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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Beta chirps in. "It wouldn't be smart to travel around in a large group while having someone protect her and protect themselves if a monster attacks. That will have to make others have to help that person who will soon be overrun by monsters in turn. Splitting off into two groups would lead to the same thing. Others having to defend one another because we foolishly left with someone unable to defend themselves or walk. I say we stay until she's able to move."
Courtney smiles and hugs her lightly. Not too tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you! You know... you are biologically this childs aunt."
Courtney doesn't know she said that since she couldn't see her lips. "You know. I've been thinking of names depending on what gender the baby might be!"
"Well... for a girl. We have Celene, Kastanie, May, Julie, and Brooke. For a boy, Sam, Vincent, Tanner, and Austin."
Sömmer pulls a sweater over her t-shirt and curls up on her bed, reading a book.

Abigail wanders over to the beach and plops down next to Kurt who was staring out over the water. "Hey... Whats up?" She says cheerily as he turns and looks at her. "I'm just thinking about stuff..." He says distractedly. All that seemed to be on his mind was Courtney and the baby. Amanda was taking care of her and he was guilty about it. But he didn't want to go back and have to apologize. For what if she didn't accept his apology or thought poorly of him for ignoring and avoiding her for months. Abigail raised and eyebrow, still smiling, and nudged his arm, seeming to understand his distance. "It's Courtney... She can't possibly hold a grudge..." Abigail says softly as he looks away, staring back out at the water. "After what I said I don't think she would" Kurt says quite softly.

Peyton sits on a bench near the training arena guzzling water, watching campers spar intensely. Humming softly as her eyes fluttered around, watching techniques and guessing the opponents response.

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