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Fantasy Asylum of the Damned

"No problem. I wouldn't want you to get hurt if something happens. I've seen how brutal some of the staff here can be, and I'd rather it didn't happen to you. We can stand out here for as long as you need, or if it gets too bad I'll walk you back to your room. Does that sound OK?" Roran was slightly confused as to why Alice seemed so surprised that he was helping. As hyper as he could be, he still cared about everyone around him, even if they were his enemy. "Do you need anything?" He asked, wondering whether there was anyway to help subdue the hallucinations at all. Lyanna always locked herself in her room whenever they happened, but they were a rare side effect, and weren't even that bad as far as he knew, at least for her. From the way Alice was acting though, he could tell these were much worse than hers.


Lyanna sat in silence, closing her eyes to fight back the pain in her stomach, and the overwhelming dizziness she was feeling. All she wanted to do was sleep, or faint, or both, but she knew she had to sit through this 'treatment' or she would be punished.
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"Thank you," he repeated, some much sincerity in his quiet voice. "I usually...lock myself away in my room because someone could get hurt if I didn't.."

Here he went, talking away. But something he noticed was that the usual horns and wings weren't making their appearance; that was a good sign. The medicine was supposed to subdue his abilities - which was he couldn't change how he was - but the horns and wings (as well as the white hair and eyes) wasn't of his own free choice.

Human company seemed to be helping.. How peculiar..

Brushing his bangs back, Alice opened his eyes and looked at Roran for a moment. The darkness that had absorbed his sight had faded; it wasn't by any means gone, but it wasn't as drastic, like it wouldn't devour everything right away. "If... If you still don't mind..." he ended up saying, "C-Could you..help me to my room..? It's pretty bad..."

He hated to impose on the blond's kindness, especially now of all times.

Ethal Carr The spotlight of the group therapy session falls to Ethal.

"Hi. My name is Sky. Yes, like the sky," She gestures with her hand to a grey ceiling of cracked concrete, "Why am I here? Well, of course, it’s because of what I can do. The issue is I .. I can’t keep it under control."

Two elbows prop onto her laps as Ethal hunches her shoulders inwardly. "It’s like trying not to sneeze. You know that feeling, right? You’re about to sneeze, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to stop it."

"I was in pediatric care for a while, then I came here. Uh, well, anyone have any questions to ask me?" she asks to those at the group therapy.
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Cyril had to hide.

He couldn't live like this. He may have been able to swallow his panic for now but it would return. It always did.

He hadn't been able to eat anything solid in over a week. He was so hungry and so aware of how brittle and thin his muscles and bones felt but the medication wouldn't let him keep anything down.

He was so sick and tired of being held up in his room, vomiting at the mere smell of food and screaming in terror for most of the day. This wasn't who he was.

So he walked out. While the guards were distracted by someone's outburst and forcing them to swallow their meds, he walked out the door as casually as possible and instantly felt a little more free.

But then he stopped as he remembered what he'd done, why he was here, why he deserved to be here...

And walked back into the hall.

After being reprimanded for 'forgetting' his meds, he forced down a tiny blue pill and headed towards the group therapy room, where he was late and there was already someone in there moaning about their problems.

"Sorry I'm late. Had an issue with my meds but I'm all good now. Did I miss anything?"
"Of course. You'll have to direct me, but I'll be happy to help." He smiled, though his face still portrayed worry about his new friend. Only now did he notice that the other's hair and eye colour had changed, but he wasn't sure whether to say anything. He didn't want to upset the boy further, and for all he knew it was a sensitive subject. He swallowed his questions, and instead asked, "OK, which way first Al?" He instantly regretted the nickname, but he wanted to try it out.


Lyanna listened in silence, leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair. She never said anything during these meetings if she could avoid, after all, there was nothing wrong with her. She saw someone else enter the room just after the girl who was talking finished. She waved slightly at him, not even allowing bring near fainting to disrupt her politeness.

The nickname... Well, it made him chuckle lightly, a gentle smile trying to make its home on his lips. Soon raising the arm that wasn't still in the boy's hold, he pointed down the left corridor. "That way," Alice proceeded to direct. He looked in the direct he had gestured to and regretted it almost instantly.

Unlike the hall he was currently in, the one that housed his room had rusted heavily in his sight, slowly melting into a thick, sticky red. It was quite a sight, especially with all the black, charred brambles that had sprouted up in the corners, moving with haunted life. Frankly, Alice had decided that, to his understanding, everything he saw was because of his powers; after all, it morphed like he did, changing its appearance and view one way or another.

What a lousy side effect hallucinations were, but he did feel bad for Roran who had more than one.

Swallowing thickly, Alice's brow furrowed heavily enough to knit a sweater and he sort of held onto the blond's hand. Upon realizing his actions, however, the manipulator instantly released him.

"Ah..! S-sorry.." he apologized, bowing his head, "Didn't mean to.."

