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Fantasy Blackwood Academy for the Gifted

Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile looked at Chloe in disbelief and sighed, "It's okay, you don't need to understand it, just go with it," Elanile patted Chloe's shoulder.

Elanile walked away from Chloe, leaving the girl stared at her, puzzled with Elanile's babbling. Before she totally left the dormitory, Elanile stopped and turned her body to Chloe, "Oh! By the way, you tasted like banana, you are a stong candidate, Chloe, take care of yourself, bye!"

Elanile now had totally left the dormitory, vanished into fire sparkle and turned into fairy form. What on her head this time was, who am I gonna find now? Let's check the hallway!

Chloe stared after Elanile in an almost shock-like state. I don't need to understand what? Chloe's voice inside her head spoke up. So many questions loomed inside her mind as the small fiery haired girl disappeared just as quickly as she had first shown up. "I don't even know what I don't even know." Chloe spoke to herself as her eyebrows bunched together. Her brain was so baffled by all of the confusion that had just gone on that it didn't register the other girl's parting words until that moment. Chloe's eyes widened. "I taste like bananas?" Looking around her first Chloe raised her arm to her nose and sniffed. She smelled like her usual sweet lemon perfume, not bananas. But then again she had said taste. Wait, when had she tasted me? Chloe thought to herself.

Chloe remained seated on the bench trying to figure out what exactly had just happened.
Alex Kianera

Oh okay.
She said with an almost unrecognizable hint of disappointment in her voice but was quickly taken over by curiosity when she saw the batteries. Hey what are those for? Do you use them for any devices or are they just for show. Sorry if I have been pounding you with my questions. Being half-elf has that effect on me.
Kira was walking around outside still in-joining the scenery it wasn't as great as the forest with all the nature but it was beautiful, Kira looked around but didn't find anyone thinking "of course who's going to be out in this time of the day" so he scratched his head a little because he couldn't sigh but it was peacful out when no one is around so he found a little resting place a bench by the side of a dorm where nobody was and sat looking at the sun going down.

(Again summer school I'll be off till 10:40)
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

The hall was not so full with people, some had gone to the dormitory, some maybe in the cafetaria, but it wasn't lunch time anymore. Elanile stopped and turned into human, she looked around her, she must found new candidate or at least met the candidates to know them better. She crossed her arms and snorted, "No one, no one is interesting enough."

She was almost gave up and wanted to go back to her dormitory until Elanile saw someone sitting on the bench with his mouth... tapped? Is he mute or something, hmm, quiet interesting, she thought to herself and took a notes...

Eighth, the tapped boy @Aqua

Elanile tucked her pen into her ear and walked toward the boy. She bowed to him until her face was extra close to him, "Hello, tapped boy!" Without moving her head, Elanile touched his cheek and tasted him,
he tasted good, hmmm... wow! This boy tasted like mint gum, yummy, my favorite! He just won ten point over the braided girl.

Kira was still sitting on the bench when someone tapped his cheek he jumped a little not knowing what to do since no one touched him or even talk to him, so he looked back at who touched and it was a girl who had all red hair he blushed a little but then realized his scarf was down so he put it back up, after he fixed his scarf he took a note pad out of a bag he always carried just in case and wrote down "hi there" to the girl he thoughts was cute.

@Azula Cross

(Sorry as long as I can make it I'm on brake for summer school right now)
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

"Oh, you're pretty cute," Elanile said as she saw the tapped boy blushing. She then saw the tapped boy took a note pad and wrote down "hi there". Elanile straightening her body and took a seat next to him, "So you are not talking, eh? Okay, I'll go along with you, see this?" Elanile took out her notes too and pointed at it, "I take notes too, but I talk, so I think I will talk to you by writing it down too, okay tapped boy?"

Elanile took out her pen from her ear and started to writing down her question...

1. What is your name?

2. What is your power?

3. Just for your information, you tasted like mint gum, stay healthy and don't forget to take a shower everyday, so you will stay yummy

Elanile showed the tapped boy her notes with 3 questions in it. She glanced at him and said something without sound, "Please answer this."

(Don't worry @Aqua take your time, I don't mind)
Stefanie straightened her back as she self consciously started slipping the batteries back into the box. She was thankful her face was turned away, at least Alex couldn't see her cheeks turn a vibrant shade of red. Was it not normal to collect things? "Um... They don't really serve a purpose." She said, having to put in an effort to sound bored this time. "And it's perfectly fine. I really do enjoy these talks." Maybe that sarcasm was a little uncalled for, but Stefanie really was trying to learn the habits of normal people and she hated making mistakes like this. The television shows, movies, and books were completely unreliable in real life, so this was uncharted territory, and she already felt like she had crashed and burned.
[QUOTE="The Haygor]Sam's smile grew even wider and he responded, "The name's Sam! Nice to meet you Misu!" Sam was excited to finally talk to somebody, more happy that they were actually interacting with him. He felt that this place could be pretty interesting and fun, and he would hope he could meet even more people. "So," Sam began to say, "What kind of abilities do you have?"

