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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}


After all that went down, i just kind of found a spot on the couch to kick back. I still had my swimsuit on but i pulled a pair of jean shorts over my bottoms. I really didn't have an opinion. Not only was I not too familiar with these people but I didn't get involved with that shit. All the fighting seemed like too much effort and really just a waste of time. When Mr. Ego came back down the stairs later talking about netflix I started laughing. "You're at the beach and the first thing you mention is netflix?" Come on dude, live a little.

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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


She took the beer and then said she thought I hated her, I mean yeah I kinda do. She ruined my whole middle school year, how could you not hate someone for that? But now that I think about it, it's just the past.
"I did, but it's in the past now and I'm trying to change for the good. Hating people is pointless." She then apologised to me, it made me feel good to know that she was sorry for what she did. I left it alone, what I said was enough, but then I spoke up and accepted her apology. Then Axel came up, I really had nothing to say to him at the moment, maybe later. "Della theres a lot of people right now, I know when I'm upset I like to be left alone and if you want that it's fine with me. Just know that if you do need something, I am here for you and will help." I gave her a big smile and took a sip of my beer. I laughed at some girl named Thea, she made a joke about how girls gotta stick together or something I don't remember and then said that Lynx was a jerk. Lynx must've been that guy who got into an argument with Axel. I smirked in agreement. He did seem like a jerk, but so did Axel in a way. I was used to guys like these, they were the kind I used to sleep around with all the time my 8th grade and freshman year. I stood up and looked at Axel. This is such bad timing but damn, in this lighting he looked fucking fine as hell. I turned away as I noticed that I might have been staring, although it wasn't on purpose, he's gonna think I'm a freak now, greattttt.


Jack Pierce


I look over at the girl. "Yeah. I've had a long day on the road so sitting back for now doesn't seem like a bad idea. Speaking of which, what time is it? I'm starving," I said. I take the remote and flip on the tv. Then I stand up and walk to the kitchen in a quest for edible materials @Stamper
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I'm just pissed about this whole situation. What the fuck is going on? I never thought I'd see the day when my own boy would betray me. I thought we were like family but fuck that dude, he's no family of mine.

Mel is just looking up at me, waiting for an explanation. This girl is always putting me in my place and maybe I need someone like that. I'm glad she got me outta there when she did cuz some shit was definitely bout to to go down. "Look, I'm sorry, alright?" I say to her, running my hand through my hair. "This trip has just turned into a fucking nightmare." I shake my head. "And Axel is
not my friend, fuck that asshole. I don't need friends like that," I say, lighting up a cigarette. "And fuck Della too. Honestly, I'm just done with both of them."


"Miles is totally into you, Winter. Can't you see that?" I tell her, just holding her while she cries. "He was protecting you just now. What guy does that if he doesn't like you? Come on," I say, grabbing her hand and leading her down the beach. "Let's go find him. He couldn't of went
too far." I glance back at Conner, who's just been standing there awkwardly during this whole girl bonding thing. "You coming, loser?" I wink at him.

[uSER=29458]@Stamper[/uSER] @Rocket @DemonicPrincess
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I was sitting under a big wooden peer, the shade a relief from the burning sun. I stared out at the ocean, a frown etched onto my face. I didn't really care that was it damp and spelled strongly of seaweed and fish. Should I have done that? Did I fuck things up even further? I probably did. She was willingly walking with him after all and I kind of just beat him down. I mean, of course I didn't like what he did her and what else he would do to her if he was doing things like that. Maybe it was because I was jealous too... god damn it, if things weren't messed up before they are now. I angrily blew air from my mouth and ruffled my hair up. What now? Should I just head back? Nah... Something I also didn't understand was how I felt. I didn't exactly have the best rep with girls and I usually didn't become attached to girls like Winter. "Fuck me..." I mumbled angrily, picking up a broken seashell and tossing it into the foamy water.​
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"Anyway," I say. "I can't believe he's mad at you. He fucks you, then fucks millions of other girls, and you kiss one guy!? You are NOT a slut." I say, putting my arm around her. "You know what we are going to do? We are going to go in there, and we are going to have the time of our life's. You know why? Because this is spring break baby!" I say, pumpkin ( xD ) my fist up once more.

