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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

"Xenith...?Xen..ila?Xenila?" His words were cautious as a name returned to him. Xenila? It was an extremely familiar name to him, more so than his own. His heart was in pain, what happened with this woman? Why did every fibre of his being ache to be with her? Despite his yearning, he managed to keep them in control, somehow. A tear rolled down his cheek as he once again stepped closer. His memories, even though he tried so hard, failed to return to his mind. Reaching out, he caressed her cheek as tears fell from her unique eyes. He gave a sweet smile, his heart was filled with joy as his urges were slightly satiated. "Xenila...."

Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Xenila? A familiar name, spoken with a warm voice by the figure before her. She was confused, is that her name? What about 'Xenith'? Brushing that aside, she thought it didn't matter at the moment. "Nio..?" Another familiar name appeared before her. Was that his name? Her body began to yearn for something... but she didn't understand what. It definitely was to do with the man in front of her though. His cold hand brushed her cheek, unknowingly, she lent towards it, as if she had done it before, multiple times. Her arm cradled his hand closer towards his face, it was strangely satisfying and warm, satiating the urges she had before. She was always unconsciously yearning to find this person...."Nio...."


Together, they gazed deeply into each other's mythical eyes. It was as if they were in a time of their own, no one, or anyone, could have preventing this. It was fate, an impenetrable bond.
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Muro was highly confused about the boy. He had never seen him before, his first instinct was to attack him, but the way he and Xenith stared into each others eyes... it was odd. Like they knew each other or something. Muro backed down a few steps, tensed up his muscles and bared his teeth slightly, ready in case this newcomer tried anything to harm them.


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jah'Ri watched in confusion as the two continued to stare blankly at eachother, mumbling out namesthat seem to come to them out of nowhewhere. Xenilia? Wasn't her name Xenith? This... this was more confusing to Jah'Ri than anything she'd ever experienced so far which is saying something. Not only confusing but frustrating... she couldn't get through to Xenith it seemed. Glancing over to Muro he seemed to have the right idea about all this. This boy must be a threat, making Xenith space out like this... but he was doing the same. As the boy reached out to touch Xenith, something in Jah'Ri reacted before any definitive judegment was made, pushing the boy back and glaring it him, baring her fangs and claws.

"Stay back. Jah'Ri has never seen you. She is guardian of Xenith. How can she know you are not threat to Xenith? Xenila? Whatever name is truly hers." Internally she was apologizing to Xenith for this, as it seemed that this boy was strange, but honestly rather harmless. Still, something about him touching her, and her reciprocating the gesture so readily, triggered Jah'Ri's instincts to protect her, and make it known to the boy that she won't let him harm her and has reason to believe he would.

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

"Oh, I'm sorry." He barely managed to snap back to reality in response to the dragon-born's defensive maneuvers, as well as the dinosaur's tensed state. "My name is Nio, I have no memories whatsoever, I woke up quite literally a few minutes ago." Pointing in the direction of the town, he explained "For some reason, I awoke over in that town over there." Silence fell between them for a mere moment before he continued. "I apologize if I seemed hostile." He analyzed the familiar woman one last time, before looking at her companions. It was strange how their group were all different races. A dinosaur, a dragon-born, a vampire- Wait, why did he know that? His mind was becoming more and more puzzled by the second. Glancing at the woman, he asked "If you would like to head to town, follow me." His expression returned to being calm, as his demeanor re-stabilized itself as aloof. Slowly walking away, his hair shone bright silver in the little light available. He could tell he shouldn't ask too many questions, but made idle chit-chat along the way.

Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Blinking multiple times, Xenith returned to her normal manner, calm and elegant. She gave Jah'Ri a little hug, appreciating her caring attitude. Smiling lightly at Nio's words, she felt as if she needed to follow him. Walking beside him, she wondered if he was cold, but quickly remembered that his abilities were ice-based. Wait, what? No wonder he wasn't cold... she thought calmly, brushing aside the fact that she somehow knew that; her mind was in too much turmoil already. Pondering carefully, she realized Xenila was not her name, but rather a nickname. It was based on a.. flower? The more she thought, the more her head hurt. Deciding to leave it to another time, she noticed Jah'Ri, and gave a reply. "My full name is Xenith La Rosia... Xenila is a nickname." Laughing lightly, she talked happily with Nio. Her emotions felt free, as if she could talk about many things with ease, which Nio was the cause of.

@DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex
Jah'Ri eyed the strange boy suspiciously for a few more moments before stepping backwards. "Nio is forgiven.... we all have very few memories of past. But Jah'Ri cares very much for Xenith, closest friend she has made among other lost souls here." Jah'Ri was startled by Xenith's surprise hug, but a few moments later loosely returned the gesture careful not to scratch the frail-looking girl with her claws or to squeeze her too hard. The next instant after this show of affection, Xenith seemed transfixed by this Nio boy once again, seeming to forget Jah'Ri' was ever there. It was clear that Xenith seemed allured by the boy, compelled to follow him. Despite that being strange in itself, something about seeing these two interact as if they were close without remembering anything about each other made Jah'Ri feel a bit of Deja Vu,or perhaps it was a premonition of sorts.

She got this profound feeling that there were memories buried deep in her mind of something, no, someone, very important to her. Someone who was different than Nio and Xenith, that much was for certain. She wondered if this person would make themselves known to her, or why she got the feeling they existed in the first place. Before now Jah'Ri doubted she had a past of any kind and was simply brought into existence here in her current form, though perhaps that wasn't true.

Jah'Ri was brought out of her whirlwind of thoughts by Xenith's next words. "Ah, I see... Jah'Ri will continue to call Xenith by her true name then. Among Jah'Ri's people such things as "nicknames" are considered improper, used as insults more than anything." She then stopped in her tacks for a moment, eyes widening. "Jah'Ri's... people? Jah'Ri remembers of... others like her... Jah'Ri could recall no such memories moments ago." After Xenith returned her attention to that Nio boy, acting not very much like herself around him to jah'Ri's perceptions, Jah'Ri began following the duo as they headed off towards the town, glancing towards Muro and quietly conversing with him a short distance behind the two beings happily chatting as they made thier way to town. "Boy named Nio... does Muro sense anything suspicious about him as well? Or is it just Jah'RI?" Jah'Ri found herself glaring daggers into Nio's back every now and again. She still wasn't sure why, but something about the way he stole all of Xenith's attention and how happy she seemed aroundhim bothered Jah'Ri greatly. She was happy that Xenith seemd happy, but somehow he just couldn't let it go. @Spinoceratopsrex @VioletShadow
Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

"Jah'Ri... you remember your people?" With a sudden halt, Xenith peered behind her. Her stare was unwavering, as if they could pierced through your soul. "That's amazing...it's good to see we are both regaining small fragments of our past." A thin smile left her lips, contemplating the reason for these events. Swiftly, she turned around and returned to her conversation with Nio, only to be greeted with their destination. An array of houses lined the area, mainly keeping the theme of dark wood. A cobblestone path greeted them, much easier to walk on than the fragile snow, despite the slight ice glazed over. Nearby, a fountain, three tiers high, flowed icy water. Analyzing the area carefully, she noticed a human shaped marking in the snow. She traced it carefully with her finger, a familiar figure shaped into view. After figuring out a possible answer, bluntly, she asked "Did you wake up here?" whilst kneeling down near the strange marking.

