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Fantasy Beyond the Third Sky

Grace awoke with a start. She shot up, then yelped. She felt sore all over...s...snow?

No one...wait...

She crawled over to the only person she saw. Lilith, her name was...if Grace ever had the chance to ask. She shook the white-garbed woman. "Wake up...h...hey, wake up. W...we're not dead. I think."

Eclaire and Aurelius groaned a few minutes apart before sitting up. The Valkyrie/Succubus rubbed her eyes and stood as the dragon yawned and hopped up. He looked around, then began to run. Turning into his Dragon form, Aurelius began to look over the area, before spotting a town. He landed by Eclaire.

"Looks like others started moving. I'll fly us over."
Cold. So much cold... why does it hurt? Why is my body numb... How am I me? These questions float around the girl's head aimlessly as she finally manages to shove herself up an out of the freezing substance. Snow. White fountains drifting around her like ashes. She summonens with little strength she has and shoves herself up into a standing position. However, the strange sensation of her organs shifting into place cause to stagger uneasily.

Looking up, a sort of knowing and instinct flows into her mind to look for shelter. Looking around, shivering, she manages to focus on the strange structures ahead of her. She pauses for a moment as the word floats to her conscience; houses.

As she stumbles towards town she wonders vaguely as what was she and why she existed, why did she feel.... herself? If that made any sense. Though, the most prominent was: What is this place. While this went on, an internal struggle within her cranium, she tries to take in everything around her. While she pauses in her amazement of everything she could see, take in, and understand with her new and sudden knowledge, she trips over her own numb feet and collapses back onto the icy ground.

However, it didn't stop there. Struggling to regain her balance, she slips and rolls the rest of the way down the slick decline. Once she stops outside some mysterious building labeled: Library, she simply goes limp, and goes back to the process of figuring herself out and why she felt that this could be the end; simply submitting herself to the cold fate.

With a sigh, realizing that wouldn't bring answers, she - unable to stand as her feet with beyond feeling at this point, crawls into the 'Library,' already starting to thaw with the strange temperature difference that made her feel... good inside of her chest.

Xenith La Rosia - Forest Cove Group

Silently, Xenith hugged Jah'Ri in a hug, burying her face within her arms. "I'm just a little... lonely." She whispered quietly, before a long silence befell them. It appeared as a normal hug, but was much more to Xenith than it may have seemed. Within her mind, she thanked the fact that she had met Jah'Ri, and that she was here. She was her first priority, if danger ever arises. Stepping away, she gave a little smile. "Thank you..." she spoke softly, a heavy burden lifted off her back. Recovering her expression, she analyzed the area in a swift glance. Realizing nothing interested her as much as the library, she headed in after Nio. She looked at Jah'Ri just as she pushed open the doors, wondering if she would follow. But that was greedy of her to expect. @DergTheDergon ((I have returned))

Pushing away her thoughts, the mere sight of the hundreds of books before her lit up her face. Literature, poems, non-fiction, she was excited to try them all, but would like to learn about this world first. Elegantly, she walked over to the section named 'Nature' in angelic green letters. A thick blue book caught her eye, filled with hundreds of pages. Carefully, she placed it in her hands, it's leather cover brushing against her fair skin. Her leg had begun to act up again, the immunity from the blood fading away. A cushioned sofa chair appeared within her vision, as she approached, she brushed the excess dirt off before settling down. She read silently and cautiously, careful not to miss a single word. As she flipped to the next page, the gash on her arm ached again, revived by the excess strain.

Nio Magnetus - Town Group

Calmly, he glanced towards the figure opposite him, as a mysterious black book entered his view. Without a word, Nio began to flip through the pages of the strange book, carefully sliding the other book to the side. Each page was filled with huge scribbles of writing, written with a strange ink. Many were incomprehensible, smudged ink and careless scribbles destroying the important knowledge this may have included. Diagrams and pictures of strange symbols were present on the minority of pages. Carefully deciphering the strange words, Nio came to the conclusion that the book had strange information about a few ancient rituals. Three, to be in fact. Pondering for a moment, he looked up at the man and spoke quietly "Thank you, for returning this book to me." He has the right to know what is contained within this book as well.. Despite his reluctance, he decided it was fair to share his discoveries. "This book has information over three ancient rituals." Pausing for a moment, he spoke again "That is all I know for now, I could possibly decipher more in the future." Closing the cover of the book slowly, careful not to damage a single piece, he asked unexpectedly "Might I know your name? I am Nio Magnetus." @Lekar

His eyes slide away to a strange figure visibly crawling into the library. Similar in appearance to Xenith, yet very different in demeanor, she wondered why she had appeared so strangely. He stared for a long time, pondering this subject for a matter of minutes, before returning to the man before him. It was rude to so obviously ignore someone, despite him being the one he was conversing with in the first place. Listening carefully, he focused on the matter at hand.
@Okami Izumi