@Rocet @Dannygirl900

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.25fe255c6a9531f4e41bb994ddcc20bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.25fe255c6a9531f4e41bb994ddcc20bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I sigh wiping my eyes and nodding grabbing my black hoodie and pulling it on over my swim suit. "You're the best Lola" I give her a light smile. And begin to walk with her laughing as she taunts Connor. I pulled my hair up into a bun and kinda thought to myself. Connor and Lola? I like it.

@Stamper @Ash Boogie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3ba956de25148e3e8a40a0ca88189b23.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77817" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.3ba956de25148e3e8a40a0ca88189b23.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I chuckle at Thea's comment about men "none taken we all suck"

(I know it's super short I'm just not sure that to say)



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Della Sloane •


I look at the girls with a small smile and wipe away some tears "okay. We can go party. But first I need to talk to Axel... I'll be in in a bit. Thanks for helping a lititle bit." I tell them quietly and give both of the girls hugs.

After the hugs, I loop my arm through Axels and walk with him a little ways "I wasn't going to sleep with you... and I'm sorry I led you on a little bit... and that I ruined yours and Lynx's friendship..." I tell him quietly, trying not to cry "I just... I wanted to see if I could be with someone else without being Lynx's property. I'm not." I stop at a little rock pile and sit on one of the big ones.

"I haven't slept with anyone except for Lynx. So I'm not a slut. A few kisses here and there doesn't make me a slut..." I shrug, pulling my knees to my chest "I hope this drama doesn't ruin our friendship, Axel..."

@ShadowMoses @sparknight


I sighed as I listened to him, a girl should never come between two friends like that's just fucked up."Lynx, I know your upset and you wouldn't be upset if you fight have strong feelings for that girl." I tell him because it was obvious he did have feelings for Della everyone could see it."But you have to apologize for calling her slut, how would you feel if someone called your sister a slut?" I kinda found out that he had a sister, Lola man she's pretty if I went that way...hey wait what let me get back on track."You are going to go apologize to Della and make up with Axel cause you two are family. And family is important.." I kinda mumbled the last part remembering my family."Wanna go walk on the beach?" I ask pushing my hair back.

@Ash Boogie
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I felt really bad for him, he just wanted to stand up for his sister, made me think of my own brother, or atleast before he went insane. I could feel my phone going off in my pocket, I pulled away from him and looked and noticed that my mom had sent me about 10 text messages. They were weird questions that I think she meant to send to someone else "my mom is so strange" I cover my face with my hands. "What should we do now" I asked him​

Jay Sloane •


((I've been posting a lot of Tate, Kit and Kyle gifs so why not throw a lil Quick Silver in there ;D ))

I smile a little at Morgan and wrap my arms around her "well we've been doing a lot of things I want to do. So why don't you pick. I noticed a hot tub out back, uhm... we could go talk and chill with the others.

I kiss her cheek "we could watch movies or do anything" I sit on the bed and pulled her close. I didn't want to do anything to make her uncomfortable. She's like a cat and might spook easily.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.145b353ac864bbb8cadca35b96188053.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.145b353ac864bbb8cadca35b96188053.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Axel

I sighed, I should've seen this coming. "It's ok Della... I kinda always knew it was Lynx you wanted... If he hurts you though I'll kill him."




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c a r s o n

n e w m a n



I walk back inside and kinda sigh, "I guess that means truth or dare is over. Anyone up for some Xbox?" I walk through to the kitchen and grab a water, yeah I know that I was gonna get drunk but this was just a thirst only water could quench. I open the bottle and chug it down, then put it in the bin. Continuing sipping on my beer and back to the living area. "If anyone accepts my offer to play Xbox, I'll be in the game room." I head up the stairs and take a quick stop to my room, I change into my pajamas which consists of an oversized shirt and underwear because pants are for lames. I then walk to the game room turned on the Xbox, and begin playing COD.