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

He gave a slow nod of approval towards the dragon-born, disappointed by the lack of courtesy given. With Xenith's sudden words, Nio stopped in his walk and waited for her. As he turned around, he shot a swift glare at the dragon-born. He had noticed the deep glares of suspicion piercing his back, and was particularly annoyed by it. He couldn't trust the dragon-born, he wished her and the dinosaur gone. Once again staring at Xenith unknowingly, his attraction to her was strangely alluring. Smiling softly, he looked forwards and faced the town he was once in. A few trees were sparsely placed around the area, which he hadn't seen earlier. They had long icicles dripping from the highest of branches, and snow piled on the very tip. "Yes, I did." Nio responded. Silence filled the air for a few moments, before they continued talking. It was a strange conversation, themed on memories, sometimes food, and general likes and dislikes.

"How can he remember?" Muro said, we have no memories, we simply are. I don't remember...."

Muro closed his eyes and tried to focus, to pull something from the black cracks of his memory, all he could pull out was an image of creatures like him, if indeed they existed, or he even did have any kind of past.

"Impossible!" Muro said.

"I do not know what to think, I shall be wary as of now."

Simon Cross

Town Group

Seeing that no one had responded to him, Simon decided to take a walk around this place. He knew his name was Simon Cross, and something else. Don't take off the mask, he wouldn't like what he saw. Trying to find something to do, Simon sang a tune to himself

"Twinkle Twinkle little star, I want to hit you with a crowbar, drop you from a tree so high, hope you break your neck and die!"

"AHAHAHHA!" He laughed, he found this little song hilarious for some reason, why?

"Ha Ha!" He shouted out loud "I have NO IDEA! Isn't that wonderful?! Hee hee heh!
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Jah'Ri nodded at Xenith's astonished comment. "Mhm. Jah'Ri knows not how, but she remembers. Very little, but remembers." Jah'Ri shrugged after she was finished speaking. She felt as though there wasn't much sense worrying about it right now. Jah'Ri returned Xenith's smile for a moment before replying to her sentimental remark. "Yes, it is good to see... perhaps will not be much longer before we understand what has happened to us. Jah'Ri hopes, at least."

As the three came upon the place they were heading towards, Jah'Ri occupied herself as the group moved by examining her unfamiliar surroundings in great detail, taking in the buildings, the snow, and the other strange beings she could see here. Jah'Ri wondered if they all were in a similair predicament to Jah'Ri and her present company, thier memories missing or perhaps simply nonexistent. Jah'Ri found herself looking around fro others of her kind, other Dragonborn, now that she remembered what they look like, how they spoke. There were none around here, but perhaps she would run into one soon enough. She couldn't rule out that possibility in this strange predicament she found herself in.

Jah'Ri simply narrowed her gaze further upon catching Nio's stare, seemingly colder than the nature of the boy himself, which was quite a feat indeed. Jah'Ri couldn't smell much body heat from him, and the closer Jah'Ri walked with him the colder the air seemed. Either way, Jah'Ri was expecting him to not trust her one bit, seeing how she's been acting towards him so far. That is good, he seems to wisely recognize her as a threat in case he ends up hurting Xenith, or anyone else Jah'Ri is close with, such has this fellow Dragonborn she keeps seeing in her mind. It was fair, and how nature would will it.

Suddenly, Jah'Ri attention was stolen by Manic laughing in the near distance. It seemed to come from a being in a large black garment of some sort that covered thier entire body, and an odd bird-like mask that covered its face. glanced thier direction and decided they are a possible danger to keep watch of, for the sake of Xenith, Muro and Jah'Ri herself.

@Spinoceratopsrex @VioletShadow
- Beach group -

"And I am a gentleman, pleasure to meet you 'Talking fox' " Hektor entered the conversation as he had awoken a few moments prior, he just remained silent and vigilant. He had nothing to do other than withstand the heat in his attire and remove the sand he found on his many pockets, both outside the attire and inside. Holding his cane with him as support.

He shifted his gaze to Jenna, "That seems like the most sensible idea. And I don't believe I got your name m'lady" Hektor spoke to her, he did not remember seeing her at all before, but no matter. "My name is Hektor...and thats about it, I can't remember anything else." He explained as he whiped some sand oss his knee.

@rusticyawn @Pashpu @princekyle

- Town group (I think? xD ) -

Nio would soon feel an axe touching the back of his head, gently. but also threateningly. as Tolan stood behind the kid, silent...menacing. "Who is this..." He spoke under his helmet, which made his voice have a lower pitch than normal. Holding the axe tightly, with a hand in his hope-hook which was sitting on his belt.

But Tolan's hand was soon grabbed by someone, someone whose hand's was of metal. Xicor and Tolan had followed them, worried about where they would go and what they'd get themselves into. Pulling Tolan's hand away with his Cyborg strenght was an easy task, as the damage from before was already repaired. "He's a kid, don't threaten the poor guy to an axe to the back of the head..." Xicor scolded him. Tolan simply grunted, "Hmph. A stranger is still a stranger..." He spoke prompting Xicor to sigh under his mask.

"Alright, Xenith, Jah'ri? can you guys explain to Tolan who this boy is before I have to taze him?" He asked them. as Tolan simply stood there, arms crossed.

@DergTheDergon @VioletShadow
Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

"Muro, we only remember fragments of our memories. There is no use trying to force ourselves to remember... that will never work." Xenith explains carefully. "Time, possibly the main ingredient to our remembrance, will hopefully eventually cause us to remember." Sighing softly, she wonders out loud "I don't think... there are others like me. If there are, I hope I will meet them." Slightly downcast, she hardens her expression into her former calm demeanor. A maniac laugh broke through the tense silence. Startling her, she immediately turned her head towards the noise. A dark figure, overshadowed by the tall building in front of him, was barely visible. Xenith was in a position which was unable to examine the maniac character. However, she could tell that the figure was wearing a strange bird mask. Before Xenith could react, Nio already dealt with his own situation...

