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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Harry stood and approached savage, speaking at nothing more than a whisper. "Do the voices ever irritate you? Do you ever wish they would be silent for a day or two? If you don't leave my office right now, I'll do you a favor and silence every single voice in your brain. Even the stupidest voice. You. Do you understand?"
"Ooh that's hitting low Ivy" Jack said "You gotta feel for the guy" he said getting up and patting him on the back. "Oh by the way Harry you said you have information on all the Avengers, so please tell me what do you know about me" he said.

@Reaper @LokiofSP
Reaper said:
Harry stood and approached savage, speaking at nothing more than a whisper. "Do the voices ever irritate you? Do you ever wish they would be silent for a day or two? If you don't leave my office right now, I'll do you a favor and silence every single voice in your brain. Even the stupidest voice. You. Do you understand?"
Ivory's smirk and smile grew even wider, "Oh but mister Ousborune..." He took off his ripped suit and mask to reveal his civilian clothes, "What would the public think about you attacking a poor defenseless civilian?" He sat on Harry's desk and laid down, tilting his head to look up at him, "In fact during this entire conversation you've been kinda hostile, wonder what the public would say about that hm?" He took out a slightly beat up voice recorder from his pocket and his childlike smirk reached the ends of his face, "Check, your move Hare..."
He pulled out the pistol from underneath his desk and held it to ivory's head. "You insult my family? They have been the only people there for me. I dare you to test me again if you think I won't."
Reaper said:
He pulled out the pistol from underneath his desk and held it to ivory's head. "You insult my family? They have been the only people there for me. I dare you to test me again if you think I won't."
Ivory yawned and leaned forward closer, pressing the gun closer to his head, "If you knew as much about me as you say you do, you would know how many times guns have been pulled on me, and how much I do not care about them anymore." Ivory's face went grim, "You want to silence the voices in my head? Go ahead and try, just remember that even IF I die, the voices belong to you, and you'll be the one living in hell everyday."
Dazzle smiled and pulled out a knife on Cassandra. "Threaten my boyfriend again, and you'll be speaking through the other side of your head."

She looked at Ivory. " ooh, What would the public think about a villain kiling you instead of him?"
Jack didn't pull out any of his weapons he simply got in between the dangerous situation took out his cell and took a selfie of the entire thing. "DP is gonna love this" he said with a grin as he slid out of the situation. "So uh you guys gonna drop your weapons or should I get the grill?" he asked putting his cell in his pocket.
"Seriously? A knife? Do you realize how many times I've been shot with machine gun fire?" Cassandra slowly let her symbiote encase her.
"Just get out of my building. All of you." He said. Lowering his gun. "This was cute at first, but you lot are getting on my nerves."
Reaper said:
"Just get out of my building. All of you." He said. Lowering his gun. "This was cute at first, but you lot are getting on my nerves."
Ivory got back up and put back on his mask and suit, he went to the window and waved back towards Harry, showing him the tape recorder, "I'd love to see what the NY Times has to say about this." He jumped off Oscorp and as soon as he got out of line of site, collapsed on the floor, "Owww! I feel dizzy..." He stumbled to the sidewalk and found a broken phone someone had thrown, "Finally something goes my way." He dials in Cassie's number and the phone begins to ring...
"Allison, return back to the front of the tower." Amelia ordered.

"I'm trying. I couldn't go out the way I came so I am looking for a second exit." Allison stated. She looked and found a way down and met them at the front. "I didn't find anything."

"That's fine. Boss has another mission for us. She wants us to find out what Harry Osbourne is planning and send her the data. Apparently, she trusts the New Avengers or at least enough to leave them alone for now." Amelia said.

"Though I don't think that we can trust them at all." Tanya said.
Cassandra and John left soon after.

Perry slowly put a piece of paper in front of Harry reading, Mr. Osborn. The details of the mind transfer I had given to you was successful. This is Joseph Smythe.
National said:
Marko nods in greetings and steps in, nodding to Cassie and Redd. He writes to Phoenix "Need any help?"
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"Yesssss. Help me and cassie repair redd, and get him back on his feet." Phoenix said as he let marko in. "He is badly damaged..... We need to fix him." @National @sitanomoto
Harry took the paper and nodded. He turned and went back to his desk and sat down. "Turns out, in one step ahead of them. They don't even know what the formula truly does. Good thing too." He proceeded to write an email and sent it, before putting his feet up on his desk.
Marko nods and walks over to Redd, smiling. He starts to work on the big robots left leg, cleaning it out before working on it

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The Blur, chasing after a flying Electro 2.0, decides to try to come up with an action plan mid-chase. If I can somehow encase him in a rubber trap, he should be able to be captured until the New Avengers or someone shows up. The Blur thinks, keeping focus on Ray Dillon. But I don't have any rubber on me...Maybe I should...Would getting a giant rubber band and tying him up in it work...? He shrugs the plan off, and just decides to try to land a few blows. As the mysterious Streak continues running, he ends up jumping at Electro, performing a good punch before landing again, continuing the chase on land. As soon as he's on land, I'm gonna Gatling Punch the crap out of him...Barry thinks to myself. He then punches a trash can at Ray Dillon, which hits, at least stunning him a little. Barry then jumps back at Electro 2.0, performing a few swift punches before he lands. Ray Dillon stops being stunned, and shoots more lightning, which the Blur dodges. As they zone near a backyard, Barry sights a blue area and smirks. "Hey, Electro, you might wanna look where your going instead of looking at me..." Barry tells Electro. "Why...?" Electro asks.

"...You are about to hit a pool." Barry replies, smirk remaining on his face.


Electro hits the pool, and fizzes out ENTIRELY, needing to recharge power. He just barely climbs out of the pool, head returning to normal. "...You win this round...Streak...But I'll be back..." Ray Dillon claims. "Or, I can do this..." Barry says before clobbering Electro on the head, knocking him out, and picking him up. "Now, let's get you back to Stark Tower, Electro." Barry says, running towards Stark Tower and hoping there is a prison designed to contain Electro.
National said:
Marko nods and walks over to Redd, smiling. He starts to work on the big robots left leg, cleaning it out before working on it
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"Thank you, silent one....... Thank you all for helping me...." Redd said as he sparked in his chest. "Don't thank us yet." Phoenix said as he began repairing his chest area. @National @sitanomoto
Marko nods and starts to plug in the wires for his leg. He writes in the grease "What happened to the big guy? Looks like a plane fell on him" he writes jokingly

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Cassie got the phone call from Ivory. "Hey Ivory, she said. "What's up?" she pulled ou her screwdriver and he metal briefcse which was strapped to he back. "Hey, Marko Polo, come over here so I can test the it on you." she said with a smile.

Dazzle smiled and sat next to Harry. "Anything I can do to help?"
Marko gets up and walks over to Cassie, sitting down. He quickly texted to Dimitri "You good?" Before he puts his phone away and looks up at Cassie

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As Cass waited for Ivory's reply, she pulled out a mask from her briefcase and handed it to Marko. "Try mouthing the words first. Its suppose to be like Steven Hawking's ting, only the voice is much more you."

As Cass waited for Ivory's reply, she pulled out a mask from her briefcase and handed it to Marko. "Try mouthing the words first. Its suppose to be like Steven Hawking's ting, only the voice is much more you."

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