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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon


Wanna-be DPS insta-locker

Before the Trainers, there were pokémon...


Before a trainer has traveled to the region Daycare, all pokémon come from the wild. To them, pokémon are found by chance in the bushels of flowers and blades of grass. But all pokémon have a life outside battles. Living in groups, with friends and family, avoiding trainers and more predatory 'mon, the pokémon must survive the wilderness together. Will anyone get caught? What evolutions will occur? Is there drama, mystery, romance, and adventure? Only time will tell. As the trainer approaches from Pallet Town, the pokémon must hide and stay out of their militant gaze.



There aren't many rules, since it's such a straightforward game, but there are a few I expect everyone involved to adhere to.

1. No God-Modding

2. No Legendary Pokémon.

3. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus.

4. Romance is not the main plot of this roleplay.

5. Evolutions (whether it be by stone, object, or leveling) will have to happen after a major event. For permission to evolve, just throw me a PM. I don't bite.

6. Max of 2 pokémon characters per person.

7. The trainer will be played by me.


Character Skeleton




Nature (may include bits of personality here):

Bio (Where do you come from? Optional):

Image (Optional):


Current Level:

Move Set (Four Moves):


Accepted Characters

1. Pokemariofan64 - Max - Riolu

2. Aratani - Ara - Chimchar

3. Dandandan - Amber - Bulbasaur

4. CrystalFalls - Lili - Petilil

5. HeroicDax - Aria - Eevee

6. Miyuki - Yuki - Vulpix

7. Polo - Ren - Ralts​
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Under the familiar waving leaves of the autumn trees, Amber was sleeping soundly, hidden among the roots of a nearby tree. He had been using his bulb on his back as camouflage as he slept, hopefully hiding from any trainers or predators looking for a good find. His red eyes opened slightly as his body began to awaken, fresh in the morning. He smiled when he realized he still had a bit of morning dew on his bulb, keeping him cool in the somewhat arm breeze. The last of the summer was finally flying away, along with the other flight-based pokemon off to warmer grounds. He, like many other pokemon in this forest, would be staying throughout the winter, but it didn't matter to him. Even though he always wondered what it would be like to fly, he didn't linger on the idea. Even as a tiny level 5 bulbasaur, Amber knew his bulb wouldn't bloom one day to reveal wings.

Groggily, he got up on his four feet, and looked up at the trees. He couldn't see much activity from the ground, but he knew there were other pokemon that had woken up earlier and beaten him to the Oran berries that rested high up above. Without the skill to utilize his vines to the fullest capacity, he knew he'd only be able to pick at the fallen berries anyway.
Inside a medium sized, round bush lies Ren. Through the holes, made up by the branches and leaves of the bush, peeked in the sunlight. Ren twitches as he senses several spots of sunlight on his face. He starts to wake up and make his way to the exit of the bush. He cautiously crawls out of the bush looking to all sides, making sure that there wasn't any danger lurking around. Once everything was clear, he stands as tall as he is and stretches with a faint yawn.
Aria woke up from her restful nap only to notice that she was stuck on the top branch of a tall tree. She cried out in all directions for help and clung on to the branch for dear life, afraid to let go.
Amber went to the base of the tree, rummaging around the browning leaves for any fallen berries. Thankfully he was able to find about two not too badly bruised ones. As he ate his breakfast, he found himself looking around the small clearing to see if he'd meet anyone new that day. Being a naturally gentle pokemon, he wanted to see if there was anyone who had trouble getting food. He supposed he could give them one of his Oran berries.

When Amber heard a poor eevee crying out, he looked up to see the pokemon hanging from the tree. Not taking his time to question what an eevee would possibly be doing in a tree in the first place, he called out, "Hey! I'll catch you!" Amber said, preparing his bulb. Even though he couldn't use his vines very well, he knew he could align himself with the eevee so she's land on his somewhat soft bulb.
Yuki woke up in her cave, walking over to the small food supply she'd been living off of for a while, only to find she has no food. She begins heading outside her cave, walking through the slight snowstorm that covered the area, barely able to tell where she was going. She made it to the forest, where she searched around for food. It was strange; no Pokemon were attacking her yet. Usually she gets attacked right away, but this time, she must have caught a lucky break.
While most Pokemon of the area were waking up, Chims was already swinging by the branches. His fur, dazzling through the wind, almost outshined the bright flaming spark on his tail, as he went on and on to look for more berries. On his errand, he hears the far cry of another Pokemon. Upon closer approach, it didn't look like any he had seen before - the fox like creature, holding on to the branch for it's life, came as a (in the manner portrayed by him) opportunity to become a hero. At the same time, he noticed another pokemon trying to help it get down. Unsure on how to proceed, he does what he considers prudent.

