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Fantasy Blackwood Academy for the Gifted

Toppling out of the word of counting ceiling tiles back to reality, at the oh-so glorious sound of the bell Chloe let out a breath that she hadn't known she was even holding. Springing herself out of her seat and trying to cross the classroom seemed to be a struggle for the not at all graceful Chloe as she almost tripped getting out of her chair and crashed into multiple desks. Feeling her face turn about the color equivalence of a tomato Chloe made a break for the door. You are a mess child. Chloe thought to herself. But she couldn't help her awkward, long-legged clumsiness and the fact that sitting in that classroom one more second made her want to throw a child's fit.

Out in the hallway Chloe saw a small group of people talking and many more people plowing their way through the crowd to an unknown destination. As much as she wanted out of that classroom, now Chloe was faced with the small problem of not knowing what to do next. She didn't know anyone here, and she guessed that she should make an attempt to learn. But everything was becoming too much in the moment. "I just need a quiet second to myself." Chloe murmured quietly to herself as she turned in the direction of the dorms.

As she got to the dorms she realized she had a slight problem. She didn't remember what dorm she was supposed to be in. Chloe began wandering the hallways looking for one number or door, one marking on the wall, a chip of paint, that might look familiar. Becoming more and more frustrated at herself, Chloe facepalmed herself and leaned her tall frame against a wall. "Idiot," she once again began talking to herself. "How do you forget what your room number is?"
Sam laughed a bit loudly at the little joke his friend had made. He quickly followed after Matthew, grabbing two strolling suitcases and dragging them along to the dorms. He glanced and noticed another woman jotting down something on a piece of paper. Before he knew it, she had put it away and suddenly turned into a small fairy and flew down one of the hallways. Sam shrugged and continued towards Dorm 3 and opened the door and followed Matt.
When the bell rings, I get up of my desk and start to head out the door with my bag. At the doorway, I stop to turn to the teacher. Thank you Mr. Samaysune for taking your time to teach us. I then continue out the door to see the hallway packed with students. It wouldn't hurt to use my powers to get through here, would it? I shrug and then change into a miniature dragon and fly above the crowd to find my dorm. Once I found it, I swooped in and changed back into a "human" and notice my roommate in here too. Hi I'm Alex. I am your roommate. What's your name?

Kira the user of lost armors

Kira was late to school because all the people walking around near the school but as soon as he got into the school he was glad he could be alone but he switched his tape making a red X mark that covered his mouth than put a scarf over that so no one could see it but doing that made him stick out even more, but he didn't care he just didn't Want to activate his gift on accident.

So without noting where to go Kira just kept walking around not knowing where to go before he went here he went to a publicly school that was smaller than this one by twice the size so he just went around for now having a ball to himself.

(Sorry if it's bad I'm about to leave for summer school)​
As soon as the bell rang Stefanie was out of the class. The teacher was pretty... Physical. With a shudder she was once again bumped into and shoved around by the other rushing students. Her fists clenched, she set up a small shield around herself so the others wouldn't make any contact. It also helped to lightly push others in front of her out of the way. Soon she found herself outside, sagging against the wall to calm her nerves before she bolted ahead of the crowd to the dorms.

Once back in the safety of her dorm, she merely sat on her bed and stared at her hands, which shook like a leaf. "I should have just stayed home." She muttered, her fists clenched around her bed sheets, wrinkling the white fabric. Some part of her knew she would probably throw a fit about it later, but for now she was looking at the empty bed opposite hers. Bed sheets and such were already laid out, so somebody had to be residing in the room as well.

"Hope she's not too agressive." She mumbled, flopping down on her pillow to observe the neat white ceiling. It had a rough texture, she assumed at least, and didn't look like much fun to walk on. Shrugging, she closed her eyes for a bit, hoping to finally settle her anxiety. Though all that went out the window when the door opened. In came a... Small dragon. Stefanie already at her hands up, ready to put up several shields around herself when it suddenly changed into a rather young girl. Not really processing anything at the moment, Stefanie thought the girl to be in the 14-16 age range.

Then she started speaking, and that's when it hit her. "You can change into a dragon?" She asked without thinking, a few seconds after the other girl, Alex, finished her introduction. Then she coughed awkwardly, by now sitting up on her bed, "I mean... I'm Stefanie." This day was going so well, most definitely her mother would be so proud of her impolite behavior. Never mind that whenever she talks it sounds as if she could care less about anything. Her parents really disliked that, probably more than her 'blasphemous devil horns', as they say.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile had roam around the academy for almost 3 times, but she couldn't find another candidate to list. Tired, Elanile decided to stop and take a rest. She suddenly remembered that she even hadn't seen her room yet, maybe my roommate is the perfect one, Elanile murmured to herself.

Still in her fairy form, Elanile flew to the dormitory. She always loved this form since she was faster and of course less tiring than walking. When Elanile arrived, she turned herself into human form and saw the braided girl again. She checked her list and found that the braided girl was already in her list,
well I think this time I need to know her and learn more about her.

Still holding her notes, Elanile walked to the braided girl who looked like she was lost or something, "Hi, braided girl, my name is Elanile, I want to know more about you," Elanile flipped her notes, "First, I wanna know your name please."



