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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Libra259 said:
(You took that upon yourself when you went in first xP) Claudine looked around and instead of going down the staircase put her hands on the left side. She felt the compelling feeling again and her hands began to glow a faint white light. Cool.. She thought and pushed the wall. Um I didnt think id ever push a wall or walk through a secret passage... Or yet again meet any supernatural. She'd retracted her hands and the wall would move to reveal a room. "Ive found another room!" She exclaims and walks in. The room was rather small with a statue of a women who looked much like Claudine herself in the center of the room. Mom... On the statues neck was the pendant she was looking for. "Way to be clique mom.." She mutters.
"Cool," Jack said, following her in. "That's your mother? You look a lot like her. Is that necklace what you've been looking for?"
-the lady screamed as Theo classed to her neck draining her a hair away from death, he felt pings on his back little Shapiro tingles and loud bangs he laughed hysterical as he realized they were bullets. He immediately stoped laughed as he turned and charged towards the middle gaurd taking out his heart, snapping the middle guard's neck and picking the last one up by his shirt then carried him out the door after he plainly walked through the glass-"Ready for a ride?"- he replied- ' p-please I HAVE A FAMILY'-theo hushed him-"i don't fucking care........."-after a brief pause theo lunged into the air spotted the bar sapphire and AJ were in and flung the man with great force at it-" ILL VISIT THEM BROSEF! "
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Cool," Jack said, following her in. "That's your mother? You look a lot like her. Is that necklace what you've been looking for?"

Claudine nods, "yes I didnt figure it would be in a place like this." She says and carefully takes it off the statues neck. "Well thanks for the help." She says with a smile.
Lucian nodded to Val,holding her hands in a comforting manner. His tale wasn't too diffferent,at least not on the losing family part.

"I'm sorry about your family,I know how that pain is. I'm a bit...older than you. To put it mildly. When I was born,the world was divided between the houses of different vampires. Mine was one of the strongest,but even we couldn't hold against the black magic they threw at us. I managed to survive somehow,but I don't know exactly how. I gained my powers from the black magic used against us."

Everytime Lucian looked back at his own tale,something seemed to be missing.

Sapphire gasped when she saw what Theo lauching a guard at them. She jumped forward and grabbed the man,rolling around so he wouldn't be wounded. She stood up and launched herself to where Theo was,grabbing him by the neck and pinning him against the ground. The alcohol made her angrier.

"What in the name of Fen'Harel do you think you're doing? AJ gave you a second life but I can take that away from you!"


"Don't" I walk close to him "Even as I vampire, I still have to kill em huh. I'm going to give you one chance, don't cross this line" I draw a line with my foot "Beuase kid, I have killed vampires 1000 years older than you as a human. So try me bitch"
-he spat in sapphire's face and grunted attempting to get away but his strength was gone and the sun or strong source of light was beating down on him that and an expected punch from sapphire would knock him out for a bit he needed to be restrained like chains and cage restrained he was so blood thirsty we would attempt to go for the bloodless when he awoke from the punch probably coming- @KaalysBR @Yappi
Sapphire cleaned the spit from her face,completely unfazed by it. She turned her leg backwards and kicked Theo in the middle of his forehead with all of her strenght,sending him flying until he crashed into a wall.

"I guess drinking day is over. We need to get this idiot back to the house and throw him in the basement."

@Dragasis @Yappi
"Because you are his Sire,and I am your friend. He is our responsibility now,and deserves a second change. If he does something like this again,you can shoot him."

walked to Theo's uncouncious body,struggling a bit with his weight as she was only using her human strenght.

"Can you help me?"

@Yappi @Dragasis
Libra259 said:
Claudine nods, "yes I didnt figure it would be in a place like this." She says and carefully takes it off the statues neck. "Well thanks for the help." She says with a smile.
"I'm glad I could help you, Red," Jack said, smiling lightly at her.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"I'm glad I could help you, Red," Jack said, smiling lightly at her.

Claudine places the pendant around her neck. Ive found what I came here for.. I guess I can finally go now. "Well I suppose I should be heading off now. A human doesnt belong in a mansion full of supernaturals." She says then walks out of the room, "though it was nice to meet you."
Libra259 said:
Claudine places the pendant around her neck. Ive found what I came here for.. I guess I can finally go now. "Well I suppose I should be heading off now. A human doesnt belong in a mansion full of supernaturals." She says then walks out of the room, "though it was nice to meet you."
"So where are you going to go now? You said before that you might try to find the rose garden,"
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"So where are you going to go now? You said before that you might try to find the rose garden,"

"I meant on a later date. Just back to my village." Claudine says says while walking back into the library.
Xan said:
Soren just stands there, realizing that this motherfucker is tired now and he's wide awake.
(Sorry. I was at my brother's lacrosse game. You've gotta be supportive of family sometimes.)

"What?" Crowley said, turning over to look at Soren. "Wait. Lemme guess. I gave you access energy from my blood, didn't I?"
Libra259 said:
"I meant on a later date. Just back to my village." Claudine says says while walking back into the library.
"Will I see you again?" Jack said, sad that she was leaving so soon
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Will I see you again?" Jack said, sad that she was leaving so soon

"I don't know? You would want to see me again?" Claudine asks dumbfolded. She didnt see why he would want to see her again it just didnt make sense in her mind.
Libra259 said:
"I don't know? You would want to see me again?" Claudine asks dumbfolded. She didnt see why he would want to see her again it just didnt make sense in her mind.
"Yes. I would love to see you again. Could we perhaps meet somewhere?"
"Sire means that you are the one who made him a vampire. You now share a connection."

Sapphire ran to the woman in the ground,gently pushing her hair away so she could check her wounds. She cleaned the wound in her neck quickly before applying some bandages to it.

"We need to leave,more guards will be here soon." She jumped out of the bar and towards the forest.

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[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"Yes. I would love to see you again. Could we perhaps meet somewhere?"

"Ah if you'd like to sure I suppose." Claudine replies with a smile. "But where?"

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