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Realistic or Modern Bad Boys, Good Lips ♥ {closed for the moment}




I laughed a little at Jays remark about the energy drink, I practically finished the whole can within a few minutes. I put it on the floor then laid back against his chest. "are you going to play" I looked at him,​


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I laugh at Dellas (@Stamper) ran away, Ethan said soon after while walking away "I'll see you in school bitch we will talk about this then."

Then turned to Lola (@Ash Boogie) my hands shaking, "I-I'm sorry" I hugged Lola tightly and started to cry "I'm so sorry"



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Jack Pierce


I turned to the girl that spoke to him. "Psh... Like you'd all leave without me at least turning this place into a club," I said with a small smirk. I noticed that they were all playing truth or dare so I got quiet to see what'd happen. Save my wise ass remarks for later. Actually... Should I get popcorn? What if I miss all the fun. If this was the type of truth or dare that I thought it was, then I'm going to miss out on the popcorn. I want to see every second of the show. Then I heard Axel talk about not being a girl. "I beg to differ..." I muttered and and held back a muffled snicker. @Mel @Rocket
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Blues Clues

Smirking softly, I'd grab a thick black Sharpie out of my back pocket-don't even ask why I had it there-and toss it at Armina. " Two other players can write whatever they want, how big they want, anywhere on your body". I turned my attention to Jack, the newcomer. He was cute in the way your older brother's friend were cute but not exactly my type. " Mr. Stranger Danger over there can be the first and you choose the other one".

@TheWingedCrusader @the rest of you fuckers



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Jack is my boy from way back so it's cool that his bitch ass finally showed up. And this Truth or Dare game is about to get fucking hilarious, if I know him. I elbow Mel in the side. "You alright? You're kinda quiet over there, missy." I hope she's not letting this whole Della situation get to her... Speaking of Della, I suddenly peer across the room and notice Axel nibbling on her ear. What the fuck is going on with those two?! They've been hugged up all damn day. I mean, I've kept my mouth shut for long enough but it's only a matter of time before I explode.

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DellaSloane •


I smirk at him "we'll good.. cause then I won't either." I kiss his lips, nibbling on his bottom lip, something I had loved to do to Lynx, but pull my mouth away from his and look at the game.

I smile at Blues dare. Questioning where she got the sharpie from. I roll my eyes a bit and catch Lynx looking at Axel and I, but I quickly turn my attention back to who was dared.

Jay Sloane •


((This gif kinda reminds me of that vine where the kid goes "Oh look! Its a wild woodpecka" and then he squaks and starts hitting his face against the door...))

I laugh a bit with Morgan and nod when she asks me if I'm going to play "of course! Now you have a chance to watch me make a fool out of myself... although I always do anyway... But still!"

I place a kiss on her shoulder and watch Blue pull a random Sharpie out of her pants. I laugh and shake my head at her innocent dare. But it's hard for me to focus on the game when this beautiful girl is sitting on my lap. So every once in a while I chance a glance at her.

@Ash Boogie @Rocket @Tsiwentiio


While giggling softly at Blue's dare, like could couldn't come up with a better dare but then again I would have picked something stupid. I lean against Mandy, playing with her hair as I look up at her, like damn she's like my best friend well, I hope she is since she and Blue are the only ones I really like oh and Val. { @incrusade } went when I felt Lynx nudge my side making a squeal escape my lips. Let's just say I'm ticklish."Yeah I'm fine Lyn." I say using the girly nickname I gave him. Pushing my hair back I give him a dimple showing smile, even though I know he's upset about watching that Della chick I didn't want him to know that I was hesitant to touch or talk to him just because I know he has feelings for her.All I can do is not allow myself to like him.I go back to watch the new kid write something on Strawberry girl, I forgot her name oops. Whispering in Mandy's ear I whisper."Lets talk later okay?"


