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Fandom Bleach -- New Awakening -- (OOC)

Great, I'll see about doing my character hopefully in the next couple of day. Have to admit I'm a bit sick and out of it so not sure when.
Just letting everyone know there is one or two changes i have done to the cs. Sorry, it is just adding a couple of things.
Alright feeling a bit better today. Not sure if I want to rehash my one character or not given she was fun. Well two characters technically but my Espada wouldn't probably fit as a regular arrancar very well... she could but it seems a little strange because of the idea behind her. A quincy could be fun too I always had an idea for one I never got to do though it feels a little out of place... gah always so hard deciding!
Eagershadow3 Eagershadow3
If you wish to make the substitute Shinigami, you're still going to have to be apart of a squad and everything. I probably am not going to be having the 'Ichigo' thing in this one.
Should I find reference pictures for my character. I'm not much of an artist and can't really draw what my Arrancar looks like.
Should I find reference pictures for my character. I'm not much of an artist and can't really draw what my Arrancar looks like.
Did you try searching a bit? You can find a few arrancar out there. Not a for sure find but it's an option if you like an image
Nothingness Nothingness Not to be annoying... but I'm confused with the stats. Wouldn't Shunpo/Agility/Reflexes in a way be the same thing and if not can it be explained better the difference between Agility and Reflexes in particular. It seems like it would be easier to have Shunpo just as a technique thats likely tide to someones speed, or perhaps having it as Mobility/Agility(or Dexterity) to diferenciate. Given you do have those stats and endurance, shouldn't strength also be a stat as well? I know Close Quarters Combat is a thing though it seems strange Agility wouldn't be included with that since you can be CQC and not be some super strong powerhouse focused on being more agile about it.
Hanarei Hanarei
Hm, do not worry about being 'annoying' it is good to have the thoughts and opinions of fellow Roleplayers since I never had believed I was going to be perfect. Though I did give some thought into what you stated there, hmm..You're correct on the fact that Agility/Reflexes does pretty much fall into the category of Shunpo/Sonido kind of thing. I hadn't thought of adding strength until you kind of brought that up honestly. x.x ^^''
So I mean I might replace those two with Dexterity and Strength instead just because again I really hadn't thought of either one of those. x.x

Squishyness Squishyness
As for your character. You can either go and look up a picture that is similar to the idea you have and if you can find one close enough, you can type up a description underneath the picture to change or add anything that is not already in the picture. If not, if you cannot find anything at all you can type out a full description for your character if it is any easier.
Hanarei Hanarei
Hm, do not worry about being 'annoying' it is good to have the thoughts and opinions of fellow Roleplayers since I never had believed I was going to be perfect. Though I did give some thought into what you stated there, hmm..You're correct on the fact that Agility/Reflexes does pretty much fall into the category of Shunpo/Sonido kind of thing. I hadn't thought of adding strength until you kind of brought that up honestly. x.x ^^''
So I mean I might replace those two with Dexterity and Strength instead just because again I really hadn't thought of either one of those. x.x

Alright. ^^ Its fine I did my own bleach RP with the stats so I had to fumble trying to come up with them. ^^;; Given you have strength it might be good to add something for the Hado side as well, probably just for the limit as far as how much Hado can be used or something a somewhat counterpart to strength. Could be something that works with out techniques as well basically a Magic stat to the strength stat. :P

Another option stat wise I've seen is rather then having like usual stats like Agility/Strength/Ect just have it as the particular areas of combat a character might have. Its less defining of what a character can do but it can simplify it out to "Well your skilled at Close Quarters more then my character so in straight up close quarters you should win". Its a more simplified way of doing things. Having stats being like (Shimigami main example though they can easily apply to quincy/arrancar in many cases)
Zanjutsu (Sword skill) - Typically the most commonly seen and used. Kind of the the traditional "Warrior" class as far as focus
Hakuda (Unarmed Techniques) - Used by second division or a lot by Yoruichi. Often involving special maneuvors and tricks in combat to get an advantage. The more "Rogueish" option
Hoho (Movement) - The place where Shunpo is from and other techniques involving movement (Such as leaving after images). No real strict class closest would be Cavalier :P
Kido (Magic basically :P ) - Obviously where Hado and Bakudo is. Honestly this could be split between the two With hado being the offensive and bakudo being supportive if you want. "Mage/Cleric" side.
Durability - Only one that i could see staying of the stats mostly since its a technique Kenpachi has along with Nnoitra though for arrancar it gets the name Hierro. Its the ability to basically shield the body to be more impervious to harm.
Sensing (Lack of a good name) - Another possible one you could use though I could see it not needing to be a thing. It is touched on in the series characters being able to sense where others are. I could see it being a thing... maybe "Spiritual Control" to factor in more elements in being able to control how much spiritual pressure you exude (making it easier to hide/supress yourself), sensing things, and just general control of your Reitsu.

Naturally you can use any of them you want, none at all, or use some as a basis if you want. Stats are always so tricky to figure out what is best to do in an RP because they are meant to give a scale but they are always so tricky to figure out the best way of doing it. I've done two RPs where I tried to use them and still I don't think I found a great method to do it that is simple to understand and compare but also factors in enough things for the characters. >.<
Hanarei Hanarei
Honestly, i think out of all of those i might only just end up replacing something and using probably durability and keeping endurance since it kind of falls close into the catagory of stamina. As i stated earlier though im probably going to get rid of agility and reflexes and replace it to something along the lines of physical force or strength in other words, and the other to be durability as i had also stated rather than use dexterity since hoho being where shunpo kind of originated from and the idea of hand to hand techniques kind of falls into the category of moreover fighting up close to an enemy due to it being what it is aside from that special technique that soifong has(cant remember the name) in which that can go under the "abilities" section.

I do appreciate the different ideas though. :3 However i cant really change anything at the moment due to being on my phone sucks to type and change posts as well as sending messages and im also at the beach xD
Nothingness Nothingness Its fine. I wasn't demanding changes right now or even saying you had to change anything. :P It's all good, in the end I don't think there is a 'right' answer and its all up to you what you think makes sense. Its only a small detail in the big scheme of things and is just a very basic way of describing what the character is capable of neglecting a lot of the fine details that defines them. ^^
Nothingness Nothingness Sorry to be a pain again, but was talking with someone and got brought up a good point. Can we have a section in regards to the Squads? Mostly something to get an idea of what each squad is about. Like you got the stealth core and all that, but I know some squads had particular themes to how they functioned not just all about their duties (though a lot did have duties listed)
Nothingness Nothingness Sorry to be a pain again, but was talking with someone and got brought up a good point. Can we have a section in regards to the Squads? Mostly something to get an idea of what each squad is about. Like you got the stealth core and all that, but I know some squads had particular themes to how they functioned not just all about their duties (though a lot did have duties listed)
I can do that, though it will most likely being in the 'other' thread linked above with all the different captains and espadas.

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