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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

The Dragonborn nodded towards the plantlike woman as she said that she felt the storm brewing. Xai-Kah did as well, and of course to due her appearance and plantlike nature she seemed to have an even greater connection to Nature than Xai-Kah himself did. Xai'Kah followed her, observing his surroundings and simply taking in the majesty of the outskirts as he trotted towards the village alongside Jaighd. Seeing draconian legs attached to a plantlike creature was a little strange to see, but it was logical that in deciding to make legs she used the only reference she had at the moment. Glancing over to her every now and then, he couldn't help but smile at how happy she seemed simply experiencing the wonders of nature, even being part of it herself. Something about this was endearing, even admirable, to Xai-Kah. Walking through the strange magical barrier, Xai-Kah looked up and marvels as somehow, it kept the rain from falling all the way to the ground. It seemed to stop at the height the barrier was extended to.

After a little more walking the two had reached the buildings. Xai'Kah studied these strange structures and a few of the others beings in the street, feeling a little overwhelmed to be honest. He turned towards Jaihgd, curious as to how she was taking all this in. Suddenly, he felt a profound, dark aura and stopped. Xai-Kah didn't know how, but he could tell where magic was a t work. He was highly sensitive to the presence of magic. In a nearby building, a rather dark presence loomed. It seemed small, yet potent. Born from an object, Little did he know, it was the book that had captured the attention of most denizens of the library at present. He felt compelled to investigate this strange presence. Since he had been enjoying the company of Jaighd so far, he didn't see fit to leave her behind. "Jaihgd," he spoke up to her quietly, "I want to investigate that building there," he said pointing towards the library? "Would you like to come with?"

He also felt something more... pleasant, from that direction, something unrelated to the book yet near it. He had a feeling this aura was coming from a living creature near this dark presence, not directly in front of it yet off to the side of it. He was suddenly perplexed as to how these sensations came to him, but was glad for them nonetheless as they gave a sense of direction he did not have moments ago.​



Jah'Ri was silently stadning there, observing the goings on with very ltitle understanding of them. She also felt... unnerved that the others were so interested in this book. It's aura madeher want to shy away from it, made her a little afraid. But, she remained by Xenith's side nonetheless. It wasn't physically compelling her to move away from it or anything akin to that. What truly bothered her was something, or more correctly, someone else. Nio.

What disturbed Jah'Ri the most is the almost intoxicated effect he seemed to have on Xenith, when they had already established that they have no memories of each other. It bothered her but also, made her remember. Remember someone that had a similar calming effect on her. Just an outline, of another dragon born... a male. She remembered the sound of his voice. That was it for now. The connection these two had seemed akin to this person she may simply be fabricating in her own mind, yet may also exist somewhere in this strange world she suddenly had found herself in. These thoughts were quickly pushed aside with every single gesture of affection Nio directed towards Xenith, and perhaps even more so, her quickly accepting reactions to them. He didn't seem healthy for her. He must be manipulating her somehow through some sort of magic he intends to use for some nefarious purpose.

Then suddenly, a very saddening thought came to Jah'Ri's mind. If and when she eliminates the threat of Nio from Xenith's life, how would she react? Would she hate jah'Ri? She seems so happy around Nio, and oblivious to his predatory nature that seems to trump even her own, at least in its subtlety. Either way, from the dark looks he kept giving Jah'Ri, it was clear there was a side of Nio that if Xenith ever saw herself, she should instantly be less inclined to accept his affections. This was a side of him he seemed adamant on only showing Jah'Ri for now, after all. So perhaps the key was more getting him to slip up and show that side of himself to Xenith more than killing him, at least for now.

These thoughts were, perhaps thankfully, halted when the librarian suddenly approached the group and tried to hold down the book, speaking of a war of something or other... Jah'Ri didn't really pay attention. She was too busy still watching Nio, especially when he began using some sort of magic that added to the aura of the book. Jah'Ri, still silent, watching as Tolan came over and found herself smiling at his words and obvious hostility towards Nio. It seemed Jah'Ri had an ally for when he eventually showed his true colors. Either way, Jah'Ri took no action as of yet but visibly tensed up with the atmosphere around them as they all waited fro Xenith to figure things out. Jah'Ri glanced towards the pages from her position, mostly to distract her from the angry, anxious and slightly afraid thoughts she was experiencing at the moment. She honestly felt... out of place here, like she should be in other company... as fond as she was of Xenith there seemed to be something, or someone, missing... and every time she thought of that her thoughts went right back to those incomplete pictures in her mind of that other dragon born... what could this all mean? If anything, Jah'Ri was starting to believe that perhaps everything that happens in this strange world should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt. All she knew was, she was very fond of Xenith, she was prepare for a conflict to arise, especially surrounding Nio, and there was something kind of.... off about the way Jah'Ri was spending her time, though how was uncertain. These were the only conclusions Jah'Ri felt she could jump to at the moment, and everything else seemed to be a mystery.

@VioletShadow @Scrapmaster

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Giorno looked at the woman of old physique, but nowhere near her 60s or 70s. He waved his hand at his friends in a calming matter, asking them to take a seat before this gets out of hand, of course not with his words, but his motions and look on his face. He closed his eyes for a moment and thought to himself. How damn pretentious does one have to be to tell a bunch of kids not to read a book in a library. Who the hell does she think she is? Damned, old fool. Giorno kept his cool on the outside, but he was fit to burst with a flurry of insults and demands on the inside. He calmly smiled, looking into the woman's eyes. "Sorry, madame, but our attention was fixed on that book you just closed. Us children clearly have no means of joining a war at our age, we just don't see a reason yet! Besides, we have trained warriors and soldiers fighting for whatever cause we see right. They have lived longer than us, and fought more battles. I just think to say that we're inexperienced." He said with swaying confidence. He had to stay cool, there was no way he'd look good assaulting an old, defenseless librarian over a book. He decided to act with gentlemanly address. He put on his warmest smile, and relaxed, putting on a look of insight and charisma. "If you don't mind, miss, could we continue to look at the book? If the owner doesn't want it taken, we will gladly return it and not check it out when we're finished reading it here."

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A street

The sound of rain crashing on the dome overhead was something that one would eventually drown out sooner or later, whether one made a conscious effort to do so or simply did it without thinking. Yet, especially to someone as observant as Jonas, the dryness of the streets and the wetness of the sounds made for a rather incongruous combination.

