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Fantasy Blackwood Academy for the Gifted

Focusing on the sound the chalk made as it scribbling on the board helped alleviate her unease. She was slowly relaxing, though still her gaze was out the window, her fingers twitching as she tried to gather some courage to take the damn hat off. Though the light 'tap-tap-tap' captured her attention and she turned her head to look at the guy next to her.

After he finished his piece, she wondered if the hat was a comfort, or one of the last items that followed her from her suffocating home life. Attempting to sound thankful, though it came out as a flat tone she said, "Thank you." Truthfully, the only other person her age she had spoken with in recent years was another socially awkward teen. That hadn't taught her much about social conventions and whatnot, but her parents had drilled some form of manners into her, and it would be down right rude to have not said anything.

Though perhaps it would have been better to not have said anything. The boy was nice enough to try to ease her apparently obvious fears, she probably came off as rude regardless. 'Ah, the joys of school life.' she thought, figuring that it would be best to keep her thoughts private in crowded rooms such as this. 'Over think everything and chase a potential conversation partner away.'
Misuka sits quietly getting bored with each second. She suddenly realizes a trick she learned not only a week ago, She takes a container no bigger than her palm made of glass. She twists it open and rubs each finger tip in the creamy yellow substance, then twisting the cream shut with her palm. She holds her hand in a loss list then one finger by one she flicks them open. Her index finger has a small fire lit flame, her middle finger has a water orb similar to a bigger version of the dew drop, her middle finger as a soft white sorce of air around it, her pinky is covered in clay. Using her thumb in a swift movement across each finger tip she flicks her wrist out as if each element was tossed off her fingers. The element bits are harmless as they move around the class room smiliar to dancing. She smiles proudly as she watches the reactions of everyone in the room.
After a few minutes Maya eventually looked up , and smiled around at her class apologetically she couldn't help but be embarrassed , she noticed a girl across from her , she wasn't sure what was wrong. Carefully she scribbled at note asking if she was ok , keeping one eye on the teacher she threw the note. Its weird that 3 years go she was a normal teen , now things couldn't be more different.

Sighing Maya stared at the co counting down the seconds till her next lesson.
Ryan trailed lazily into the new school courtyard, staring ambivalently at the relatively impressive surroundings. Great, school... He lazily thought to himself, taking out his phone and browsing the web lazily, where is everybody?! He thought confused, before suddenly catching the time on his phone. "Crap," He muttered to himself, realizing he was late to class on his first day of school. Clearly a poor start to the year..

Unfortunately, it didn't help that he could not for the life of him find out where on earth the classroom was! He entered the wrong class at least two times, one fortunately empty... The other, unfortunately not... alas, fate wasn't too cruel, and eventually he did stumble upon the correct classroom. Taking a deep breath he opened the door, tried to ignore the fact that other people were present, and staring. Before pacing over to an empty seat and burring his head onto the table. I hate it here already...
The element bits still proceed to dance around the class room floating gracefully. The water bit slowly falls to the ground like dew drop droping onto one the classmates head. Misuka feeling a bite nervous as her left ear twitches franticly, she ignores the elemental bites and whistles quietly, facing the front of the room.
Samuel walked up to the rather large, Gothic school with his best friend, Matthew walking next to him. He admired the look of the building and immediately thought running away with Matthew to this place was the best idea they had ever had. But, so was the time when Sam tried running with a large pumpkin when there was ice all around his house...He looked at his watch and realized that they were both late. He shrugged and looked to Matt and said, "Well, we're fucking late, and I have no idea where the class is supposed to be..."

Sam sighed and lightly stretched, followed with a yawn. "Well, wanna just go inside and chill, wait for everyone to get done?"
Matt did a small shrug, never taking his eyes off of the school. "Sure," he stated bluntly as he began to walk into the school. "Bit of a weird lookin' place though, innit?" Before taking his final steps into the school, Matt turned to take a few looks at the school's courtyard, noting the open spaces and various plant life.

As Matt entered the foyer, he looked at the gothic architecture and what he considered to be rather drab decor. "It's a little boring in here, but I'd bet that it could host some bitchin' Halloween parties," Matt said under his breath.
Sam followed Matt inside the large school and admired the interior decor. There were a lot of rather comfortable looking chairs, which he promptly sat himself down in one. He sighed contently and chuckled to himself, noting the dark and eerie interior, followed by the complete and utter silence of foyer. Sam figured for such a secretive place, there would a bit more people or at least someone to greet them, to show them what was expected of them or what they were supposed to do. He looked at Matt and asked, "Where the hell is everyone? And why is this place so fricken quiet?"