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

With a warm hug, Nio distracted Xenith from her downcast emotions. However, she had already quietly recovered, but appreciated the company nonetheless. In the same position as Xenith, but worse, he could not see much of the maniac figure. Except in the dark shadow of the building, he appeared an evil menace. As the cool silver of an axe blade brushed his head, Nio slowly tensed his muscles. He was an extremely calm person, more so than Xenith. Death was not scary to him, neither was pain. Such is the way of life, was his philosophy for it. A powerful cooling aura began to emit slowly from his body, deep within his heart. The axe began to frost over, covered in a slippery ice. His eyes began to glow a soft light pink, a mixture of his eye colour and the ice powers he had. Slowly halting as the axe was pulled away, Nio explained his own situation. "My name is Nio.." he spoke as he faced the two strangers. "I have a similar amnesia, if you would call it, to these people here." He pointed towards Xenith and her companions. Sighing tiredly, he gave Xenith a little pat on the head. He didn't particularly like explaining himself again and again, to more and more threats of his own life.

@DergTheDergon @Scrapmaster
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Jah'Ri found herself looking towards Xenith sympathetically as she spoke of her doubts that there were others like he. Just whe njah'Ri was about to offer her a hug however, Nio had beaten her to it. Jah'Ri couldn't help but let out a small sigh... the boy's presence still bothered her, but Xenith truly seemed to be happier around him. Perhaps his presence was not a danger to enith, but jah'Ri now felt as though the boy would cause her to forgetJah'Ri, when what seemed like only hours ago Xenith had risked her life for Jah'Ri.

Whilst glancing in the distance towards the loudly laughing masked figure, Jah'Ri noticed Xenith looking that direction as well, similarly bother by her presence. "Jah'Ri does not like the look of that one... she shall keep one eye on strange masked being," she said quietly so only those in her immediate vicinity could hear.

Jah'Ri only noticed two more familair figured from the glad approaching after one of them had put his axe to the back of Nio's neck. These two were from the glade, and Ja'Ri's eyes lit with relief for a moment at the revelation that they were both alive and well. Nio seemed strange unafraid of the axe, and dealt with his situation quickly enough, explaining that indeed he was in a similar boat as all members of the forest cove group.

Once that confrontation was over, jah'Ri spoke up to the others. " It is good to see you are well, Tolan, Xicor," Jah'Ri spoke, nodding towards both mentioned beings in turn, then turning to speak to the steadily growing ragtag group at large. There is no reason to be standing around here in Jah'Ri's mind. She thinks we should explore this place more thoroughly... and cautiously..." she glanced towards where she had caught a glimpse of the bird-masked being earlier for emphasis on "cautiously."

@Scrapmaster @VioletShadow
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Simon Cross

Town group

"Hey!" He shouted, looking at the ground of people on the outskirts of town.

"Who are you? Huh?"

Simon edged closer to them, clutching his bow tightly.

"My name's Simon Cross, Eh... I have a mask and a bow, don't really know what I'm doing here and... APPLES!"

He shouted randomly

"What are apples? Are they squishy? Do they have one or two hearts, or any internal organs? What would happen if I hit one with a crowbar? I really should get a crowbar, they sound fun! Don't worry, I won't kill you! Probably...

"Who likes pancakes! Have you ever eaten one, do they taste nice? Were are they!? I want one!"

Just then a huge creature bounded up to him, it looked like the love child of a turkey and a lizard

"What is wrong with you?" It said, confused. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Does anybody? I don't think so! HeheheheHAHA! Hey, what do you call a man with a knife in his head? Dead! What do you call a man with two knives in his head?"

Simon paused for effect, the dinosaur just stood and looked at him funny.

"Overkill!" Simon shouted, laughing frantically, the dinosaur moved back, obviously weirded out by the whole experience.
"̵͈͓͎͉͍̺̲̬̓̈̽ͯ̀̾ͭ̍ͭ͘T̎̑҉̧̙̱̠̳̝̪͡h̻͖͙̬͂͆̚e̅ͥͦ̅̆ͦͥ͐̆́͏̱̫̙̟͕̰̝͝y̱̺̩͔̯͊ͬ͑̓̀'̭̬̠̭̮̖̉̊̈́̓̏̊̋͋ȑ̌͗́͏̻͕̻͇͇ȩ̾͂ͬ̚͏̫̫̟̜̝.̡̡͙͇̋ͬͧ̎̈́͗̃̚̕.̙̩͍̬̻̂͂ͭ̔̃ͧ͋̕.͚̲̇ͪͮ̈ͅ ̢̰̳͕̗̗̥̬ͩ͋ͫ̇̄̋̕ͅR̠͓̫͈̬̠̥̲̬ͩ̆͋̂͗̀́͠ę̷̛̻͋ͯ̾m̷̜̳͎̲̯̗̯̭̄̒ͣ͋͑͜e̢͎̥̳͌ͬͦ͛̋͒ͥͧ͘͜m̬̹̗ͭ͒̊ͥ̅͛̇͑̚͠ͅb̶͉͉̞͍̫̩̗̭͐̆̏̋̈́ͦ̀̚͞e̡͑ͬ͟͏̥̜̼̟͈̥̰̺r̷̗̲̣̝͕̙̙̩̋͌͂̇ͬ́ì̡̠͂̓̂̇̎̿̕n̵̩̦̙̫͔̥̱͊̏̾̄̉ͪ͛͊͘g͔̯̓ͯ́?̒͞҉͍͍̻̫̫̖"͖̺͕ͬͧ͑


̝͖̣̱̗̮͉̻̊ͦ̃ͣ͠"͉̻̘̮ͭ̽̇͢Y̵̥̟̺ͯ̈́̍̓̾ͩȩ͉͎͖͕͍̽̉ͮͭ͘ś̵̄ͥͫ̀ͫ͑ͦ҉̲̙̦̻̥̫ͅ,̫̱̱̋ͭ̀ͮ̑͛͂̔͝ ̛̹ͬ̒ͮ̀̍́t̸͊̍͏̜̩̻͈̼͚̟h̨͚͎̪ͮ̑o̸̘̤̤ͯ̃͆̾́ͯ͊͝ư̢̝̭͈͍̤̎̂̂g̡͖̈́̇͋͗͐ͣ͒ͮ͑̕h̞͒̈̈̑̚ ̷̫̟̏̐͟n̵̨̯̟ͩ̒̿o̵̞̩̜̻͎̘͌̌͠r̜̻̝̲̮̰͈͕̩̐͛̑̊͌͛m̫̘̱͒̓ͫ͑ͫ͂̔͡a̴̭͙̗̩̥̰̖̞͑̈̇ͩ̍̆ͬ͛l̷ͦ͊͜͏̰̱̟l̨̩͕̎̐͘y̰̪̒͒́̐̀̀͠ͅ ̍͂͒̄ͧ̓̽̔ͦ҉̷͖̦̖͕͈̻̜̦n̸͙̻̖͉̦̞̰̖̒ͤͭ̉͟ö͔̠̖̘̩̦̺̈̈͟͞ť̶̩̝̖͍͓͚̿ͧ͆͋͂ͅ ͑҉̹̙̬̝̖̼̞p̗͕ͪ͗ͩ͋ͩ̄͒̀õ̘͕̗̟͈ͭ̉̓̽ͯ̓s̢͕̮̝̖̩̼̦͚ͬ͂̋̎̾͛͑̚͟s̵̵̮̖͍̱͙̠̺̫͗͑͐̕i̗͒͌̂͗ͩͯ͒͛̚b̠̙̳̮͖̆̏̾́̚͠l̯̲̟̮̼̺̺ͬͨ̇e̫̫̦͚͍͎̯̔̽͒̽.̷̗̳̫̜͚̖͕̲̓̎͆̈ͤ̉͡.̵͎̘̓͛̃̊̆̀͗̑̔.̛͈̗̮̰̩͕̓ͬ̿̊̈̂"͇̲̺̲̭̉̇͊̆͛̆͋ͧ̚͡


