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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Zane looks at Blue, "why is it so imperative that we call you Beta, it's not like many people out there would be able to get anything from your actual name."
(Can someone pm me what I missed.???)


Light said:
Delta looks more mature then before. His right eye is still there and green but he keeps his left one closed. He slowly opened it to show a star in it. "My mother happened." View attachment 91768
Courtney just shakes her head and turns away.
She sees the star but doesn't appear to be bothered by it. "It could be worse..." Sömmer says slowly.

Kurt goes to say something and just shuts his mouth again. He waits a moment and then walks out of her cabin heading for his own to think.


[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Amanda carefully sits down and closes her eyes for a moment. "Thanks Suzume.. I appreciate it..."
Z looks at him before getting up and sending out her wisps to tell those on the quest to come to the bonfire. "It's okay. You'll see faces soon enough." She said as the wisps went to Omega, Blue, Joey, Valencia, Blake, Eric, Brayden and Scott. Dylan already there.

(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )


Jules blinks. "I doubt you'll go missing.. You guys have a pretty solid team..."

(Me as I was tagged when none of the questers are mine.... again)
"It's because I earned that rank. Got a problem with it? Do something about it." Blue got close in his face even though he's an archer.

Delta laughs a bit and walks with her. "It's a symbol of mistrust to me. She doesn't want me using magic much anymore so I wouldn't be as easily recognized as her child. I wear the mask because the star in my eye is there to shame me."
[QUOTE="Dolphan of Lyfe](Jacun, Scott was picked.)
I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.

(I am blind. Excuse me. Thanks. Going to bang my head against a wall now. BBL. :/ )

"So is that her way of disowning you or something?" Sömmer says walking with him. "I'm not so sure its a big deal." She says since she was sort of restricted too. But by Chiron. "When nobody knows what it means... why bother hiding it? Your giving her the satisfaction in knowing you're shamed. But that's just me..." she says.
jacunliffe said:
(Can someone pm me what I missed.???)

She sees the star but doesn't appear to be bothered by it. "It could be worse..." Sömmer says slowly.

Kurt goes to say something and just shuts his mouth again. He waits a moment and then walks out of her cabin heading for his own to think.


(Me as I was tagged when none of the questers are mine.... again)
(Isnt Scott yours?)
"I used some forbidden magic recently but yeah... I never thought of it that way." Delta looks around. "This may be a pretty crazy idea but... do you want to take a stroll around New York?"
(So Brayden is going on the quest? And what's with these wisps?)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Light said:
"It's because I earned that rank. Got a problem with it? Do something about it." Blue got close in his face even though he's an archer.
Delta laughs a bit and walks with her. "It's a symbol of mistrust to me. She doesn't want me using magic much anymore so I wouldn't be as easily recognized as her child. I wear the mask because the star in my eye is there to shame me."
Zane, already on a short fuse, due to previously stated circumstances grinned, the blue from his eyes lighting up blues face in a blue light "try me," suddenly his sword was in the or behind Blue, the blade poking him lightly in the back, "I'm not in a good mood light boy, so back off."
"Forbidden magic sounds cool" Her voice both soft and slightly amused . She figured Alpha would strangle her is she said no, but she didn't see a reason not to go with him. He hadn't made a bad impression. "A stroll would be nice..."
Golden symbols appeared around Blue. Making him move faster. He spun backwards to the right of the sword. He pulled out his bow and had a quad shot ready to release. He and his bow glowed brightly. "I'd suggest we put down our weapons. Don't want somebody to get hurt do we?" Blue wasn't just talking about himself. 1 arrow was aimed at him. The rest were aimed at the other campers. "It's all on you."

"Wait what?! You'll go with me?!" Delta looks completely shocked.
Sömmer smirks. "Don't sound so surprised. You would dead to all of us for months so I can't really say no now can I... And your not that bad"
Zane smirked,"whatever," as he finished, he disappeared, but the arrows were wrenched off the bow and floated in a circle, pointed at Blue, 'where am I now light boy?' He teased Blue inside his head, 'I can make this very painful for you' in reality he had teleported to an area that he had made a few weeks before where he had created a small crossroad in order to teleport instead of try to find the area where he hid the entrance.


Z rolls her eyes. "Cool your jets... Your both stressed out about your girls. So go cool off!" She said while watching them.

Dylan excited for the quest, goes to the beach to walk along it, thinking and humming, alone.
Sömmer smiled at his blush. He really was into her. Huh. She followed him to the border, lightly chuckling.

Scott pulled his shirt on after his shower and wandered out of his cabin, heading for the lake to skip stones.
"Up the butt around the corner. Through the tube and out Alpha's boob. That's where you are." He rolls his eyes and puts his bow away. "If your just going to play mind games and not fight I'm outta here. I'm hanging with the CTF kid."

The CTF kid is preaching infront of campers who came to watch. "The flag is law! Abide by its rules! The flag is love! THE FLAG IS LIFE!"

Delta exits the border looking out for monsters. He makes his way to New York. "So... uh. I'd really like to thank you for the dragon."
Sömmer shrugs. "Blue sort of helped me summon it and then I stabbed his sister so I owed him. But I'm glad I could help" She walks with him and keeps an eye out.
"I remember a time when we were younger and had to hunt a flock of harpy. Blue got stuck in a tree, suspended from it by his underwear." Delta smiles.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Z rolls her eyes. "Cool your jets... Your both stressed out about your girls. So go cool off!" She said while watching them.
Dylan excited for the quest, goes to the beach to walk along it, thinking and humming, alone.

Kyle watches the fight, "well, that was close," he says to Z, "never pinned Zane for the fighter though."

'Whatever, stay away from me blue,' Zane says broadcasts to the whole group standing there, he had managed to get a bed in the small area and laid down, hoping he could get some sleep.

(Joey did say something to Julia a bit back, don't remember if she responded)
Sömmer laughs while grins picturing it. "I don't doubt it... " She grins at him and tells him about the time she fell off of her cabin while trying to prove a point.
Z shrugs before sighing. "...maybe I can put Blue on the other team..." She said while rubbing her temples.

Jules in her cabin, working on her gun, humming softly.

Dylan thinking as he stands on the beach, alone, staring out over the water while the sun starts to set.

Blake fast asleep, face first in his bed, missing his shirt. Wisps trying to wake him.

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