chin. "I have to prioritize. Though she's new, the girl will have to wait. I must help Blake first. The poison will spread quickly." She looked from Blake to the new girl and back. "What have we discovered about the new girl other than the manticore attack? Broken bones? Stinger punctures?"
Amanda sighs. "She's fine and so is Blake. I took care of him since I am Top healer and because Courtney brought him to me... She has a few bruises and cuts from falling but those were patched up."
"Ooh, Top Healer. Look at Miss Big Shot." Vanessa teased Amanda, knowing that this girl was a fantastic Healer. "Just remember who helped you get that title, Amanda. Do you need anymore help here right now?" Vanessa was bored. All she and Charlotte had been doing for a week now was train and they were both ready for action.
Amanda shakes her head at her attempt to bother her. "No, but capture the flag is tomorrow and then Chiron said he has an announcement at the bonfire..."
"Oh, joy." Vanessa rolls her eyes at the mention of Capture the Flag. "That just means more kids getting hurt and more work for the two of us, huh?" She drapes one arm over Amanda's shoulders. "There's no reason to be annoyed, honey." She pinched Amanda's cheek. "Wait. Announcement? This can't be good. We're talking about tonight's bonfire, correct?"
Sömmer blew a stray strand of hair out of her eyes and looked around at the others "I suck" She mutters under her breath. But he only way to fix that is to work harder... or copy other people. Sömmer thinks to herself. She set her sights on a camper no far a way and just watched his movements. She exhaled, then slowly copied his movements against the air.
Amanda shakes head. "No. Tomorrow's bonfire after the games... I know why but I cannot say... Oracle reasons..." She said as she rubbed her cheek.
"Tch..." Vanessa grinned like a Chesire cat. "Oracle reasons. Got it." Vanessa was a little on edge about this. What could be so important that Chiron couldn't even tell his own daughter. "Well, looks like everything is under control here, so, I guess I'll go find something to do, okay?" She pushed open the door.
"He could also let me help out, but I can't do that if he doesn't tell me." Vanessa smiled. "I'm not mad. Believe me. It's not a problem. Well..." she took her bracelet off her wrist and watched it elongate into an archer's bow. "See ya round, kid." She departed.
Scruffy goes over to Amanda. Looking up at her expectantly. As if asking her, what will you do next?

"Well if you tell my sister it wouldn't matter much. She knows I have my reasons for doing what I do. Anyways this guy owes me some answers. It would have been easier to just go in the van with them and sabotage them from the inside but now I'll have to do it a different way." Blue throws the man down on the ground. Pinning him to it with light arrows by his shoulders. "Give me the location."
Amanda looks down at Scruffy and blinks before kneeling down. "Blake will be okay... He'll probably wake up tomorrow around noon... But there is no way he is playing capture the flag... Go check on Courtney..."
Scruffy bolts out the infirmary going after Courtney.

After the man gave up the information Blue decided to let the man have a swift ending by embedding an arrow in him. Without checking if Oksana is following Blue walks back to the camp borders.
She lowered the sword awhile later, her arms glistening in a thin layer of sweat. She was done training but she had still tons to do. That nights bonfire, cleaning her cabin since the Hermes kids were so disorganized, nap in the wood and do nothing for a bit. Wow she had it rough! She snorted at the thought. As she dropped off the borrowed equipment her stomach rumbled, the sound reminding her of thunder. Time to eat....

(Character intro time! Sorry for the super long entry.)

Kali's leg hurt.

It was to be expected, she thought as she crossed the highway from the woods, with a deep slash a foot long from her knee nearly to her ankle. She wasn't moving as fast as she needed to, limping and feeling agonizing pain and blood course down her leg, hearing the frantic clopping of hooves catching up behind her. Hooves. She was still wrapping her head around that one as the half goat - satyr - came up behind her.

"Come on!" The satyr, Aerith, snarled at her, a frightening sight with the sharp horns at his head and blood running down his face from a head wound. For a supposed protector, he was very harsh and maybe even rude. But she knew that he was what he said, because he grabbed her arm and threw it over his shoulder, practically carrying her across the rest of road. The slithering stomping noise came from across the highway.

"Get back here, demigod!" The lizard-snake-lady screamed from behind them. Making a fatal mistake, Kali looked behind her, seeing her barrelling towards them at a speed they couldn't outrun.

"Gods, that dracaenae is quick," Aerith hissed, grabbing Kali with a tighter grip and picking up the pace, ignoring her cry of pain. Kali started to get light headed, dizziness overcoming her mind, and the way she stumbled into the line of the woods showed it. Aerith didn't hesitate, grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder. "Come on, come on, come on!"

A hill on the side of the highway loomed above them, but Aerith was making an impressive time with her weight slowing him down. Kali could still see the snake lady - dracaenae - coming fast, but Kali felt the sudden, familiar rush of magic pass through her. She glanced up just in time to see the dracaenae hit some invisible hard enough that she disintegrated into dust. The pretty, gold grains was the last thing Kali saw before she lost consciousness.


Oksana spotted the satyr, who looked exhausted and wounded, carrying an unconscious demigod over the barrier. She ran over, taking the demigod off the tired satyr, carrying her more gingerly, with an arm supporting her back and her other holding the girl's knees. Her leg wound looked bad. Both she and the satyr ran into the grounds of the camp, and Oksana could feel blood soaking the arm hooked under the girl's leg. "We need a medic!"
Sömmer made her way to the pavilion, her stomach growling ferociously. She took a plate from a pile and filled it with food, eating with her eyes not her stomach. She walked to the table and sat down, picked up a fork and started eating. She started with the fruit salad and then moved onto the carrot muffin she had picked from a platter. She ran a hand through her dark red hair absent mindedly.
Courtney hears the call for a medic and the first thought that goes through her mind was Amanda. She flash jumped infront of Oksana. Grabbing all three of them and flash jumping to the infirmary. Helping Kali onto a bed. "Amanda! We need you!" Scruffy runs in after barking.
Oksana shoved Aerith over to one of the empty beds, despite his protests. "You need that stitched up. Was the weapon poisoned?" He shook his head after a moment. "Good, but you still don't want to be walking around."
Vanessa also darted into the infirmary, ripping off the belt and exchanging two legs for four. "Is there something I can do?" She tried to remain calm as she washed her hands. Her hooves beat loudly against the floor. "I'd be more than happy to help."
Oksana pointed to both the satyr and the girl. "The girl has a slashing wound on her leg. Deep and bleeding heavily. The sa-I mean Aerith, has a head injury. If you're a good healer, help the girl, if you're mediocre, help the satyr. I would help, but I have no idea how to use demigod medicine, only mortal first aid. If you can get me a needle, thread, bandage, and gauze, I can take care of Aerith."
Mediocre Healer. I'll show you a mediocre Healer's hoof up your @$$. Vanessa nodded, smiling. "You got it, Captain." She helped get the girl in her bed. From the shelves nearby, Vanessa pulled down ambrosia, took a leaf or two out. "What's your name, hon." She would find it hard to help the newcomer without properly addressing her. That, and she wanted to keep the girl awake.
Blue stands at the campfire. Looking a picture in his hand his eyes seemingly distant. "I miss you...."
Kali struggled, her closed eyes opening just barely. "K-Kali..." She winced when her body shifted. "It hurts..."

Oksana casted a look at the girl with emotionless eyes, then moved to the satyr with what she needed, and began to stitch up the wound.

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