̿͌ͦͩͪ̂̂҉̷̢̗͖̼"̵̝͍̗̤̼̩̹͖̔͒ͤ̅̉͊̌T̨̡̤̙͈͉͎̻̝̎̈́ͅh̝̱͎̺̪̲̝ͤ̍̐̅͒͟͝ͅe͓̖̰̺̲͓ͫ͛ỷ̨͎̩̳̘̪̈́'̹͙̪̬͉̝̖̇̈͒ͣͫ̎̕͡ͅr̢̥͆̈́̈́͜͢e̵̲̤̪͖̣̣̟̣͛͛̊̕̕ ̷̟̟̟̠̀ͥ͌͘n̘͓̘̠̮̩̤̻ͬ̍̈ͩ͞ŏ̯͉͎͟͠t͇͇̯͌̊͒̀ ̵ͣ̾̉͑̅͋̂̃҉̬̜sͦ̎̃̊̾͏̙u̱ͨ̎̈́̈p̸̠̪̺̓̐́̾͌͞ͅp̖̠̰̼̙̗̫̞͔ͧ̒̉̇͘͟o̸̰͗͌́͌̋̉͑͞s̭͑͂̀e̤͓̪̗͔ͦ̓̾ͧ͒͝ ̖̜̥̦̈̇ͨ́͠t͊̓̐̏͊̒ͣͯ̕͏͕̹̝͎̺́ọ͓͓̈̔ͫ̓ ͎̥̱̬͉͉̇ͧ̎ͣ̾b͙͚̰̓ͦ͑͒͒̈̈́̿́ḛ̥͙̼̞̠̾̓ͣ̊́͞ ̳̞͇̝̭͎̺͖̗ͭ͂͐́̒̾̏á̰̣ͮ̏͑ͭ̈ͥͥ̂͠͞͞b͒̓̍̋ͪ̆̍ͩ҉̪͓̬͔̺̖͖͢l̴̷̯̾̒̂e̱̗̪̫͙̥̫̮͔̓͊ͦͣ͡ ̷̡̗͚͓̜͎͍͑͑̓ͥt̴͖̣̲͕͓͉̬͈̑ͣͮ͂͛̑ǒ̟̦͠ ͚̰̘̦̝͐̆́̀ͅ"͓͖̜̩̦͚̫̘͚ͣͧ͜r̛̪͍͖͇̠͔ͪ̊ͩ̒̅̾ͫ̉͘͜ẹ̷̢̩̤͔̦͙̜͔̾͋͆ͥ̋̋̌͌̚m̟̼̣̳̣̰͙̖̅̔͋ͩ̓́e̡̛͉͓̲̫̬̱̮͔ͥ͑̂̐̿̓ͫ̚ͅm̹̽͐̈ͯͥ̈́͑́̕b̶̡͍̥̥̘̗͋̈́ͮͤe̴̵̘̺̝͚̝͛̈́͛̈r̶̫̮̝̓́ͩ̌͛ͪ̔͞"̗̰̜̇͛̆̀ͫ ̨̡̹̘̟̯̰͍ͮ͆͑͑́w̹̟̬̍ͯͯ͠ͅh͕̹̜͋ͬͨ͌a̵̙̠͚͈̓̀ͣͮ̉̓̍̈̚ͅt͑̂ͬ̋̿ͮ͆ͮ҉̻̙ ̙̲̺̜͇̘̥͙̐ͬ̎ḋ̶̦̱̜͇̝͈ͮ̅̒͡o̩̲͈̘̐̎͋͐ͫ͘e̞̣̤̤̻͛ͬ̕s̶̜͖ͭ͊̀̅̈̍̚̚͟ ͖̫̥̱͈͉̭ͪ́͢n̪̺̪̯̎ͬͫ͠õ̤̘̟͉͔̲̟̗̍͐ͫ̒ͪt̵̙͍̮̦̘͕̭ͧ͜͟ ̸̝̜̺͔̈́ͩ̓ͦ̿̕͞e̤̹̅x̸̯̌i̖̖̪̪͚͚̫̼̍̓͒̌ͯ͐̆͢ṣ͔͚̙̦̐͘͡͠t̻̱̦͍̦̦̭͇̄ͩ͛̄͑͌͛̚.̖̜͉̎̈̅͆͌́͆͡ͅ ͦ̔ͨ͗̏҉̻͙̥̘̹͡Ÿ̗͉̤͖̳̥̫́̔̉̿ͭ͝͠o̘̰̳͋͞u̹͕̠̳̬̇̇̎r͇̤̗̦̠̮̈̐͡ͅ ̵͈̪̥͍̪̏͐̏̾̓̏͐̀͡ṱ̡̼͕͔ͩoͪ̾͗͏̱̲y̝̹͋̚i̔͏͕̙̘͢ņ̴̫̻̖̖̘͚̯͉̄͆́͑͂͆̂g̢̪̩̦̲͍͑͒ͭ͑ ̢̣̖͍͈̱̿͗ͅw̩̰̻̄͗͊͗͝͠i̞͐ͥ͊͒̉͂̂̄̿͜͠t̥̹͕̾ͬͥͬ̎ͨͯ̔̕h̡̘̟̳̋ͨ̀͛̾̍͢ ̥̭̘͚͉̦̱̟̄ͫ̓ͮͤ͆͟͡͡ͅt̠͕̏̕ͅȟ̟͗̑͊͂͞ͅe̗͈̪̅ͯ̃̈͘i͓̯͍͍͚̅ͦ̔͠r̟̱͔̖͎̦͑͒͐̊͋́ͅ ̡͇̦͎̰̗̠͓̉̋̓̆͂̔m̛͓͔̦̬ͦͣ̃͒ͥ͐̉̈́͞ḭ͚̊͒͛͞n̸͍̹̭͇̠̪̳͆̐̋ͨ̽ͬ̄̑d̴̘̗͚̿ͯ̌̆̀̚s̼͖̰̣͊͊̆̉͆͟͞ͅ,̪̪̩̻͇̘̤ͨͬ̄͂ͬͥ̈̚͠ ͔̜̻̒aͪͮͫ̿ͣ͐̃͏̨͚̪̰̹r̴̦͔̰̱̎ͩ̇́ë͙̻̓̔̂n͗̓̂̑̾̊ͧ̚̚҉̡̟͕̤̘̯̥̱͈'̵̧̦̣̮ͥ̎̾ͪͩ̑̿̚̕t̵̥͖̼̂͛ ̴̗͕̤̪͈̩̝͚͕ͨ̿y̶̗͚̳ͤͨ̏o̜͔̗ͦ̽͂́͆͋̈̐͘ͅu̧̖̳̱̗͕̭̭ͯ̓́ͫͨ̑̏́͡?̍͂̿̓ͮ͠͏̺̣̫̩̝"̷̛̜̺̙̗͕̊̃͢