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Giorno smiled, he liked that the man was well-mannered, calm, and collected. He liked that in anyone. Those who rush probably don't know where they're going. He likes to think. He appreciated that the man called 'Nio' had been kind enough to share the contents of the mysterious book, even if he didn't ask for the details. He cleared his throat and put out his hand for a shake. "I'm Giorno, Giorno Alesci. Well met, Mr. Magnetus." Giorno thought about what kind of ancient rituals the book held, but didn't want to ask and impose, it most likely wasn't any of his business anyways. Giorno tried his best to remain polite and maintain eye contact with the a kind person, but he found his eyes drawn to the dark book more than ever. @VioletShadow
Jah'Ri was not expecting Xenith's sudden hug, but after the initial surprise faded she found herself carefully wrapping her arms around the pale girl. She seemed to almost be hiding from the wrold in Jah'Ri's grasp. Her words were confusing, as she was among many people currently, but Jah'Ri still felt that part of her understood the girl on a deep level. This loneliness seemed to be born of not feeling at peace with those around her, of feeling alienated, rather than of being truly alone. Jah'Ri stayed silent as she embraced Xenith, feeling that words were not necessary at this moment, her gentle grasp seeming to convey what she wanted to communicate to Xenith on its own. Jahri smiled back at Xenith as she stepped back, glad that simply by being there for her she had seemingly made her feel better, lifted some invisible burden from the girl. "Xenith is... welcome," Jah'Ri replied quietly after a short pause.

Following Xenith's gaze around the surrounding area, Jah'Ri notcied how her eyes lit up gazing into one of the buildings, that from the opened door seemed to be filled with shelves containing books. As Xenith headed inside without another word, Jah'Ri followed. She tilted her head quizzically as she saw Xenith was looking back at her expectantly. Was she wondering if Jah'Ri would follow her? That seemed strange to Jah'Ri if that was the case. What reason could jah'Ri possibly have for leaving Xenith's side? None that compelled her at present, that was certain.

Observing Xenith as she grabbed one of the nearby books and excitedly began reading, Jah'Ri decided to mirror her actions. She found however, that after opening one of the nearby tomes she couldn't make sense of the strange symbols filling the pages. This made her sad, as she could not understand the joy that Xenith seemed to derive from the activity. Jah'Ri found herself sitting down in the closest available chair to Xenith and glancing about. She noticed after a while ofthis that her gaze kept returning to xenith,still absorbed in a book, and staying on her for longer periods of time. As restless as she was at the moment, jah'Ri could still derive some enjoyment from simply gazing at the bright look on Xenith's face as she read. Observing her for a bit longer however, jah'Ri began to notice something unsettling in her countenance as well. Discomfort? Pain? Something of the sort. Then, reptilian eyes scanning the rest of Xenith's figure for the umpteenth time, she noticed a gash on her arm. A gash that had been healed back in the forest before it had suddenly become cold and snowy, or so it had seemed. This unsettled Jah'Ri greatly, but she did not want to disturb the girl whilst she was reading. Besides, it was perhaps not the best idea to bring up something so alarming among the relative calm and quiet in this building. Jah'Ri found her feet bouncing, her body shifting uncomfortably in the chair, and her claws tapping softly on the table in between the two as she pondered how and when to voice her concerns for Xenith to the girl herself. Unbeknownst to Jah'Ri, these subconscious nervous movements were more distracting than she intended them to be and as such may simply get Xenith's attention on thier own. If and when she was able to acquire the pale girl's attention, Jah'Ri would look concernedly into her eyes and quietly say, "Jah'Ri wishes to speak with Xenith alone. Matter is very serious."

Jah'Ri noticed a girl crawling into the library, seemingly freezing cold. Glancing back and forth between this strange new arrival and Xenith, she wondered if she should try and help the girl somehow. Jah'Ri then realized she couldn't really think of a way to help her right now, and simply continued trying to get Xenith's attention in as non-disrupting a way as possible.

@VioletShadow @Okami Izumi
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Xenith La Rosia

Xenith's expression didn't change as Jah'Ri followed her, but secretly, she was happy that she did. We haven't found time to get to know each other well.. she thought as a frown filled her face. Maybe this will be a good opportunity? She wondered, before she returned to being immersed inside her book. It was captivating, the vast knowledge captured within such a simple object. Carnivorous plants? How peculiar.. Her mind absorbed new, wondrous information as she read onward. She had never heard of such strange beings. Plants that can eat creatures? The food chain surely is a confusing subject. A small smile etched on her face, her eyes slowly widened as fascination filled her mind.

