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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

(I don't really think a bow would be able to ever do that with a gun, but okay.)

"First, you're paying for the pistol," She snarled, "And second, I don't think I should take some assholes threatening the life of a kid. I know your sister, and the last thing I think either of want is to get her involved with your mercenary bullshit. Mercenary probably doesn't work well, though, does it? You're more of a hitman."

Leaning back on her foot, she narrowed her eyes. "If you really want to be blackmailed into helping these guys, by all means, sell out. I'll think of you and call you a coward, but I'll leave. I'm more keen on kicking some ass, though." Blue and the other men saw an aura of red begin to wind her arms, and the casual stance was a thin veil to the tension in her muscles, entirely prepared for a fight.
Sömmer sits on her bed, braiding back her hair. She shook her head, making sure the braid was tight for her mid afternoon training session. Most of the time, Sömmer wasn't up for training. Especially after lunch when she usually went for solitary hikes. But after the dragon, demi titan realization she was definitely in need of some kick ass sparring sessions.
Blue stares Oksana. "You know nothing of my family ties or about my sister." The men around him nodded in agreement. Believing every word of it. "It's about time you die." Blue's bow illuminated blinding the men around him as he fired an arrow at Oksana. The arrow passed her by then exploded sending her forward into the crowd of blinded goons. Blue smirked as he moved out of her path.
Scruffy paced around the infirmary knowing Courtney will come back soon.

@Soul OMU


[QUOTE="Soul OMU](...no where in Blue's bio does it say he was a mercenary...)

(I know. It's weird I put it in Courtney's. I just thought since he used to be one it wouldn't matter but with Courtney coming in it did and I forgot to add it. Sorry.)
Sömmer slid in between a pair of bickering campers and rolled her eyes, catching snippets of conversation about a squirrel in a sleeping bag. She kept walking, towards the training area, looking for a dummy to hack he crap out of. She spotted one and made her way to the pile of swords that were specifically for training against rough fabric or metal. She heard a faint explosion off in the distance but figured it was a monster hitting the force-field. Sömmer twirled the blade in her hand and set to work dicing up the patchwork feedbag with legs.
She rolled up to her feet, and let out a short burst of laughter. "Ha! Let's get started!" She slammed her fist into one of the men's jaw, using the momentum from her tumble and from throwing herself forward to knock him out. She landed a kick to the back of another merc's knees, knocking his feet out from under him as she leaned down and punched him hard enough he probably saw saw stars.
(...I don't even think Demi gods have mercenaries...)

(And if they are humans then it would be odd because they wouldn't see the light arrows or Okhama powering up.
(Well, though I don't know the background of it, the mercenaries don't necessarily have to be demigods. If they can't enter the camp, they are probably either mortals or monsters in the disguise of Mist.)
( No but wars and battles do. He was involved with somethings with the wrong type of people sometimes going against fellow demi gods. Sometimes it was just to go someplace and get to know everybody then get intel. Kind of like all the demi-gods joining Kronos except in his case he would be hired to do that.)
(The chicago deep dish pizza got another layer. This talk of metaphorical foods is not only making me hungry, but I also feel like I've gained weight.)
Blue turns grabbing a mans head and slamming it into the van window. His head breaks the glass as Blue fires an arrow through his shoulder pinning him there. The light from his bow shut off as he faced the last guy. "I need him alive."
She swallowed her protest at getting orders, biting back a scathing argument. "He's all yours. These other guys are knocked out-" She encouraged her observation by kicking one of them, "- so they're alive. Do with them what you will."
(I am queen of metaphorical food. I literally cut out 3 comparisons in my last post. Scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and chocolate. Liquid only diets suck)

Sömmer tipped her head to the side, satisfied with her hack job. She narrowed her eyes, trying to see where she could have struck instead to achieve maximum damage but came up short. She heard more sounds but contributed it to he kids fighting over squirrels. Whoever was just hit in the head with something glass definitely deserved it for traumatizing a poor squirrel.
He stops looking at the last guy. "Well you could knock him out. I don't want him seeing where we're taking him. The rest..." He starts to drag the rest into the van. Excluding the one pinned to it. He readies his bow.
(Guess Blue is going to miss capture the flag... Also im going to bed so try not to post much while I'm gone... And I have stuff planned so I'll tell you if I need you to stop...)
(I need to get non-metaphorical food. And stop watching scenes from Dragon Age. I'm getting too emotional. )

"Alright," She said, stepped forward, grabbed the back of his head, and slammed it hard into the van. He sagged against the arrow, unconscious. "Done. We should go back soon."
"I meant the other guy who I'm leaving alive whos running away now." Blue fires at him the arrow going into his calf. "I'm gonna clean things up here." Blue backed away from the van firing an arrow at it. Running after the guy he shot next picking him up and carrying him away walking back to the camp without saying a word. Oksana following as the arrow detonated and the van blew up with the men in it.
Oksana didn't flinch, barely reacted to the explosion, the only change coming over her being the hardness and cold that came over her expression and the new stiffness overcoming her limbs. Shells exploding. Iron and steel being ripped apart. She is thrown back into her seat, and she manages to unclip the seatbelt trapping her to her seat. There's blood on her hands, there's blood on her face, Jesus Christ, there's blood everywhere, and there's so much of it. Anderson's head is nothing but a smear-

. She covered her eyes, trying to take in deep breaths like the doc told her to, to dispel the memory ripping into her mind. You're not there anymore. You're safe.
"I also could've given the letter over to your sister," Oksana said through her teeth.
Vanessa chuckled. "Carly, I have to go help in the infirmary. New injuries happen every day, every hour, every second here." She hugged her friend, pulled off her gear, and smirked at Carly. "Can you take this back, please?" Carly nodded, taking the gear and hurrying toward the armory to put it away. Vanessa wiped the dirt and sweat from her face and opened the door to the infirmary. "What do we have here, guys? Any new kids I should know about?"
Amanda looks at her. "hello Vanessa... And yes, that little girl on the bed by Blake's... Came in with a Manticore on her tail which Blake took care of but nearly got killed cuz of it..."

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