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Fantasy Asylum of the Damned

Roran squeezed his hand back, grinning lightly. "You never have to give me anything but the knowledge that you're you." He meant every word that he said, and hoped quietly, in the deepest parts of his brain, that Alice would understand that. He would hate if the other thought he was simply teasing him, or that he was joking around, as that is the opposite of what he wants to convey. He stood in silence for a while, simply looking at Alice, but eventually snapped back to focus. "Ok, do you want to head to your room now?"

@Hoki// Sorry its a bit shorter, but I'm juggling a lot of role pays that seem to have all become active at once, plus trying to set up my own role-play.
"Ah, I mean..." He stopped for a moment, gaze lowering to the not so demonic floor. Truth be told, he could've sworn that all of him - skin included - had turned a flustered red; no one had ever been so kind or said something of the likes to Alice before, and yet here came along this blond individual.

Fortunately, he still looked normal save for the the redness on his cheeks and ears. It was a nice warmth, really, and he didn't hate it.

Lifting his head, he saw that his room wasn't that far away, and yet the male couldn't fight off the new fear that once Roran was gone, he'd have to face those demons that always hung out in corners. And, for once, he was feeling quite well! It was a miracle performed by an angel with a flower crown. Finally looking at Roran again, he gave a sheepish smile. "Um... Not.. Not really... Perhaps we can meet up with Lyanna again? I don't know.."

Alice was quite confused; he felt good for once, even though he was still in the middle of a hallucination fit.

@FictionalReality //That's totally alright! Good luck with your rp, btw!
"Oh, it's fine. I know all too well. I think we all do."

She was mimicking his seating position and his eye line and for a while they both stared at the wall until he forced a chuckle.

"Yeah, everyone's side effects are pretty crap. I get panic attacks too."

Why are you telling her this?

"And I can't eat sometimes..."

NO. You cannot reveal too much. You've just gotten outside, you've made a friend, do not screw it up now.

Besides, you know you have to be contained.

"But I guess it's okay. Anything to stop me killing the world with my 'dangerous' mutations, am I right?"

He hoped his sarcasm could mask his genuine bitterness. Liberty had stopped scratching herself and was slumped against the wall with her eyes half shut, fiddling with her fingers. She looked vulnerable, like a child. He sighed petulantly and slid his back down the wall until he was lying on the floor.

"Why are we here, Liberty? Just...in a general sense. Why?"

Liberty nodded understandingly as he spoke, watching him slide down the wall with ease. She then grew tense.

"We are here because the world won't tolerate difference. Because we are different, we are labelled as dangerous instead of unique. Most people here are in fact crazy, but me? I am not. And you? No, you don't seem at all psychotic."

With a small huff, she stretched out, rubbing her eyes as she did so. Flashing him a friendly smile, she straightened her posture. Then, her smile soon turned into a pout.

"AND, above everything else, they took my damn snake, Elijah! My favourite being in the whole world who probably could've made this place just about bearable..... You wouldn't believe how talkative he was, we used to speak all the-"

Realising what she was beginning to say, she cut herself off. Oh God, she had probably screwed everything up at this point, a possible friend, and she had blown it.


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