Shortly after asking his question, he promptly laid his head back into the chair and pulled his hoodie a little past his eyes, covering them. Under the worn, black hoodie, he closed his eyes and produced a rather content smile.
Matt sat in a chair, next to Sam. He leaned back a bit and slid down in the chair a bit, taking a more relaxed position. "Well, like you said, we're late. Seems to me that everyone is in class, teaching a class, or probably isn't around because we should be in class." Matt sighed, and allowed his head to slump forwards so that his chin rested on his chest. "Still, I wish we could've been given some sort of map of the school. We'll have to ask a teacher which rooms are for what, once classes are done."
Sam sighed deeply, followed by a loud yawn. He was thinking deeply, which is what he normally did whenever he had to wait or when he was just bored. He moved his arm over to the hoodie and raised it a little, exposing his squinted eyes. He eventually opened them and started making noises with his mouth, trying to pass the time. He tilted his head towards Matt and asked, "So, who do you think we're going to see here? I bet there's some real interesting people in a place like this." He chuckled litghtly to himself and made a little *pop* with his mouth, the noise echoing throughout the foyer.
Misukas ear twitches as an unfamiluar echo in the school, caught her attention. She looks out the door of the class room wondering who else was there and why there not in a class. Maybe there other teachers she through to herself. Either way she tried to listen in on there conversation as it would please her more than the teachers lesson or the other students conversations.
"Honestly, I'm really not sure. In a place for weird-ass 'magical' people, there's probably bound to be people that are more freaky than us." Matt said, looking around the room for anyone. He was unsure whether or not he was looking forward to meeting the other students, as he disliked social situations, but enjoyed seeing the powers others may have. "Are you looking forward to meeting people? I don't think I'm gonna talk much to 'em." Matt asked Sam, just trying to pass the time until class ended.
Sam stood up this time and cleared his throat, answering Matt by saying, "Well, I guess I'm a bit excited. You know me though, I like meeting people. But, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't talk to most of them. I guess we should still be cautious. Fuck, I just want to travel far enough back in time to watch some cool shit man. Like, watching Genghis Khan conquer most of Asia, or to meet Albert Einstein!" Sam had a big smile on his face now and he was pacing around, constantly looking at his watch.
Chloe anxiously awaited the bell that would release them from class. She almost regretted going to class in the first place. She hadn't been paying attention to any of the teacher's instructions. Actually, had the teacher even being giving instructions? She sighed as she stared out the door. Out of the corner of her eye Chloe saw something flutter and hit the ground but she didn't investigate it as she didn't think it to be intended for her. Distracted by people sitting outside the doors in the open halls she let herself drift back into a daydreaming state. She wondered about all of the rest of the students. What gifts and abilities did they have? Was anyone like her? Chloe wished that instead of having set classes on the first day of school, perhaps they could have allowed the students to get to know each other. Maybe knowing the people in her classes would have at least made the hands on the clock speed up instead of seemingly being stuck in one place.
Sam was pacing back and forth quickly, filled with a bit of anxiety and impatience. He kept looking at his watch, and it was almost noon and according to the letter both him and Matt received from Mr. Black, the bell rang at noon. He looked at Matt and said, "Dude, I could try and make time go a bit faster...I'm just so fucking bored, I want something to happen. How long is that class supposed to take anyway?" Sam continued pacing, trying to take his mind of things. He continued making the same popping noises as earlier, barely entertaining himself. They echoed a bit more clearly in the foyer, carrying a bit further down the many halls of the school.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

So now Elanile has several people caught her eyes to be her potential master from her class. She nodded and started counting with her fingers, not paying attention to the teacher at all, I'm not coming for the lessons anyway, she thought to herself.

First, the horn girl who always wore a hat @Archangel Galdrael

Wow, quiet a long list for my first day, gotta see another class too, so many people with potential, heaven... I surely will survive! Elanile raised her hand to the air, feeling sooooo excited, only to have her head hit by flying chalk from her teacher, "Sorry...", Elanile rubbed her head and sat down, but still couldn't brush her smile from her face.

(sorry for tagging all of you and sorry if I miss someone, it's a long thread to catch up. Well, I just wanna let you guys know this Elanile was looking for master and because you guys attended the class, I tag you here because Elanile spotted you, for the rest, I will need to find a scene to meet them too, have a good day!)
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Sam looked over at the strange girl who had just got done yelling. Sam was surprised, but excited at the same time to finally see a new face. He walked over to her and held out a hand and said, "Hello, strange person! The name's Sam, what about yours?" Sam had a large smile on his face and was more then ecstatic to see someone other then Matt. Maybe he could find out why the class seemed to be taking so long or if she knew anything else about the school.
Sam smiled and tried to mimic her little bow, but failed and chuckled at himself. He looked over to Matt who was still sitting in the chair next to the one Sam had been sitting in moments earlier and yelled, "Hey Matt, wake up! Someone actually was late like us, come and say hi!" Before Sam could wait for a response from Matthew, Sam turned back to the woman now known as Belladonna and said, "Well, nice to meet you, Belladonna. What brings you to Blackwood Acadamy, besides the ominous letter from the "Mr. Black"." Sam glanced took a quick glance at his watch and continued to admire the new company.
Matt looked over at Sam, who was trying to introduce him to someone. Matt slowly stood, and walked over to where Sam and Belladonna. "Hi," he said quietly, clearly out of his comfort zone. "Nice to meet you, I'm Matt." Matt glanced at Sam for a quick second, giving him a look that said, "Hey, asshole, you know I hate talkin' to people." With his introduction out of the way, Matt began to wonder when the bell was going to ring, to signal the end of class.
Something whizzed straight above his head as Jem felt the very top of his hairs bend by some unseen force, and peeking behind his shoulder once more, he caught what he concluded to be a piece of chalk smack right into a classmate’s forehead.