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Jack Pierce


I perked up when a girl picked me to write something on the one that chose dare. "Hehe... You know a good pick when you see em," I said, grabbing the pen. I walked to the poor victim of a girl and bent down to get a good look at her. "You ready, sweetcheeks?" I asked, but I didn't wait for her to answer. I uncapped the sharpie and wrote on her forehead "No need for introductions, call me 'Desperate for Jack' ;) " The winky face and everything, all on her forehead. I nod and smile, satisfied. "That work of art is not for sale," I told everyone. Not minding what else was happening, I just take a nice long, runway walk back to chair in a way that said 'Mhm... You'd better hope I don't catch you snoozing or you'll end up like her'. I sat back down and simply looked at the girl. "I said no need for introductions, but a star like you is someone I'd like to get to know. Does sweetlips have a name?" @Mel
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"Shhh it's okay," I say, stroking my hand down Winter's hair. Ugh, what am I gonna do with her and Della? I love them like sisters so whenever some asshole hurts them I'm always here. "You guys have to stop letting these guys treat you like this, it's not healthy." God, I 'm glad I don't have boy problems. They're all such douchebags. But what do I know? I've never even had a boyfriend, Lynx scares them all away. "Ethan deserved that beat down anyway," I say, wiping her tears and trying to cheer her up.


There she goes with stupid nickname again. I can't lie, it's kind of cute though. "Hey, what'd I tell you about calling me that?" I chuckle at Mel. Meanwhile, Jack is doing the stupid dare and writing all over Armina's forehead. Pussy. If I were him I woulda gone for the tits or something.

I look over and spot Axel and Della again...kissing. And she's nibbling on his bottom lip, exactly like she does mine. What the fuck?! I can't take this shit anymore and all the liquor I've been downing certainly isn't helping the situation. I storm over in front of everybody and at this point I really don't give a fuck. I need to speak my mind. "I hope you know how much of a
slut you look like right now," I hiss at her. "What are you, some homie hopper? You give me some then turn around and give my boy some?" I suddenly glare at Axel. "And you, I thought you were supposed to be my friend. How does it feel to have my leftovers, bitch boy?!"
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Huh, this is getting to be far more interesting than I thought it'd be. "Let me see, slick," I say walking up to the kid with the giant ego and taking the sharpie. I uncap it in my mouth, leaving the cap held between my teeth. Taking hold of the girls face gently, I tilt her face so I can write on her cheek easier. "Uh huh..." When I'm done, I grin at her, cap the pen and stand back. It was more a symbol of attempting to build a friendship with the girl. Why not? It read:​

Property of Valentine Abner

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Jack Pierce


I look up and realize Lynx was loosing his shit. I dash up and put a hand on Lynx. "Hey, fam, it's alright. Breath for a second. I know, it's a dick move to flaunt someone's girl but keep your cool, homes. Tell you what," I said, realizing Lunx has downed a few drinks already. "How about you and I step aside for a bit and talk. You can let your steam out then, eh? Sound good?" I said, in a calming voice. That didn't stop my thoughts though. And my thoughts were, why the fuck are Axel and the supposed girl are making out. That's a pretty douche move to me and if I were Lynx, Axel would have already gotten a black eye, but that's just me. Mark my words kids, do as I say, not as I do.
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"What the fuck are you saying?!" I took Della (@TheWingedCrusader) trying to calm him down but there no point we are both too pissed off for reason.

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"I-I fucked up everything..." I think back to Miles (@Stamper) "Miles probably hates me now..." I keep hugging Lola probably suffocating her at this point but I was just too upset to care.​



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"you are so cute" I laughed at him, then turned my attention to what everyone else was doing, it was kinda funny to watch people write on her face, with a sharpie. Who knows what they'll do to Jay if he picks dare, I started to get a little cold so I leaned in closer to him.​



Just as I was about to reply to Lynx he got up and stormed over to Della and Axel in a rage. I was completely shocked at what he said, but what really caught my attention is that he called her a slut. Getting up I looked at Many and I told her I'll be back. Grabbing Lynx's hand I pulled him back away from Della, Axel and Jake.I didn't want them to fight and especially over a girl."Listen here, you guys have been friends for who knows long and fighting over a girl is fucking stupid. Lynx you know you already gonna hear it from me for calling this girl a slut. Now lets go." I say before looking at Axel."Have fun you too."Holding Lynx hand I dragged him outside the house and to the beach where I looked up at him. I waited for him to explain himself.