̽̓ͬ̄̓̐̀͟͏͖"̎̈ͧ̍̈́̂̏҉̶̰N͖̟̫͍̪̙ͩ͛͒̏̔͌̐̑o̢̯̼͙̟̲͐ͤ̽ͪ͊ͮ́.̗̮̗̔̆̋͊ͣ̍̔̏̑.̝̤͍̙͓̙̱̱̥̓͛͗ͪ.̰̖͊̅̎̄̑̍̉̔͢ ̧̖̣ͮ͑ͬ̕W̸̧̰̲̭̹̭͔̱̍ͯ͛̐͐̑e̞ͯ͋̓̎ͧ̕͢l̝̰̭̪̇͐̄l̞̟̯̣ͭ͌͒̽͂̑͐̈́,̺̠͇̩̰̮̰̾͊̀͑̇̃̃͜͟ ̛̥̯̣͍̳̪̐ͮͩ̈ͦ̌ͬͪm̘͇̣̬͔͉̭̞̑ͭ̉̆ͯ͝ä̶͎̼̠̈́̀ŷ͗͏̵̧̟̱̙͕b̡̧̼̗̞͈͒̀̌̽̏ͣ̃ͮ́ͅẽ̛̜̞͓̈̔͠.̌҉̴̶͔̙͈͚ ̴̰̭ͯ̽ͨ͌͝I̵͉͎̬͍͖͙ͬͥͩ͒͘t̷̼̟̻̤̗̩̙͓͓̎̇͊͗ͨ̿'̛͔̜̰̭̪̟̳̉͒̆͛̒ͫśͪ̽̾ͮͪ̊͏̶̯͈̞̞̹̝̜̝̘ ͓̹̼̒ͯ̽̅̉́͘f̨̘̮̗̲͖͍͂͆̽̅̎̌ͅų̢̟̲̙̱̜̻ͧ̾̏̉ͪn̟̼͙̹͎̩̦̰ͧ̆͌̀̄̏͘ ͨ̏͏̣͉̖̪͇̞t͈̐̐o̵̘͉͕ͥ̓͐͂̍̾͢ ̥͍ͦ͌͝p̸̧͕̭̭͆ͣͪ͋͒̀͑ͬl̷̢̼͉͇̠͍̠͌̃͑ͭ̿̿̓ǎ̉̇͐̇͏̙̰͓̳nͨ͋ͮͪ͌̌͌͏̪̠̣̤̳t̶ͤ̎͛̒̋̚͏͚̙̞̱͈̹ ̢͇̪̠̲͍̬͚̅͑̌ͨͥͩ̃ͧͅf̛̞̼͓͉̝̱̪̳ͣ̅ͤ͊̎̒̑̀a̵̸̦̝̳͎̻̞̽̉͘l͙̯̯ͭ͘͟s̵͖͔̘̊ͭ͆̌̋̀͘ē̻̘̝̗̻͝ ̷̷͙͎̞͙̮̤̫̜̋ͅi͑͒̅͗́͏͖ͅd̨̮ͨͫ͋̿͗ͪ̀e̳͙̫͚̠̺̼̿̒ͪͭ̄ͫ̔̈̃á̵̙̫s͈̙̹̪̤̱͍͙ͨ̀ͮ̅͛͝ ̷͚͇̱̤̺̻͉̃͒͋͐͜͡i̻͓͎͚̙̽ͧ̆̾̽͆͘n͑̓ͬ̈̊҉͖̯̀ ̇́҉̷̦̭̮͙͔͓̣̠ȏ̵̡̪̹̟̰ͮͦͤ͊ͥn̡̝̹̼͈͎ͮ̈́̇ͭ̆͗ͬ͒̇͜ȩ̝͇̘̪͔̄̕͞s̎̅͆͏̨͓ͅ ̻̘͇̤̝̹̊ͧ͒̏̈́ͦ̽h̶̤͉̘̩̗͍̥͕̻́̅̉͆ͭ̋̕͝e̡̱̼̘͚͚̓a̜̼͒d̴̙̘̝̭̰̮̗̬ͣ͗̂ͨ̀͡,̡̞̠ͬ͋̃̓̽ͭͪ͂́ ̭̣̦̻ͮͮ̿̋̋ͩ͂d͑ͭ̓̓̇̓͏̟̖͇͓̥͉̬̦o͈͎ͤ̾̿̈́̈́̆͑͠n̙̬͓ͨͯ̍̍͜'̶̦̯͉͓̱̩̲̃̅t̵͕̠̍̊͋͒ ̶ͯ̎̇̂͏̣̝y̻̭̦̟̤̖ͤ̉ͬõ̘̪͔ͭͯ̔̾u̫̜͊ͯ̇̋͑̃͂͢ ͔̰͍͎̝͔̼̪ͭ̂ͮ̓̊̇̈ͥ͠͡͞t̫̣̐͑ͨ̓̔̀ͧ̋͠͝hͤͨ̃ͧ̚͡҉̫̫̘͖ͅï̺̤̮̣̘̟̦̓͒ͮͣͪ͒͟͝ͅn̫̰͖͖̝͚͑̐̕͝ḳ͎͇͕͚͓͇̳̊̑́ͅ?̢̭̙̱͓͖͋ͤ̍̎͑ͩ̕͞"̸̥͙̰̘͇͙ͭ̄ͨ͛̈͊