However, as she slowly returned to her world, she noticed Jah'Ri beside her fidgeting strangely. As she set her gaze upon her, she tilted her head in confusion. Listening to her words, she rose from her chair, book clutched tightly in her one good arm. She was genuinely confused about the matter, but didn't suspect Jah'Ri in the lightest. She would be glad to be of assistance to the problem at hand. Xenith looked around swiftly, there weren't many people in the library, therefore many areas were empty. Not to mention the towering bookshelves surrounding them, blocking the others view. After locating a hidden corner, smothered in darkness by the non-existent windows, she beckoned Jah'Ri to follow her. Slightly excited by the sudden event, she crossed her arms to contain her lively emotions.

Nio Magnetus

With a small grin, almost mischievous in appearance, Nio returned Giorno's friendly gesture, shaking his hand lightly. "The pleasure's all mine Mr. Alesci. But please, just call me Nio." The book in front of him was strange to say the least, it emanated a powerful aura, alluring to many. Returning his attention to the book, a particular page caught his eye. It was a different colour to the rest, darker but still very similar. A faint smell caught his senses, blood. Dark red words were handwritten carefully onto the page, in a language incomprehensible to him. However, a few were written in his native language: 'Blood' 'Magic' 'Sacrifice' 'DEATH'. It was a dark collection of words, but they held great meaning in this book, elegantly written with a bright red ink. After attempting to turn over the page, Nio realized that the page was carefully slotted in here. Intentional or not, he wondered whether the page was relevant to the rituals in the book. Wait- Blood magic? Xenith might be able to decipher this... Smiling excitedly, he looked around wondering if Xenith was nearby, but couldn't see her. Looking across at Giorno, he explained quietly "Blood magic is referenced in this book, I have a friend who may be able to decipher the hidden language." Rising from his chair, he beckoned Giorno to follow as he began to search for Xenith. @Lekar
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Jah'Ri felt very relieved at the speed with which, once met with her words, Xenith closed her book, stood up and began searching for a place they could converse privately. Once Jahri had followed Xenith into the convenient patch of shadows, she thought carefully of what to say before speaking quietly after a short pause, standing closely in front of Xenith and looking into her eyes concernedly. "Jah'Ri has noticed as Xenith read book you seemed in pain, though too excited by reading to pay much attention to own discomfort. Jahri then noticed this," she said, gesturing to the rather noticeable gash that had suddenly reappeared on Xenith's arm. "This is same wound Jah'Ri saw close after Xenith bit Jah'Ri here," she said whilst tilting her neck and pointing at the two small incisions Xeniths fangs had left behind on it. "Does Xenith... need blood often to keep wounds from coming back? If that is truth, Jahri does not... mind if Xenith..." Jah'Ri suddenly found herself struggling to find words as she thought of how it had felt when Xenith bit her. There was the pain in her neck of course, but the way Xenith held onto Jah'Ri in order to suck the blood, the way being so close to her felt, was... very pleasant, for lack of a more descriptive term for the odd tingling warmth she remembered feeling in that moment.

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Giorno calmly sits up, quietly pushing in his chair. He rests one arm on his hilt of his rapier, sticking the other in his pocket. He watches Nio stand up, strutting off and beckoning him to follow. Giorno has nothing better to do, and he does find himself curious in what this 'blood magic' is. "Who is this friend of yours?" Giorno says, breaking the silence. He looks around the library, while there aren't many people here, it is a giant area. Plenty of empty space. His eyes dart around at the countless columns of books and literature. The only thing breaking the silence is the storm outside, roaring and howling as it blows against the walls of the building.

After stuffing his face with pancakes, Simon felt suddenly bored again, he needed something to do, anything. He noticed a building nearby, a library.

"Well, well, well. What is a Library?" Simon mused to himself. He strode over to the building, whistling his song from earlier as he did so. When he entered he found stacks and stacks of books, he could see many people in here, some he recognized from outside. Still whistling, he jumped over to a shelf and picked out a book labelled "Diseases, their causes, and their cures. Simon opened the tome and flicked through the pages.

"Red, nose rash, purple blight, Azamel's breath sickness...."

Then something caught his eye, a disease named "Bloober's boil"

"Symptoms are large boils on the skin, cannot be cured..." he paused for a few moments, looking at an illustration showing the symptoms, it looked exactly like the disease he had cured the child of.

"Oh, no cure, huh? Well guess what?! I cured it! HA! Eat it book! In your face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Simon shouted, gloatingly.

"Who likes Apples! I'm giving my last one away!" He said suddenly, setting the book down and tossing an apple up and down in his hand.
Spinoceratopsrex said:
After stuffing his face with pancakes, Simon felt suddenly bored again, he needed something to do, anything. He noticed a building nearby, a library.
"Well, well, well. What is a Library?" Simon mused to himself. He strode over to the building, whistling his song from earlier as he did so. When he entered he found stacks and stacks of books, he could see many people in here, some he recognized from outside. Still whistling, he jumped over to a shelf and picked out a book labelled "Diseases, their causes, and their cures. Simon opened the tome and flicked through the pages.

"Red, nose rash, purple blight, Azamel's breath sickness...."

