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Fantasy Asylum of the Damned

Armed with....some kind of food, the currently-blond male wandered towards the tables. Every part of him wished he had a seat for himself, or one where it had become habit to sit, but he had none. Alice thought he saw an open area and went towards it, trying to keep his head low out of habit, a brown tint overcoming the blondness of his hair; even his eyes had started to shift to a pale green.

With any luck the change would be too subtle to notice.

He stopped at the table, lifting his head enough to look at the two already seated there. "C-can I... May I s-sit with you?" the male asked, scolding himself for letting his voice waiver as it did. Alice put on a friendly smile for the two, but the nervousness was really making it difficult to maintain.

Lyanna looked up, smiling softly at the boy. "Of course you can. We don't reserve them. Please, take a seat." She nodded at him quietly, before continuing to pick at her food with absolutely no enthusiasm. It seemed that this was another new one, but he seemed OK, and would probably do well here.

Roran grinned even wider at the new guy, but toned it down slightly when met with a pointed look from Lyanna. He moved over slightly so the kid had more space, and began to bombard him with questions. "Are you new here? Who sent you in? What'd you do? Did you kill someone? I hope you killed someone."

Lyanna glared at him when he said the last part, before turning to the other boy. "Don't feel obligated to answer his questions if you don't want to. His meds make him go a bit crazy. I'm Lyanna, he's Roran. What's your name?"
They were nice... Oh god they were nice!

Sitting in the spot Roran had opened for him, Alice placed the tray down. Geez, they were being far nicer than he had expected, and the male's energy was really something else.

"I'm...Alice," he responded, looking up with a more natural, soft smile, "Nice to meet you both." Turning to face Roran a bit, he made to answer the questions asked, hoping to get each one; "I'm not very new.. And my family sent me in; all I had done was rest with my wings."

The now brunet male wished he had some cool story to tell, but it was just that he was simply sitting on the top of some hill with wings on his back. That was it. Nothing special.

Looking between the two, he felt a little bad the moment the words passed his lips; "Uh... W-what about you two..? If you don't mind me asking."

"We don't mind at all. I was sent in here because I predicted my father's death. Roran's family just wanted to get rid of him. I like your name, it's very unique." Lyanna felt a sort of calm happiness that came from talking to a somewhat calm person, something she had not felt for a while. She savoured the feeling, before adding "I'm sorry you ended up here. Many of us, like yourself, are in here for not fault of our own except being born with powers. It just bad luck really."

Roran nodded in agreement with Lyanna, glad to see her somewhat happy for once. She never seemed so these days, due to the anxiety and hallucinations caused by the meds, so seeing her smile properly made him grin. Alice was a cool name, in his opinion, and he wished his parents had thought to give him something as different.

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"Oh... Thank you.." A gentle smile made its home on his face, looking down at his tray of "food". He had been unaware of it - instead distracted by the warmth he actually felt with the two - but his hair became softer in color, now appearing as a warm chestnut brown while his eyes became a sweet rose. Really, in all of his time here he hadn't met people so kind and, well, normal too.

Plus they didn't make fun of his name - that was definitely a first.

Alice was glad that he was here. For only a moment.

Feelings like that were extremely scarce in nature after all.

Melody smiled when Sky brought over another woman. Hey, Liberty. I'm Melody. She says as she bites inbetween bites. Then she rested one arm on the table and brushed away a strand of hair from in front of her face, revealing her silver roots. Melody secretly wished for a book to read so she could avoid having to chat. It wasn't that she didn't like them, it was just how bad she was at taking to others. Melody continued to subconsciously rub her arm as she wondered how all these people had gotten here in the first place.

@xxbetaspiritxx @UlyssesTheSnowman @Two Fives
Cyril snapped out of thinking about god-knows-what and noticed the new girl sitting at the table.

"Sorry. Zoned out for a sec there. I'm Cyril."

Lack of focus, a clear sign of a med-induced panic attack on the horizon.

He looked around to try and find an exit just in case he makes a lunatic of himself and hoped that no-one notices that he hasn't touched his food.

"So...how is life?"

What a fantastic original non-suspicious conversation starter. You flipping idiot.
Ethal Carr "It's good. Well, as good as it can be, I should say. You haven't tried your food? I was going to ask you how the egg tastes, but don't you worry, it's alright, no worries!" She picks at it with plastic cutlery, and the egg yolk pools out like a yellow puddle.
Asylum of the Damned Narration The foot traffic in Sattlefield Asylum’s cafeteria deceases, and by the minute patients exit into the corridors behind the two sets of double doors. Noise is supplanted by quiet, and orderly calm is present for a moment.

