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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Sebastian formed out of Z's shadow, his hair was still having come out of a shower minutes prior. He had his sword on his hip using the chain as an as sectors whenever he needed to, most recently he had been using it as a belt which was more effective than his previous use of it as a necklace. "How many are here Z."

Solace and Valencia approach their group Valencia on Tiko's back as usual and Solace walking with a little more confidence than usual which one would think surprising given the fact that he was about to risk his life. The two, being on the same team, were chatting away about nothing in particular but seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Suzume shifted in her sleep unaware of her surroundings but feeling....happy.
Z blows at her bangs as she does a count. "So far we have 7 here in total. Just missing the other 7." She said while stretching, her sleeves rolled up showing off her tattoos and markings.

Dylan and Blake start talking while waiting for the others. Dylan smiles and hugs Upsilon back.

Amanda cleaning the infirmary, humming softly as she does.

Theta runs up and hugs Blake first and looks up at him. "Stay safe and keep Vallie safe!"

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, @Light)
Joey had all the stuff he needed together and in a small military-style backpack that he was now wearing. He was headed for the Ronevous point when he saw Julia, he walked up behind her and put his arms around her, "I'll miss you while I'm gone.

(@Soul OMU )

Kyle had gotten ready the night before and was standing next to Z, "How am I not the least bit nervous now?" he wondered aloud.

Zane was up a few hours before, trying to get any more sleep but to no avail. he left the hidden area where he had spent the night and walked up the hill, staying silent.
TheGodSnake said:
Joey had all the stuff he needed together and in a small military-style backpack that he was now wearing. He was headed for the Ronevous point when he saw Julia, he walked up behind her and put his arms around her, "I'll miss you while I'm gone.
(@Soul OMU )

Kyle had gotten ready the night before and was standing next to Z, "How am I not the least bit nervous now?" he wondered aloud.

Zane was up a few hours before, trying to get any more sleep but to no avail. he left the hidden area where he had spent the night and walked up the hill, staying silent.
Jules jumps a bit when she feels arms around her waist before realizing who it is. "Oh hey Hero... What's up? And I'm going to miss... Having you around to talk to."

Z looks at him. "Who knows, but everything will be okay."
"Oh but we don't get a hug from Theta and I don't get one from you or him at all." Blue rolls his eyes.

Upsilon chuckles. "Maybe because he's afraid of Omega and because you're an asshole Blue!" She started laughing.
Joey smiled lightly, "well, I'm all ready to leave and needed to tell you something important,"

"Yeah, it usually is, especially with these groups," Kyle looked around, he had rarely left this place in the past few years, and he hoped he would still be able to return to it.
Jules blinks and raised a brow. "You need to tell me something? Well spit it out then Snowflake."

Z stretches as she puts a hand on her hip. "I just hope the others hurry up so we can get this show on the road..."
"That rose from last night, it should never melt, and if it does start to melt, that means I'm in serious trouble, which probably means the rest of my group is too," he turned her around to face him, his face a bit more serious, "and if I don't make it back I want you to know one more thing," he leaned down and kissed her lightly and quickly, "you mean everything to me,"
Sebastian nodded "Alright, we'll head out when they're here......we should probably do something about transportation. Fourteen kids walking around would raise some questions.
Upsilon is now being held back by Beta and Omega from cuddling Theta. "Let me go! That is my baby! Let me love him!"
"Well...." Blue yells over to Sebastian. "Sömmer has a dragon. We also have an overgrown hellhound. I was gonna wait until your birthday to tell you this but. Courtney I found Scruffy." Scruffy comes out of the shadows at the call of his name. "Or maybe.... Aegis."

Courtney read Blue lips and looks over to where he is. "Scruffy!" She runs over to him.

"Hug me too!" She starts to grow angry at Omega and Blue. "Dylan! I have a problem here!"
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Jules' eyes widen in surprise at the kiss, staring at him in shock. "Jojo..."

Joey keeps eye contact, a soft smile on his face as he hugs her tightly, "I couldn't leave without telling you."
"Loooook!" She points at Theta snuggling Valencia. "They wont let me go...." Upsilon seems visually upset.

"No! You're gonna baby him!" Blue protests.
All the mercenaries stop what they're doing. Blood sibling kind of hurt. Even Blue whom has a blood sibling but wasn't able to be one to her. Sure some of them might have siblings here but they just werent feeling it. They felt like they were attached by blood to the other mercenaries though. To be told that they're not blood siblings even though they know they're not. Made them feel like they were back at square one. Young and full of sin because of the families they used to be in before they ended up on the streets. Before Father found them. As young children most of the 24 mercenaries had experienced or had knowledge of drugs, gangs, sex, murder, grand theft, abduction, money, and the works.
Upsilon watches him and walks off. Taking Courtneys hand and taking Scruffy along with her.

"Did she tell him?" Blue looks at Omega then at Upsilon and Dylan.

Omega just shrugs his shoulders.
Valencia smiled and lugged when her little brother hugged her, "Come here you snuggle little fiend." She picked home up and wrapped him in her arms and gave him a spin before setting him down. "Now remember what I taught you about summoning Tiko, he's strongest at midnight and meanest midday. And no matter how smart his mouth may get he and I both love you." She planted a kiss on his forehead, and if you want me to get you anything special while I'm gone just let Tiko know..he'll tell me. Now go back to sis, she's freaking out." Valencia smiled and stood up straight before remembering something., then thinking of something shrugged it off. She looked at Upsilon and though they had limited interaction Valencia had begun to think of her as her sister, anyone so kind and caring to her baby brother was a friend to her as well. She nodded to the girl an unspoken "Take care of him." Passing between them.

Sebastian nodded, "Good ideas...we'll see." He turned to Z "Dragon may be faster."

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