Kira was atones he'd on how many supernatural creatures there were but he got tired and headed to his dorm he was still kinda lost but at least he knew where the dorm was that was good for him because he was tired from the journey here but it was worth the it at least he could learn how to control his gift instead of having to keep his mouth shut with tape and a scarf over it.

As soon as he got to the dormitory he went up to his dorm opening the door into his room and heads in as he takes off the tape and scarf saying "ahh, this feels great finnaly I don't have to where tape for now" he said smiling as he jumped on his bed.

(I don't know who my dormmate is)

Chloe stood in the dorm hallways with her head leaning up against the wall trying to remember where to go. Just as she was about to give up and go back to the classrooms hallways a person seemingly just appeared at the end of the hallway. Chloe smiled politely and regained a normal posture as she recognized the girl from her class earlier. She was surprised when the smaller red head girl introduced herself and then spoke to Chloe, calling her 'Braided girl' and asking for more information about her, starting with her name. Chloe checked behind her stupidly as if the question had been meant for anybody else.

"Um hi," Chloe smiled politely, "My name is Chloe."

@Azula Cross
Misuka left class shortly after the bell. She had seen a few berry plants out the window of her class as she went to them. The little black berry she thought excitedly as she picked some stocking them within a bag that had already held a few berries. Once satisfied she walked back to the dormitory hall and went straight to her room, waving to everyone she passed. At the door Misuka opened it as she threw her staff on the closest bed along with her bag and sit down at the edge of the quilted and comfy looking bed. She started to eat the berries she picked laying her back on the bed as her legs crossed off the edge.

Kira got bored in his apartment and left going out the door putting red tape on his mouth again and covering it up with a scarf and heading out looking up and seeing it going and just keeps walking around to find something to do anything at all.


Alex Kianera

I laugh. It's nice to meet you Stefanie and yes I can change into a dragon. I can do much more though. It is called appearance changing. It's when I change my molecular structure to change what I am, what I am made up of, or how I look. I pull my bangs behind my ears to reveal them to be pointed. I can show you more if you want.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

"Chloe..." Elanile wrote it down in her notes, "You seem like a good girl," Elanile scanned Chloe from head to toe and nodded, adding some physical detail to her notes. She took a glance at Chloe and back into writing in her notes.

"Okay, so what is your power?" Elanile looked at Chloe and raised her brow,
hmm she looked quiet stiff, is it just me or what, before Chloe could give her an answer, Elanile looked around her to find a bench since her leg started to feel tired.

"Hey, braided-- I mean, Chloe, let's sit on that bench, it will make us feel more comfortable," Elanile took Chloe's hand and guided her to the nearest bench. When Elanile took Chloe's hand, she accidentally absorbed Chloe's life force
(when someone's life force absorbed by fairy, it wouldn't harm that person just a little ticklish and Elanile couldn't absorb for long time before she made a pact with that person). Hmm... she tasted sweet like banana, not bad.

When they finally sat on the bench, Elanile continued her interview, "So what is your power again?" @Aqua Elanile would find you soon, she still looking for candidates and might end up finding you, just wait for the event (:3))[/i][/size]
[QUOTE="Azula Cross]
Elanile, The Fire Fairy
"Chloe..." Elanile wrote it down in her notes, "You seem like a good girl," Elanile scanned Chloe from head to toe and nodded, adding some physical detail to her notes. She took a glance at Chloe and back into writing in her notes.

"Okay, so what is your power?" Elanile looked at Chloe and raised her brow,
hmm she looked quiet stiff, is it just me or what, before Chloe could give her an answer, Elanile looked around her to find a bench since her leg started to feel tired.

"Hey, braided-- I mean, Chloe, let's sit on that bench, it will make us feel more comfortable," Elanile took Chloe's hand and guided her to the nearest bench. When Elanile took Chloe's hand, she accidentally absorbed Chloe's life force
(when someone's life force absorbed by fairy, it wouldn't harm that person just a little ticklish and Elanile couldn't absorb for long time before she made a pact with that person). Hmm... she tasted sweet like banana, not bad.

When they finally sat on the bench, Elanile continued her interview, "So what is your power again?" @Aqua Elanile would find you soon, she still looking for candidates and might end up finding you, just wait for the event (:3))[/i][/size]

(Lol don't worry I'm not going to be on long but I'll reply when you tag me(*U*))
Feeling at a loss as to what to say, she said the first thing that came to mind, "That's exceptional." She really did mean it too, it would be nice to just make her horns go away. Speaking of, Stefanie readjusted the hat, before standing up to smooth her blankets out. Satisfied, she turned back to the girl. "So, what else can you change?" She droned, moving towards her bag to pull out a box.