He wasn't quite sure why; it just felt a little bit counter-intuitive. Not that it was warped or subversive in any way, just that something seemed to be a little bit wrong. The white haired boy couldn't quite put his finger on it; it was like trying to explain a positive or negative aura of a person.

Jonas heard chattering. It was distant, and muffled by the sound of the rain on the dome, but it was audible nonetheless. Voices of all sorts; from the throaty and warlike to the melodious and poetic sopranos of angels. The urge to immediately make judgements about who had what voice was almost instinctive, but Jonas held himself back.

No need to get worked up over a number of voices. There'd be no reason for them to…

It was at this very moment that Jonas realised he had no clue what he was doing here, or how he even got here in the first place. The whole place seemed alien. Could this be a dream? Dreams always had this funny thing of being mysterious, and yet revealing just enough to help one get by comfortably. If they didn't… then the English vocabulary would label it with a different word, one with more negative connotations and a connection to the darkness, that which all humans feared.

And yet… what was a human? What was existence?

Jonas couldn't help but ask himself those questions again. The impenetrable existentialist ideas of Heidegger certainly had a much greater impact, now that there was good reason to have an existential crisis. It wasn't even teenage angst; Jonas simply didn't know, and he acknowledged that.

Worrying won't solve anything. I might as well take things one at a time now.

Jonas stuck his hands into his oversized pyjamas' pockets and strolled about the streets. Something about the whole town seemed a bit odd to him, though, as before, putting a finger on it was impossible. Sometimes, logic simply failed to give a coherent explanation for things; anecdotal evidence, then, would have to suffice. It worked surprisingly well for the boy. At least, that was what his intuition told him; judging from the fact that he either had no experience at all or forgot all of it, intuition was the only think he could rely on.

I suppose I could just sit around and wait. I'm not in a hurry to do anything, anyway.

With a childish spring in his step, the white haired boy took a spot at the curb, lying down flat on his belly with his feet in the air.

((Would it be possible for somebody to meet up with him?))
So they arrived in town. It was raining and damp, and the town didn't look like anything special, but it was definitely great to finally get somewhere. There was a comfortable feeling in simply knowing your location after days of not having any idea where you were.

Looking around, she noticed there were people in the town! This shouldn't be surprising, but being in this sort of group had made her feel as they were the only people who existed. Additionally, there was also a dinosaur standing there! She blinked, making sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. Weirdly, Fia walked right up to the dinosaur and attempted to make conversation. She was probably thinking it was some kind of shapeshifter like her. But these were dangerous times and you should never make assumptions.

Jenna backed up slowly into a corner of a building, making sure the beast did not notice her in the case of it being a predator. She held her breath, hoping it wouldn't attack Fia.. However, the beast seemed to be peaceful enough. She was about to go out when


Jenna yelled. She had stepped on something squishy. No, not something, someone. There was a white-haired boy just laying on the curb on his belly. "I'm so sorry!" she apologized quickly. "Are you OK?" She really should look where she was going and stop being so clumsy. But what kind of person lies down on their belly on a hard surface for no reason?

@Drunk Dragon @rusticyawn @Scrapmaster @Xion136 @Spinoceratopsrex
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Xenith La Rosia

She most likely wouldn't let us continue reading that book... after all, it did emit an aura of pure darkness. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow.. With all the important notes safe, and her decision made, Xenith smiled towards her company, particularly bright towards Nio and Jah'Ri, and headed off towards the peaceful nature section, as she came towards a realization. A rather dire one. She had no money. It was not for her greed, but rather for the safety of her close ones. Where would they stay for the night, if they had no money? Sleeping on the road hardly seems safe, as thieves may be around, and it isn't as if the storm is ending soon, for them to sleep in a tree. How would she get money? She wondered what the currency was like here, whether she would understand it or not. Pivoting on her singular healthy leg, she began to wander around, looking out for any book which may have any information about currency here. Within a few minutes of searching, a particular book caught her eye. It was dusty from lack of use, but appeared relatively new in design and pattern. It's leather cover wrinkled, as the golden font shone in the light, 'Currencies Of The World' she read in her mind. Carefully, evading use of her injured arm, she carried the book towards her companions at the table. Silently, she began to read, as if nothing had taken place.

Nio Magnetus

Nio sighed, his enemies grew once again. It was becoming a hassle, but he also knew how much he liked it this way. He wondered what he had done in the first place, becoming close to a woman wasn't particularly something to die for. However as he thought it, he immediately regretted it. This woman is not ordinary, especially because of the strange bond I have with her. He began to think about her rather protective companions, are they never going to let Xenith make any new relationships with others? He tilted his head, that's not exactly fair on her part. However a slow grin crept upon his face, he was thinking about something, something a bit more evil than intended. Slowly returning to reality, he noticed Xenith had a leather book in her hands. She always appeared more peaceful and happy when she read, this was no exception. He would love to have the ritual book back, but it was sadly still compressed under the old woman's weight. Still sat in his seat, he began to examine the map on the nearby wall. He would definitely enter the other buildings as well, but not at this moment in time. He would like to sit still for a while, in case he found an opportunity to reclaim the book.

(@NeverBetter I require knowledge about the currency of this area and possibly others. You also need to reply to the others about how the woman reacts. Thanks.)


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Muro's head turned round to face the nervous sounding girl's voice.

"I am... slightly confused. That boy, he tried to mount me, like some kind of beast. I am no beast, I don't carry little children" The distaste in his voice was quite evident.

"But now, I am fine." He walked up near to where the girl was standing. He could see another person, a man, close by to.

"Who are you?" He asked them inquisitively


fia breathed a quiet sigh of relief as she thinks of this as a confirmation of being correct. her tense posture immediately eases up, and she moves up closer towards muro without any further hesitation.

"he... might have just been confused? i know i haven't stopped being that since i... woke up?" she isn't quite sure whether that's an apt description of what happened to them, exactly, and her statement ends up sounding more like a question. she looks back at hektor, hoping he can be of more assistance in explaining their situation.

"i'm glad you're okay, though. my name is fia!" she smiles, a hand confidently placed on her hip, the other gesticulating in hektor's direction, flamboyantly trying to aid him in his introduction of himself.

@Spinoceratopsrex @Scrapmaster
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The white haired boy rolled over, onto the road and off the curb. He didn't expect somebody to step on him all of a sudden, and though it didn't hurt as much as he would have expected such an occurrence to hurt, it certainly came as a shock. Then again… why was he even on the curb? It came rather naturally, like a habit of sorts, and yet there seemed to be no logic behind doing so.

In any case, the road didn't seem that dirty, depending on how one looked at it.

