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Fandom Camp Half-Blood: War of Worlds

Jim got snared by the foot, he blinked away and got caught in another snare. He couldn't get away fast enough for it to matter as he blinked around about six times before getting caught in a cage made of roots. He stood there with a sour look on his face. "So this is how i get caught.... great...." He said sarcastically.

(@Light @Dolphan of Lyfe )
Delta reacted quickly to both the explosion and Gamma. He put up a field spell. Making a protective box around himself and making it expand. Pushing both Gamma and the explosion away from him.
Gamma fell on the ground. "Kid. You've messed with me and you seem familiar. But once you drop it down, I'm going to stomp on you like I did with others," she said, flying up and awaiting him to drop the field spell so she could try and knock him out.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Delta seems to be replenishing his magic since he's unable to use as much as he used too... before the accident.

Alice approached closer, she drew her blade Lightbringer.

The blade of lightbringer was covered in a bright red flame, this flame was hellfire.

She slashed her at the masked man from a distance and a wave of hellfire was sent speeding towards him and only him.

(She knows the shield is up but this is an attempt to wear the shield down.)
She glared at Gamma and sighed. She wasn't super happy about it but she decided to just probe his mind. It wasn't like she was going to get herself hurt when she could just find out who he was. Simple. She opened her mind and suddenly her eyes widened. "Holy shit." Most of it made sense now. Not the part about attacking his old friends but she didn't dig for it or she would have a headache later. The pursed her lips and gave him a look that made it clear she wasn't impressed.
It was dark inside the root prison but he started to find holes wot light flooding through them. As long as he could see the location he could appear there. He found an opening that he could see Delta through, he saw he had made a barrier and decide the best core of action would be to use his Blink to appear above it, possible to drop down on it but that might not work, so he looked for Gamma and blinked beside blink, he saw Alice out of his left eye and winked at her. "Gamma, lets team attack him." He said holding his whip
"Fight like a man! You remind me of a friend who I beat for the rank Gamma because of my aerial speed and skill!" Gamma shouted, flying around him. She started to summon a sheet of ice to throw at him. Gamma nodded. "Don't kill him. Just knock him out so we can try and take the mask off!"

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
The forcefield blocked the ice and Delta looked at Gamma. The green light comes from his left lense. He blasts himself up in the sky after her eith fire coming from his shoes. The blade of his sword is on fire. He appears behind her as well. Both Deltas whom are very real swing their swords at Gamma.

(Sibling rivalry time.)
Gamma dodged one but another hit her and made her fall. She crumpled to the ground for a couple minutes. But, she slowly stood up and winced. "Listen kid. I'm doing you a favor and not killing you. You seem familiar. But since you're trying to kill me I will rip your throat and spinal cord out like what happened to one of my brothers Sigma. Do you want that happening?" she asked, drawing her dagger. She drew all of the power she could into her hands and glared angrily at Delta. She was ready to impale him, but it probably wouldn't work considering she didn't have much power left.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Delta's clone and the fire on his hands disapeared. He charged at her and spun. Swinging his blade as well.

Upsilon backs out of the fight.
He blinked beside Delta, his whip flying toward him. Jim could see everything in slow motion. He was going to wrap his whip around his sword arm and blink them both into the air using his weight as a focal point to throw the masked man into the ground. This was all running through his head as the end of his whip was half coiled around Deltas arm.

(@Light, @Dolphan of Lyfe )
Gamma stepped back, her eyes glowing like frost. "Now. You can attack me and kill me. But then my siblings will rip your throat out. You would die by their hands," she said, grinning wildly. Her eyes flashed white as she stepped forward and unleashed snow from her hands, creating a massive blizzard around Delta. But as soon as she did that, she crumpled to the ground. "Alright brother. You're trying to kill me," she muttered, closing her eyes as she wet unconscious.

(Not gonna lie, tears almost came out of my eyes during this post xD .)

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Delta gets snared by the whip and gets frozen solid. Upsilon laughs figuring out who it is. "Oh my gosh! You look so fuckin stupid like that!" She starts poking the ice with her sword. "I knew you were alive!" Upsilon hugs the frozen Delta but quickly lets go. She picks up Gamma and looks at Jim. "Since your whip is stuck in there drag him to the infirmary will yah?" She heads off to the infirmary with Gamma.
"Ya, i got him." He teared up a little bit, it was just as a shock to him as it was to the others. He held on to the whip tightly and blinked them toward the infirmary. "Sorry Delta, i didn't know it was you." He said as he dragged him the rest of the way to the infirmary tent.

(@Light, @Dolphan of Lyfe )

Alice was relieved that the others had stopped Delta, she did not want to take any more risks by using her powers.

So Alice sheathed lightbringer and started to make her way to the infirmary also.


Envy began to laugh, the fight was horrid, a total borefest, he was hoping Alice had done more than just throw worthless distractions at Delta but he had thought that might happen.

Alice was always too careful.

So envy decided to head back to the Apollo cabin. (Envy stays in the Apollo cabin, don't really know why lol.)
"Deltas alive.... a reunion fight.... the usual" She says slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Anything specific you wanted to know??"
Evan was sitting at the bonfire with his eyes closed. He sensed someone who was unconscious and possibly in a coma. He could do that since he was the son of Hades. It was death that made his head ring like a fire alarm, but unconscious people made a slight headache.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Elizabeth was at the bonfire across from Evan. I wonder if he knows I put the plants in his cabin. Oh well. She thought when she heard a huge commotion near one of the borders. "What the hell?" She stood up making her scythe appear out of thin air.

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