And he hadn't - it had been reflex (one he'd have to control if he didn't want to scare his new friend off with annoying clinginess). Shrugging his shoulders lightly, Alice turned away and made to start walking.

Cyril sat across the circle from the girl who waved at him, and she didn't look so good. Her face was a sickly pale, her eyes were unfocused and she was breathing a bit too forcefully, as if she was trying to hold herself together.

He knew the feeling all to well, so as someone else stepped into the circle, he waved at her and as she looked at him he mouthed: You okay?
Mina went to a group and sat in the dayroom, where a girl was currently asking others any questions. The girl who talked felt very welcoming and she was a bit funny, although she knew what this facility was for. Mina grabbed her rather slippery bendy pen and her notebook so that she may communicate with anyone in the group or when it's her turn. She has done this before and in any group she was ever in was a bit impatient because it took her some time to talk through a notebook so she was a bit nervous when she would start.

An audible rumble came from somewhere in Mina's purse but after moving it she realized it was actually from her stomach, since her purse was resting in her stomach she mistook it for the purse. I'm gonna starve to death... Mina thought. Some might have heard the embarrassing noise.

@Two Fives
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Roran grinned happily, though he was slightly confused as to why Al was apologising. "What's up? Does the hallway look bad?" He asked in a low voice, not wanting to embarrass his friend. He patted him in the shoulder, trying to comfort him. "It's fine, I'm here."

Lyanna nodded slightly, hoping that she didn't look as bad as she felt. She was pleasantly surprised that the boy had bothered to ask: much of the time people just ignored her, even if she had fainted. Admittedly she felt close to that now, but she didn't want to bother him, instead mouthing 'Thank you' instead

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Really, there was no way he could express his gratitude in full to Roran. Instead nodding his head, Alice stuck a bit close, scowling at the hall ahead of them before continuing on. "It's bad..." he confirmed with an unsteady tone, "B-but it's not there..."

Right... The collapsing doorways and melting walls didn't actually exist; he was just seeing things. Even so it was difficult to convince himself of that - despite already knowing why they were there in the first place.

He needed a distraction.

"Hey.." Alice tried, taking slow an steady breaths to keep himself from shaking, "What do you like to do..?"

Roran thought for a moment. The activities in the asylum were highly restricted, and he had been here so long that he had begun to forget what he liked to do before everything. He finally replied, "I used to like dancing and art. That was before I came here of course. They won't give me a sketchbook or pencil now in case I hurt somebody, and there's no point dancing without music." His smile fell for a moment, but quickly flared up once again. "But it's not important. What about you?" He wanted to know more about this kid. He seemed different to the other people in here, but he wasn't quite sure why...

Dancing and art... They were fun things back when one was allowed to do them; both were creative ways to express things. Shame they couldn't be done anymore.. When it was his turn to answer, Alice's ears turned a bit red, a sheepish smile on his face. "Oh, uh, nothing too fun like that.." he replied, "But I liked bird watching and g-gardening.."

They were sort of like simple pleasures that were able to be enjoyed alone; back home, he didn't have many friends around him, aside from the ones he had at school. But that was really it, all he had were the birds in the sky and his daffodils.

Roran laughed slightly. "You must have real patience to watch birds. I can't sit still for that long. I wish I could though. I've tried to draw them before, but they always flew away before I could finish even the basic sketch." He sighed regretfully. "Now well never get a chance to do any of that stuff again, like as not." He held out a hand "Do want to hold my hand? For comfort, if course. It might stop you feeling like you're bring pulled in to their world if you have some contact with the real one."

Melody was super slow to eat. In fact, the staff took away her food when she had only a quarter remaining. Sighing, Melody trudged over to where her bright purple pill was. The staff member glared at her for taking so long so she took it quickly and scurried down the hall into the room where everyone else was. Looking at her hands, they looked a deeper shade of grey than before. Quickly but quietly, Melody slipped into the room and sat in the available seat closet to the door. She didn't bother apologizing for lateness. Everyone knew she would be late by ten minutes tops.
"It might stop you feeling like you're bring pulled in to their world if you have some contact with the real one."

Hearing someone else put his own thoughts into words made him feel like he wasn't bloody crazy! It was as if a wave of relief had crashed down on his shoulders, head sagging with a shaky breath.

God, this was truly something else he couldn't hope to ever understand.

Alice nodded, lifting a faintly trembling hand and taking hold of the one Roran offered. In comparison to his, the blond's was warm and far more comforting than he could've known, the manipulator's initially unsteady hold tightening a bit.

And the redness of the walls appeared to fade to a sort of soft rose, still moving and eerily screeching at him, but it wasn't as frightening.

What a relief...