"Oh… um… Hi…" said the boy rather sheepishly, scratching the back of his head and smiling innocently.

Nothing much for him to say, so that would suffice.


Jenna Soloven


The boy just scratched his head and said "hi" to her, with an innocent smile on his face.

"Hello," said Jenna blankly. She was about to introduce herself but decided not to. That was getting rather tiring. Now...what was she doing?

Oh yeah. She glanced to the right towards the dinosaur. Apparently Fia, Hektor, and the dinosaur were having a conversation. He seemed like an honest and kind person...er...dinosaur. Jenna waved her hand and walked over, feeling slightly ashamed for assuming the worst.

"So..." she said to Fia and Hektor. "I was thinking..." She paused, trying to formulate her thoughts into words properly. "Okay. So we've pretty much established we know nothing about the world around us or who we are and why we're here. But this is a town....so I'm assuming it's been here a while. The townsfolk


know a thing or two about what they're doing. I was thinking, maybe we can look around in a library or someplace, see if there's some sort of map of the outside world?" If there was a library. Who knew with these people. Everything was so strange, and it would be nice to have something make sense for a change.





https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24039-drunk-dragon/@Drunk Dragon




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DergTheDergon said:


The Dragonborn nodded towards the plantlike woman as she said that she felt the storm brewing. Xai-Kah did as well, and of course to due her appearance and plantlike nature she seemed to have an even greater connection to Nature than Xai-Kah himself did. Xai'Kah followed her, observing his surroundings and simply taking in the majesty of the outskirts as he trotted towards the village alongside Jaighd. Seeing draconian legs attached to a plantlike creature was a little strange to see, but it was logical that in deciding to make legs she used the only reference she had at the moment. Glancing over to her every now and then, he couldn't help but smile at how happy she seemed simply experiencing the wonders of nature, even being part of it herself. Something about this was endearing, even admirable, to Xai-Kah. Walking through the strange magical barrier, Xai-Kah looked up and marvels as somehow, it kept the rain from falling all the way to the ground. It seemed to stop at the height the barrier was extended to.

After a little more walking the two had reached the buildings. Xai'Kah studied these strange structures and a few of the others beings in the street, feeling a little overwhelmed to be honest. He turned towards Jaihgd, curious as to how she was taking all this in. Suddenly, he felt a profound, dark aura and stopped. Xai-Kah didn't know how, but he could tell where magic was a t work. He was highly sensitive to the presence of magic. In a nearby building, a rather dark presence loomed. It seemed small, yet potent. Born from an object, Little did he know, it was the book that had captured the attention of most denizens of the library at present. He felt compelled to investigate this strange presence. Since he had been enjoying the company of Jaighd so far, he didn't see fit to leave her behind. "Jaihgd," he spoke up to her quietly, "I want to investigate that building there," he said pointing towards the library? "Would you like to come with?"

He also felt something more... pleasant, from that direction, something unrelated to the book yet near it. He had a feeling this aura was coming from a living creature near this dark presence, not directly in front of it yet off to the side of it. He was suddenly perplexed as to how these sensations came to him, but was glad for them nonetheless as they gave a sense of direction he did not have moments ago.​

Jaighed shook herself free of her awe and looped a long vine around his scaly arm as not to loose him if something happened.

"Lead Xai," the leafy creature grins and gestures forward, her claw-like roots reaping the snow like wheat to a scythe. She follows him nimbly, up into the strange structure, a building. It said Library, whatever that was. They pass a strange pair consorting, one upon the ground, the other towering over the male. Oh, and a strange bird-lizard that she gave a curious look, but she kept back, uncertain if it was even real. She shook her head, her bark skin rippling, and heads onward, the vine looped around Xai loose and friendly as it explores his waistline. As they entered the build the dragonborn pointed to, she fell to her stark white-root knees.

Everywhere odd blocks, called books she dimly recalled, littered strange cliffs... shelves. But it wasn't that caused her internal pain that made her body contort and recoil against a flat plane - a wall. It was what the books where made of. Her flesh. Well, not hers, her kin - the trees. She didn't doubt the fact their might as well be her kind in there as well, sliced into thin pieces, forced to die in a musty environment where they would never see the sky...

She scoots backward and curls upon the floor next to another feminine being, who was a tad blue from the cold. With disgust and... fear.... she watches as a group of up-walkers, including a dragonborn like Xai'kah and two other strange pale creatures, like the one she sits next to, flip through the pages, the corpse of a relative, nonchalantly -only to have it ripped from their grip by a hawk-nosed woman.

(mentioned: @Okami Izumi @rusticyawn @Drunk Dragon @Spinoceratopsrex @VioletShadow @Pashpu )
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Xenith La Rosia


Her mind was a little distracted for a reason unknown to her, as her reading pace slowly decreased. Pausing momentarily, Xenith stared at a blank area of the book to concentrate. Suddenly, the realization hits her like a wave. People were gathering. Not a particularly large amount, but she could tell they were different from the simple civilians of this town. They were unique, in strange ways. She rose her guard, keeping hold of her calm expression, in case something happened.

Her eyes darted around the area, careful to notice any new changes in the area around her, who knows what these strange beings could do. Two of these creatures had entered the library, one a plant-like creature whereas the other was startling similar to Jah'Ri. Obviously, another dragon-born.

She struggled to keep her expression calm, she was overjoyed for her dear best friend, she had found a member of her kind! Her mind began to wonder about her own species, but desperately shoved it out of the way, this was a time for joy, not depression. Smiling lightly, she hinted towards Jah'Ri to look in the direction of the male dragon-born. Excitedly, she watched for her reaction, despite her calm yet slightly happier than before appearance.

Nio Magnetus

Rising his hand towards his face, Nio face palmed with a deep sigh. Another dragon-born, bound to support Jah'Ri, therefore becoming another enemy of mine. Ugh. He was rather fed up with this, he preferred it if people were not analyzing his every move out of spite and wariness.

His face darkened as he began to ponder thoughts of 'removal', however, as he noticed Xenith's visibly more energetic appearance, he couldn't help but smile lightly. Despite her visual look and demeanor, if you can look past her deep intelligence, she has adorable emotions. But only if you're her close friend.

His eyes drifted off to examine the male dragon-born once again, realizing something green was next to him... a strange plant-like creature. His eyes widened, as he carefully examined her with his eyes.
How is she moving!? How is she sentient!?