Staff members select a few of the patients, and they drag them aslant to the left side of the corridor. Two psychiatrists in white overcoats are poised against drywall, one with a clipboard in hand and the other with a tray of labelled bottles and cups of water. They peruse a document attached to the clipboard and, depending on what is written next to the name of the patient before them, administer medication.

Open wide, they say. Patients have, in the past, had a tendency to keep their tablets hidden in their mouths and spit them out later, or even go as far as to offer them to other patients for highs in exchange for favours. Nurses search for missing patients all the while, and they then too receive their medication.

After morning medication administration has concluded, staff then encourage patients to attend a group therapy session, where they sit in a circle and speak to a therapist about themselves and their concerns or comforts.
@Hoki @FictionalReality @UlyssesTheSnowman @Puggie @Federen Mason @Shadow @xxbetaspiritxx
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"No problem. We all have to look out for eachother. They certainly don't care whether we live or die" She glanced over at the guards, her face showing clear disgust, before turning back to Alice, her expression softening.

Roran finished his food, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "So, you said you aren't new. How long have you been here then?" He asked curiously. He had never seen the kid before, and since he was almost always with Lyanne she likely hadn't either.

When she hears the bell strike for therapy, Lyanna stands up, chucking her food away, and waiting for Alice. "You can sit with us if you want."

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Mina just woke up and felt quite refreshed... a bit too refreshed than she usually had after sleeping. Mina then looks at the time and realized she overslept, skipping breakfast! Well, some day to start my time here, she thought. She grabbed her bendy pen and her notebook and dashed off her room. Mina totally forgot what she was gonna do after breakfast. Was it medication? Or does the therapy comes first? Then she found a group of other people. She figured she should try to blend in with that group. Mina walks slowly and got in it.

Surrounded by other patient's food-smelling breaths and her grumbling stomach, she wished she had'nt overslept.
"I would love to, but..."

His head was already starting to hurt from the medicine; he could've sworn that he saw some weird demon thing in the corner of the room. If Alice wasn't careful, there was the chance that he could go demon mode and rampage through the session.

Not only would someone be at risk of injury, but both Roran and Lyanna would want to avoid him forever after that.

Even so, the therapy session could come in handy.. Giving a weak smile to the girl, he shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose I will, actually," he decided then, "But I may have to leave midway.."

Ethal Carr Ethal gobbles at scraps and morsels, and she rises to her feet. "Oh, yes! It’s group therapy time. I’ll see you three there," She wipes at her grease-laden lip with her wrist, "I think I’m forgetting something, though. That’s right, the medication. Of course, the medication. I’ll be right there in the dayroom after I take my medication."
@xxbetaspiritxx @Puggie @UlyssesTheSnowman
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"That's fine, just let us know so we don't get too worried." Lyanna smiled, the medication making her head spin. The room around her faded slightly, but she pushed it off, trying to hide her issue from the other two.

Roran knew that his friend's meds were kicking in, but knew that she probably didn't want to embarrass herself, so he didn't say anything. His always took longer, so he turned to Alice. "Shall we go?" He asked, trying to draw the kids attention away from Lyanna as she started to sway slightly.

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And yet he almost missed the blond's call. With a jolt he directed his attention to Roran, a hand at his temple. "Huh? Oh.. Sorry.." Alice slapped a warm smile onto his face, nodding his aching head, "Yeah, let's go."

Therapy should be fine... Therapy should help...

Chances were his irises had turned a milky white - a drastic change from the rose ones - but he turned away quickly, looking off in the direction of the therapy session.

(I'm so sorry!I wasn't getting the notifications!)

Liberty groaned at knowing she would have to take more medication, and she was already woozy because of having to take calming ones earlier. "I hate therapy. Is it compulsory?" she groaned, her gaze following Ethal as she left the room. Standing, she looked around. The atmosphere was sticky and warm. Not the comforting warmth, the kind of nauseating warmth that makes your head burn, and your insides churn.
Mina was given her medication. She looks silently at the small pill. She's only been in the asylum for a week and whenever she consumed these nothing seemed to happen. But Mina knew medication does not work swiftly but still. Mina stopped staring and ate the tiny edible object. It was bitter but she continued chewing till she swallowed it. She didn't feel anything like the ones she saw on the others, just plain nothingness.