@everyone involved​
Jack Pierce


I was just a tad surprised when another girl straightened Lynx out in a snap. Well I'll say, hehe. But seeing that no one was going to start throwing punches anymore, I decided I'd best just walk back to my chair. Sitting back I finally decide to take a look at who exactly was around and who was who.
Della Sloane •


I narrow my eyes a bit, and am about to say something to Lynx, when Axel stands in front of me and starts yelling at him. So I'm a slut now. And again as I'm about to talk, yell back, defend myself but that Mel chick drags Lynx off.

I didn't even notice I was crying until I rubbed my face in frustration. "I-I have to go for a walk or something." I say more to myself than anybody else, quickly grab my purse and windbreaker which are near the front door and quickly rush out of the house. I walk a little ways from the house before I sit down.

I haven't really cried in a long time. Not since the first time he broke my heart. I promised myself I wouldn't let him make me cry anymore. Sure I am sad. But I never really cry like this. I wipe a few tears before taking a long drink from the miniature vodka bottle that i had in my purse then light up a cigarette.

Eventually I get back up and keep walking.

Jay Sloane •


I'm about to press a kiss to Morgan's lips but stop when I hear Lynx call Della a slut. "One sec" I gently set her off my lap and am about to slam my fist into Lynx's face when a chick drags him out. "Fuck sakes!" I growl and storm upstairs to my room.

I really hope Morgan comes in or something or I'll punch a hole in the wall instead. Fuck Lynx. He's constantly hurting my sister, putting her into a depression. She doesn't deserve that.

I let out another growl and grab a joint from my bag and light it up, taking a long drag from it then blowing the smoke up. I need to calm the hell down. I just hope Della's okay.

@Tsiwentiio @Rocket @Ash Boogie
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I flopped back down onto the floor, as Lynx was dragged and Della left, I placed my head in my hands which curled into fists.

(I guess everyone's going to bed now so night beauties!)​



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c a r s o n

n e w m a n


So first I'm just standing in the kitchen getting a smoke from a cutie and sharing my drink when next thing you know you hear yelling from the living area. It's Axel and some other dude, Della gets called a slut and the whole things a mess. The door opens and shuts, it must be someone going out and I doubt either of those boys would have backed down with out one being left dead, so it must have been Della that left.
"You can keep the bottle, cutie. I gotta do something." I walk towards the fridge and grab a beer in each hand. I'll talk to her, see whats going on. As I walk into the living area I look at Axel and give him a "wrong choice" kind of smirk and walked out of the beach house and searched for Della. "Damn, she cries so quietly, wish I was the same way." I sigh to myself as I spot her further down the beach. Jogging up to her and slowing as I got closer, I hand the girl the beer. "I heard everything that happened in there and although we're not typically fond of each other, I have to help out a fellow girl." I smile at her and hope that she will accept this offer.

@Rocket & @Dannygirl900)




As soon as Jay stood up I knew it wouldn't be good, he was really pissed. I hate fighting, I hate it with a passion, I don't like watching it, being in one, or even talking about it. I didn't follow Jay right off, I figured he would need a minute to calm down, I slowly made my way upstairs and looked for his room, the smell from the joint gave away his location. I slowly walked in unsure of what he would do, I stood next to him, unsure of what to say, asking if he was okay is kinda a stupid question because he is obviously not okay. " Do you want to be left alone" I quietly ask​

[QUOTE="Of the Red]

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Blues Clues

Smirking softly, I'd grab a thick black Sharpie out of my back pocket-don't even ask why I had it there-and toss it at Armina. " Two other players can write whatever they want, how big they want, anywhere on your body". I turned my attention to Jack, the newcomer. He was cute in the way your older brother's friend were cute but not exactly my type. " Mr. Stranger Danger over there can be the first and you choose the other one".