Ethal Carr "...So, yeah, that's me in a nutshell," Ethal says, following a long, nonsensical ramble. Her toothy, wide-lipped grin is persistent as ever, and it remains so even as the spotlight shifts to the person sat beside her. "It's your turn!"
(@whoever wants to go next in the group therapy)
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Liberty grimaced. It looked like it was her turn next, and she wasn't prepared to speak to all these people. "...May we s-skip?" She had asked, extremely nervous. Feeling the burning stares of the others, she began to subtly scratch at her palms again; they were starting to bleed, just a little. Her head bowed and she stood, not to contribute to the group therapy, but to leave. Though, she found she couldn't move, her nerves were getting to her. She began to shake, her knees wobbling before she actually ran out of the room. Just outside, she leaned against the wall, doubling over to calm herself. It wasn't working too efficiently.

Roran squeezed his hand, smiling comfortingly. "You're fine, it's not real. Look-" He touched each of the walls, then the floor, and finally he stood on his tiptoes and just about managed to touch the ceiling. "Nothing's going to hurt you while I'm around." He laughed slightly, glad that he could at least try to help. "Just so you know, both Lyanna and I are here to help you, no matter when. That I'm willing to promise." His face became solemn as he spoke, something that was rare nowadays.

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Well, at least I know I'm not the only one who has these panic attacks.

Seriously. What was in these meds to push so many people over the edge? It was awful.

Everyone in the circle was mostly silent and staring out the door where the girl had left. Some were muttering amongst themselves but most looked confused or shocked.

Cyril remembered his lesson on the bystander effect from when he was studying psych back in university: the probability of someone acting in a situation of crisis is inversely proportional to the number of bystanders there are. Sure, sometimes in these cases it is best to leave the person alone until they get over it, but there's always a risk...

Cyril stepped out the door and stood a couple of feet away from the girl to make sure she had room and wasn't startled.

"Hey. I'm Cyril. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Liberty momentarily looked up at Cyril, and mumbled, "I-Liberty. I'm Liberty.....And I...I don't think there is anything you can do to help me, but thank you for offering, it's really kind of you." Though, she wasn't sure why he was being nice to her, she was labelled 'crazy', just because she was found talking to animals, and resurrecting one. If she were helping, then why did she get locked away? Thinking about it made her nervous, and in the presence of a new person made her nervous too. After a few moments, her breathing became calm enough for her to stand straight and face him.

Liberty began to scratch her arm out of nerves, a usual or normal way she would deal with her fear, nervousness or annoyance. Her gaze soon shifted from his face to down to the floor, where they settled there softly. Every move she made was soft and gentle, even when she was fuming with rage.

Cyril wasn't really sure what to do now, so he gave a quick awkward nod. She was still scratching herself and her face was contorted with rage. She said she didn't need any help and if he asked one of the staff for help then they'd just drug her up even more and he knew from experience that that approach definitely doesn't work.

So he sat down next to her and stared at the wall in front of him so she wouldn't feel scrutinized.

"Just...pretend I'm not here. I just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself or something."
Each contact with the floors and walls made him tense, flinching each time but.... But they really weren't there, even clearing away under Roran's touch. "You must be some superhero.." Alice chuckled lightly to himself, his tremors fading at the amusement. As the blond went on to speak, and tell of that promise...well... It kind of turned the red to steel, and hid it all away from view.

The horns, the wings - whatever was left to form on his body wouldn't come for the time being. It was greatly confusing, but...really nice. "Thank you, Roran," he said with a gentle smile.

@FictionalReality //Omg I'm so sorry D=
Roran laughed at Alice's comment, grinning slightly. "I'm no superhero, trust me on that one. If anything I'm the opposite." Roran stood stock still for a few moments, focusing on his hand. Eventually a fully bloomed rose grew out of his palm, though not through the skin. This simple action alone made him dizzy, and he missed the days when he could make anything grow in a matter of seconds. Still, he continued smiling, and handed the flower to Alice, "Hopefully one day we'll get out of here, and you can stop seeing these hallucinations, and I'll be able to grow you a whole garden of flowers, but this will have to do for now.

@Hoki//It's no problem :)
Liberty frowned and looked into his eyes, refraining herself from scratching her arms any further. "I don't want to pretend y-you aren't here. You s-seem nice E-enough." She forced a small smile his way, then followed his gaze to the wall in front. "I'm not crazy." She managed to slur, wiping the edge of her eyes with her index fingers. "I swear I am sane. I-it's the medication....Side affects are anxiety and severe depression." With a small, childish pout, and the roll of her eyes, she pulled her legs to her chest. He really seemed kind and considerate, and it made her feel more comfortable within her stay here.

That last statement, that flower... Somehow it all felt better; the red haze that lined his sight faded to a sloppy gray, but he was less afraid of it now which was definitely a first. He knew the hallucinations would come back - they always did - but for now he enjoyed it, grip tightening on the hand that held Roran's. With the rose in the other hand, he smiled softly, feeling the silky petals against his skin.

When he lifted his head, his eyes had turned to a faded color of the rose, lighting up with his expression. "This is perfect... Hopefully," Alice offered thoughtfully, "Hopefully on that day I can give you something too."

He felt that the day they both wished for was far off, but that was okay. Hope was enough.


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