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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


I sigh "forgive me lord" I lunge at the sleeping man, trying to go through Sapphire. I don't want to hurt her, but the very thought of drinking the human dry makes me commit to my actions.
Sapphire half shifted as AJ launched at the man,claws appearing in her fingers and her eyes turning yellow and animal like. She grabbed him tightly and pushed him back,knowing that he would try to attack her.

"Priest,if you attack this mortal now you will become a monster. You are too young to contain yourself once you taste the blood. Please don't do this."

She whispered a wish to Fen'Harel,still holding on the man.

Xan said:
"You're not, I'm just being a bitch," Soren said with a sigh, clinging to the man. "I'm actually hungry, so let's go see what's in the fridge." He lifted his head, gave Crowley a kiss and slide off the bed.
Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? I thought you hated bagged blood." Crowley threw the covers off of him and went after his boyfriend in his boxers.

I grab my head and try to calm down "Ok.. Ok I, I don't know what came over me" I say looking at her "sorry about that"
Sapphire sighed with some relief once she saw the reason coming back to the priest's eyes.

"Your desire is inevitable.The way you control it is what matters.You never told me your name,immortal. I am Sapphire."

She held his hand and pulled him downstairs,hoping to keep him away from the human.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what? I thought you hated bagged blood." Crowley threw the covers off of him and went after his boyfriend in his boxers.

"I don't hate bagged blood, I just don't like it. I come from a place where we always had fresh so, of course, I'm not used to anything else." Soren said, padding down the halls, carefully peering around corners. He wasn't sure where the manor's new members were and he didn't care to run into them so soon again, given he hadn't acquired a very good first impression. "You complained of being bitten, maybe this is my punishment, no?" He said cheekily, entering the kitchen and throwing open the fridge door.

"Names AJ, but in these parts it's apparently 'priest'" I say calming "What do you mean by control? Aren't you a werewolf, your not the first I've seen but your defiantly the most friendly."
Xan said:
"I don't hate bagged blood, I just don't like it. I come from a place where we always had fresh so, of course, I'm not used to anything else." Soren said, padding down the halls, carefully peering around corners. He wasn't sure where the manor's new members were and he didn't care to run into them so soon again, given he hadn't acquired a very good first impression. "You complained of being bitten, maybe this is my punishment, no?" He said cheekily, entering the kitchen and throwing open the fridge door.
"You are such a tease, you know that?" Crowley says, as he ran down the halls after him. "Do you want me to say it? Because I will."
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Libra259 said:
"That may be my target in the future. However that is not my objective now. That is my business and I prefer that it stays that way.." Claudine replies. She wasnt sure what this suppose pendant could do but she knew her mother intended to give it to her on her seventeenth birthday, when her powers manifested. She considered that it could be a eay to control them, amplify them, ir maybe it didnt have to do with her powers at all.
"Well, I wish you good luck. If you would like help, simply call. Have a good evening, Red. And try not to get eaten, alright?" he winked at her, and would quickly disappear intoo another hallway. The fuck was that?! Try not to get eaten? I'm such an idiot! Jacques would smack himself in the face. He felt embarrassed, and had a fluttery feeling in this gut. What's wrong with me? He thought to himself, as he heades towards the front of the house. He found an empty bedroom, and entered. Inside was a large four poster bed, a dresser, an empty trunk, and a large closet. I need to call Nedry. I'll do it tomorrow night. It's almost daybreak anyway. And with that, Jacques would flop onto the bed, and fall asleep.
Sapphire turned to him with a short nod. Her fingers felt very hot against the coldness of his hand.

AJ. It is a pleasure to meet you,although I wish it were under better circumstances. What I mean by desire is your wish to kill humans and drink their blood. You can control it,although it may be hard. When I am in full werewolf form,I also have the desire to end all life around me." Her eyebrows went up at the mention of her being friendly. "Thank you. I guess my clan differs a bit from other werewolves. We are devoted to peace,not slaughter. You are also gentle for a vampire."

They arrived downstairs and she seemed uncomfortable,although she kept standing with pride.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"You are such a tease, you know that?" Crowley says, as he ran down the halls after him. "Do you want me to say it? Because I will."

"Say what? 'I'm sorry Soren, I won't complain about your fundamental instincts anymore'? Well, you're completely free to do that, I won't stop you." He grinned, pulling out a bag and shaking it at Crowley. The vampire wondered if it would look pretentious if he put it in a cup- most people just drank it from the bag. He was more a cup person.

I nod "Well I used to kill vampires regulary then I was over my head here and nearly got drained. That and I was turned, but I was a pastor that shot vampires. I just try to be peaceful, I'm more than happy to crack some skulls" I say jokingly
Xan said:
"Say what? 'I'm sorry Soren, I won't complain about your fundamental instincts anymore'? Well, you're completely free to do that, I won't stop you." He grinned, pulling out a bag and shaking it at Crowley. The vampire wondered if it would look pretentious if he put it in a cup- most people just drank it from the bag. He was more a cup person.
Crowley cleared his throat and looked away before quietly saying, "I kinda like it when you bite me.."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley cleared his throat and looked away before quietly saying, "I kinda like it when you bite me.."