Questions buzzed around his head. Her legs were extremely peculiar to him, strange replicas of the dragon-born next to her. His excitement for learning grew, and without him knowing, he was already in front of her. "Not to be rude, but if you don't mind, could I touch you?" It was the most absurd question, but not in his opinion. He was blunt with his words, he either could, or could not, simple as that. His eyes began to glow pinker in the light, excitement only subtly visible.

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The Dragonborn looked down curiously as he felt the Plantoid's vine-like arm loop around his waist. It felt rather comforting, as no matter where he was looking he could feel the vine about his waist and know that his new friend was right beside him. Thinking that he should return this comforting gesture, he gently and carefully put an arm about the plant-girl's own waist, making sure his claws did not so much as brush against her viridian flesh. He nodded as she told him to lead, finding it rather odd that Jaighed had decided to shorten his name to "Xai." He saw no reason not to allow her to continue addressing him in that fashion, however. Stepping into the library, he began to look around curiously. He remembered that books were collections of pages made out of wood that contained written knowledge. He was unsure if he could read the language of this strange place and for some reason he doubted it, but simply knowing what this place contained on the multitudes of shelves was rather comforting, adding a bit of certainty to this strange place he otherwise remembers little about, if he'd even been here before. His eyes glancing over each being in the building, his gaze suddenly stopped on a fellow dragonborn, his eyes widening. A female... there was something about looking at her that made Xai'Kah feel as if he was forgetting something.

Suddenly, Xai'Kah felt Jaighed's grip on him loosen, and turning his head towards her observed the Plantoid falling to her knees in apparent shock, then backing up against the wall in fear. "What is wrong, Jaighed? Does this place... disturb you?" He asked with a hint of concern in his raspy voice. Xai'Kah found his thoughts of that strangely familiar female Dragonborn recede into the back of his mind for now, kneeling in front of the shocked girl concernedly. He felt a pull to help the poor creature as best he could.

Before she could answer his question, Xai'kah heard another question spoken from behind him. Turning to see who it was, one of the pale beings gathered near his fellow Dragonborn had approached Jaighed. His question seemed rather odd to ask a being curled up in fear, but Xai'Kah could see the glint of curiosity in the boy's eyes and it seemed he meant no harm. Glancing back and forth between Jaighed and this strange being, Xai'Kah waited for what happened next. A thought in the back of his mind told him he should watch the boy closely in case his intentions were worse than they appeared, but such course of action seemed a little strange to him. It didn't feel like something he would do. It felt like this thought had been imposed on him by another over a length of time, and found himself thinking of the female Dragonborn in the room along with this. As it stood his gaze remained curious, looking between this strange white-haired being and Jaighed.

@SolisNighsun @VioletShadow


J'ah'Ri was curiously glancing over Xenith's shoulder at the book she was reading whilst waiting for the situation with the librarian to be resolved, trying to understand what she had been reading but could not. It seemed that Jah'Ri simply could not understand the language within these tomes, but she rememberd beingable to read another tongue somehow. Jah'Ri found herself glancing about the room, observing the other beings to pass the time.

As two new beings entered the library, Jah'Ri caught Xenith making a movement with her hand out of the corner of her eye. Turning towards
her, it seemed she had put her book down momentarily. By the expression on her face it seemed that she was excited about whatever she was pointing towards. Finally turning her head in the direction of the door, Jah'Ri's green eyes widened as they shone with wonder. Another Dragnborn, one very much like the one she kept seeing in her thoughts. Jah'Ri felt as though she knew him from somewhere, but could not remember details of any sort. As she stared at him in awe, a comforting, nearly joyous feeling came over her that she could not quite place. She seemed oblivious to Nio approaching the nearby plant woman as she took in the sight of him, even as he himself turned his attention towards the two.

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Jaighed met Xai's gaze uncertainly and nods silently to herself. She stands on wobbly feet and looks at this new being with uncertainty, carefully stepping around the up-walker who was currently communing with the floor. His face was shadowed at first, giving him a maniacal look, but when he stepped into a sunbeam his whole look changed, accentuating his features well. To the Florian he seemed... nice. This man-creature was taller than she, with stark white hair and matching skin... but his eyes had the same hues of color as her own. This, she thought, was a sign. For those who were made of the same snow outside surely were pleasant. But his question surprised the plant-iod and she smiles gently in return, as not to be menacing, her thick skin crinkling with the gesture.

"You... can, touch," she replies pausing after each word, after all she wasn't completely incompetent and she could learn, but the basics were the extent of it. Subconsciously, a vine anchors her to her scaled companion lovingly, for these things and emotions and thoughts and the chaos of simply knowing were not easily compressed and withheld in the Florian.

Another vine, that was previously around what would be her waist, uncurls slowly like a sleepy cobra and rears backward, slowly inching it's way over to the curious up-walker. It touches his cheek gently, trying to understand what he was exactly. It was soft and... squishy, something that the Florian had yet encounter in her brief existence and she urges the vine to explore more to figure out more oddities of his kind - all the while and strange look of curiosity upon her face - as the library and it's horrid contents were, at least for a moment, set aside.

@VioletShadow @DergTheDergon

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Nio Magnetus


Nio smiled lightly as he carefully outstretched his pale hand, with long dexterous fingers, and touched the strange creature. Rough, slightly dry, feeling material was wrapped around the first part he examined. He prodded it slowly, finding it a hard and thick density. He knelt down to gain a closer look of the creature. As he touched the other areas however, he found some soft, like squishy leaves. It was fascinating how they were all varying shades of green and patterned in unique ways.

His bright pink eyes linked with her similar ones, as she analyzed his cheek. He chuckled lightly, they were both learning about each other. It fascinated him, as he watched the plant creature's body pulse and move like a normal being. It's vines acted similar to arms, able to reach out and examine. Her vines were leafy, and a little rough against his skin, it felt as if he was being rustled with leaves.

His face retained his happy expression, as learning was his favourite hobby, as well as that he didn't want to move his face muscles suddenly, in fear of scaring the plant-like creature near him. "Do you have a name?" He asked quietly, worried about startling her. "I am known as Nio Magnetus" he continued softly. Gently, he brushed her head, examining in detail with his intricate fingers.


The Dragonborn nodded slowly back at the plantlike girl, and was about to ask if she'd be more comfortable outside and invite Nio to step out with himself and Jaighed if so, but then she already started answering the white haired boy's question, a bit nervously yet politely. Xai'Kah watched curiously as the two examined each other, finding himself amused by this mutual and innocent expression of curiosity. He was momentarily distracted from these observations as he realized another of Jade's arm-like viny protrusions was grasping him, as if to hold him there, or perhaps simply reassure its owner that he was there. Xai'Kah, previously rather wary of Nio, let his guard down as the boy continued to speak softly towards Jaighed. Unbeknownst to Xai'Kah, his reaction may be confusing for Nio, as he probably expected a very different treatment from another of Jah'Ri's kind.

