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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon

Ralts realizes the seriousness in Chims voice. He quickly ran behind Chims keeping up with him. He then remembers the Bulbasaur. "Oh darn. Chims, you forgot your partner!" Then he realized that Chims was too far away. Ren decides to go back and stay with the Bulbasaur.
(Sorry no alerts)

Beldum would look at the Chimchar that help him away from that trainer,as he would flote down and would position himself beside him and help him up and say "Why did you help mi...I could do that!"
Chims got up with the help of the rock pokemon

---You don'...you didn'...you had no idea what you were getting into...

As he finished the phrase, the flying pokemon showed up.

---Are...Are you with the trainer?!

The fire on Chims tail rose, and he suddenly realised: "Amber!"

But right now, he was too busy with this flying one. He put his guard up and said:

---If you are with the trainer, come. I will not put limits to my strength.

He sounded just as serious as before.
Chims breathed out, in relief.

---That's awesome. Do you think you can lift me in the air? I really need to save a friend, arr. Rock Thingy! Are you strong? - he said, this time looking to the rock pokemon.
Bulb would hear the Chimchar and move hos body in a nod as he was floting and say "Yes i am why you ask?"he says as Rock Thing?....he is a Mrtal thing really
---Okay then Feather Dude, we need to go back. If you see the trainer, launch me in the direction we were headed and head back. Do not even think of crossing him. Rock Thingy! Stay here in case they arrive first. If the trainer comes, RUN! So, are we understood? We can pull this off, arr!!

Even though he tried to sound as excitaded as he usually does, a fear in his voice could be felt.
Bulb would nod as wen he Finishes this he has lots of questions too ask "Yes Understood...and..Um...Correction if you dont minde its Metal thigy really"he says as he was not a Rock.....well...yea he looks like one but wen you ever see a Chrome rock and Gold Colord Tips?
"Aye, aye!" Scree started flying around, scanning the ground for the Trainer. "Hope you don't get air sickness," he added jokingly, before swooping down to get a better look.
The trainer, in anger and frustration, turned away and went back to shiny hunting.

Amber looked up, sighing when he realized that his so called partner had run too far ahead of him. He was about to turn back to his Oran Tree when he saw a Ralts coming closer. He recognized the Ralts from before. "Hi," he said, relieved he hasn't been completely forgotten.
Ren reaches the Bulbasaur and smiles, "Hi!" He says. "That Chimchar sure was determined to save that Beldum. I'm not sure what happened, all I saw was a trainer with a Flareon fighting the Beldum." Ren informs the Bulbasaur. His breath was starting to get slightly heavy.
"Hmm, I could get used to that nickname," commented Scree as he flew down toward the ground and landed, dropping the Pokemon gently.
"The Beldum! Oh yeah, the weirdly colored one. I've met only one or two Beldum before, and that one looked a lot different." Amber said, nodding to Ren. "Are you feeling alright? You seem a little... out of breath."
As he was falling, he screamed ---Thanks Feather Dude!

When he fell, he could see Amber and the Green Mushroom with a Pink Surfboard to the Head. He started yelling (yet again)


He started pointing to the direction of where he came from.
(Sorry PC trold mi -_- )

the beldum would open his eye as he would look those around him and would say "Who what happend?"
--Is the trainer anywhere to be seen? - he said to the flying pokemon, as he startled to jump in euphoria.
"Umm..yeah," he says in a faint voice. "I'm feeling..uuuhh... fine." Then he hears Chims yell. "Oh, we must go. Come on." He starts walking in Chims direction with a limp on his left leg.

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