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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


I grab a shotgun off the wall and load it with silver pellets using gloves "Ya want to test that?"
To be fully honest she hadnt heard what the guy had been saying to her. She suddenly felt odd, yes she was tired but this was not exhaustion. She felt compelled to something in the library. What she assumed to be the pendant. So for most of the night the girl wandered around the library trying to use that feeling as a sort of gps in a way. Though unfortunately she ended falling asleep in a chair while reading a book. (Sorry i didnt answer! I was sleeping xD )
Sapphire put one hand on the top of the shotgun,lowering it lightly.

"I don't...think that is necessary. Just give him some times to waste all that energy."

She shifted lightly in the bed,holding her side that still hadn't fully revealed.

Xan said:
Soren yelped, suddenly on the floor, on top of Crowley. Oops. He kind of sat up. "Oh! Are you ok?" He said, sitting on the demon's stomach.
The devil gave a toothy grin before sitting up as much as he could with Soren on his stomach. "I've been better. Doesn't really help with you sitting on me right now." Crowley said as he laid his head back down. "Why do you have to be so cute all of the time?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]The devil gave a toothy grin before sitting up as much as he could with Soren on his stomach. "I've been better. Doesn't really help with you sitting on me right now." Crowley said as he laid his head back down. "Why do you have to be so cute all of the time?"

"I'm not sure I'm doing on purpose, or if there's a reason for it." He said, standing up and offering a hand to Crowley to pull him up. "I would call it vampiric charm."

"bah, your right, im sorry about.... feeding on the poor sap. I just walked in to get some guns for hunting and seeing him alseep just struck me as too much of a opportunity to miss" i say ashamed

-he went from happy and playful and jumping to what could only be known as a predatory attitude his eyes shifted from ice blue to a bright yellow , his skin began to disappear or blend ( every vampire has unique power right?) His clothes then dropped to the ground and all that was visible were the snake like eyes floating around that began to move, he smelt Claudia and was now for her blood-
"You saved his life,he would have died." Sapphire noticed the change in the vampire's skin and pushed herself up with some difficulty and wincing at the pain. "Okay,that could be a problem. We can't let him attack any humans. He won't control himself."


"ok" i say in a deadpan tone as i shoot his kneecap, i track him with ease. "and dont cry about it, tis only a flesh wound" i say laughing, i use my power and manipulate the air around my fist to add more force to my punch knocking him on the ground

@KaalysBR @Dragasis
- he had respect for the house so he didn't blow the door down instead he opened it , he slightly was aware of what he was doing but had no clue what he was capable of- " I lust for the red"
(how is he moving with AJ blocking his way and shot in the knee ill never know, hes not wolverine)
( sorry i dint read that ~_~) - after he was shot and then punched it took him three seconds to get back up his sent was then eliminated along with the visibility of his eyes he took light steps avoiding any noise possible but he could not hold this for long- @Yappi @KaalysBR

i lean back "that was.. new" i spin some air in my hand and tilt my head "Thats neat... i wonder if i can" I try to stop the air around me, but its only short range. (like a foot around my fist)
Xan said:
"I'm not sure I'm doing on purpose, or if there's a reason for it." He said, standing up and offering a hand to Crowley to pull him up. "I would call it vampiric charm."
Crowley took Soren's hand, but instead of lifting himself up with it, he pulled the vampire down next to him, before kissing him lightly on the lips. "I told you that I would get you back." The demon said with a smile.
Sapphire opened her mouth to speak again,but suddenly she stopped. Her eyes turned yellow as she stood immobile,looking through the window with no expression in her face.

"There is a wild werewolf nearby,and he is attacking a village of humans. I'm taking him down."

She pulled her crossbow from her back and jumped through the window,landing gracefully in her feet. She didn't look back to see whether AJ was following her or not.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley took Soren's hand, but instead of lifting himself up with it, he pulled the vampire down next to him, before kissing him lightly on the lips. "I told you that I would get you back." The demon said with a smile.

Soren hissed quietly as he went down, falling on his knees. He was tempted to bite Crowley, but managed to not do it. "Oh you got me." He said playfully, hitting the demon in the chest.
Xan said:
Soren hissed quietly as he went down, falling on his knees. He was tempted to bite Crowley, but managed to not do it. "Oh you got me." He said playfully, hitting the demon in the chest.
Crowley sat up and tilted his head. "Go to town, baby." The demon said, before giving him a smile.
Sapphire ran with blinding speed,rushing towards the place where she could smell the wild werwolf.

The first thing she felt was the smell of blood,and cursed loudly for not arriving sooner. The screams of terrified humans resonated through the village,and she noticed why they were running.

The werewolf standing in the middle of town was huge. It howled loudly,turning to meet then and jumping at Sapphire.

The monster was suddenly kicked away and the sounds of clothes tearing could be heard. Sapphire stood in her wolf form,growling loudly.


[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Crowley sat up and tilted his head. "Go to town, baby." The demon said, before giving him a smile.

"Don't tell me that, I might accidentally rip your throat out," he joked, kicking the door shut because what's the point of going somewhere private if you just leave the door open. He gently bit down on Crowley's neck, drinking and wondering if it ever occurred to him that Soren could drink from other places, for example, a wrist. Guess not.
Sapphire and the wild werewolf surrounded each other,growing threateningly. She took the first swing by jumping at it,biting it's leg strongly.

The werewolf growled and hit her with it's head,sending her flying backwards. It seemed to feel the scent of a vampire as it turned around and jumped at AJ,swinging it's claws at him.

Sapphire took the distraction to jump forward and bite it's neck.

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