Speaking of which, thoughts invaded Xai'Kah's mind, unclear yet strangely vivid, of a female speaking sternly towards him, chastising him as a bloodied human body lay in front of her. The words, in Draconic, his people's harsh and guttural language, that he caught clearly had to do with trusting strangers blindly and that this man was evil, while Xai'kah remembered thinking that the humans actions were justifiable, if violent. As the thoughts receded, Xai'Kah realized he had been staring at the female Dragonborn he'd spotted moments earlier, who seemed to have a thoughtful yet slightly angry look on her reptilian face. She seemed like she wanted to move but couldn't, being stunned by something. Perhaps the thoughts, seeming pieces of a memory, occurred to her as well. If so, was this female the one he kept thinking of? He didn't remember.

Coming back to the present moment, he looked back towards his companion as she interacted with the white-haired boy, content to be addressed by either of them first before interacting with either. The root wrapped around his leg was comforting, and he did not feel left out of this interaction due to the Plantoid's seemingly unconscious contact with him.


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Giorno stood up, locking his fingers and throwing his hands up and stretching. He lets out a small breath and grabs his rapier, he looks between Xenith and Nio, the only ones he had a formal greeting with. "I'm going to step out for a moment, get some fresh air. This building is pretty damp..." He slides his sheathe onto his waist. He leaned in, keeping his voice down. "I won't be far, come talk to me if you find out anything..." He walks out, the storm had died down and he saw it passing over the horizon. He heard the waking chirps of birds and rumbles of thunder in the distant. He takes a deep breath through the nose, closing his eyes and tasting the sweet air. He lets out a loud exhale, spreading his arms and bathing in the sunlight. 'I probably look really stupid right now.' He thinks to himself, opening his eyes to look around, making sure nobody saw. Everyone seemed to not be paying attention.

No checks, no specialty effects could occour.

The cold on the book prevents damage to it from occouring.

The old woman gave the majority of the group a rather nasty look to their rather large distaste of what she suggested, except for Xicor. From here on in, Xicor is the only character who the Lybrarian will react positively to in this group of people. (All characters by the table for reading the Blood Magic book)

The rain was stopped, and the barrier was lowered.

The Library is quite a center for interactions thus far, and is a great source of knowledge even just speaking a little helps all inside feel a little more accomplished in English. English talent increased.

Xenith has learned a rather basic system of gold is used the world across, gold, silver, bronze, and so on coins make up the currency of the world in general, however bartering is still quite popular, so is dueling. Duels generally are more of a game than actual combat, but combat is an often chosen meathod as well.

The smell of fresh-baked bread, cakes, pies, and so on wafts through the air. The Bakery looked like a rather enticing place to check out, and it wasn't much more than a small walk from the library.

The townsfolk debate on trying to corral Muro until he speaks, a number of townsfolk begin to leave the area, rumors of Muro spread quickly. Less Human townsfolk are noticed on the streets.

More of the intelligent Rotparhatu species are noticed walking the streets as the human population disperses.

More Dragonborn race beings become apparent.

Though human-looking, the longer "fang-like" teeth they possessed made it obvious that more Vampires existed in this town, though they were not too easy to spot.


The Old Woman scoffed at the children. Such impedance and disrespect! Save for the young man with the voice of a machine. She gave him the glance of an approving mother as she stowed the book under her arm. "I don't plan on lending this book out ever, or letting you lucky youngsters read it, get that silly thought out of your head. " she said to Giorno before putting her focus back on the man in the strange metal suit.

"Ah, yes. Someone reasonable! Now, this is quite a story for you to take in. For years now, the two greatest body's of civilization have been in combat with each other for something that I find petty at this point: a disagreement on how jelly should be stored and preserved! Just the thought! Our little town, like many others, just get sucked up in the chaos that is the war sometimes even though we're a a part of one of the many neutral territories in this spat."

She had somehow, without moving, produced a book she didn't have before, and placed it upon the table for all to see, opening to the world map (Map very unfortunately incomplete, I will have it drawn up soon, but life is derp). Across it, many lines of war and boarders have been drawn. Ones that didn't exist before had been penciled in. The land was completely locked. Neither side could seem to match the other out.

"The kingdom that caused this whole mess is far more advanced than most the rest, their land is called Selias, the Republic. They have numbers and far advanced weaponry, as they can produce fighters out of not much more than a pile of scrap that fight well enough, and their weapons are quite odd, like shooting bursts of light or projectiles made of "led" whatever that is, instead of arrows or bolts. Which is fine and dandy and all, but without someone up there strong enough to turn the tides of battle with tactical skill and strength to match, the machines just break themselves, either with the weapons they use being far too strong, or incompetence.

The side that is trying to avoid being destroyed is much more normal. They use swords and bows and other conventional weapons, and is named Oren. They're not as powerful in the weapon department as the Selian's machines of war use, but they have some of the most talented warriors this side of the world. However, as strong as they are, they need time to fight in optimal condition, and if one of their guard dies, there isn't much they can do but hope the new trainee is quick out of training and is at least half as good as the last one they lost. Any win they take is short-lived because they're just normal beings, they have limits."

She took a breath, the first time in a while. It was like she hardly need breath.

"They need more advanced weapons and technology if they ever want to crack the enemy."

She changed the page, "Reason for the War" plastered in big, bold, letters, written in a royal blue color in a beautiful caligrifal style.

In contrast, the passage was far from noble.

"The war started when Queen Annabelle Von Oren VIII was conversing with the President of Selias, President Elliot Dwight Rosewood, and they got onto the topic of how their countries handled food storage and keeping it good. President Dwight was always well-known for his passion for preserves, jams, jellies, and the sort, as he grew up on a farm specializing in preserve making. Whereas Queen Annabelle was known for hardly caring at all.

When the topic of jams and preserves and the sort came up, as it eventually would, President Dwight took it to heart when Queen Annabelle, kind as she coukd, stated she didn't know much on jelly, and nor did she care for the understanding of it.this was outrageous to President Dwight, and he took such an offense to this action, thst he immediately dropped a bomb on the nearest port city belonging to Oren. This, of course, lead only to more fighting and hatred, and an all-out war that has lasted many ages since it's start. Neither side seems to remember or acknowledge the truth of how the war started, and propaganda keeps the flames fueled even to this date." End quote from the passage.

