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Fantasy Blackwood Academy for the Gifted

Chloe stood up from where she was seated and began walking the campus. There had to be more people for her to meet, maybe more people that were more like her- completely new to all of this power stuff. This is one way to get me comfortable with my gift. Chloe thought to herself. Just throw yourself into a group of very magical and different people. Yep if that doesn't get you used to all of this real quick, I don't know what will. Chloe walked through the hallways observing what looked like many other people more similar to herself. But many of them looked to already be deep in their own conversations. It's like they all know one another already. Chloe slumped her posture. She hated the idea of not fitting in and being the 'new kid' again. Living in foster homes her whole life there had been a lot of moving around and not being accepted anywhere. For once Chloe just wanted somewhere that she could fit in, and she still held hope that this school would be the place she belonged.
Ty started to think that maybe he could find some answers in his dorm, but unfortunately he wasn't entirely sure where his dorm even was, let alone if he even had a dorm to go to. He thought of the idea that if he got outside, he could simply float up and get his bearings from there. He wanted to follow through with this foolish plan, but he remembered that while he was attending Blackwood, he could now only use his power strictly in lessons. Continuing on, Ty began to reminisce on floating around back at The Fried Fish and how awesome it was. He wanted to float again, but he feared the penalty of using his powers outside of class would result in him getting kicked out or worse. Ty lowered his head in disappointment and uttered to himself "Baka" in a soft tone. Ty became tired of walking and proceeded to sit on the floor in sadness.
(( Time difference is so annoying)) Stretching out slightly she walked away from the group of people , muttering "What do I have to do to meet someone around here?!". She walk into her dorm noticing that the other side was inhabited. Her side was pretty plain , a timetable on the wall , beanbag in the corner and a plain bed. She changed into a black and white baseball top , dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of purple converse. Grabbing her sketch book she went outside and started sketching everyone. She noticed how already there was little groups of people , the popular kids , the quiet ones , the misfits , she never understood how even here people could be judged and separated. As she started to draw she thought about her first day everyone was so happy and exited , apparently even Mr Black was there even though she didn't see him. Maya looked at her class schedule , she had class in 10 minutes. ((Also we rly need to sort out the time ect , so its 8am the second day?))
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Oh it's alright. I wipe away the tear and use appearance change to make it look like I wasn't crying. I'm sure there are others with worse pasts than me. So do you want to walk out or fly out?
Tired of moping around, Ty decided that it was time to get back on track with his journey. After walking aimlessly for awhile, he eventually found his way to his dorm. He took a moment to sit on his bed and think of his next action. He looked through his stuff and found his class schedule. feeling relieved to finally have some sort of info on what to do, he decided to go to his next class.
[QUOTE="The Haygor]Sam smiled and began to think about what he should say here...He knew he shouldn't just outright tell her that his roommate was Matt because that would bring unwanted attention to his friend, and he knew he wouldn't like that. On the other hand, he like making life a little harder for him and the best way he could do that was by introducing him to people. But, Sam thought against it and decided that he would just let his friend sleep. "Well, my dorm mate is actually a good friend of mine and we came here together. He's sleeping now, but he should be awake sooner or later. Where are you headed now, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I was just taking a walk around the campus. Also, I think it's cool you have a best friend. You both can fall back each other and know you'll be ok!" Misuka says with a warm smile upon her face. All Misuka ever wants is to have people happy, it makes her happy to know she can do something for others. This is her kind personality, the kind that hides a sad melody of pain deep inside.
[QUOTE="Misuka Masamoto]"I was just taking a walk around the campus. Also, I think it's cool you have a best friend. You both can fall back each other and know you'll be ok!" Misuka says with a warm smile upon her face. All Misuka ever wants is to have people happy, it makes her happy to know she can do something for others. This is her kind personality, the kind that hides a sad melody of pain deep inside.