Soren looked at him in surprise, that not exactly being what he expected Crowley to say. Then he burst into laughter.

"Of course you do- I'm sorry dear- some vampires have a sort of venom that makes enjoyable like that, I being one of them- well, actually it's a whole Nyström family thing, but I thought it only worked on humans." He said, wiping the corner of his eye, honestly baffled. He hadn't meant to laugh like that, really, and to make it better he hugged Crowley tightly. "Unless it's merely a you thing, in which case, I suppose that works as well."
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Well, I wish you good luck. If you would like help, simply call. Have a good evening, Red. And try not to get eaten, alright?" he winked at her, and would quickly disappear intoo another hallway. The fuck was that?! Try not to get eaten? I'm such an idiot! Jacques would smack himself in the face. He felt embarrassed, and had a fluttery feeling in this gut. What's wrong with me? He thought to himself, as he heades towards the front of the house. He found an empty bedroom, and entered. Inside was a large four poster bed, a dresser, an empty trunk, and a large closet. I need to call Nedry. I'll do it tomorrow night. It's almost daybreak anyway. And with that, Jacques would flop onto the bed, and fall asleep.

Claudine raised an eyebrow at his staement. Try not to get eaten... Eh that kinda already happened.. She thought but nodded, waved, and bid Jack goodbye. The girl didnt think much of the wink she received from the vampire and continued to venture around the mansion silently. Yes she was still paranoid out of her mind and she swore her heart was gonna beat out of her chest but hopefully she looked better than she felt.
Yappi said:
I nod, her hand feels warm. Over time I start to realize that I do feel cold. So this is what it feels like to be dead... "Well I used to kill vampires regulary then I was over my head here and nearly got drained. That and I was turned, but I was a pastor that shot vampires. I just try to be peaceful, I'm more than happy to crack some skulls" I say jokingly
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"I've killed as well,but only when a threat is offered to mortals. Some vampires and werewolves destroy entire villages. Killing is necessary to maintain the peace."

Sapphire sat in a bench by the kitchen,taking a deep breath as she leaned against the wall. She felt tired,unused to speak with someone for so long.

Dragasis said:
-Theo had silently been observing the conversation acting a drunk from ten feet away he highlighted key details like the rose and her fear speach then sobered up to comunicate- @Libra259 @Dalamus Ulom

(How'd he teleport from the front of the house to sneaking up behind a vampire and a human, than have said vampire walk by without noticing him? Nevermind, I don't really want to know)

Jacques had been so infatuated with Red that he completly ignored the fact that he was being stalked by some guy.
Xan said:
Soren looked at him in surprise, that not exactly being what he expected Crowley to say. Then he burst into laughter.
"Of course you do- I'm sorry dear- some vampires have a sort of venom that makes enjoyable like that, I being one of them- well, actually it's a whole Nyström family thing, but I thought it only worked on humans." He said, wiping the corner of his eye, honestly baffled. He hadn't meant to laugh like that, really, and to make it better he hugged Crowley tightly. "Unless it's merely a you thing, in which case, I suppose that works as well."
"I really hate you sometimes." Crowley said, now thoroughly embarrassed.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]

(How'd he teleport from the front of the house to sneaking up behind a vampire and a human, than have said vampire walk by without noticing him? Nevermind, I don't really want to know)

Jacques had been so infatuated with Red that he completly ignored the fact that he was being stalked by some guy.

Claudine had thought she sensed another presence so she spoke. "I know your there. Exactly why don't you come out? And why watch us." The young girl asks while stopping but not looking around. Creep, was the first thing she thought.

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KaalysBR said:
"I've killed as well,but only when a threat is offered to mortals. Some vampires and werewolves destroy entire villages. Killing is necessary to maintain the peace."
Sapphire sat in a bench by the kitchen,taking a deep breath as she leaned against the wall. She felt tired,unused to speak with someone for so long.


"So I guess I really am 'Dead' huh, I can't say it's exiting but it feels wierd being so cold." I say smiling, but it turns into a frown "yea but I was... One sided, I killed vampires for the simple fact that they were vampires. Even the peaceful ones, looking back it was murder. So I guess this is some sort of punishment"

Libra259 said:
Claudine had thought she sensed another presence so she spoke. "I know your there. Exactly why don't you come out? And why watch us." The young girl asks while stopping but not looking around. Creep, was the first thing she thought.
-He quickly approached her and and with a blush for he was in the presence of a lady-" I - uh " -He had no excuse -
Dragasis said:
(i was in a room read back to my conversation with AJ) @Dalamus Ulom
(Still does not explain how he magically appeared behind them from towards the front of the house, while they were in the middle of the house)

Jacques continues to sleep

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