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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Sapphire sighed with happiness once she felt the hot water fall over her shoulders,touching her forehead against the wall lightly. She stayed in there for as long as she could before turning off the shower and standing in front of the mirror.

Her hair was a mess,so she fixed it quickly with a brush. The red colour seemed to surface after she was done,and she took a quick look at her scars before pulling a black dress over her body,and cloak over her shoulders. She didn't want to attract attention,so no armor tonight.

Leaving the bathroom,she took a glance at AJ and smiled.

"Let me know when you want to leave."


"Let's go, Im ready" I put a handgun in my pocket and get my coat on. I nudge my head to the door, I hold it open for her.
(@FireMaiden I completely missed that post.)

Lucian nodded and held onto Val's hand,gesturing to the door.

"Let's go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Then you can tell me more about your mother and why do you think she left. I will tell you more about myself too."
Sapphire had a playful pull to her lips as she watched AJ hold the door open to her. Chivalry was apparently not dead. She walked out and headed for city,walking besides AJ until the entrance came in view.

When they finally arrived at the doors,the city seemed unusually quiet,which was good. Less trouble for them to run into. She randomly choose a bar and walked inside,asking for some pure vodka for herself. The bartender nodded and smirked.

"Sure,baby. Be right back."

- he was left in the house and had no idea whathe could do or if he could control it anyways so he took a finger pushed it threw the wall then smiled as he began to experiment with his abilities- @KaalysBR @Yappi

I walk into the bar "bottle of jack" I put the money down on the counter, the bartender looked at the priest with disgust when he got it from under the counter and took the money. I pour a shot and drink I laying the glasses down to make a pyramid
KaalysBR said:
(@FireMaiden I completely missed that post.)
Lucian nodded and held onto Val's hand,gesturing to the door.

"Let's go outside and take a breath of fresh air. Then you can tell me more about your mother and why do you think she left. I will tell you more about myself too."
"Yeah, yeah, let's go," She said with a sigh.
Sapphire stared at the bartender when he placed a single shot in front of her. The man laughed and left the entire bottle there instead.

She suddenly felt a hand grab at her hips and turned around,smashing the bottle against the face of the man who had tried to grab her. Glass flew everywhere and the man walked away,holding his bloody face in his hands.

"Fenedhis lasa,shemlen! Bring me another bottle,please."


"Here I'll cover it" another -hic- bottle of vodka for the lady her" I say hand in him some money.
- he had just put his head out the window for a second and could already tell were sapphire and the pastor had gone he leaped from the window crouched got ready to run-"Hmm how fast am i now?"-there was a clear 102 yard shot to the forest from a medow... he ran the ground of were his feet originally rested flung up and along with every foot he laid the same would happen he ran so fast every long blade of grass stuck to him. He stopped three seconds after he began and was already at the other end of the medow he ran his fingers through his hair and began to laugh hysterically. The power was getting to his head as he watched the grass fall from him-"Even the military couldn't stop...Me."
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Alright, I'll start looking around," Jack would begin to look around the library, looking in every nook and cranny.

Claudine did the same and got the same compelling feeling. She followed this time ending up im the very back of the library. She cocks her head in confusion as she feels it the most in front of this certain bookshelf. But it obviously wasnt there.. The girl began to look behind books and such. This is so cliché but secret door? That would fit this mansion.. And soon enough she pulled a book that read, 'Levers and Secret Doors' and the whole bookshelf retracted into the wall and revealed a pathway. Claudine's mouth just drops open. So damn cliché! Ugh! She thought. "Um I found a very cliché secret passage/door.." She said with a sigh. She'd seen everything now..
Sapphire chuckled,the alcohol starting to work already. Her cheeks started to look rosy because of the drinking.

"Don't worry...I have more money than I look like."

She grabbed the bottle and drank it straight from there. Leaning against AJ,she chuckled a bit.

You're not too bad for a priest,you know."



Lucian followed Val outside,jumping the last steps like usually. He sat on the front of the house,his back against the door.

"All right. Tell me more about yourself. And your family."