Then something caught his eye, a disease named "Bloober's boil"

"Symptoms are large boils on the skin, cannot be cured..." he paused for a few moments, looking at an illustration showing the symptoms, it looked exactly like the disease he had cured the child of.

"Oh, no cure, huh? Well guess what?! I cured it! HA! Eat it book! In your face! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Simon shouted, gloatingly.

"Who likes Apples! I'm giving my last one away!" He said suddenly, setting the book down and tossing an apple up and down in his hand.
(So is Muro gonna react to a kid trying to ride him like a horse? Or did I miss it? I've been really busy as of late .-.

Anyhow, if you all want to make any last-minute posts before updates, you have to about 2 PM PST to have it done.Happy posting, we continue tommorow.

Also, as for the Dying Plains group, if you're still in for the game, please post here that you are so I know to tag you in my next post.)

Xenith La Rosia

Her expression was blank as she listened to Jah'Ri, her reason for confusion surprising in her opinion. An eerie silence befell them as she said her last words, with Xenith figuring out what to say and how. "Firstly," she began "I did notice the wound on my arm, it never fully disappeared, it merely faded from normal view." This next part was harder to explain, but she tried her best. "Blood is similar to a drug for my kind. It stimulates the senses, causing power to overflow. Wounds will disappear for a short while, before returning. These, however, are mere side effects. Vampires usually only drink blood to satiate their thirst. Our healing rate is much faster than a normal mortal's though, this wound should be gone by tommorow." She brushed her arm carefully, noticing the injury visibly smaller than earlier. Instead of spanning to her wrist to her elbow, it merely covers a third of it's original portion. "Is that all?" She asked quietly. "If so, let us head back-" As she turned the corner, she came face to face with a tall figure, Nio. @DergTheDergon

Nio Magnetus

Gazing around the large room, it was difficult to examine everything in one glance. Towering bookshelves prevented that. Nio looked through every possible area, as he knew Xenith had entered the library. Chuckling quietly, he replied "I'd like to keep it a surprise, if you don't mind." As he turned the last corner he could search, he met with a surprise. Xenith was inches away from him, who attempted to turn the corner at the same time. Momentarily, he blinked repeatedly before he gave a small laugh. A few strands of black hair were out of place, which Nio corrected carefully. "I was looking for you." He smiled softly. "Could you come with us for a moment?" He gestured towards Giorno with his eyes. He still had many questions about this woman, but didn't hesitate to show affection.
Why does she seem so close, yet so far? He clenched his fist lightly, if only I knew my past... @Lekar

Muro looked at the child who had tried to mount him like a horse. He tilted his head to one side and made a clicking sound in his throat. Who was this, and why was he trying to get on his back? Muro slowly took a few steps back, he was unsure what to make of this child. He lay on the ground and made several short, sharp screeches.
Jah'Ri found herself returning Xenith's blank, confused look as she explained. When she was finished, Jah'Ri was uncertain that she truly grasped it all to be honest, yet she better understood the unusual way Xenith's kind heals now and felt as though she could stop worrying so much about strange phenomena such as wounds reappearing on Xenith. When Xenith herself pointed out her already fading wound, Jah'Ri's reptilian eyes widened and she nodded. "Ah... Jah'Ri... understand now. She was simply worried about Xenith, and Xenith's kind are not familiar to Jah'Ri. Jah'Ri thanks you for your patience in explaining this." At Xenith's inquiry she nodded. "Yes, that was al Jah'Ri needed to ask." Jah'Ri got the impression that her line of question was strange to Xenith somehow, but with this knowledge Jah'Ri felt at ease and better able to understand if Xenith truly needed anything. She was glad she had asked.

As Jah'Ri turned to follow Xenith, she found her eyes glaring at Nio once again, who had nearly bumped into Xenith. There was still something unsettling about them, and there w as that odd feeling again that Jah'Ri was missing someone akin to what Nio is for Xenith... but who? Where are they? How will she know if she met such a person? There seemed to be no time to think much about this, as Xenith was once faced with the stranger she seems to implicitly trust but Jah'Ri does not. Jah'Ri's instincts were to keep watch on him, and not to let Xenith out of her sight around him either. Of course he'd been looking for her. Afterhearing Nio's request, Xenith turned to Jah'Ri. 'Can Jah'Ri come with? She will not interrupt. Others can ignore her if they wish." She casted a wary sidelong glance at Nio almost on reflex. If Xenith agreed Jah'Ri would do exactly as she said she would, simply be a passive observer unless she had reason to think Nio or his accompaniment whom Jah'Ri hadn't met yet was trying something malicious. If Xenith tried to say she'd be alright on her own Jah'Ri would remain adamant that she come with, resort to attempting to spy on the group if nothing else worked. She couldn't help it, she felt this deep connection with Xenith she didn't truly understand, but still wanted with all her being to deepen further. Then there was Nio, whom disturbed Jah'Ri in ways she didn't really understand with the way he acted towards Xenith.

