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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Blue steps up. "Depends on how big Sömmer wants the dragon. It can appear in different sizes. Based on how she wants it. These are the scales." He hands Z a piece of paper.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/62f079dd-d588-4226-8a8e-601406a21680.jpg.1aa07e8c3adfaff902cc3f4b264aba21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/62f079dd-d588-4226-8a8e-601406a21680.jpg.1aa07e8c3adfaff902cc3f4b264aba21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Jules blushes a bit. "O-oh I see... Okay." She said softly while running a hand through her hair.

"I'll see you when I get back," Joey says as he steps away and up to the group, "I can't stand dragon travel, I could probably get ahold of some snow clouds through my mom,"
"The problem is. Sömmer might not agree. Also this dragon travels across states like athletes skipping stairs. Can your cloud catch up?"
(Where is everyone atm? I know the questers are meeting and saying goodbyes but I am still confused as to Sömmer and peeps.)
(Delta is still with Sömmer where they last left off. The questers are standing at the camp borders and talking about transportation and asking Sömmer for the dragon.)
(Okay. Too lazy to read pages)

Scott stayed silent, letting them sort out the details since him and planning usually fell apart. His eyes occasionally flitting to Dylan.

Sömmer grinned at him. She hadn't had this much fun in awhile.
TheGodSnake said:
"I'll see you when I get back," Joey says to Jules as he steps away and up to the group, "I can't stand dragon travel, I could probably get ahold of some snow clouds through my mom,"
@Soul OMU
"Alright. How about we make then take us all over New York. Run up the prices until they run out of gas then bail and catch another one."
Sebastian looked at them blankly, "Too much to do too little time. Z if that dragon can take everyone and still be quick Id say go for it...but the simple fact is we have no idea where to start besides...was it north?"
Delta hails a taxi and gets in with Sömmer. Giving the taxi driver crazy directions. Halfway through the ride he asks. "Do you mind if I start to sing back here?" The taxi driver says yes but Delta sings obnoxiously loud anyways. Trying to get Sömmer to join.

Upsilon looks back and gives a smile. "Hey buddy!"

( @Soul OMU )

( @jacunliffe )
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"You know the words to this song tight buddy?" The taxi driver doesn't respond. "Wow tough crowd, gonna have to take that out on your tip. Turn right on this block. Then right again. Then another right. Then one last right." They ended up going around a block and ending up in the same spot. "Now left forward, right right left. U turn and another left left and right. Then take us in the bridge. Hopefully you remember that, don't want to take more off your tip."
They make it to the bridge. Delta trying to hold in his laughter. He has a horde of balloons fly around the taxi. Only they can see it though. The taxi driver stops and everyone else honks at their direction. The taxi starting to cause traffic. "Wow.... stopping and causing traffic. Even more off your tip. Tsk tsk tsk." The taxi driver starts arguing about the balloons. "I don't see any balloons. You must be crazy."
She smirks and watches the line of cars around them grow. She looks at Delta then the taxi driver, unable to keep in her laughter much longer. She grins and the sound of buzzing fills the drivers ears while her argues. His eyes widen as he freaked out.
Delta picks up on this. "You seem like you have a problem. You ran out of gas anyways. We'll be leaving. We don't have any money sorry!" Delta leaves the taxi cab and gets Sömmer out running away.
Sömmer grins as she runs. Still making his ears buzz g=for a few more minutes even after they left. "We should start heading back to camp... Its getting late."

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