"I can use the elements to my abilitys!" She says as she holds up her hand to outstretch her palm, at the same time her left ear gives a slight twitch. A small ball of fire rests in the middle of her palm it's color flickers from sunset red to radiating blue. She balls her hand into a fist as if to extinguish the flame, outstretching her palm again as there is a small water droplet much like a dew drop in a bigger size that appears to hover from her skin. "This is only examples sadly, it's the best I can do, That's why I came to this school so they can be as big as my head!" she says happily with an expression of excitment. With a giggle she blows at the water droplet and the water splashes upon Sam's face.

Alex Kianera

Okay! She said, not noticing the sarcasm in your voice. Oh! I just remembered something. She turns around and crouches down. Amber! I want you to meet our roommate! A red fox comes out from Alex's closet and jumps up onto the bed. What do want? Can't you just let me sleep? To you it just sounded like barks and yips but to Alex, she heard much more. Oh come on! Don't be like that. If you behave, I'll give you a treat. Amber's head shoots up. Can we get the Kibble Snacks this time? They are my favorite. Alex laughs and pets Amber's head. Fine we'll get the Kibble Snacks. She turns back to Stefanie. Well, as you have already heard, this is Amber. She is usually cranky, but if you give her some treats, she will treat you like you are her best friend.
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Turning in her chair- which was thankfully one that spun around; Stefanie loved these chairs -to look at the fox. Her roommate was certainly... Unexpected, and perhaps a little to kind. The murder/mystery books always said that anyone who seemed too friendly was going to stab you in the neck and burn your body in the woods. Of course, the others books she read were irrelevant to real life, so what did she know?

"Great," Now she was thankful she left Pinky back at her house. Her mouse probably would've been gobbled up by that fox. "That's very, uh, nice." Maybe Stefanie wasn't the weirdest crayon in the box, if anything her roommate showed her that she was quite boring in comparison. That was a relief. 'This year should prove very interesting.' She thought, beating back a smile from forming on her face, though she was sure her eyes betrayed her blank expression by showing amusement. Traitors.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

"Sacred... Armor... Transition..." Elanile furrowed her her eyes and tilted her head with her hand on her chin, looked confused, "I don't really get it, but it seems cool," Elanile wrote down another information about Kira on her notes, she smiled happily when she's done.

Elanile stood up, took Kira's hand and tasted him a little bit
, he is so yummy, then shook it, "You are in the list now, prepare yourself for the competition, okay?" she then whispered to Kira, "You are a strong candidate."

Elanile pulled herself from Kira and stretched her body, "Wow, it's been a long day," she glanced at Kira one more time, "I'm going now, maybe we will see each other soon though."

Elanile turned her body and ran, slowly but sure she turned into her fairy form and disappeared.

[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]"I can use the elements to my abilitys!" She says as she holds up her hand to outstretch her palm, at the same time her left ear gives a slight twitch. A small ball of fire rests in the middle of her palm it's color flickers from sunset red to radiating blue. She balls her hand into a fist as if to extinguish the flame, outstretching her palm again as there is a small water droplet much like a dew drop in a bigger size that appears to hover from her skin. "This is only examples sadly, it's the best I can do, That's why I came to this school so they can be as big as my head!" she says happily with an expression of excitment. With a giggle she blows at the water droplet and the water splashes upon Sam's face.

The small water droplet that Misuka blew onto Sam's face and popped on his nose, splashing small droplets around his face. He scrunched his face up at the sudden splash, but quickly smiled and wiped his face dry. He looked at her and said, "Pretty neat! Maybe one day you can roast marshmallows with just your hand!" Sam chuckled a bit and then asked, "So, who's your dorm mate, if you don't mind me asking?"

(Sorry if it took me a long time to reply, work was busy as hell today, had to stay three hours over)
Sonodas eyes blinked open in her dorm room as she went from completely asleep to awake and alert in an instant, an important trick to learn when you're not sure where you'll be sleeping next.

She lies in bed for a time, musing over her current life and daily plans, and finally turns to look at the clock

"...noon?" She says in a doubtful manner

But that would mean class has already been going for.. At least a full class? Hopefully nobody noticed I wasn't there, then I can just walk out and act natural.

And so Sonoda hauled herself out of bed, and began to wander the halls, attempting to act casual, but any who glance at her can tell with ease, that she is still half asleep.
[QUOTE="The Haygor]The small water droplet that Misuka blew onto Sam's face and popped on his nose, splashing small droplets around his face. He scrunched his face up at the sudden splash, but quickly smiled and wiped his face dry. He looked at her and said, "Pretty neat! Maybe one day you can roast marshmallows with just your hand!" Sam chuckled a bit and then asked, "So, who's your dorm mate, if you don't mind me asking?"
(Sorry if it took me a long time to reply, work was busy as hell today, had to stay three hours over)

"oh, I don't know! I don't think I have one. What about you?" She says as her ear begins to twitch. She rubs her ear wondering if there was another persons belongings in the dorm she was in.