@TheWingedCrusader @the rest of you fuckers



I smile "ummm... ok then, I don't really care who else so who ever wants to come grab a sharpie." I laugh and throw on of the sharpies to Jack and

look around for the other person to step up. I look at blue " right here or do you have some place you had in mind" I say.



Wow. So that happened. I could tell that Della was upset, so I excuse myself and run out of the front door. I jog up to Della, then slow my pace to walk beside her. I also notice a red and black haired girl "Are you okay?" I whisper, looking down at her face. I see her cheeks were wet and so was her sleeve. Tears were leaking out of her eyes like waterfalls.

"It's okay. We know what you're going through." I whisper. "We are here for you." I say.

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Jack Pierce


Needless to say, things went to shit pretty quickly. So I show up to one party write something on some chick and then everyone blows up. I stand up and stretch. "Well... Seeing that a good portion of this convo is all over the place, I'm gonna move in, if that's alright. Don't worry girls I'll make space for two," I said with a wink. But then I got pretty serious. I walked off back to my car and began to bring my bags down. I didn't pay anyone else mind when I came back in and started heading to one of the empty rooms. I didn't like the fact that everyone was fighting. That's what girls do to a squad. They tear everyone apart because we're all pretty much one big mess of hormones. Not like I could do much, either. I weighed a slick 145 and was just about as big in fight power as a squirrel. I pat my pocket knife. It's still there alright. I've had experiences galore that taught me to always bring fight power. I unpacked quietly and tossed my clothes into the drawers, not paying much mind to organizing it. I got a call on my phone. Ugh... Bad news. I pick it up and start listening. Just a broken record of "ok's" and "mhm's". Then I hung up and sighed. I definitely needed this escape to get my mind off everything. But even then, it still somehow caught up to me. I feel like I have to constantly run from my problems. I thrust all my thoughts aside and finish unpacking. Then I walk back out to the living room. "Anyone up for some Netflix and chill?"
Della Sloane •


I slow down when Carson comes up to me and hands me a beer. I study her for a moment then put the vodka back in my bag and open the beer, taking a long gulp from it.

I sigh and offer her a cigarette. "I thought you hated me" I sniffle a little bit before taking a drag of my smoke. Then another girl jogs up. I don't quite remember her name "sorry about what I did Carson... and uhm... I don't think I got your name" I look at the girl who's trying to comfort me. It won't work, but it's a nice gesture.

Jay Sloane •


I look at Morgan and take one more drag from my joint before putting it out. And she asks if I wanted to be alone. "No..." I shake my head and step up to her, gently setting my hand on her neck, brushing my thumb against her cheek.

"I was just a little pissed. I haven't seen my sister cry in forever... Lynx has been hurting her since we were kids..." I sigh and rest my forehead against hers "I was actually hoping you'd come here so I didn't punch a hole through the wall" I tease and look at her for a moment before pressing my lips to hers.


@ShadowMoses @sparknight

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After taking a couple deep breaths I stood up and went outside, I watched as some girls tried to comfort her "Hey Della..." @Dannygirl900



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"I'm Thea. Thea Queen." Just as I say that, Axel comes up. I wave with a small smile. I turn back to Della, brushing a strand of hair of my face. "Lynx can be a jerk sometimes? Wait, I take that back. He can be a jerk all of the time." I say, in attempt to make her smile. I take out a napkin from my back pocket to hand it to her.

"Here, wipe your eyes. Us women need to stop over crying over men. We are our own person!" I say, pumpkin my fist up. "No offense, Axel." I add.

@Rocket @Dannygirl900
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