(Far as I know, im in the beach group and Town group now. Dunno whos in the plains)
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Giorno smiled and bowed in an elegant manner to the stranger. "Greetings, I'm Giorno, Giorno Alesci. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He postured himself, trying his best to make an impressionable greeting. He looks into the girl's eyes, something about her doesn't feel right to him, he just can't put it to words. He catches himself accidentally staring awkwardly, quickly fixing his gaze over to Nio. Between the book and this girl, he couldn't tell which gave a stronger aura. He was about to say something else, but a loud crack of lightning interrupted his thought. It wasn't important anyways, they had a matter on hand right now. He noticed Nio looking a bit tense, like he was lost in some distant thought. He set a hand on his shoulder to draw attention, addressing the reason they came to her in the first place. "We have a book here, and we could use your help on figuring out its meaning. Nio said you could help."


Xenith La Rosia

"I would be glad too." Xenith smiled sincerely towards the ice elemental, as her hair was carefully rearranged. A voice from behind startled her with it's subtle anger hidden within. It was faint, but she could tell something was off. She wondered what was wrong, but decided to evade the topic for now. Her joy was great from the fact that Jah'Ri wanted to stay with her. It was marvelous having a close friend nearby for so long. However, she kept her calm demeanor and nodded silently. "It depends, Jah'Ri. But I hope you can accompany me." A figure, finally entering her view hidden behind Nio's height, introduced himself gallantly. His hair shone like the sun, a bright golden colour. Similarly his eyes appeared like a lion's, fierce and commanding. "I am commonly known as Xenith La Rosia, are you an acquaintance of Nio's?" She asked politely, curtsying with etiquette. "I could, possibly, but we should find an area to sit down first, it may take a while." Her leg was aching slightly, but she hid her pain with nonchalance.

Nio Magnetus

As Xenith turned her back, and Giorno behind him, Nio grinned, a deep glare in his eyes. He appeared as a devil, for that very moment, in which it lasted. Aimed only towards Jah'Ri. He recovered himself in a split second, as he smiled softly at Xenith once again. "She can come along, as long as she isn't a hindrance." A subtle coldness was hidden within his pronunciation of the word hindrance, but his calm smile threw all thoughts of uncertainty away.

"Xenila... I know you better than that." Nio sighed softly, as he lifted her up into his arms. "Come on, let's return to our original area, Giorno." he hummed quietly as they returned to their desk area. A larger table, made of a dark wood, was where they settled. He carefully lay Xenith on a chair, with extra care to her leg and arm. With the black book, mysterious in a deep aura, in the center of the table, he slowly flipped towards the hidden page. "Can you translate this for us?" He asked in a whisper, his eyes returned to a serious gaze, focused on knowledge.

@DergTheDergon @Lekar

Giorno calmly made his way back to their original table, gawking at the few people who remained in the library at this time. He pulled out the old wooden chair, hearing it creak with age as he took a seat. He rested his arms on the table, keeping his hands together. He looked across the table, seeing the relatively small party as they all take their seats. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Xenith La Rosia." He put a bit too much flair on the pronunciation of the name, but it didn't matter. He reaches down and takes off his sheathed rapier from his side, leaning it against his chair to get comfortable. Giorno clears his throat. "I have no history with this book, I actually found it with Nio when we bumped into each other. He said it contained some type of foreign language, some of which depicting blood magic or some of the sort." He shifted in his seat, trying to blow over the awkward atmosphere. "And since you're a... vampire... you would have more experience with this than anyone here, I'd assume." He finally got out what he's been wanting to say, he didn't know how he knew, but he could tell by her eerie, inexplicable aura that he didn't even understand, that she wasn't human. She had to be something else.

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Jah'Ri nodded at Xenith's fair words, and turned her head slowly towards Nio to hear his answer. His hate-filled glare did not serve to disturb, instill fear in, or discourage Jah'Ri in any way. On the contrary, due to her people's aggressive nature and thier tendancy to choose to fight rather than flee, it only served to deepen her resolve to stay by Xenith's side and watch this boy like a dragon from above, prepared to rain fire down upon him at the first sign of him being a danger to Xenith. Perhaps even him acting much closer to her than he already did could drive her over the edge. Over the edge of what she wasn't sure, but it was something born of her instinct to protect. As kindly as he acted towards Xenith, Jah'Ri couldn't shake this profound feeling that he was a danger to her. True to this, she stayed completely still, scaly arms crossed, narrowing her own reptilian eyes in the glare of an angry, vengeful beast.