Oh, it was the girl again.

Not knowing whether to express sympathy over her misfortune or feel exceptionally thankful for himself that he hadn’t raised his head at that exact second, Jem turned toward the front.

The instructor – ah, what was her name? Someone had just happened to sneeze at that moment – was going through the expectations for the school year. Homework. Curfew hours. Et cetera. Et cetera. At some point through her speech, she flung her hand outward and before anyone could comment the desks altered their location entirely, sliding with all components intact – students included.

Caught off guard, Jem experienced a terrifying moment of whiplash as he felt his desk slammed backwards and then sharply to the right. It stopped just hard enough he felt a small pop in his neck.

“There,” he caught the teacher saying in satisfaction, “these are called walking aisles, are they not? Now we actually have room to walk through.” She sniffed, the sound haughty. “The enrollment for this year was preposterous.” It was a mutter, but clear enough for everyone to hear.

It didn’t matter though. It seemed like everyone was still discombobulated by the horrifying parody of bumper cars that the complaint fell on deaf ears. From the other side of the room – which now seemed to have miraculously gained an extra floor space – someone was complaining about their toe being smashed.

Over the bemoaning, the instructor called an end for the rest of the day and abruptly spirited out the doors without a backwards glance.

Looks of bewilderment passed between everyone, Jem also turning with a slightly puzzled expression. Then the bell rang, sounding the afternoon.

Jem stood, shaking his head. Such a strange school…
"Well, I'm here because I want to learn how to better use my time manipulation. So far, I can only slow down or speed up time for a couple of seconds before it makes me pretty tired. If I really try though, I can go back about an hour, sometimes two. My buddy, Matt, well, if he wants you to know, you'll know. What kind of abilities do you have?" Sam stood there, eyes bright and full of anticipation and excitement. He was also lightly chuckling to himself for making his friend, Matthew, a little uncomfortable and he always did that to him.
Sam chuckled lightly at her comment about his own power and said, "I don't mean to boast but, when I do finally master this, I can go as far back in time as I want, hell, maybe even forward. I wouldn't say it's not too powerful." After he finished talking, he heard the sound he had been waiting for ever since he had arrived at the school; the bell. His eyes immediately lit up and he looked around, hearing the sounds of some people headed their way. He couldn't wait to meet everyone else, to find out their names, why they're here and what kind of abilities they have. He wondered if he would make any other friends here also, keeping an open mind.

He looked back to Belladonna and said, "Well, it seems like you've got your things under control, so why are you really here?" Sam had a suspicious look on his face but kept the same friendly smile he had when he had started the conversation. He was really starting to think and wonder who this person really was and why she was actually here.
Sam got no response and saw a strange orb behind her and it appeared to him, that she wanted to leave. Sam didn't mind too much, because he had wanted to meet other people and both him and Matt needed to find out where their dorm would be at. He looked at her said, "I could rewind time a bit to keep you here, but you don't seem like sharing any information. Matt? Shall we mingle a bit more or look for our dorm?" Sam glanced at Matthew and awaited a response.
Elanile, The Fire Fairy

Elanile watched carefully as the instructor made a scene in the class, felt a little relief that she was just hit by a chalk, instead of THAT desk, she is totally not my future master... She leaned to her chair and yawned as the bell rang, finally, the class is over.

Elanile walked outside the class with her note in her hand, she thought that it would be better to list the potential master first before engaging any contact with them. She looked around the area and found two people speaking not far from there and someone sitting on the chair next to them. Elanile took her pen and started to list again.

Fifth, the gothic girl

Sixth, the muscular sitting man
@Mister Spades

Seventh, the chubby baby face man
@The Haygor

Seven! I have seven candidates, wow this more that I expected, should I open an audition instead? Elanile murmured to herself. She then stretched her body and spin, turning herself into fairy form and wandered along the hall.
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"Let's look for our dorm." Matt replied, beginning to walk away from Belladonna. "Have fun with your big black balls." As Matt walked to where he hoped the dorms would be located, he took quick glances at the people of the school, notably a fiery-looking fairy girl. He entered a hallway that had a sign that said "DORMS" on it, and entered Dorm 3.

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