"Leave it to me!" he yells, as he attemps to grab the creature mid-air and fall on the lower branches.
After finishing with his stretching phase, he starts making small jumps in the air but not going more than 2 inches in the air due to his size. After two minutes of this he begins to stroll around the forest. At the same time, he starts making some humming noises while carefully analyzing his environment.
Yuki makes it to a bush with some berries on it, now starting to eat a few. After about four berries, a Rattata comes out from some grass, staring her down. Yuki turns around to see the Pokemon, curling her tails in front of her, scared. Yuki tries to scream out, but can't get any noise to come out. The Rattata jumps at Yuki, about to tackle her.
Ren all of a sudden stops humming as his back horn begins to sense danger. He makes a quick turn and runs as fast as he can to see what was going on. (not sure if ralts' run) After a what seemed to be long run, he sees the Vulpix and the Rattata going for the tackle. He also senses that the Vulpix is not very strong against the Rattata. Thinking quick on his feet (feet? lol) he sends the telekinetic attack, confusion, towards the Rattata.
Aria nervously looked down at the bulbasaur offering to catch her. She shut her eyes and jumped towards the bulbasaur.
The Rattata was too close to Yuki already, which caused the attack to hit both of them, the Rattata landing on top of Yuki, beginning to use scratch on her. Yuki tries to curl up in a ball, though the Rattata was scratching too fast for Yuki. After about half a minute, Yuki went unconscious, the Rattata walking over to eat some of the berries now.
Amber grunted a bit when the Eevee landed on his bulb. It hurt him a little; even though it was a soft part of his body it still wasn't meant to be squished. "Are you alright?" he asked, clumsily trying to get his vines to help the potentially hurt Eevee off his back.
Ren becomes fired up at the sight. He quickly approaches the Vulpix and sees that she is unconscious. He now has a mixed feeling of both anger and annoyed that he let this happen. His ability, trace, takes place and copies the Rattata's hustle. With the attack increase he uses Shadow Sneak attack at the Rattata. (If you want to play as the Rattata, you can say if the attack hits or not. If you don't want to, then the attack will hit it causing lots of damage.)
(You play Rattata now. I need to get going for now, anyways, which is why she's unconscious .-.)
'Amber," Amber said, relieved that Aria was alright. He wasn't able to move his vines very well still; he let them fall limply to his side. He couldn't wait until he leveled up and perhaps gained some new moves. Maybe someday he'll be able to use his vines to get the berries far up the tree - no more bruised berries!
(ok) Since the Rattata is distracted by the berries, he gets hit by the move. After being hit, the Rattata flees. I now stand near the spot where Rattata was eating, due to the move. After seeing the Rattata flee, I return to the spot where the Vulpix lies. Now, Ren felt very weak that his knees (knees?) began trembling. He then falls to the Vulpix's side and lays there, not knowing what to do next.
"A forest," Amber said, smiling easily. "Do you want one of my Oran berries? They're a little bruised, but... you know..."
Aria smiled and said "Su..sure..." She was still a bit shaken up from the jump and had no idea how she got here. Last thing she remembered she had been sleeping in a cave full of Zubats and Geodudes.
After a moment on the ground, he begins to chuckle softly. While gazing at the color changing leaves of the trees and the bright blue sky above, the chuckle starts getting louder and louder. After a while he exclaims with a smile on his face, "Yes! I did it! I was able to defeat and defend by myself!" He begins laughing now while still on the ground, not being able to move.
Yuki's eyes slowly begin to open, her now waking up after the Rattata attacked. Her body was still quite weak, her barely managing to roll back over before seeing the Ralts, causing her to jump back a distance, though falling back down from the pain of the scratches.
Ralts gets startled as the Vulpix jumps up and falls back down. After regaining some strength from laying on the ground, he gets up slowly. I approach the Vulpix within hand's reach and extend my arm to show peace.

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