She felt relieved once Nio said he'd allow Jah'Ri to follow, mostly for the reason that she was unsure what she'd do if he outright refused to have her along. As far as Jah'Ri concerned, the choice he made was very, very wise for the prey he was, live-preservingly so. "Jah'Ri shall not hinder, as she has said," Jah'Ri retorted just as coldly. She averted her gaze and silently followed as Nio suddenly picked Xenith up, afraid that Xenith would catch her cold glare and presume it was meant for her, or figure out how much she wanted to hurt her apparently dear friend. In the end, Jah'Ri perceived Nio as a threat to be negated in some way as per her Dracononian instincts, but Xenith hadn't seemed to pick up on that yet.

Jah'Ri of course felt the book's aura as they approached the table, unsure what to think of it. She stood as a guardian or servant beside Xenith's chair as soon as she was put down into it. Crossing her arms and standing silently, observing the three beings at the table as they conversed. Jah'Ri gave a confused look once the male named Giorno called Xenith a "vampire." Perhaps that was what her race was called, but she was confused by the fear she sensed in the man's voice. Xenith didn't seem to be the type that would strike fear into anyone, or at the very least she seemed to be trying very hard not to do so by keeping her nature secret.

@VioletShadow @Lekar
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(God, it would be so much easier if there was a way to set a group tag instead of individual tags that notified everyone in said "group". It's been so long and so many have joined/left I can't remember who all is still in aside from our recent posters and confirmed users from sign ups.

From here on in, since everyone will be in the town, there is no need to specify groups until leaving town.

If you do intend to continue playing, please post so that I know you're in!)

@SolisNighsun @Pashpu @Xion136 @Drunk Dragon @Scrapmaster @princekyle (If I missed anyone, which I likely did, please tag them!)

No new checks occour for simplicity of bringing everything back under control, for right now.

New information gathered:

Xennith noticed in the book of animals she read, she was able to see that the giant tortoise is a common species of the world, and many variations exist, most however are not nearly as big as the one they previously faced.

Xennith also noticed a passage on a species that looked shockingly similar to Muro, and how they had two kinds: More animalistic, which have no sentient thought, and more personified and intelligent species, though normally the more intelligent have craftsmen capable of creating clothing and armor, which most do not go without. The more feral half are often used as a mount for hunting. There are no laws on keeping them captive, but the intelligent are very active in a movement to not have their people treated like horses.

The Blood Magic book can be read by Xennith, but the information takes time to truly understand, scanning it won't yield anything at the moment. More experimentation and a proper place to practice what it calls for is needed.

On the wall of the Library, a map of the town was present. Southeast of the library was a inn, east of it was a shop specializing in magic potions with every day applications, a smithy with a weapon shop out the front, and a food store. All players who entered the library notice this, but recollection of locations or what buildings are what may not stick.

All players who were in the Beach group and are still active have had their characters moved to the outskirts of town, you're basically just outside. From your location, any of you can see Muro, the Library, and the Inn. The inn is a rather large building for such a small town, but looks to be very posh despite of this.

Simon stopped the black plague, quite ironically enough, from spreading through the town by his actions taken. Though it will not take effect now, Simon will now be remembered as the town's savior from visits to this location post this one.

The storm had come abruptly, and quickly. Those outside would have gotten wet, had it not been for the wonders of this little town. For about a quarter-mile outside of town in all directions, a barrier formed that let people pass through, but not rain, snow, hail, whatever should come. It was obvious that it only stayed up during the day, as the barrier was made of light, at night such a thing would be much harder to keep up. Regardless, everyone gathered from every end of the world.

All of them in one place? Now what would happen?

The Librarian looks over to the group with the Blood Magic book. Mild concern crossed her aged, but not quite ancient face, as she waddled over to the group of adventurers.

"Dears, I would suggest putting those books up, now. The owner of this place demands I keep them in stock, but they're not good. How about reading about the War going on? Strong looking lads and lasses like you might just be the type to be able to save the world from itself!" She had reached over and pulled the book shut, putting her hand on top of the book and pushing it down with her weight.

She was old, but by no means thin. They job must pay bars of gold, for she was rather rotund. A rare sight, aside from with nobles, in a town like this. She wore a very standard white blouse and blue dress that reached her ankles, and dress shoes on her feet. Her graying old brown hair was tied in a bun.

"It's truly interesting!"

The storm raged on outside, but the dome kept steady, despite the thunder strikes that slammed into it. Like an immovable wall, it did not budge. However, the large, reptilian bipedal creatures, much like the one in the center of town, that were kept in the corral by the town limits, began to screech and cry out with each blast. Obviously, they were tamed, but not conscious of what was going on, like wild animals.