"As a result of this war, a lot of people keep getting hurt for no reason. Especially towns like this that sit right on the border of the two countries." The Lybrarian pointed to the small town along a penciled in war zone and border named Cobblelock on the map she had then pulled back up. "Every week or so, they come to try and take the city. They are nice enough to try and keep combat out of the civilian zone, and our wonderful mages do all they can to shield us from what gets lose, those "led" projectile things have more than once killed a bystander or two, and though their buisness is appreciated, the soldiers of Oren are ungreatful and leave a lot of damage to the town after they visit, especially if they don't get the best treatment that "warriors of their caliber" deserve. We repair and survive as best we can for a small town, but a lot of folks are at their wits end! So, the moment I saw you lot all buddy-buddy, I figured maybe we have a chance a getting it finished for good. Such a silly war doesn't deserve to exist yet it does, but since it's founded on such a poor idea, it couldn't be too hard to foil for a group of youngin's like you all. What do you say?" She asked. And had kept her attention on, until the annoying white-haired boy found a sentient fig tree to talk to, to which she had tossed the book as far away as she could manage, and walked over to them. "If you want to touch each-other, ilease, don't use my library as your location for such doing. This is a place of knowledge, not groping."

Outside, the calmness of the area was broken by the sounds of explosions and the sound of metal tearing through metal; metal screeched, bullets soared, arrows flew in the air like birds and beams shot through into the skys. The barrier had suddenly came back up, just in time for what looked like the bullet spread of a slug round from a shot gun to slam into the barrier. It seemed to lose power for a moment in the location of where the shot landed, the light blinking for a moment in that section. It was obvious this kind of magic wasn't very good at stopping bullets, but it was better than nothing. The feral Rotparhatu became restless and began screeching at the location the barrier was shot, crying our in anger. The farmer went in and had managed to soothe them mere moments later, it was obvious this happened often though that he had learned how to calm the beasts down through something as little as a shot to the barrier.

There was a battle just starting to rage on in the distance, far off, would our protagonists face it though? There was at least one armed with the knowledge of at least why it was happening, but would he find it a worthy cause to fight for? What of the others? Only time will tell.
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Finally, I managed to do a longer post than normal. I hope you like it (:3)

Xenith La Rosia


Her eyes gleamed happily, despite how dazed Jah'Ri appeared, Xenith knew this was good for her, she could not sense a dark aura from the male dragon-born. She watched silently as Jah'Ri slowly drifted away into a world of her own, and wondered, did I act like that, when I met Nio? As she almost fell into her own daze, Xenith returned to her currency book, leaving Jah'Ri to herself. She likely needed some time to think.

The old woman began explaining to a man, about the various aspects of the current war. She listened, in case this effected her in any way in the future. Refined golden coins filled the page, as she learned about the various currencies throughout the world. Despite their differences, they were all uniquely similar and connected somehow. Now then.. how should I gain wealth? She thought silently to herself, before gazing out the window. Clear skies filled her eyes, as the rain slowly halted. A backup plan was quickly formed; sleeping outside was an option now.

Sweet smells filled her nose, sugary tastes on the very end of her tongue, slowly filled her mind. Looking over at Nio, who seemed to be busy, and Jah'Ri, who appeared as if she needed some time, Xenith left on her own, carefully pushing open the double doors. However, as soon as she looked upon the world outside, everything had changed, despite it all looking very similar.

The strange people, different to the normal civilians here, were dotted around the area, but she chose to ignore them, they weren't particularly eye-catching at the moment. Most of the humans earlier had left the scene, replaced with more dinosaur creatures like Muro, and dragon-borns. In a strange sense, they appeared similar, as they stood side-by-side each other. Generally, she thought such creatures were rarer than they appeared here. That wasn't what had caught her eye the most though.

Vampires, very ordinary-looking, roamed the streets. There were very few of them compared to the others, but they existed. They were slightly paler, and a little prettier than the average person, from a mortal's perspective. With her superior vampire abilities though, Xenith immediately spotted them, locating her brethren was easy by their aura. Her expression was firmly locked in place, especially when the vampires noticed her, and did something unexpected.

Quietly, they approached and bowed before her. "We have been waiting..." they whispered in synchronization. This was how it was meant to be, Xenith could feel it within her. These vampires were below her, as she was a pure-blood, a descendant of the very first which roamed these lands. She smiled softly, before greeting them individually. Two third generations and a second generation... interesting. She paused for a short moment, in taking all the new information, and the responsibilities she holds.

Nio Magnetus


Nio slowly paused his actions, before turning to face the old woman, who was much shorter than him. He gave a little smile towards the plant-like creature, before simply staring at the librarian with a slightly displeased look on his face. Eventually, he asked the plant-like creature "Do you want to come outside with me?" he paused for a moment, contemplating his next actions. "If so, I'll meet you outside." He began to casually stroll towards the exit, hands within his pockets.

As he pushed the doors open, he noticed Xenith, commanding a presence of nobility, surrounded by a few people bowing in her direction. He felt if wouldn't be his place to intrude on such a matter, it seemed to be an important reunion. He nodded in her direction, before looking around a little more carefully.
The creatures outside have changed, no longer do mere humans roam the streets, but strange, out-of-this-world creatures do.

Suddenly, loud noises began to explode in the distance. The barrier, previously lowered as the storm ended, had awoken once again, just in time to prevent a bullet entering the premises. It wasn't exactly a strong barrier, therefore Nio decided to re-enforce it slightly, but only in the general area of where the bullet came from. He used his ice powers, to solidify a minor portion, which was slightly weaker from the bullet.

Sighing softly, he began to browse around casually, without a care in the world. He didn't particularly care about anyone here, except for Xenith, and maybe the plant creature too, so if this village decided to blow up, he wouldn't really mind. He would simply escape with them to another place. But, he might have to get involved, depending on what happens...For now though, he simply was interested by the magic potion store in front of him.

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fia nodded and bobbed slightly up and down as jenna and hektor talked, feeling a little antsy as she watched the people of the town move by. there seemed to be a lot going on here - people were all going about their lives in a somewhat linear fashion, similar but distinct as they moved along the streets. she bit her lip as she imagined it. what were these people going about in doing? how did they all exist so... densely? fia's little bobbing motion slows slightly as she crosses her arms around her chest. it seemed so surreal to her, for some reason she couldn't quite place.

