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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Once the meal was ready,Sapphire jumped at the food,ignoring the fact that it burned her tongue as she ate quickly. She had been starving.

She only breathed after she was done,placing the plates back at the sink. She was confused about these immortals,and had to learn more. Exploring the house would probably be a good idea.

As she walked through the corridors,she felt an unlike smell. Turning to the two people talking,she seemed surprised.

"You two are shemlen. I mean,you are human. What would a mortal be doing in a house like this?"

"Thinking. About you,and things that aren't so nice as you. But mostly you." Lucian turned around in bed to a sitting position. "I know this a touchy subject,but will I ever meet your mother?"

KaalysBR said:
"Thinking. About you,and things that aren't so nice as you. But mostly you." Lucian turned around in bed to a sitting position. "I know this a touchy subject,but will I ever meet your mother?"

She shrugged, "I don't know." She sighed, "She's uh...not the easiest person to get along with at first."
KaalysBR said:
Sapphire jumped with obvious surprise once she felt another presence in the room,turning to meet the new vampire. She was beginning to feel crowded by the immortals,even though she obviously hadn't met all of them.
Hello." She said with a voice full of unsureness,turning the oven off. She could fell her werewolf fangs wanting to expand,but she kept them in control. Her job was to observe and only that.

KaalysBR said:
Once the meal was ready,Sapphire jumped at the food,ignoring the fact that it burned her tongue as she ate quickly. She had been starving.
She only breathed after she was done,placing the plates back at the sink. She was confused about these immortals,and had to learn more. Exploring the house would probably be a good idea.

As she walked through the corridors,she felt an unlike smell. Turning to the two people talking,she seemed surprised.

"You two are shemlen. I mean,you are human. What would a mortal be doing in a house like this?"

Jacques had been about to respond when the woman promptly ignored him. Hd shrugged, and looked in the fridge. He found a lone bottle of rum, hidden in the back behind all the blood. He grabbed it, popped it open, and took a swig. Once the woman would leave, he would grab his bag and take it to his room, and unpack.
KaalysBR said:
Once the meal was ready,Sapphire jumped at the food,ignoring the fact that it burned her tongue as she ate quickly. She had been starving.
She only breathed after she was done,placing the plates back at the sink. She was confused about these immortals,and had to learn more. Exploring the house would probably be a good idea.

As she walked through the corridors,she felt an unlike smell. Turning to the two people talking,she seemed surprised.

"You two are shemlen. I mean,you are human. What would a mortal be doing in a house like this?"

"Yes I am human but I am not completely mortal for long. That is my business and Id like to keep it that way.." She'd say in the nicest way possible. She wasnt mean or anything just annoyed at this part. Then she'd start to walk towards the library.
Sapphire didn't seem offended as she nodded,turning around as the human walked away. She walked to the window and slid down through the wall,ending outside.

She wrapped her arms around her legs,the cold making her breath visible. Her legs wanted to run away,even though her mind knew that she couldn't.


Lucian walked to Val and nodded,holding her in his arms.

"Okay. I will wait until you feel ready."

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KaalysBR said:
Lucian walked to Val and nodded,holding her in his arms.
"Okay. I will wait until you feel ready."

Val sighed, "Yeah, I mean if we run into her we can't help it, but....just be prepared for some weird comments."
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Realizing that he didn't really have anything to read, Jacques decided to check if the house had a library. He stepped out of his room, only to hear someone named Theo introduce hinself. Nervous. Then, he recognized the woman from before. She had a distinct heartbeat, he thought perhaps she was a werewolf. And he heard Reds soft breath and beautiful heartbeat. He was NOT happy. This Theo, this arrogant mortal, had decided to speak to HIS Red! But, he did not know the werewolfs intention for the two. She was the wildcard, the one he did not know. He didn't like that. Not at all. He began to follow the three of them silently, eyes burning as he practically burned holes through Theo from the darkness.

@Dragasis @KaalysBR @Libra259

I go outside where Saphire went "It's cold out here, luckily I don't have body heat anymore... Or a beating heart for that matter" I laugh a little, I sit down next to her "I see you met the natives, don't fret over them" I say seeing that she is obviously tense, wanting to run. I can even hear her heartbeat, she's lucky werewolve blood is unsavory to us or she would have not gotten far here.