In the town, the boy backed off of Muro, realizing that he was not like the others kept in the corral. He apologized as quickly as a ten year old's tongue could recite the words and ran, fearing persecution.
DergTheDergon said:

Xai-Kah looks the being over curiously as she turned to him, seeming to process his question. At her answer it was Xai'Kah's turn to cock his head. "Became... did you... grow her? Where you stand now?" He inquired, trying to understand what she was saying. The draconian man then realized that Jaighd was staring at him just as closely as he was examining her. Neither being seemed to think the act strange at all, they were simply taking each other in. The green of her... skin? Could it be called such? Was very similar to the shade of his own scaly skin, but one could tell from simply looking at it that its texture was far different. It was smoother, leaf-like veins visible on the surface. The sight of her intrigued him. Was she a plant? A sentient being? Both? Perhaps the last guess was the most accurate. From her wide-eyed gaze she seemed to think similarly of Xai-Kah, that he was interesting.

The girl's next actions only served to enlighten the dragonborn's curiosity towards her. Pushing up from the ground, pure white roots that could barely pass for legs formed then touched the surface of the ground. When the plant woman began staring at Xai-Kah's own scaly legs intensely, he looked towards her confusedly again with his head cocked sideways, then he began to understand as before his very eyes, the shap of Xai'Kah's legs began to be replicated in hers. "Hmm..." Xai-Kah hummed intruigedly. "Can you form the rest of your body that way? Or just your roots?" It was strange, Xai-Kah didn't know where he acquired knowledge of roots, plants and the like, he just had it. Xai'Kah felt himself smiling as Jaghid admired her new legs and cooed softly. The sight and sound was very endearing to behold.

Without warning, Jagihd began to lean on Xai-Kah, supporting herself with his scaly chest as she gained balance on her new mode of transportation. Xai-Kah found himself fron in sruprise, as he instintively put an arm out for extra support if she needed it. Then, he looekd into her eyes and found himself even more mesmerized as before, those large, excited-looking orbs staring into Xai-Ka's own green eyes, a few shades lighter than his skin."Yes. Explore now." He replied, before beginning to head in the direction of the town, not going ahead of Jade or falling too far behind in case she needed to lean on him some more. "Preferably quickly. A storm is fast approaching these woods." Xai-Kah could feel the chill in the air, and the wind beginning to pick up.

"I know. I feel it," the now bipedal plant replies, turning to watch the swelling clouds. As if on cue, it starts thundering aggressively, though no rain falls. The strange barrier, a protector of sort, glows with a pale golden light, most likely of ancient magic. She watches it intensely, and then abruptly continues forward toward this strange collection of buildings, her duplicated legs leaving perfect imprints in the snow.

With a small laugh, she pauses and then giggles some more, trying to figure out what this odd feeling was. Realizing it was futile, she just submits herself to it and dances languidly in the snow swirling this way an that to capture the tiny flakes of snow darting around them. A particularly large one land on the area in which she would bare a nose, and she recoils backward in attempt to see it.

(Sorry, writers block :P )
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Xenith La Rosia

Xenith's eyes widened in surprise as she was carefully pulled into Nio's arms. Her confusion lasted a few moments after they began walking, before she accepted her fate, and rested her head against his chest. He was a frozen temperature where she touched physically, but she felt a strange warming connection between them. It felt soothing to her pain... As she reached the table, and was gently placed on a seat, her expression never changed. Despite Giorno's sudden words. "Oh..is that what my kind is called..? Correction, is that what I am called?" A few moments of bewilderment passed, before she explained herself. "I feel as if there are not others of my kind." Her eyes drifted slightly, clouded by her emotions. Certainly, minutes of tense silence passed before she spoke again, in an attempt to begin in order to evade the dark atmosphere brewing. "Anyway, let us begin." Carefully, she traced the symbols in the book with her fingers, her mind was at serious work, recalling a language of the ancient past she knew a long time ago was difficult. Indeed, they were familiar, but it was written in a way so incomprehensible, that without a long amount of studying, there would be no way to read it. She spoke nothing, overall she was a silent person, therefore this situation was best for her. Utter peace.

Until suddenly, an aged woman of greying-brown hair snatched the book from her location. Xenith was perplexed and slightly bitter about her actions, but thought nothing of it. Quietly, she sat and examined the librarian as she spoke. Save the world? Why should I? What has this world done for me? There's no profit to this. Of course I wouldn't 'save the world'. Wars are idiotic anyway, senseless killing of your own kin. Her anger slowly boiled, especially at the fact that the woman was possibly destroying and smudging the ink on the book, filled with important notes of the past. Her sincere want to slap her round the face was growing.. but hiding her emotions was Xenith's specialty. An idea appeared in her head, without even a glance or a hint of her movement, she slyly tapped Nio's leg.

Nio Magnetus

Nio chuckled at Jah'Ri's deep suspicion. The way she looked at him as if he was some pathetic minion bound to create trouble, or even measly prey, was admirable. If he wanted to, he could destroy her, savagely disintegrate her bones to mere icicles. But there would be no fun in that now would there..? An evil expression crossed his face, for a split second, yet that singular moment emitted a deep darkness, subtly hidden by his calm demeanor. He watched with a subtle expression of happiness as Xenith attempted to translate the blood magic page, she looked peaceful in the deep silence resounding around them.