(It's ok!)
[QUOTE="ghoul queen]Turning in her chair- which was thankfully one that spun around; Stefanie loved these chairs -to look at the fox. Her roommate was certainly... Unexpected, and perhaps a little to kind. The murder/mystery books always said that anyone who seemed too friendly was going to stab you in the neck and burn your body in the woods. Of course, the others books she read were irrelevant to real life, so what did she know?
"Great," Now she was thankful she left Pinky back at her house. Her mouse probably would've been gobbled up by that fox. "That's very, uh, nice." Maybe Stefanie wasn't the weirdest crayon in the box, if anything her roommate showed her that she was quite boring in comparison. That was a relief. 'This year should prove very interesting.' She thought, beating back a smile from forming on her face, though she was sure her eyes betrayed her blank expression by showing amusement. Traitors.

Hey wanna go outside? I'd love to hear what the other animals have to say. When I first got here, there were these two birds who couldn't decide where to go when winter came around. Maybe we'll meet other people too! I start to bounce around with excitement. I've been living in the woods for five years now.
Raise an eyebrow, let the rest of her speech sink in, blink. Stefanie looked thoughtful as she considered Alex's words, before nodding. "Yes, that would be agreeable. And you said you were living in the woods?" She asked, slipping her jacket back on. Not because it was particularly cold out, but because her parents had insisted she try to cover as much skin as possible whenever she left the house. Illnesses, or whatever it was they were worried about.

"Your family lived in the woods for five years? Was it an isolated stay?" She wondered, currently uncaring if she was being nosy and bombarding the poor girl with a few questions right after another. But she just couldn't imagine living in the woods, with just her parents for socialization. In their neighborhood she at least got to talk to one other person, which kept her from going feral in her own home. Maybe it was different for Alex?
No, it was actually just me. My shoulders slump and I sigh. I don't know my mother and my father.... a gang had kidnapped and killed him. A tear rolls down my cheek. I did have company though. There would always be animals with me and Amber, she took care of me.
Maya sighed and kicked a loose pebble , her trainers were stained with paint and there was a blob of red paint in her hair . In front of her she could just make out two figures , not trying to be rude she walked up to them and smiled "Hey"
'Stumble and fall.' Stefanie thought, mentally berating herself. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Despite her parents being general asses, they were pretty accepting and caring, if not a bit awkward. And overprotective. "I... Well, it seems that Amber did a good job." She said halfheartedly, hoping she wouldn't make things things worse by saying the wrong thing. The girl was remarkably happy, from what Stefanie oberseved, and she felt ashamed for her own insecurities and general angst. Stefanie lacked the strength Alex seemed to carry. "Shall we go?"

(Wait, who is Maya talking to?)
Today was Erics first day. Eric had recieved a letter from a mysterious Mr. Black saying that he had been accepted to his school. It was odd because Eric had never applied and always tried his best to hide his powers. Eric however knew he could pass up this opportunity. He needed school and this one seemed fun. I'm not here to make friends I'm here to learn. He thought as he walked by a group of others students. He didn't know why he never made friends. It just seemed to be a tedious task. He was always on the move and never stayed in one stop. A sudden pang of loneliness hit him like a truck as he thought about it. He walked into the school not knowing what to expect and went to class.

(Does anyone know the time in the rp)
[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]"oh, I don't know! I don't think I have one. What about you?" She says as her ear begins to twitch. She rubs her ear wondering if there was another persons belongings in the dorm she was in.
(It's ok!)

Sam smiled and began to think about what he should say here...He knew he shouldn't just outright tell her that his roommate was Matt because that would bring unwanted attention to his friend, and he knew he wouldn't like that. On the other hand, he like making life a little harder for him and the best way he could do that was by introducing him to people. But, Sam thought against it and decided that he would just let his friend sleep. "Well, my dorm mate is actually a good friend of mine and we came here together. He's sleeping now, but he should be awake sooner or later. Where are you headed now, if you don't mind me asking?"
After a brief spat of wandering aimlessly through the halls, Sonoda has begun to wander about outside, just... taking it all in. a decent amount of time into her wandering, she spots Three fellow students. two of whom are conversing, while the third appeared to be covered in some kind of blood... that or paint

i sure hope that's not blood... i mean, why would you even be covered in blood here. it's definitely just paint or juice.

Sonoda walks over near the three, and begins to observe them, attempting to downplay the fact that she has no idea when her next class starts, or even where it is.

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Ty awoken to a pool of drool on his face. Feeling a bit embarrass, he quickly whipped it off hoping no one saw him in his slumber. Luckily for him, the classroom was empty. Ty was a bit confused, was he just in class and fell asleep or was he early to class early and just was waiting. He shrugged to himself and just assumed that he already did what he needed to do. Looking for his next projective, he decided the best thing to do was to look for someone that had an idea of what's going on. Ty proceeded to leave the empty classroom and start on his quest for knowledge.

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