@anyone in the house

(Ps #420 post blaze it)

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I ran my fingers through his hair, it was nice to actually be able to see over the top of his head for once. "we can go figure out where everyone else is" I leaned his head back and gave him a small kiss then took a step back. "Race ya" I let go and ran out of the room.​




I guess Mel has a point, she always has a point. I would fucking
flip if someone talked to my sister the way I just talked Della. And I know I'm the only guy she's ever been with so she can't technically be a slut. But still...I just feel betrayed for some reason. "Fine, I'll apologize but I'm not saying it's gonna be anytime soon. And I mean, yeah I have feeling for Della. I've been knowing her since I was a kid," I say truthfully. It's weird, usually when I'm around a girl I'm just trying to hook up with her but with Mel, I can just talk. "But I'll never be the kind of guy she wants me to be so what's the point." I throw off my shoes and put my feet in the water. Being outside with Mel has calmed me down already. Damn, why do I have to be going through all this relationship drama when I just met this cool ass chick? "So what's your deal?" I ask her, changing the subject. "You just some lil rich girl that gets everything she wants?" I smirk. "You know about all my girl problems, what about you? I'm sure you have a dude somewhere, a cute chick like yourself..."

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Jack Pierce


I looked back into the living at the sound of Xbox. "Well I'll say. I'm down!" I yelled, running up the stairs with a box of cheezit. I walked into the room and saw a girl playing CoD. "Cheezit?" I offered her, as I sat down. I watched her play a match so I could join in on the next one. I grabbed a remote with one hand and stuffed my face with cheezit with the other. "Does gamer girl have a name?" I ask her. @ShadowMoses
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As I walk home, I sigh. I wish my life was different. I wish my father didn't die. I wish that I didn't have this bad rep. I wish I could change. I'm not going to do this anymore. I have to get better. No more sex, no more alcohol, no more drugs.

I open the door, then shut it behind me as I walk in. The house was scarcely quiet, the T.V channel played quietly. I wanted to find someone I could talk to. Someone to open up to. I sign, trudging up to my bedroom. I pull out my book and surf the Internet. I couldn't accept the fact. I didn't want to except the fact. I was going through depression again. Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. I turn off my phone and set it down, before sinking my head into my knees. I was a mess. A hot mess.​
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I laughed when he called me a little rich girl, I mean yeah sure my parents are rich but that's them not me."I don't get everything I want, I usually have to sell my painting or something like that for the things my parents don't get me. Like I paid for my own car because some spoiled rich boy bought a painting from me thinking I would date him." I laughed at the memory, like geez boys are just so stupid sometimes. I was looking out at the beach when I heard him ask the most funniest thing ever. Me? Have a boy in my life? I held in my laugh and looked up at him."The only guy in my life is my cousin Frankie, he usually scares guys away from me," I laughed softly. It wasn't just because of my cousin scared them off, guys usually don't wanna put up with me or they just wanna use me for my money so I never really been with someone."Oh that and they usually only want me for my money or my virginity so I tend to stay away." I shrug and take off my shoes off so I can feel the water on my feet.

@Ash Boogie

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TheWingedCrusader said:
(Jack and Carson are in the game room, everyone else is heading back after Lynx and Axel almost fought over Della)



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I walk into the game room and see an rubrics cube. I stare at it and walk over to it grabbing it. I start turning the pieces sitting down next to the guys on a bean bag. I stay focused trying to do it but i have no luck. I keep trying with multiple failed attempts. I finally sigh "any of y'all know how to fucking do this thing" i say holding it up.​



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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


A guy walks in and sits down, he offers me a Cheezit and asked my name, before I coul answer him I died, "Fucking bullshit you wanker." I yell at the screen, immediately backing out and looking at the guy. "Sorry about that, heh. I'm Carson, also known as Cruella De Vil, because of the hair. You can join now by the way." I take a few cheezits and pop them in my mouth.

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Me, Conner, and Winter must have been walking for atleast ten damn minutes before we finally spot Miles sitting under a big wooden peer. "Go talk to him," I encourage Winter, nudging her over. I see her hesitantly walk towards him and I turn back to Conner. "Ugh, all this drama!" I manage to laugh. "Sorry about that by the way. I just try to be there for my friends, you know? They're all I have, besides my brother."


"You're virginity huh?" I raise my eyebrows at Mel teasingly. "Nah, I'm just kidding. So you paint and shit? That's cool. I guess there's nothing I'm really good at besides selling drugs," I chuckle bitterly.

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I shake my head at him and I poke his side."Don't say that Lyn. Everyone has a talent? Even if it's fighting or something like that." I say ending in a smile trying to brighten him up a little."You are pretty damn attractive maybe your talent is looking good." Man that was chessy but who do I care, well I kinda just admitted to think he was attractive, damn I hope he doesn't hold that over me.

@Ash Boogie

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