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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

(Yawn. Computer viruses now.... I hate my life..)

Sömmer shrugs "I would take you less seriously if you were nicer. So that's pretty much an unlikely scenario" She smirked a little and then ran off to the Hermes cabin.
"Oh.. okay. I see now. I'll just go." Courtney and Scruffy take their leave.

Blue shakes his head. "Yeah.... if I were nicer."
"Oh, come on, Vannie! Let go!" Carly struggled to get free of the choke hold. "Rules of dueling clearly stipulate that you can't grab me like this!" "Oh, wow. What are you gonna do? Tell my father? He knows I'm a handful. I'm just teasing. You wanted me to do this." Vanessa let go, letting Carly drop to her knees. "Dude! You're like...three times my strength. You gotta ease up." She rubbed her neck, seeing stars. "Alright. I'm sorry, okay?" Vanessa helped Carly up, hugging her. "I get overexcited." "I know that."
Sömmer enters the cabin and looks around. She makes her way to her bed and pulls her bag out from under it. Inside, she has a few pairs of jeans, shirts and a silver ring in a hole in the back of a book. She hides her valuables since the Hermes kids tend to like to snoop through others stuff.
Courtney looks back at Blake and sighs. "Sweet Dreams." She says with a disappointed expression. Walking back to the cabins stealing glances at Blake until she could no longer see him. Scruffy following close behind. She notices a familiar figure walking by the cabins. "Is that Blue?" She starts to run towards him screaming his nickname. "Blueberry!"

Blue walks by the cabins and notices a blonde figure running at him screaming a name he hasn't been called in a long time. "Is that... Court and a hellhound?!" Blue immediately thought the hellhound was chasing her and swiftly fired an arrow at Scruffy.
Lucy sighed. The grass was damp, where there even was any grass. Her pants were torn and shredded, and her jacket was soaked all the way through. I guess swimming here was not a good idea. She rolled over, gathering here stuff, including a blue phial. "A phial of galadhriel... hmm..." she paused, shaking it for a second until it glowed. A screech like grating metal tore through the air. "No, not now!" she said, jumping from the bedspread which she had been laying on, seconds before the ring of spikes shredded it. Even more chilling then this was the voice which rang out. "Oh, so you still are trying to run. You almost lost me by swimming, too. Too bad." he concluded as he whipped his tail, revealing him as a manticore. A spike split the air, thudding softly and splintering the log she had grabbed, and pushing her several feet backwards, her feet barely brushing the ground. She winced in pain at the flare in here leg, a long, scraping wound which reeked and split scabs. She crumpled as she landed again, barely holding the log steady enough to block the second blow. Must... get to.. the-camp. Safe... food... healing... were the words which went through her head as she retreated. She saw a fire in the distance, laughing and talking. So she did what any sensible person would do. She ran.

Branches whipped by her as she ran, tearing off her jacket for mobility, and her shoes coming off, letting her feet bleed on the scratchy roots. a few spikes whizzed past her, impaling themselves in trees. She felt something like gelatin in front of her, and in almost slow motion, slid through it. Landing on her back, she saw the manticore crash into the wall, and did what any little girl would before falling unconscious. She screamed.
Blake grumbled in annoyance as he was awoke and looked down to see the young girl before seeing the manticore pacing the length of the wall."..." Was all that was heard before he jumped down from the tree.
To Courtney so many things happened at once. First Blue fires an arrow at Scruffy and a scream occurs. Courtney swiftly flashes disappearing with Scruffy appearing next to the source of the scream. "Oh my!" She looked at the manticore. "Scruffy get her out of here... I'll handle him." Scruffy barks as he grows bigger. Courtney looks over at Blake and smiles almost forgetting what she wanted to do as Scruffy carried her away.
Blake yawns as he takes off his necklace and it turns into a Stygian iron sword before twirling it, his eyes darken. "...you interrupted my nap... Your going to pay for that..." He muttered as black dust blew around him fiercely.
Blake slashes the dust towards the manticore to blind it before feinting left to avoid the stinger and slashes his side causing it to roar in pain before lashing at him with its paws and the stinger towards Courtney. Blake manages to block the paw but sees the stinger heading towards Courtney. "Look out!" He said and shoved them out of the way but got grazed. He hissed in pain but managed to whirl around and slashes into it turning it to dust.
"Blake!" Courtney rushes over practically tackling him as she frantically tried to examine the wound. "Where is it?!"
"Big house. Amanda. Check. Lets go." They flashed in light as they appear in the big house. Falling from the cieling since it was a rushed jump. Courtney landed flat on her stomach with Blake landing on top of her. "Ow! That hurts so much! Amanda! I'm sorry but we have a manticore problem!"
Amanda blinks and looks over from her bed before getting out slowly with some help from Johnathan. "Put him here..." She said as she moved to get what she needed, absolutely glowing with kindness and light. Johnathan goes over and carefully gets Blake off Courtney and puts him down before discarding Blake's shirt to reveal a nasty gash along his ribs. Blake groans in pain.
Scruffy comes in, dropping the girl on a bed. Shrinking back to normal after he helped Courtney up.

Courtney rushed over to Blake getting as close as she could. Once she saw the gash her heart sank. Blake was suffering and it was all her fault. "Blake I'm so sorry. I was just so wrapped up in watching you fight I forgot all about myself and because of that you were hurt." She knew it was pointless to say it now but she had to. She walked out with her head down. Deciding to pace infront of the infirmary with Scruffy, waiting. With her positive mood going down a large formation of clouds just happen to block out the daylight over the camp.
Amanda starts taking care of Blake's wound by lightly feeding him ambrosia and makes him sip some nectar as she wraps his side carefully while getting her sibling to check on Lucy who was unconscious.

Blake had fallen unconscious from the pain, has a black wing tattoo on his back.
Johnathan steps out of the infirmary since it got a bit hectic. "Hey... Hey Blondie with the hellhound... He's going to be fine you know that right?" He said while looking at her.

Amanda finishes bandaging Blake's chest and back, let's him rest as she runs a hand through his hair. "..."
Courtney was facing the other way as her hands reach up to her face wiping off whatever was running down it. Courtney turns around and faces Jonathan. "Thank you so much. I apologize for giving you two trouble." Courtney smiled, ignoring the voice inside her saying it was her fault.

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