"a... library?" fia gave jenna a troubled look as she mentions the idea of moving their group to one. the word doesn't have much familiarity to her (none of them do, really) and it's hard to for her to know for sure whether it's because it is a truly new concept to her, or something she just couldn't fathom at the moment. since fia wasn't really sure why there was difference between the two in the first place, it was kind of hard to work out which it was. in her distraction, though, fia manages to make out two figures entering a building - a... plant? and a... well, they sort of looked humanoid. fia's sure the plant gives them a look.

she watches as people seem to come and go from it. it was sort of memorizing to her, in that they all seemed to resemble their group in a way. in that they had some sort of intangible weirdness about them. she guessed they weren't terribly so - a few people like the man entering the building before and their new large reptilian friend seemed to be emerging as the people around them dispersed. still, it was enough to catch her attention, and she grabs jenna's sleeve and points her in the direction of it.

"so, uh, is that what we're all looking for?" she asks, still sort of staring at it as she points it out to everyone. before much could be done about the revelation, a loud sound suddenly crashed against the barrier, and fia immediately tightened her grip on jenna, hiding her face in jenna's sleeve.

"what was that!?" she cried out, startled and upset by the sound of the noise. as she reluctantly turned her head upward to survey the damage, she could see an area of the barrier on the side of the town replaced by ice, and a seemingly nonchalant boy striding away from the scene, as if nothing of real importance had happened.

@Pashpu @Scrapmaster @Drunk Dragon @Spinoceratopsrex
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Jah'Ri & Xai'Kah

As Jah'Ri was taking in this familiar yet somehow simultaneously unfamiliar fellow Dragonborn that had entered this strange building moments ago, she remembered things. Perhaps more accurately, profound, vivid thoughts came to mind that seemed to be memories of the male Dragonborn, yet they felt distant, almost as if they were not real. Jah'Ri tried for several minutes, simply just sitting there and staring at him, trying to remember all she could of him. Yet only a few small memories came to mind, and despite some of them calling feelings of anger, impatience or anxiety to mind the feeling accompanying most of these thoughts was a pleasant, warm feeling in her chest, a feeling she had only felt when interacting with and thinking of Xenith until this mysterious male of her kind came here.

When it seemed that there simply was no more to remember, Jah'Ri allowed herself to become aware of her surroundings once again. One of the first things she noticed was that Xenith was no longer sitting beside Jah'Ri as the pale girl had been mere moments ago. Glancing around the library to see she was no longer here, her gaze returned to the library's entrance way. She then realized that Nio was no longer here either; however, still in that area was the other Dragonborn and the plant woman. Jah'Ri stood up, decided it was time to introduce herself to the male properly, and began to approach him, noticing that the strange plant-being beside him seemed to be close to him in the way she and Xenith have become close by vine-esque arm wrapped around his waist.

Xai'Kah watched the strange boy leave after looking towards the Librarian with disgust. Xai'Kah looked towards the librarian himself, by his observation now understanding that she had been keeping the book away from those curious about it, including the white-haired boy it would seem. Xai'kah gave a nod of approval towards the old woman as she tossed the book away.
"Wise actions. Those beings did not know what they were seeking," he spoke towards her calmly, out of the blue. The librarian seemed a sensible sort, the aura around that book being the kind Xai-Kah had an instinct to stay away from or destroy far sooner than to seek its clearly dark knowledge. After hearing the white-haired boy's suggestion leveled at Jaighed, Xai'Kah turned to her and said "I will come as well, if you decide to go, friend."

Xai'Kah then noticed the female Dragonborn from earlier walking over to him, and found his eyes traveling over her body to get a thorough look at her that he was unable to from his previous distance to her.
"Jah'Ri sees you are of her kind," jah'Ri spoke towards him, not seeming to notice that his gaze kept focused below her neck as she began to speak. "Name is Jah'Ri. Kin's name?"

Finally looking back up to speak to her face, looking into her violet eyes with his narrow Viridian pupils, he responded
"Xai-Kah. It is good to meet another of our kind, jah'Ri." "Jah'Ri shares such sentiment." The female Dragonborn then peered over her kin's shoulder and noticed Xenith outside the building, strange pale creatures somewhat like her gathering around her. Squinting at this odd happening for a moment, she then looked back towards Xai'kah and spoke. "Jah'Ri sees friend outside, friend that Jah'Ri believes would like to meet you. Come with?" Xai'Kah looked thoughtful for a moment, bringing a clawed hand up to his chin and stoking it as an old man would stroke his beard whilst deep in thought, glancing between Jaighed and Jah'Ri all the while.

Coming to a desertification a few short moments, he spoke towards Jah'Ri.
"That would depend on My own friend here," Xai'kah explained calmly, looking towards Jaighed. "After speaking with Nio would you care to meet this friend of Jah'Ri's?" He looked at her expectantly. Jah'Ri nodded. "Jah'Ri shall go see friend then. She is pale, raven-haired being over there," Jah'Ri said whilst pointing toward her. Xai'kah nodded, seeing the being Jah'Ri spoke of as he turned to do as much. He mentally noted as Jah'Ri walked away that her way of speaking seemed strange to him. She spoke in incomplete sentences and referred to herself in the third person, something Xai'Kah was not inclined to do despite being of the same species as Jah'Ri. He would have to inquire about this in future, he thought.

approached Xenith carefully, not speaking up or making any sudden movements so as not to interrupt and simply listening and watching for now, until such a time when she is noticed by any of the beings suddenly gathered here. From the unfamiliar humanoids' words, it seemed as though these pale beings were waiting for a leader of some sort, and have chosen Xenith as such. She observed this meeting curiously and cautiously, the beings kneeling before Xenith not seeming to be malicious for now so Jah'Ri did not raise her guard just yet.

@SolisNighsun @NeverBetter

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Xenith La Rosia


As Xenith sensed Jah'Ri approaching, she attempted to greet her, but was interrupted by loud noises in the distance. A battle was raging in the distance, but still close enough to be able to hear the gunfire and yells of fury. She sighed at the annoyance of the situation. However, as she looked over at her brethren, they grew paler as they peered into the distance.

As one, a beautiful blonde woman with red-tinted blue eyes, turned around, a look of worry etched onto her pale face, she asked pleadingly
"My lady, not to disturb you in any way, but if you could aid us, it would be greatly appreciated." Xenith could see the pure intentions in her eyes, and nodded slowly, before replying "What is the problem?" Vampires typically watched from the sidelines, especially in a petty war like this. Therefore this problem interested her, as to why they were in trouble.