An old woman, garbed in blue and white caught his view as she quickly walked over. Her actions and speech annoyed him heavily, similar to Xenith, yet more so. Excuse me? We were obviously reading that book. How rude, I cannot believe a woman like her became a librarian. Save the world? Not if it has senseless people like you in it. Wars? Also known as mindless killing, so, no thanks. He was actually furious, but he knew better than to act on his emotions. His calm and chilling aura erased all suspicion of them as well. The book...THE BOOK! WOMAN, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Your such a failure of a librarian! Nio was on the edge of his seat, about to smack this woman in a sudden punch, but was interrupted by Xenith. Immediately, he regained control over his emotions and calmed down. The mere sight of her was soothing to him, it was pleasant. He playfully nudged her a few times before returning to the problem, he understood what Xenith wanted, as he wanted it too. Carefully, with his hands hidden underneath the table, he focused his will towards the book, enveloping it in a thin frozen layer, freezing the contents and preventing any damage to be made. The book was safe, it didn't look or feel different, but it should have been enough to prevent damage. He gave a little sigh, similar to Xenith as they smiled towards each other for a short moment.

@DergTheDergon @Lekar @NeverBetter

(I just want to make a note, words in italics are THOUGHTS whereas words in speech marks are SPOKEN. I apologize for any inconvenience.)
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on the trip over, things had been relatively quiet for the beach group. in regards to fia, anyway. as the small young lady moved with the tightly spaced group, it was more than clear she was more than a little uncomfortable. she was, for the most part, completely silent on the way over, and stealing quick glances at the ever darkening skyline where she could. in a world where everything at some times felt so vividly familiar and others sickeningly unso, this 'storm' was a strange, unsettling mix, and the confusion it stirred was enough to warrant exercised caution.

it brought up a strange melancholia in her again. she was scared of the seemingly vast world, and what she didn't know, and especially of what she knew despite it downright being inappropriate to do so. she had not existed before, she was almost sure of it - so why did this pervasive sense of deja vu linger? as the rain sounded as if it began to drizzle, and then even pour so quickly afterward, it threatened to penetrate even her basic sense of hope and optimism and dig into her foundations. it was unsettling.

someone at the forefront of the group pulls her out of the hole in awareness her thoughts had dug and brought her current surroundings. someone mentioned a... town? a town... what it was, exactly, didn't immediately form in her thoughts, but her instincts lept into action and spurred her legs into motion, sprinting to the front of the group to find what was so the subject of everyone's curiosities.

"i- h-huh?" she asked, quietly. not exactly a whisper, but still small enough of a voice not to carry much farther than the few closest to her. in the middle of the 'town' were two creatures - one humanoid looking, even smaller than her, and one very large beast standing down, emitting short, unpleasant screeches. the encounter doesn't seem to last very long - fia didn't quite catch what had provoked the actions, but the child quickly runs off, clearly spooked by what had unfolded. it might already be over, but it still manages to make her uncomfortable. without much further thought, fia moves toward the creature.

"h-hey! a-are you okay over there?" the fear is evident in fia's voice as she approaches it slowly. she wasn't sure why the boy ran off, or if what she was approaching was sentient (or tame), but she's spurred on by experience. so many among the group seemed to take forms other than that of common bipedals - maybe this was a person of similarly fluid form?

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- Tolan and Xicor -

Tolan stood in a corner of the library, watching over all of what was happening, the old lady speaking of the book to Xenith, blood magic...why did those words felt familiar to him? he couldn't quite put it in words, or expressions, as his face was covered with a mask, why he felt as if he heard about that type of magic before...but his doubt was interrupted as he looked over to where Xenith and Nio were in, and he didn't trust that boy...at all, deciding to walk closer, to know more about this book, he did so.

Tolan simply walked over, and looked over the book, and Xenith, from the opposite side of the table. "Blood magic...familiar words" He spoke as he crossed his arms and awaited the translation.


Meanwhile Xicor was much more interested in what the old lady spoke about. "Excuse me, a war is going on?" Xicor asked curiously. "I doubt any of us knew that there was a war happening, I know its too much, but could I ask what you know of this war?" Xicor asked, his voice highly mechanized, almost that of a robot, but with a hint of human in it, he was part machine after all. He figured since the rain was beginning to fall, he didn't have much opportunity to walk around town, so he'd chat with this old lady.


- Hektor -

"A pleasure, Jenna." Hektor spoke with a respectful bow and a tip of his hat. as he began to walk along with the group, and they soon reached a town, which was beginning to rain in. That wasn't good, his attire wasn't waterproof...but thankfully as they entered town, Hektor was about to rush to somewhere for cover from the rain, but he was distracted with Fia was doing. Seeing a creature in the middle of the town was...weird.

"Interesting." Hektor spoke.

@Spinoceratopsrex @rusticyawn
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