Sam gave a warm smile back and said, "Well, thanks! I hope you find yourself a friend like mine in a place like...this." Sam chuckled at his own words and looked around and noticed that the halls were getting significantly less crowded. He felt like he should go back to his dorm and finish unpacking, and gave Misuka one final look and said, "Hey, it was really nice chatting with you! Maybe we'll see each other more in the future? Anyways, have a nice day!" With that, Sam gave her a quick little hug and walked off towards his dorm.
Misuka smiled and waved good-bye to the boy. Wondering what he ment by, "(...) a place like...this.". Giving it a rest she continued the rest of her walk, ending up lost in the end. " uh-oh." Soon no one was near by and not a sound was heard from another person. She tried to retrace her foot steps getting more lost on where she was. "I can do this! This is only a school! What could possible go wrong?" She thought, full of pride.
On his way to his next location, Ty saw a stick on the floor. It was roughly a yard and had a stub at the end of one side. Ty proceeded to pick up the stick and examine it. He notice that it was smooth, pretty sturdy, and probably oak. Ty did not know why there was a stick on the floor, let alone what it was doing inside, but like Albert Einstein use to say, "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones". He's not entirely sure what that quote actually meant, but hey, at least he has a stick now. Ty placed it firmly between the straps of his satchel and proceeded with his journey.
Naomi was walking behind her brother Haru she was looking down at a list. "Did you grab everything on the list?" She asked Haru sighed. "Yes." She narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure?" He sighed again. "Yes I'm sure it's all in the bag." He pointed to his backpack Naomi nodded. "Pencils?" "Yes." "Erasers?" "Yes." "P.E uniform?" "Yes." "Bandages?" He stopped walking and looked at her. "The hell I need bandages for?" She her jaw dropped. "What would you need them for what if you get hurt! Like you fall and hurt your knee or bite your lip of hit your hand on something or fall off a cliff or get attacked by ninjas or robots or worse! NINJA ROBOTS!" Haru blinked a few times. "Okay first that would be awesome second I'd be fine I got my sword." She sighed they got to the school entrance and Haru whistled. "It's nice." Naomi nodded. "Indeed."
Ayne was currently sitting on a shady bench underneath a tree, her hood up and covering most of her long yellow hair as normal in this form; she just sitting there and soaking up the new surroundings. Curled up in a ball on her lap was her fox squirrel, Gullinkambi; the only friend she really had at this moment here as she just arrived at the school less then an hour ago.

"This place looks nice, I wonder what its going to be like here" stated Ayne to herself as she scanned her surroundings with her glowing yellow eyes, a small and cheerful smile on her face as she did so.

As if on queue though, her
appearance changed to her other side, slightly shifting to the right a bit and looking where her other form use to sit; her hair and clothing now purple, her hood gone, claws for fingers and her look of happiness replaced with malice and anger. "This place looks like shit" retorted Ayne in a lower pitched voice, it not being a major difference but definitely a detectable one.

The strange girl once more changed her appearance, shifting back to where she use to sit and looking at where her counterpart use to sit now
"Oh come on, you need to lighten up" replied the girl with a smile; another one of their typical arguments with each other beginning to start up.

"And you need to SHUT THE F*%K UP!" yelled Ayne as she shifted her form once again, she now baring a angry scowl at her counterpart, anger in her voice as usual. It was typical of the two to normally argue like this, one of the many reasons why Ayne could not make friends back home, besides for her heritage that is.

She shifted forms once more, back to her nicer form, or at least the one that didn't yell and curse. The girl gasped before placing a finger up to her lips,
"Shhh, don't yell, you might wake up Gullinkambi" begged Ayne to her counterpart, the other side of Ayne just growling and giving a grunt mentally before backing away from control. Ayne looked down at her fox squirrel as he slept, giving him a small pat on the head with a smile before looking back up and going back to what she was doing before; just looking around.
Sonoda continues her walk through the schools halls and fields and tree's.

After a long streak of walking, Sonoda spots a boy wearing a backpack, and carrying a stick, of some description.

Ty notice that his left shoe had loosen during his stroll. he took a moment this moment to readjust the knotting on his shoe. Ty thought to himself that this situation would never happen if he had sandals or slippers. Then again, he never really notice these kinds of things back when he just hovered around. Finished refastening his shoe, Ty thought it would be okay to sit down and take a quick break. He thought to himself that class wasn't going to start anytime soon so why the hell not. (Pawn is set)
((What happened to everyone ?....Its so quiet)) Maya , stared up at the sky sighing softly , muttering to herself as she resumed her drawing. She rolled down her sleeves , as the sun started to go in. ((Short post , cause im super busy revising <3 sorry))

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