Libra259 said:
Claudine did the same and got the same compelling feeling. She followed this time ending up im the very back of the library. She cocks her head in confusion as she feels it the most in front of this certain bookshelf. But it obviously wasnt there.. The girl began to look behind books and such. This is so cliché but secret door? That would fit this mansion.. And soon enough she pulled a book that read, 'Levers and Secret Doors' and the whole bookshelf retracted into the wall and revealed a pathway. Claudine's mouth just drops open. So damn cliché! Ugh! She thought. "Um I found a very cliché secret passage/door.." She said with a sigh. She'd seen everything now..
"Oh, you did? Interesting," Jack said. He looked at the book she had pulled and laughed a little. "Levers and Secret Doors? Someone wasn't very original.. C'mon, let's check it out," He said, before stepping foreward into the secret passage.
Dragasis said:
- he had just put his head out the window for a second and could already tell were sapphire and the pastor had gone he leaped from the window crouched got ready to run-"Hmm how fast am i now?"-there was a clear 102 yard shot to the forest from a medow... he ran the ground of were his feet originally rested flung up and along with every foot he laid the same would happen he ran so fast every long blade of grass stuck to him. He stopped three seconds after he began and was already at the other end of the medow he ran his fingers through his hair and began to laugh hysterically. The power was getting to his head as he watched the grass fall from him-"Even the military couldn't stop...Me."
@KaalysBR @Yappi
KaalysBR said:
Sapphire chuckled,the alcohol starting to work already. Her cheeks started to look rosy because of the drinking.
"Don't worry...I have more money than I look like."

She grabbed the bottle and drank it straight from there. Leaning against AJ,she chuckled a bit.

You're not too bad for a priest,you know."



Lucian followed Val outside,jumping the last steps like usually. He sat on the front of the house,his back against the door.

"All right. Tell me more about yourself. And your family."



"Your not to bad yourself" I say before taking another shot finishing the pyramid
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Oh, you did? Interesting," Jack said. He looked at the book she had pulled and laughed a little. "Levers and Secret Doors? Someone wasn't very original.. C'mon, let's check it out," He said, before stepping foreward into the secret passage.

Claudine chuckled and also stepped into the secret passage.
KaalysBR said:
Lucian followed Val outside,jumping the last steps like usually. He sat on the front of the house,his back against the door.
"All right. Tell me more about yourself. And your family."

"When I was born I was a bit to weak for a vampire. I was mostly human. I guess what little vamp DNA I got keep me from dying when I got sick. I had a brain tumor and I got small pox. Bella...who had been a family friend for awhile, awakened my vampire blood, and turned me the rest of they way. As I was recovering, my human family was killed. Three little brothers, a sister, and my parents. Bella took me in, trained, and I don't know," Val said sighing.
Libra259 said:
Claudine chuckled and also stepped into the secret passage.
(Oh, I need to describe it? Okay xD )

Jack would step foreward. There was a short passage that led to a stairway. He would begin down it.
Sapphire shifted to a more straight position,her head turning a bit because of the drinking. She could hear faint sounds of running through the forest,which made her frown.

"Can you hear that?" She put her head against the surface of the table they were sat in. "I think our friend is having some fun. I'm too drunk to deal with this."

KaalysBR said:
Sapphire shifted to a more straight position,her head turning a bit because of the drinking. She could hear faint sounds of running through the forest,which made her frown.
"Can you hear that?" She put her head against the surface of the table they were sat in. "I think our friend is having some fun. I'm too drunk to deal with this."


I laugh "your talking like I'm not"
-he awkwardly walked into a bank in the town his friends were in he had trouble containing himself but his plan was so great he had to.. when he got to the front of the line he began to flirt-"Hey I came for a bank teller but I'm seeing an angle here i mean can i get some assistance?"-the woman behind the counter of an age pf 27 i nice life a simple one a pet owner she was single and busty giggled and flirted back-' Well i suppose you have to deal sugar... how can I help you?"-he smirked and leaned forward -"I'd like to make a transaction"-she got out a note-' yep and what are we looking to take out?'-he slammed his hands down breaking the table-"EIGHT PINTS"
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom](Oh, I need to describe it? Okay xD )
Jack would step foreward. There was a short passage that led to a stairway. He would begin down it.

(You took that upon yourself when you went in first xP) Claudine looked around and instead of going down the staircase put her hands on the left side. She felt the compelling feeling again and her hands began to glow a faint white light. Cool.. She thought and pushed the wall. Um I didnt think id ever push a wall or walk through a secret passage... Or yet again meet any supernatural. She'd retracted her hands and the wall would move to reveal a room. "Ive found another room!" She exclaims and walks in. The room was rather small with a statue of a women who looked much like Claudine herself in the center of the room. Mom... On the statues neck was the pendant she was looking for. "Way to be clique mom.." She mutters.

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