Xan said:
(Oh. Well I should hope so.)
"I mean, I can eat places other than a bedroom." He commented, legs swinging under him. Though it was not necessarily recommended. Soren looked at the two extra people that walked in just before they left blandly before they were out of his sight.
"Well, I don't think everyone wants to see two half naked gay guys kissing before one bites the other's neck." Crowley answered with a smile, looking at Soren, who was lying in his arms. He felt a little awkward holding the vampire like this, seeing that it made Crowley hold Soren by the ass to keep the smaller male from slipping between his arms. "The only thing I ask in return is a kiss. A real kiss. Not just another peck on the cheek."

Dragasis said:
-Theo decided it was time to pry for information -"So what's your name miss?" @Libra259
(This motherfucker is gonna die.)
Sapphire rose her eyes to AJ as he came to sit by her side,unconsciously moving a little closer to him. Her voice was muffled behind her mask as she spoke.

"I prefer it out here,that house is very...heavy. It's not that I am afraid,trust me. But I'm unused to being surrounded by so many supernatural beings at once. The powers of Fen'Harel have difficulty to find their place in this environment."

One of them had spoken to her earlier in the kitchen,and that is mostly why she had to take a walk outside. She detected a lot of death into the vampire,lots of blood behind him.

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammsuave fuck and have talked myself out of post: 5836628]
"Well, I don't think everyone wants to see two half naked gay guys kissing before one bites the other's neck." Crowley answered with a smile, looking at Soren, who was lying in his arms. He felt a little awkward holding the vampire like this, seeing that it made Crowley hold Soren by the ass to keep the smaller male from slipping between his arms. "The only thing I ask in return is a kiss. A real kiss. Not just another peck on the cheek."
(This motherfucker is gonna die.)

( ha ha but i am a suave fuck and talk my way out of danger 66% of the time so I'm good)

"It's hard to feel right when your out if your element" I say cheekily, I see she moves closer to me... I let her, I see no harm in it "I never asked but what's with the mask?"
Sapphire didn't even seen conscious about her mask at this point,but she rose one arm to touch it with her fingers when it was mentioned. Shrugging,she drop her hand again.

"My clan was very attached to their wolf forms. They considered our humans forms fragile and unworthy,which is why most of the time we have our faces hidden by a mask. Only close friend or lovers should see our faces. I'm not as attached to religion as they were,but I'm still respectful of our traditions."

-He listened closely to sapphire's words and a contemplated over which he was more of... a vampire or a Lycan he then prayed at saphire-"Mamm may i ask you a few questions"@KaalysBR

"Heh, even as a pastor I was never that attached to my religion"

Dragasis said:
-He listened closely to sapphire's words and a contemplated over which he was more of... a vampire or a Lycan he then prayed at saphire-"Mamm may i ask you a few questions"@KaalysBR

"I'm right here, let me say you look very tasty" I joke "I'm kiddin, I'm AJ... But people around her just call me pastor" I hold out my hand to shake it @Dragasis @KaalysBR
"Trust me,Priest. The Catholic church has weirder costumes than this." A smile played in her face.

Sapphire turned to the stranger when he entered,nodding to him in a welcoming manner.

"You may ask your questions."


-I married- I pull my hand away "Anyways yes, I have met you before. If you have any questions I'm her I guess" I turn to Saphire "Heh, I'm not catholic. I'm Lutheran.... Kidding, there's so many I lost count a long damn time ago" I say walking away and sit down.
-he pleaded to know what it felt like the rush given from being something beside human he longed to kill to run free and fast and he said these things-"What must i do to join? I-i could be your servant, your pet , your partner, or hell even a damned sidekick. I've done so many good and bad things in my life that even close to death no longer excite me..."-he fell unto his knees and pleaded knowing this life he wanted wasn't what he need we it wasn't easy and wasn't always fun but he cared not about that he needed something else besides the drugs-"I'm an addict i have coke meth and alcohol problems and I'm only 17 y-you'd be helping me! PLEASE!" @KaalysBR

i hear him pleading, I walk over to see him pleading "Being a werewolf is not the answer, you would kill without want. If seen werewolves kill there whole family and promptly kill themselves out of disgust" I say before slapping him "Snap the fuck out of it"

@KaalysBR @Dragasis
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-he grabbed the pastor by the shirt think of himself strong enough to temper with a vampire even though his cheek was cut open from the slap. Theo's eyes were bloodshot and his skin was pale but he was muscular...then his grip loosened and he began to choke and cry looked down then back into the pastors eyes-"I have no family..."-he fell slowly to his knees once more asb if he were defeated still crying-"I have no one...to love"-now down on hi hands and knees sobbing so that his tears would hit the floor-"AND NOBODY LOVES ME!"-he yelled this and threw a punch at the wall-

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