̻̲̣̖̜͇͖̞ͫ͆͘͢"̦̖̳̙̖̪ͩ̽ͪ͋ͩ̑ͩ̓͑̕͘͡A̶̳͉͈̻̐̑ͫ͊ͨ ̶̮͂ͬ͑͂̐̓ṫ̵̲̖̼̲̪̑̓ͨ̊ͬ͑ͯ̀́a̶̐͌̋͂̿͏̳̺̞̯̙̤̼̤̦̕d̢̘̹̝͔̦̮̺̦̓ͪ̑̈́̿̚͠ ̛̛̹͇̻̫̻̂͑̌̂ͭ͆͆͂͘ḯ̖͙͉̩̲̑̏n̺̯̖͇̖̝̈́ͣ̍ͬ̄͗̚s̯͍̜̙ͪ̄ͫ͂̑̅̿͛͡i̵͉͖͔͕̲͇̭ͯͫ͂͢͡d͆͛̓҉͚̺̼ȉ̯̟̒͋̊̓̓ͤ̅o͈̖̞͐̾ͭͬ͆ͭ̃̽́u̡͇̬ͫ́ͮͨ͑̓ͦ̔̚s̶̳̩͕̝̬̺͙͋ͬ̕ ͇̩͚͉̗ͬ̀͜͠f̢̤̪̑̔̊͊̓̅́ȯ̷̤̠̫̼̤̱̱̯̟̈r̴̷̥̥̺̠͕͙ͫ̈́ͪͣ̂ͯͯ̃͊ͅ ̒ͪ҉̮͓̝͘͟m̆ͯ͒͗͏̫y̆͑́͑҉̭̱̯̫̥̰̬̟̟ ̮̻͎̯̮̟̖̊̇̕t̢̥̱͚̩͐͋ͬ͟͞a̖̠̤͚̙ͥͩͭ͝s̝̃̾͗͌͐ẗ̫͖̦̘͔̫̩̦ͧ͌̉ͤͣ͡eͩ̎̉̅͗̃̽̕҉̧̭̬̫̦̻̬̘̣s̢̙͔̃̆͊ͭ̇,̵̭̖̲̣̮͙͉ͭ̂͗̅̎͗ͥ͡ͅ ̛̛͓͖̮̟̎̇̏b̷ͯ͊͘҉͖̟͈̟͇̝ͅu͓̝̣̘̹̬͇̤͊ͮ̄̾͛ͧẗ́̋̏ͭ̾͗̽̄͏̻͡ ̢͔͇͕̏ͧ́ỳ̸̨̰͉͇̩̬̜̈́o̦ͮ̈́͐ͬ͋͜ụ̣͔̌̐'̖͓͖͉̺̠͋͝ͅr͊̊ͧ̃̚҉̣̖̺̥͇͞e͍̖͈͈̗͍̫͕̍͘ ̼̣̟̹͑́̂ͩ̍̍̕ṯ̶̬͓̈́ͬͩ̈̈͋͐͡͞h̫̱̻̠͑̓̿͑ͦ͠͠e͍̗͍̜̜͈̋͛̀͒ͤ͌͛͜ ͓̭̌ơ̢̜̟͓͐͌ͯñ̟͇̖̞̪̓́̿̓ͥ͊ͬ̚̕͞e͖̹̹͕͉͚ͣ̌̕͞ ̸̺͕̫̣ͤi̶͇̫̜̗̫̮ͧ̄͡n̵̯̫̥̦͌͢ ̛̠̟͆͞ċ̃̆͐ͯ̃͏̪̮̼̰̪͉̙̼o͇̻̹͉̗̣̝̣̽ͩͩͨ̑̓̚ǹ̸͙͍̞̟ͮ̔̽̂t̉ͬ̎͐̀͏̫̩͍͓ṙ̦̳͚ͩ̇̉̃͆͢ͅoͮͥ͑̾̌̌͏̢̞̹̲͕̦̯͢l̴̗̓́ͧ̅͠ ̧̦̻̙̳̤͑ͫͫͭͅô̵̵͎̠̪̘̳̣ͥ̕f̝̯̲͎͖͍͋̄͌ͣ̑̔͡͝ ͖̞̯̯̬͇̈́̒͊ͮ͢ͅt̵̼̦̫̤̏̄̄̓̒́ͣh̸̬͚̉̔e͔̰̗̫̟̟ͪ͑͑͗͠i͕̻͔̞̺ͥ̌͞r̢̼̤͉͓̘͕̅ͩ̐̽ͫ̾ͨ̈ ͉͙͒ͬ̅̀d̽̒̃҉̡̲̗̙ȩ̸̼͖ͫ̒ͤs̵̸̼̖ͯ͐͋͗ͬ̈́̕t̫̩̘̟̼̯̟̬̾͢͞͡i̠̟̖͍͈̬͂ͤ̽̿n̴̬͇ͨ̾̌ͅỳ̭̠̟̒ͧͯ͂͐.̜͓̹͕̖̣͈͊̊͜͝"͉͙̲ͫ͘


  • A murderous bird-masked man shown himself in the town, and a mysterious newcomer entrancing Xennith, how quite odd.

    @Scrapmaster @VioletShadow @DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex @SuperiorKunivas @Xion136

    Effect checking for this group.

    Tolan's axe thaws quickly, the ice, though thick enough to keep the weapon from having an edge, was not thick enough to last for more than a few moments.

    Environmental checking:

    The doors to the town stores open, and a few people leave their houses. They don't seem bothered by any of the beings who seem to be just chatting away in their town. A younger looking dwarven child tries but fails to mount Muro like a horse upon seeing him, and is n fact unphased by his appearance.

    The woods behind them have a storm incoming. It would be best for anyone not in the town now to get going at this minute, or otherwise hold up somewhere safe.
Giorno lies down on the ground, surrounded by fallen, dead leaves and rays of sunlight that poke through the otherwise grey and cloudy sky.

"Is there going to be... rain?"

He asks himself, or maybe the forest, he doesn't know which answer he likes more. He shifts his arms under his head, listening to the light crinkle of the leaves as they're pushed out of the way. He takes a deep breath, tasting and smelling the sweet air of the forest and closes his eyes. He hears the large winds and chatter of carious animals. He hears each wind going through the leaves, each bird snagging its next meal, each ant strutting along with its colony. He feels at peace with the world, and the world feels at peace too.

However, deep in his mind, he knew that this was a lie. For as long as consciousness and opinions exist, there will never be peace. He feels the air dampen, and smells the nearby storm drawing closer. He remembers there being a town not far from the forest he's in, and wonders if he could make a stay there. This storm, judging by the electricity in the air, wasn't going to be a light downpour he could trudge through.