It was time for a therapy so she went to a different place. Mina simply stood there, wondering where she would sit.
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Rowan grinned at him, trying to keep pace as they exited the cafeteria, trying to ignore the creeping fear that was following him. He was used to it at this point, and could mainly push it to the back of his mind when around others. Even Lyanna didn't know, though he guessed that she suspected, since she had never tried to push him on it. She was like that, and had acted like a real mother to him for the last year, something he really appreciated. He was always glad to make new friends, so this kid would be a welcome addition. Of course, only if he wanted to be friends. "Hey, what're the side effects if your meds?" He asked. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Lyanna walked someway behind the other two, trying to focus on the ground to settle her vision again. She hated therapy, sure, but she preferred it to fainting any day. This was not fainting that you woke up feeling fine from. This type gave her a headache, and she always felt sick afterwards, so she tried to avoid it as much as possible. She stumbled slightly as she walked, likely looking like she was drunk. Her stomach was churning.

The walls had turned black around him, screaming faces carved into the darkness. They looked around him, singing their eerie song - oh how they wanted to collapse in around him, crush him like the bug he was. A bit unaware of it, Alice wandered a little closer to Rowan, taking a shaky breath when their arms brushed against each other.

Human contact was such a relief in an instance like this.. Like a medicine for the medicine.

He looked at Rowan and smiled weakly, stepping away from the male so as not to crowd him. "Eeh, it's okay.." he assured the male, "Hallucinations... Really-"

Alice's white eyes flickered towards the wall, a sense of fear crossing his expressions for a moment before they would fade away.

"-really bad ones.. Sorry if I start freaking out."

As they continued to walk, he tried to turn the question back on him; "What about yours..?"

Asylum of the Damned Narration Four minutes pass by nine, and at this time patients are beginning to navigate through the corridors towards the dayroom. It’s bright and spacious inside the dayroom, with rays of luminously glaring light sieving through cage-enclosed window panes to the linoleum.

Plastic, multi-coloured chairs are set in the room’s centre and arranged in a shape considerably reminiscent of a semi-circle. Two therapists sit abreast one another to one side of the circle, handling clipboards and pens in their laps.

It’s one patient’s turn to speak, and he speaks sullenly about his calamitous past, and how it is he plans to adjust it for the better inside of Sattefield Asylum. Patients in attendance ask him questions, and he answers those he’s comfortable with. When he’s finished, the spotlight moves left, and now it’s another person’s turn to speak.
(Anyone want to go first?) @Hoki @FictionalReality @UlyssesTheSnowman @Puggie @Federen Mason @Shadow @xxbetaspiritxx
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Liberty got to her feet, following behind two boys reluctantly. She so wished there were animals around, it would make her feel much better to confine in such a positive mind; her meds had made her especially sad, even though she had medication to deal with the side effects of her medication. Slowly, she began chewing at her thumb again, making her way into a small room of which she chose the loneliest place to sit at. Communication with others was not her forte. In her lap, her hands grasped at one another, scratching and damaging the skin, but she did it subtle enough so no one else would notice. Oh how she wished she had Elijah, her beautiful pet snake. The thought of being without him made her even more nervous and agitated than she was before.
Roran looked at him worridly when he saw Alice's expression, stopping. "Are you OK?" He asked, before realising that it was probably the hallucinations and pulling him away from the center of the hallway. "Do you want to wait for a sec before heading in?" He looked around, checking that there weren't any doctors around, not that they'd really care anyway. He stood in silence for a second, before mumbling "My medicine makes me tired, paranoid and dizzy. Shows how much they care about us, eh?" When Lyanna caught up to them he waved her on, knowing that she needed to sit down.

Lyanna nodded, and moved on, but not before shooting him a look that said 'Look after him'. She tried her best to hurry to the therapy, and collapsed in one of the plastic chairs, glad to have her feet off of the ground. The world was still spinning, though to a less degree than before, and she sighed in relief.

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Kirro dutifully took her medication when she was done eating, hating the thought of what it would do to her. The blackouts always showed up shortly after she took the little pills, and that thought was mildly frightening. She shook the thoughts away and started down a hallway. Next up, group spill-your-guts-to-everyone 'therapy'. She took her time going to the dayroom, hoping maybe she could get out of it entirely. Of course, that wasn't likely to happen. She took a seat somewhere in the middle, hoping it would take a while before they got to her. A couple random people tried to sit next to her, but a glare from her had them rethinking their decision. She crossed her arms and legs and tried to be invisible.
Wow... Wow.

A bit surprised by Roran's actions, he couldn't help but allow a more natural smile to cross his expression. Most people that took notice of his state would tell him to go away before they both got in trouble, or just to ignore it.

"Shows how much they care about us, eh?"

Nodding his head, Alice closed his eyes, trying to focus on the person that was actually giving a damn about his well being instead of the nightmare that was going on around him. "Yeah..." he breathed shakily, "They care sooooo much-" Look, a sarcastic comment. "-but... Thank you, Roran.."

His knees hurt, and his hair had lightened from the chestnut brown to a grayish white, more scruffy in appearance.

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