"Multiple members of our kind have been captured by the opposing kingdom, Selias. Currently, they are being forced to fight for them, with their superior senses able to handle the advanced weaponry. A few of such are incredibly close to us, we would like to take them back."
She paused momentarily, wiping her eyes of the liquid that had formed. "However, they cannot simply leave the battlefield. They are somehow 'leashed' to their owners, which are high-ranking soldiers, and must fight for them. The leash prevents our brethren from attacking their owners, but that is only limited to themselves, it doesn't affect us." She gulped subtly, only barely noticeable "The only way we can save them, after hours of thought, is to kill their owners. Which will definitely be a difficult task, especially with our lack of power and people. We would like to ask you, and possibly your companions," she glanced at Jah'Ri swiftly "to help us fight them."

Xenith nodded slowly, absorbing the situation and contemplating her next move.
The best way to find and kill the soldiers would be on the battlefield... there's no way around this is there? She felt it was her duty to protect her kind, which she had only just found out about. If she refused this plea, it would be similar to throwing away a treasure she just found, the trust of her kind. It was going to be difficult, but she knew she was going to agree. "I agree to help you in your time of need." As soon as these words left her mouth, the relief on her brethren's faces were pleasing to see. They smiled brightly, much contrast to their usual appearance. "Thank you, my lady." They spoke in turn.
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Jah'Ri opened her fang-laiden maw to greet Xenith as she began to turn towards the Dragonborn, only to hear disturbingly loud noises in the distance, that caused her to tense up instinctively. Realizing she wasn't in immediate danger, she then slightly relaxed, still keeping on edge just in case. She listened to the pale beings' exchanged words, and found herself inspiring by Xenith's resolve to help them. Jah'Ri was surprised as the fair-haired, fair-skinned being talking to Xenith acknowledged the Dragonborn herself, if only briefly but it seemed they needed all the help they can get. "Jah'Ri shall help however she can. Her kind is strong. Xai'Kah may help as well." Jah'Ri nodded in the direction of the male Dragonborn near the entrance of the nearby library for emphasis, who was still conversing with the feminine plant being beside him.

Little did Jah'Ri know, until another male dragonborn approached her carrying an injured female, did she realize she could offer more than just herself. The male looked Jah'Ri in the eyes and spoke. "Fekiikiri, lyrik ux Bahamuti." The language was familiar to Jah'Ri. She knew in her mind that he had said "Greetings, fellow Dragonborn." "Fekiikiri," Jah'Ri returned, momentarily stunned that another of her kind appeared so soon, just like Xenith's new found followers here.

"Yth tepoha nymuera dout lexri. Yth nishka slathalin mrith wux." The Dragonborn continued. "We have heard your words. We shall fight with you." His gaze was serious, and glancing around him Jah'Ri could see a handful of other Dragonborn, some with weapons, all similarly serious. She wondered why they chose her to decided if they join. She was no leader, unlike Xenith seemed to be. Either way, Jah'Ri simply nodded in a universal gesture of acceptance. She then turned to Xenith. "These Kin of Jah'Ri's wish to join Xenith's cause," she translated concisely, looking over her face curiously for her response.

The idea of battle had entranced a certain Gigant. He had not been where the story had been told, but he could feel the rumble of the earth as battle approached. Glancing around, Somrene had decided that he might as well check it out. If he could make a living no other way, and nothing could be explained to him by anybody, then he was going to do things his own way. His large size and martial expertise would certainly prove to be valuable to one side or the other. And isn't that what we all look for in our lives? Being valuable to somebody. And so, Somrene had made his way to the battle, his weapon slung over his shoulder, and he looked upon the scene...


Caesar wandered about town, having abandoned the others. They were... a little odd. And he felt like sticking with them would lead only to more trouble. And personally, if he could live a peaceful life here in this village, then he would do just that. He spotted a building with a sign that had a bed on it. Assuming that it must be an inn of some sort, he entered. "Hello?" He asked, glancing about the lobby for people. "Do you have a room available?" It was then that Caesar realized that he had no money. "I'll work for it. House chores, cooking, door-opening, dish-cleaning, whatever you got." He said, seeking refuge from the world. Maybe he could start a new life here. Who needed wherever he had come from, whoever he was, when he could be whatever he wanted here. Now, dishboy wasn't a glorious start, but that was okay. Rags to riches right?
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@DergTheDergon - If you disagree with anything in this post, whether it be battle strategy or race attributes, let me know, or tie it in with the plot by getting a dragon-born to remind me of it. Also, you can take over the battle strategy and weaponry etc from here if you&\#039;d like. It will give you more to write about \(:3\)

Xenith La Rosia


Xenith smiled subtly, giving a nod of approval. She began to grow excited, despite her outer, calm appearance. Despite the dangers, the fatality, the hardship they were about to face, so many beings had agreed to help their cause, even though it was not directly linked to their own. She silently wondered why they had agreed to help, they literally had no reason to, apart from saving vampires, who aren't exactly known to be nice creatures. Did they have an ulterior motive? This question stayed within her mind for a few moments. If there is... I will find it. She strove to be wary of her new army, but was pleased to have so much help nonetheless.

Returning to the topic, she began to devise battle plans within her mind. Vampires, known to have superior senses and the ability to fly, also skilled at using dark/blood magic, would be mainly offensive attackers. They don't particularly have strong defense, therefore swift attacks would work best for them. However, there were the least amount of them here, 4, including herself. Dragon-borns, born with tough, thick scales gives them the ability to withstand many hits. Their sharp claws and fire-breathing ability(Only some dragon-borns), makes them excellent attackers too. However, they aren't exactly the fastest out there. We have over a handful of them, including Jah'Ri and Xai'Kah.

Xenith calmly explained all of this to her 'army', using gestures when appropriate. "We should attack one 'owner' at a time, to prevent major casualties." She began to finish her explanation, "However, if anyone has any extra information or disagreements, state them now. Also, just to remind everyone, our time limit for this attack is until the battle roaring in the distance ends. Otherwise, it'll be too late, and we'll have to wait until another battle arises, if another ever does, which most likely will." She never thought she could have such charisma, as she gazed upon the other faces in the circle, listening intently. Her mind was proud of her achievements, and she swore to not let these people down. As she awaited the other's comments, she began pondering battle formations and weaponry, if they needed it. As most of the beings here, have abilities which do not require weapons. We should examine the battle stance too...whether it's just a horde of people fighting, or set battle positions.


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