He grabs his sheathed rapier that lies next to him, setting it on his chest and enjoying the scenery for a couple more minutes before hooking it to his side, standing up and making his way to the town.
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A sense of... connectedness ran through a flower. A bond between the earth, which had had lava douse it, tender greens erupt from the soil, only to be covered by the endless white year after year. Flowing like water, plants synchronized in a voice only they, the gifted, could hear, a sense that spread through the ground, sending small tremors into the plant's body. The flower stirs beneath the snow, gradually sensing it's new... sentient self. Light streams down around the leafy green being, the color beautifully contrasting with the sea of white. As the light persists, undaunted by the blanket of this numbness, snow, the plant recoiled and then slowly extended it's body up to absorb the helpful rays, realizing what it was. Doing so, it's torso breaks free from the loosening and melting ice, reveling a rather petite and feminine fern body.

In wonderment, the plant, no Florian, attains a new level of understanding. The Florian grasped that it would call itself a she, but that she was also a he. Her multi-appendaged hand gently reaches out and crunches the snow into a vague circular shape and with amazement at her new movement, proceeds to catapult it through the air... causing it to explode against an odd rock. Her renewed instincts told her it wasn't a rock at all, but a den for... humanoids like herself, no not like her self the Florian reprehended. These were... warm-bodied and fleshy people unlike her dense but smooth bark skin; subconsciously tracing its skin.

It was only then she realized she could... see, and her fern-leaf hands went from tracing her body to finding her face and playing with the strange structure she found their. For a second she deemed the useless, but a sense of knowing fell over her in a wave and she realized astutely they were lips meant to convey words from a language she already understood. She didn't question it for it was like the sky; natural. From the language she knew, she crafted a name to identify herself by, to show she wasn't just a plant, but her, who was capable of being what she wanted.

A strange muscle twitches in the humanoid's face, but it doesn't not bother her at all; in fact - she's quite happy about it. For it is a smile.

"Name....... is........," the plant-oid breathes, unused to the odd rippling sensation of these new muscles, "Jaighd."

(I'm tagging everyone in the town group that way anyone can come interact- and you can make up your own relative distance and such)

@Scrapmaster @VioletShadow @DergTheDergon @Spinoceratopsrex @SuperiorKunivas @Xion136
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Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Xenith agreed with Jah'Ri's words, just as she was about to say something, the figure interrupted. His strange conversation with Muro, worried her. Was he planning something? On her guard, she watched carefully whether anything was amiss. Apples? Pancakes? She was relatively confused by the whole situation, but would like to try food like that... even though she didn't need to eat. He was obviously mad, but her guard was up anyway.

In the distance, the icy woods began to grow alive. She wondered if it was just her imagination, but quickly turned her attention away. She would prefer to not be reminded of the incidents that happened in the forest. However, just before she turned her attention away, she had noticed a storm brewing, with dark clouds overhead. Examining her own situation, a few villagers, young and old, began to pour out of their respective homes. Shop signs were flipped, no longer saying 'closed' but 'open'. She could feel the stares of terror piercing her whole body. She emitted an aura of a dark monstrosity, no wonder they were afraid. A forlorn look swept across her face, immediately replaced with her calm expression.

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

Nio laughed at the crazed man, his conversation was strange, but funny. Peaking just over the treetops, dark clouds began to grow. He wondered if the storm would reach the town, but was unsure of their direction. As soon as the library's sign read 'open', he dashed towards it. Pushing open the dark, double doors, he came face to face with hundreds of books. Humming a slight tune, he began to pick out various books, and lay them on a desk. Detailed, dusty old covers, each a different colour, filled his eyes. He smiled softly, before beginning to read a book with an especially red cover.
Giorno arrived at the town in a mere matter of minutes, looking back at the horizon to the see the dark, gloomy clouds lingering above the forest. He saw the eventual flash of lightning and heard the low rumble of the impending storm. He knew it was coming his way. He walked around town, hand resting on the hilt of his rapier as he takes in the scene. He can't remember a time when he's been in a big town like this one, and he's surely not sure of where to go. He couldn't find a trace of an inn for himself, not that they would take him anyways, he has no money.

He turned his head and saw a grand building with the word "Library" set on the front. He marched up the steps in a collected manner, a light grin on his face to the thought of perhaps learning some history on this great town. He stopped at the large doors, stretching out both his arms and giving a push, swaying them both out in front of him as the dark library inside awaited him. He saw few people inside, but many books to accommodate.
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Nio Magnetus - Town Group

After flipping through a few pages of the crimson covered book, Nio realized this book wasn't what he was looking for. It would be located in a treasury wouldn't it? He thought to himself, as he pondered how important it was. Looking at a bookshelf, a particular book caught his eye. It was strangely different to the others, immediately, he walked over to it. It was on a high shelf, not as high as himself, but rather tall for others. As he pulled it out, a couple books tumbled out onto a man's golden coloured head. Apologizing swiftly, he noticed the figure's bright golden eyes. He slowly collected the books and slotted them in their rightful area, before nodding at the man as a farewell. With a calm demeanor, he placed the book onto the table, and pulled open it's black cover, designed with silver swirls. He began to learn new things about the world, as he read it carefully, tracing every word with his finger. @Lekar
Giorno rubbed his head, the pain subsiding as the book that had fallen onto his head was briefly swept up by the stranger and returned to its place. He waved the stranger goodbye, but it was too late as their back was turned and they seemed to be in a rush out.

"Some people crave knowledge more than others, I assume."

He whispered to himself. He took a step forward and almost stumbled as his foot hit a small book, a strange aura about it as it was bound by black leather and had no title on it at all. He picked it up and examined it. It looked like an ordinary book, but he could tell something about it was off. He followed the stranger back to the place where they had taken a seat, a small sturdy table where the man seemed to be heavily invested in his book.

Giorno took a seat on the opposite side, slowly sliding the book towards the man opposite of him. He leaned in as he did so, trying to remain quiet.

"I believe you dropped this..."

He left the book inches in front of the man's hands which were grasping and tracing the book. Giorno returned his hands in front of him, calmly clasping them together. @VioletShadow
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"Take great care, Muro," Jah'Ri warned as the aforementioned Dinosaur approached the masked lunatic rambling about violence, and whatever pancakes and apples where. These strange new words sounded... appetizing, for some reason. The bird-masked man didn't seem to be trying anything yet, which was a relief. He did seem like the type to resort violence at any minute though, Jah'Ri could almost smell the danger he posed.

All of the sudden, an influx of unfamiliar beings began leaving the buildings of this strange place and entering the street. This wasn't so strange on its own, as it was clear this was a settlement of some sort, but these beings seemed not even a touch bothered by the mismatched group that had arrived here, and was steadily still arriving, unbeknownst to Jah'Ri. A small child even attempted to climb onto Muro's back on a whim, not stricken by fear at the sight of him like Jah'Ri thought the young being should be.