It was rather heavy; understandably, considering she had brought some batteries with her. As a child she had been bored enough to start collecting batteries and barbie heads, though she grew out of collecting the heads after she turned 13. She didn't understand why she did it, but it brought some comfort to have them close by. Carefully she placed them on the desk before once again looking back at the girl.
Sam laid out his suitcase on the bed in the rather large dorm room. It was quaint, with a small fireplace that surprisingly lit the whole room. The beds were more then comfortable, the sheets feeling like silk and the pillows like clouds. Sam lay down for a bit and lost himself in the heavenly comfort of the bed for about 5 minutes, until he quickly sat up and looked at Matt and said, "Well, I'm gonna wander around, see if anyone else is outside of their room, hopefully I can chat some people up, make SOME friends." With that, Sam stood up and walked out the door, smile on his face and determination in his eyes.
Misuka would sit up from the bed taking hold of the staff in her hand and laying it across her lap as she sat there for a moment looking at the staff then, deciding to leave the room. She would stand using the staff to walk to the door, she twisted the door knob to open as she peered her head out to see who was in the hall way. Looking left and right she saw a few people as she exits the room closing the door behind her, her ears begin to twitch from an unkindly noise of the talking around. Getting irritated and feed up with the twitch, Misuka leaves the dormitory hall and walks along the paths and sidewalks around the school. "Curse this sensitivity.", she thinks to her self, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. Misuka rubs her left ear between her thumb and index finger as a calming habbit continuing to walk along the paths. Her staff makes a clank noise everytime in contact with the path and sidewalks, her potions sway to clank in rhythm as if chimes on a windy evening, the liquids inside the bottles slosh around as well, making waves of there own. Misuka takes this time on the stroll to examine her surroundings and most of the people she sees around.
Samuel looked around and gave all the people that would walk by him a pleasant smile, even the ones that would bump into him. He sighed and chuckled to himself, looking around for anyone who looked remotely interesting. He then locked his eyes on a woman who was walking with the help of an intricate looking staff. She was wearing a rather royal looking green shirt with what appeared to be laced up with golden laces. She had pointy ears that would twitch every once in awhile. She had a bunch of vials attached to her skirt at the waist, which contained many strange looking liquids. Sam figured she looked pretty interesting, and his curiosity was peaked. He made his way through the small crowd, sometimes bumping into other people, mostly receiving rather annoyed looks. He eventually walked up to her side and matched her pace and asked, "Hey, what's your name?" He looked at her with a coy smile.
Misuka looked at the boy with a warming smile as she faced the boy."My name is Misuka. You can call me misu for short! What's your name?". She says tilting her head to the side.

Alex Kianera

Hmm...let's see. Animals, people, inanimate objects. One of my favorite is just simply changing my hair color. With that said, her hair changed to a fiery red. Alex notices the hat and hestures toward it. What is the hat for? If it is just for concealing something, you don't have to worry. No one cares how different you are from someone else. We are all equal.
Sam's smile grew even wider and he responded, "The name's Sam! Nice to meet you Misu!" Sam was excited to finally talk to somebody, more happy that they were actually interacting with him. He felt that this place could be pretty interesting and fun, and he would hope he could meet even more people. "So," Sam began to say, "What kind of abilities do you have?"
Chloe smiled as Elanile said something about seeming like a good girl. As the other girl said something about sitting Chloe nodded in agreement, sitting would be nice and so was actually talking to a real being besides to herself. Besides Elanile seemed harmless enough and Chloe found her very energetic and curious manner very enjoyable. As Elanile grasped Chloe's hand to lead them to a bench she felt a slight tickle in the palm of her hand which caused her to let out a small giggle which she quickly tried to disguise as a cough. "My power is healing." Chloe responded to the other girl's questions as she watched her write something in a book. "If I may ask, what you writing about?" Chloe asked genuinely curious.

@Azula Cross
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile nodded as Chloe told her about her power, healing... hmm interesting, her notes was already full so Elanile flipped the notes again. She looked at Chloe when she asked about her notes and smiled, "I'm glad you ask," Elanile stood up and cleared her throat.

"This is my notes about the candidates to be my master, I'm on my way to find the perfect master for me. So, I need to make a list and compare their taste, personality, power, and appearance... Well the last one is not really important, but essential," she smiled and felt so cool. Elanile looked at Chloe again, "So are you ready?" Her eyes was shining and sparkling.

Once again, the girl managed to kick down her composure as if was a wall made of butter. "That's an incredible gift, Alex." And a point to her, for actually sounding genuine! Then seconds later her hand flew up to her hat, her expression becoming guarded once more. "That's sweet, but it's comforting to have this on." She said boredly, turning back to her desk where she put the box down.

'It really isn't comforting.' She thought, a sudden itch at the base of her horns nearly caused an exasperated sigh to pass her lips. But instead she sat down and opened the box, and just randomly pulled out the batteries and leaving them scattered on her desk. She'll allow the mess for now, as she always has.
Chloe cocked her head to one side as she listened to Elanile explain her note taking. Master? What does she mean by that? Chloe thought to herself. Coming from a completely normal world of humans Chloe was discovering how much more she had to learn about this world of gifts and powers. As she was about to ask the other girl to explain more she was beat to speaking by Elanile asking if she was ready. Chloe looked around her slightly confused wondering if she had missed something. Chloe spoke sweetly, "Um, I'm sorry. Am I ready for what exactly?"

@Azula Cross

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