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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Libra259 said:
"Ah if you'd like to sure I suppose." Claudine replies with a smile. "But where?"
"A local resturant? I think it was called The Crystal Bistro. Would that work for you? Say, tomorrow night?"
Sapphire entered the house and ran to the basement,not paying attention to the amount of noise they were making. She opened one of the cages and set the handcuffs and chains.

"This is going to be cruel,but we're going to leave him here until he calms down. He is going to begin to starve,but that's he only way."

A hiccup burst out of her after she was done.

[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"A local resturant? I think it was called The Crystal Bistro. Would that work for you? Say, tomorrow night?"

"Ok that sounds good. Cya then." Claudine agrees and bids him farewell. Then she heads towards the door.
Sapphire sighed at the unnecessary violence,grabbing Theo and setting him on the wall. She wrapped the chains tightly around his neck and arms,barely allowing him to move.

"All right...that is done with." She turned back to AJ,her cheeks blushing. There was a different light upon her eyes. "I'm really drunk,so don't blame me for this. I need to relax."

She suddenly stepped forward and grabbed AJ,kissing him deeply before she pushed him away lightly and stumbled up the stairs.

Libra259 said:
"Ok that sounds good. Cya then." Claudine agrees and bids him farewell. Then she heads towards the door.
"Let me take you to the front door," Jack would say following behind her. "If they know you're with me, no one should try to harm you,"

"Blame you f-" I go frozen at the kiss, I smirk "You know they say your more honest when your drunk!" I yell jokingly before laughing, I sit down and pul the knife out. I stumble upstairs and sit down trying to relax.
"Ah ok? Thanks." Claudine says. How odd.. I didn't expect this to happen at all.. But lifes full of surprises.. She thought as they arrived at the door. She opened it and looked at Jack. "Well cya." She says and walks out while waving.
Libra259 said:
"Ah ok? Thanks." Claudine says. How odd.. I didn't expect this to happen at all.. But lifes full of surprises.. She thought as they arrived at the door. She opened it and looked at Jack. "Well cya." She says and walks out while waving.
"Goodbye," Jack said, smiling and waving. After a few moments, he would close the door. Did I really just ask her on a date? What is happening to me? He would think to himself. He was so confused, and his head hurt. But he was also happy. Happier than he had ever felt before in all his years. So this is love? I think I can get used to this. His smiled widened, until he heard chains rattling in the basement. He got up, and walked down the stairs into the basement. He found Theo inside a cage, chained up. And he was a vampire. Jack was angry. This was his rival for Red, now given immortality by some fucking idiot. He smelled the air, and he recognized the scent. The werewolf and...... "AJ."

@Yappi @KaalysBR @Dragasis
(Oh boy looks like ole theo gonna be the last one to smash ) -he awoke about 30 minutes later vision was hazy he felt like fried shit , he smelt the rust from the metal off of the cuffs and chains and bars an almost completely awake he started to panic but stopped-"Well Theo you have three options... Be good and get out , be bad an most likely die or... three"-he pulled his right arm but little to no luck the screws in the wall moved half a centimeter he gave up-"We-e-e-ell FUCK!" @Yappi @KaalysBR
Dragasis said:
(Oh boy looks like ole theo gonna be the last one to smash ) -he awoke about 30 minutes later vision was hazy he felt like fried shit , he smelt the rust from the metal off of the cuffs and chains and bars an almost completely awake he started to panic but stopped-"Well Theo you have three options... Be good and get out , be bad an most likely die or... three"-he pulled his right arm but little to no luck the screws in the wall moved half a centimeter he gave up-"We-e-e-ell FUCK!" @Yappi @KaalysBR
Jack was still in the room, looking at Theo. Staring directly at him. "AJ! Get the fuck down here! NOW!" Jack would shout up the stairs.

@Yappi @Dragasis

i hear him pulling on the chains, i go downstairs drunk. i pull out my silver knife and walk to him. I see Theo "i can explain, i was going to kill him but Sapphire stopped me" i say with a grin. i jam the silver knife into Theos chest "now just let that sit and that will start stinging like a bitch for the rest of his immortal life"
Claudine walks from the mansion and into the woods. Did he just ask me on a date?.. And I agreed? Oh wow.. She thought while heading towards her village.

(What village was that werewolf attack? Sincd I didnt think there were many villages around xD )
Yappi said:
i hear him pulling on the chains, i go downstairs drunk. i pull out my silver knife and walk to him. I see Theo "i can explain, i was going to kill him but Sapphire stopped me" i say with a grin. i jam the silver knife into Theos chest "now just let that sit and that will start stinging like a bitch for the rest of his immortal life"
"Why did you turn him? You're not even through your first night of being a vampire, yet here you are, making a sire!"

"meh,i was going to kill him. That and he was right there... sleeping!" i say as i twist the knife
FireMaiden said:
"When I was born I was a bit to weak for a vampire. I was mostly human. I guess what little vamp DNA I got keep me from dying when I got sick. I had a brain tumor and I got small pox. Bella...who had been a family friend for awhile, awakened my vampire blood, and turned me the rest of they way. As I was recovering, my human family was killed. Three little brothers, a sister, and my parents. Bella took me in, trained, and I don't know," Val said sighing.
Yappi said:
"meh,i was going to kill him. That and he was right there... sleeping!" i say as i twist the knife
"I trusted you to control yourself, AJ. There was plenty of blood in the fridge to sustain you. I know a man, a fellow child of mine, who survives solely on blood packs. And yet here we are, you stabbing your child as I watch. You should be ashamed of yourself. Besides, silver doesn't do anything special to vampires. At least, none related to me,"

@Yappi @Dragasis
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"There was plenty reason for me not to drink from him... but i didnt think like that at the time. I am ashamed, Im just good at hiding it. I dont understand this Sire business and lastly i didn't fucking ask to be a vampire, he did! I gave it to him because he asked for it and i was hungry." i say before throwing the knife to the ground and walking out of the basement. i go to my room and sit down on the ground thinking about what happened, i take off my collar and throw it out the window out of anger.
Yappi said:
"There was plenty reason for me not to drink from him... but i didnt think like that at the time. I am ashamed, Im just good at hiding it. I dont understand this Sire business and lastly i didn't fucking ask to be a vampire, he did! I gave it to him because he asked for it and i was hungry." i say before throwing the knife to the ground and walking out of the basement. i go to my room and sit down on the ground thinking about what happened, i take off my collar and throw it out the window out of anger.
Jack sighed. This was spiraling out of control to fast for him to handle. He would get up, and close and lock the cages door, then go upstairs. He would go to his room, and lie down on his bed. This is a fucking mess...
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A bit later Claudine arrives at her village and sighs. She looks around and heads towards the library. "Can I stay here? I dont have a home anymore." Claudine asks. "Of course you can." The library says and Claudine smile. "Thanks." She says and smiles.
Libra259 said:
A bit later Claudine arrives at her village and sighs. She looks around and heads towards the library. "Can I stay here? I dont have a home anymore." Claudine asks. "Of course you can." The library says and Claudine smile. "Thanks." She says and smiles.
(Sentient buildings. Who knew? xD )
@Libra259 (Made a new Char so accept it if its alright i guess)


"God dammit, Sapphire i love ya but you should a let me kill the bastard" i say to myself, i stand up and i sit on the window frame, I chuckle lightly. i sit down with one leg hanging off and letting the brisk wind go across my body. The snow blows into my room but i dont feel it, my eyes are closed and the cold encloses me.


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