Looking in Xenith's direction, who'd been rather quiet since the influx of beings came out of thier homes, the Dragonborn noticed a fleeting troubled look on the girl's pale face. Jah'Ri approached her and gently rested a claw on her shoulder. "Do these beings... disturb Xenith? If any attempt to harm her, Jah'Ri will make them realize such was a mistake." Jah'Ri then realized that Nio had suddenly disappeared from Xenith's side, walking into the nearby library on his own. This was honestly to Jah'Ri's relief, but she felt that this was a bad time to bring up how Nio and Xenith act around eachother and that it unnerves her. For now, the boy's absence seemed to be all the more reason to stay by Xenith's side, and so for now that was her overall plan.

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DergTheDergon said:

On the outskirts of the town, Xai'Kah found himself stopping in his tracks as he came upon another living being. He just caught the words she uttered forth as he approached. "Jaihgd..." Xai'Kah's raspy voice repeated, wanting to try saying the interesting-sounding name himself. The creature who uttered it, some sort of sentient plant with a womanly visage, intrigued him. "My name is Xai,'Kah," he said to her, casually, wondering what her response would be. "Did the one named Jaighd find herself waking moments ago? That is how I found myself here... simply awoke in the forest." He waited for a response, then glanced towards the town after he received one. As intriguing as this being was, he felt deeply motivated to explore that strange place, so close now. "You seem to be intrigued of those strange structures as well... do you wish to explore the place? I do." It was strange, the words, the greeting, his name, his offer to explore the place with Jaighd, all issued forth from Xai'Kah's maw as if it was natural. It was strange but... felt like the way of things, as they should be.

The plant being turns slowly and cocks her head, trying to comprehend what the strange being was saying. He, she assumed by his appearance, repeated her name and asked a question polity - an absence of hostility in his voice. Then slowly but surely she nods, then stops and shakes her head.

"Xai?... Not... awakened.. but became," Jaighed replies, slightly frustrated that she was unable to show her emotions though words as easily as this Xai'Kah before her. She was curious about him, she almost believed that he was like her with his dark green skin... but he bore no roots and had sturdy legs instead tipped with odd claws.

Looking at him closely, she studies his structure, unperturbed that currently he was far taller than the plant herself. A strange click in her mind urges her to do this next peculiar thing. Stand.

She places her fern-like hands on either side of her and pushes upwards, the ground below her crumpling as her large roots push out of the ground. Jaighed admires the lizard-man and then looks down at her monstrosities, her roots. Focusing hard, the roots begin to twist and turn, forming into smooth porcelain colored legs; a carbon copy of the Dragonborn's.

Cooing softly in delight, she shifts in the cold snow and leans on Xai'Kah unsteadily as she gains balance.

"Explore now?" she questions him, her large eyes imploring him excitedly.
Simon stared at the denizens of the town as they started moving around and opening their stores, just then, he heard someone cry out:

"My son is sick! Help me please!"

Simon twisted his head towards the voice, a middle aged woman with blonde hair and hands which were white from flour.

"Ooohh! A sick person? Can I see?"

"Can you help?"

Simon paused for a moment

"Of course I can!"

"This way please."

Simon was led into the back of wooden shack, a young boy was lying on the ground, covered in pus filled boils, his skin was deep red. Simon knelt down and curiously layed a finger on one of them, wondering if it would burst. Wouldn't that be funny? But instead what happened was the boy was bathed in a red aura, his boils disappeared and the colour returned to his skin. The Woman gasped.

"You.. You're a miracle worker! My son! Thank you so much, how can I ever repay you?

"Do you have any apples and pancakes?"

"Why yes, we do."

"Bring them all to me."

Simon walked out of the building with a huge stack of pancakes and a basket of apples. Simon now knew it was food. He sat down in the snow. The boy's mother shouted out: My son is cured! Thanks to this man! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Simon would have responded, but he was too busy stuffing food underneath his mask to eat.

Xai-Kah looks the being over curiously as she turned to him, seeming to process his question. At her answer it was Xai'Kah's turn to cock his head. "Became... did you... grow her? Where you stand now?" He inquired, trying to understand what she was saying. The draconian man then realized that Jaighd was staring at him just as closely as he was examining her. Neither being seemed to think the act strange at all, they were simply taking each other in. The green of her... skin? Could it be called such? Was very similar to the shade of his own scaly skin, but one could tell from simply looking at it that its texture was far different. It was smoother, leaf-like veins visible on the surface. The sight of her intrigued him. Was she a plant? A sentient being? Both? Perhaps the last guess was the most accurate. From her wide-eyed gaze she seemed to think similarly of Xai-Kah, that he was interesting.

The girl's next actions only served to enlighten the dragonborn's curiosity towards her. Pushing up from the ground, pure white roots that could barely pass for legs formed then touched the surface of the ground. When the plant woman began staring at Xai-Kah's own scaly legs intensely, he looked towards her confusedly again with his head cocked sideways, then he began to understand as before his very eyes, the shap of Xai'Kah's legs began to be replicated in hers. "Hmm..." Xai-Kah hummed intruigedly. "Can you form the rest of your body that way? Or just your roots?" It was strange, Xai-Kah didn't know where he acquired knowledge of roots, plants and the like, he just had it. Xai'Kah felt himself smiling as Jaghid admired her new legs and cooed softly. The sight and sound was very endearing to behold.

Without warning, Jagihd began to lean on Xai-Kah, supporting herself with his scaly chest as she gained balance on her new mode of transportation. Xai-Kah found himself fron in sruprise, as he instintively put an arm out for extra support if she needed it. Then, he looekd into her eyes and found himself even more mesmerized as before, those large, excited-looking orbs staring into Xai-Ka's own green eyes, a few shades lighter than his skin."Yes. Explore now." He replied, before beginning to head in the direction of the town, not going ahead of Jade or falling too far behind in case she needed to lean on him some more. "Preferably quickly. A storm is fast approaching these woods." Xai-Kah could feel the chill in the air, and the wind beginning to pick up.

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Jenna noticed that the well-dressed man with the cane had woken up. "That seems like the most sensible idea," he said, turning to her. "And I don't believe I got your name m'lady." M'lady! This guy was so odd! But he seemed like a true gentleman. She didn't think she really deserved the title lady but decided to go along with it. The man then introduced himself as Hektor.

"My name is Jenna," she said. She turned to the rest of the group, and then gestured towards the entrance of the woods. "Are we ready to go exploring?" Glancing at the sky, she noticed that it was dark and stormy clouds were starting to form. But it still shouldn't rain for a while, it should be fine.

@rusticyawn @SuperiorKunivas @Scrapmaster @Xion136 @princekyle @Yuffie Kisaragi @DemonStiletto @RealityEntity @Face Nemesis
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