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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

National said:
Marko nods and starts to plug in the wires for his leg. He writes in the grease "What happened to the big guy? Looks like a plane fell on him" he writes jokingly
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"No, I stopped a plane from killing innocents, and I saved those who were in it. "I crashed the plane while holding onto the nose." Redd said as phoenix pats his head. "Nice job, but we would have lost you you know." He replied. @sitanomoto @National
A voice eminated from the mask. "Does it work?" it sounded just like how Cassie imagined how Marko would sound. She hoped he liked the voice, because she had gone through five hundred and twenty-seven different voices to find the right one. "Do you like it?" She asked nervously. "Or do I need to change it? Because if you want me to, I will. Just... Erm... Say the word."
Marko grins and shakes his head, mouthing "This is great! Cassie thank you so much! Its sounds just like me!" Marko looks up at her "Thank you so much. Now I can finally speak normally with out blasting half the city down"

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"Alright, are you ready Liona?" Amelia asked.

"I feel ridiculous. This not going to work at all, I am to young to pass off as a business woman." Liona stated. They had dressed her up in a business outfit.

"Believe me, you don't look young." Tanya said and laughed.

"Thanks jackass." Liona retorted. She grabbed her suitcase, took a deep breathe and walked through the front doors of the facility. She walked up to the receptionist. "Is Mr. Osbourne in?" @Reaper
Cassie smiled kindly. "I'm glad you like it. Now, I'm going to try something." She stood after putting a small device on Redd's legs, which began to fix the circuits and bent metal in his legs. "I'm going to make you laugh." She poked him in the side gently.
Marko looked at her worriedly "I don't know if I should do that. Last time I laughed China lost a city"

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Redd looked at his legs as the device repaired him. "What is this device? It is such ingenuity!" Redd yelled with glee as phoenix went into the factory's break room, and made lunch, which is grilled cheese sandwiches cooked in garlic butter. The smell was in the air, and it smelled crisp and garlicy. @sitanomoto @National
Cassie smiled. "Alright, we'll test that in my lab." she laughed at Redd's enthusiasm. "It's the thing that my... My dad used to help me fix my suits after a battle."
Metaphysics said:
"Alright! Senders found!" Teri shouted as she maneuvered her mech to block attacks as she went down to get them on. "Get yourselves on, we're going with a boom." She told them plainly as she opened a hatch.
Alex looked at Connor, still moving slowly. "There's our rescue... Come on, let's get you... out." Alex said, slowly helping Connor up.

Marko looked at her with a serious look "That actually was something I wanted to ask you Cassie. Has your father ever known mine? Like have they

ever worked together

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Connor was nearly knocked over at the sudden cover from the mech, pushing himself from the tree weakly. The girl shouting for them to get in as a hatch popped open, he didn't even bother with his inner monologue complaints about flying as he looked back at Alex. The two moving to support each other into the machine. "Hey," Connor said with a light chuckle, "That's my...line. We'll get Vik.... and Aedan and vergetioutta..." Was he slurring? Things we're going out of focus, Alex was going out of focus. The world was spinning and Connor stopped, his body starting to lean to one side.

sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled. "Alright, we'll test that in my lab." she laughed at Redd's enthusiasm. "It's the thing that my... My dad used to help me fix my suits after a battle."
"What suits? Fabric laced suits? Tuxedoes?" Redd asked as phoenix brought three plates of grilled cheese sandwiches. "Here you go." He said as he gave the plates Cassie and marko. "Eat up." Phoenix added as he ate. @National @sitanomoto
Marko ate it, his eyes widening "Wow, these are really good! I'm surprised Food Network hasn't hired you yet" he munches down on the savory sandwiches

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Crono said:
Connor was nearly knocked over at the sudden cover from the mech, pushing himself from the tree weakly. The girl shouting for them to get in as a hatch popped open, he didn't even bother with his inner monologue complaints about flying as he looked back at Alex. The two moving to support each other into the machine. "Hey," Connor said with a light chuckle, "That's my...line. We'll get Vik.... and Aedan and vergetioutta..." Was he slurring? Things we're going out of focus, Alex was going out of focus. The world was spinning and Connor stopped, his body starting to lean to one side.
"Connor!" Alex yelled, seeing him leaning to one side. He put all his force to support him, looking at him, then at the mech. "Come on Connor... don't give up... now." Alex says, feeling wounded, as his wounds started to ache again. He wasn't going to let anybody behind. "I'm gonna get... Vi and Aedan, don't... worry, ok?" Alex said, looking at the mech. "Could use an extra hand Teri!"

The blonde could hear Alex's voice, Who's giving up? Ignore it, push. He attempted to right himself on his feet. Connor took another step forwards, things we're still wonky but he wasn't about to pass out now. He knew Alex couldn't support the both of them so he lurched forwards, concentrating his efforts to moving towards the mech. He would have reached out his left arm to support against it had that been a viable option. "I'm...good." He said woozily.
Alex helped him to stand and put him against the leg of the giant mech. "Look Connor, I'm gonna try and lift you up... ok? My wounds are... healing, kinda... but I can m-manage it. I just need you, to do the best you can, you hear me?" Alex says, putting an arm on Connor's shoulder.

Marko pulls out his phone, seeing Dimitri still haven't texted back. "That bastard Harry, knowing more about me than he should. Apparently he knows everyone's secrets. I call bull. There are things I bet he doesn't know about me." Marko munhes away at the sandwich, finishing it up

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@National (Our cue awaits brah best be setting up)

Los Angeles Broadcasting Center

Setting up the anchormen as they prepared for the world wide news report they'd be broadcasting due to a special event occurring. "Alright you guys are on in 3....2.....1" signalling to the camera crew to prep for the shot Anchorman Tom and Jill look at the cameras.

"Pick me..up? You...can barely stand. Just..." Oh how he wanted to argue, but it was a waste of energy. "Just get me...up there. Don't be gentle...and don't hurt yourself." Connor sighed and braced himself, this was going to likely hurt both of them.
Alex nods. "Noted." He then hoists Connor up, to grab a small bar on the leg of the mech. "Just... grab it, cap." Alex says, the pain could be heard in his voice.

Connor grunted as he wrapped his arm around the bar and heaved himself upwards so that he was on the flat surface, panting. "Your turn." He said, moving slowly to position himself so his legs wrapped around a piece of the mech and his right arm stretched downwards at Alex.

(Pff. So much work to catch a ride. xD )
Aedan was pretty woozy, for whatever reason his opponent was no longer attacking him, and he felt like some sort of spell had been used on him. He hoped that wasn't the case, but now he was holding Connor's shield - courtesy of the woman aiding in the fight, he had no idea who she was, but he wouldn't argue with free help. Using the shield, he opted to throw it similar to how one would throw a frisby, towards the pyro man, he may not have technique like Connor, but speed worked well enough with a little added momentum. On a more positive note, Connor and Alex were making way towards the huge mech. Which, thankfully, did in fact seem to be friendly.

Turning back to the battle at hand, he turned to the woman, before shouting in her direction, not realizing he was invisible. "Go for his legs!" Aedan shouted, pointing dramatically for emphasis, despite being incorporeal, and unseeable. Hopefully the thrown shield would stagger the man back, throwing him off balance, allowing the woman to take him down from the legs, then they could handily beat the guy to death whilst vulnerable if need be.

@Metaphysics @Crono @AnnoDomini

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