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Fantasy Asylum of the Damned

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Asylum of the Damned In this mashup of modern realism and supernatural fantasy, super powers are the standard---a mutation conceivably as common as hazel eyes.

Those of this group, however, are restricted drastically in their life and career prospects, and receive discrimination on a day-to-day basis to where it isn’t uncommon for some to shun and deny their inheritance.

It’s only when these people use their abilities publically or, worse, develop an otherwise abnormal complex that they are declared mentally ill---a harm to themselves and others---and admitted thenceforth into correctional facilities or insane asylums.

These places are usually built specially for these people, and they administer particular medications that subdue abilities---usually with side-effects.

The story will take place in Satterfield Asylum for the Mentally Ill, where the events and activities of the patients admitted will be thoroughly explored.
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Asylum of the Damned Narration The clock strikes eight, and the doors to the cafeteria of Sattlefield Asylum are opened. The window panes inset in the walls are caged in lattices of steel, and they make a grid of the pale, morning light of the outdoors.

Steam billows out to the ceiling of the enclosed kitchen area, and thick in the air is a smell half eggs half bacon. Breakfast is served to those lined up in the queue, and when served the patients move to where bolted to the chequered linoleum flooring are an array of tables and chairs.

Staff are gowned in white knee-length overcoats, keeping vigil of the patients as they roam the open space. One patient, crouched to the wall with his face flat against it, begins to attract the eyes of three to four staff members. Two nurses tend to him, but the man becomes frantic and starts to complain about monsters in the walls. The man’s episode drastically worsens to where he begins to shriek and scream, and a team is immediately called to sedate and take him away.
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Ethal Carr Ethal capers spiritedly to the back of the queue to receive her grub, staring past the shoulders and heads in front of her. Her expression is goofy, and her lips wear a toothy smile. “Go faster, go faster,” she eagerly says.

A commotion involving staff and a patient stirs to her far left, but here, in the asylum, it’s hardly anything new.
Cyril is waiting in the lunchtime queue, ignoring the overpowering stench of spam-ish bacon and overcooked eggs and staring at the prone man being dragged off, probably to be given more of those god-awful meds. Poor bastard. He can never get used to seeing people like this, the way they are treated here...

He's interrupted from his daydream by a girl pestering him to hurry up. She's got such an easy smile and loving eyes that he can't help but smile too.

"Easy, darling. Remember where we are. We're gonna be here for a while, so you've got all the time in the world to get your food."

He moves on to get his food, hoping she won't be offended by that joke and predicting just how much of that meal he'll be able to keep down.
Ethal Carr "Haha, yeah, you're right," she buoyantly admits, twiddling her thumbs. Her head tilts left from right, her hands move from hip to waist and her feet tap to the linoleum flooring underfoot, it's like she's a hyper, overactive schoolchild. "I don't think I've seen you before? You look new. Actually, second thoughts, I'm not sure. My friends, by the way, call me Sky."
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It was always just so natural to change his appearance - and that's what he hated about it. Without even noticing it, his haired would've changed colors or his eyes had been the ones altered; even with the medication, his body continued to make these slight changes. Thankfully eyes were so minuscule that it often went unnoticed. Hair wasn't as fortunate most of the time, but nonetheless it still happened to go unnoticed.

Shifting awkwardly in line, Alive kept his head low, white eyes fixed on the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He never liked hiding away, but in this cursed place it couldn't be helped. Naturally he did lift his head to look at how much further to go and who was around him, but Alice continued to keep to himself during his observations.
It's a miracle: Cyril had actually found someone in this place with a healthy dose of humor and positivity!

"Nice to see you, Sky. I'm Cyril. And yeah, you're right. I've only been here a few weeks and I don't tend to go to meals so that's probably why you haven't seen me."

It was his turn to collect his tray.

"I'll save a seat for you," he smiled.

As he went to try and find a table, he glanced over some kid staring at the floor and thought for a second he saw his hair changing color slightly.

Christ. I need to eat more, or try and palm my meds next time they hand them out.
Melody shifted her posture slightly and gazed around the room. She'd been here about a month now and nothing has changed. Same dull walls. Same dreary feeling. She rubbed her colorless arm as though her arms would somehow become the same peachy color they used to be. Eventually, Melody made it to the front of the line with her tray and proceeded to find a sit at one of the emptier tables. She stared at the plain walls, using as much energy as she could to overpower the medications, but all she accomplished was a slight shimmer. Sighing, Melody resumed eating her food in silence, occasionally glancing over at a boy with color changing hair or the two people chatting.
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Ethal Carr Two slices of crisp bacon are put onto her tray with a spitting crackle of oil, and beside those a sloppy egg with a split yolk. Her eyes veer back and forth wide-eyedly to two that stand considerably out from the crowd of patients---a pale girl rubbing her arm and a boy with odd hair and downcast eyes.
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Cyril is staring at a girl in the corner of the room, only taking her eyes off her when she looks towards the table. She's obsessively rubbing her skin that looks ice-cold, and she just looks so downcast.

As Sky sits down he gestures towards her and asks: "Should we ask if she wants to sit with us? Looks like she could use some company."
Ethal Carr The woman puts plastic cutlery in one hand, gesturing for the pale girl to come over with her other. "Why not, right? I don't see why not. She looks nice. Friendly, too." That smile Ethal has on her face, it persists unyieldingly.
@UlyssesTheSnowman @Puggie
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Kirro tapped her fork on her tray in a quick rhythm as she waited her turn. This had to be one of the worst parts of the day. Everyone crowded into a line, waiting for their excuse for food. As soon as her tray was filled, she made a b-line for the table she usually sat at. Unfortunately there were some people already sitting there, so she changed directions and headed to the nearest empty table. She stared quietly at a spot on the table as she tried to work up enough of an appetite to eat something. She scanned the other tables a few times in an attempt to distract herself as she began eating.
Melody looked up to see one of the two that were chatting gesturing her to come over. Well, that was a first. No one has ever been nice to her. They would only point and whisper behind her back or laugh at her as she went by. She returned the girl's wave with a small smile and a quick nod before heading over. Melody placed her tray across from them and slid into her chair. H-hi. What did you want with me? No one has ever been nice to me. Melody felt like an idiot for saying that and wondered why she hadn't started with her name. I'm Melody by the way.

@Two Fives @UlyssesTheSnowman
"Well, Mel, the thing is that we're being nice to you because we want to steal your soul."

She looked startled for a second so he smiled jokingly and made a mental note to not go too far with her.

"Just kidding. Neither of us can actually do that. You just seemed terrified of us and there's no reason to be. We're just lonely and bored as hell and looking for some company, right, Sky?"

Sky was still looking as maniacally happy as usual.

"Oh yeah. This is Sky and I'm Cyril. Welcome to...whatever the hell all this is."
Ethal Carr Ethal props two elbows to the tabletop and, in between greasy fingers, handles half a strip of bacon. "I like the this, it’s nice. It’s very chewy, but that’s alright. Isn’t that alright?" she mirthfully rambles. "Oh, what were you saying? What do we want with you? Nothing! Nothing at all, haha, nothing but company. Did I mention my name? Well, it's Sky."
@UlyssesTheSnowman @Puggie
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Liberty released a deafening, shrill scream as she was pushed into the cafeteria. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE TAKEN HIM AWAY?GIVE ME MY DAMN SNAKE YOU SWINES." Her voice, although she was shouting, was weirdly soft. The two nurses who had brought her in carefully placed her on a chair, kneeling in front of her to prevent her screaming further. "Are you insane?" Liberty had whispered to them, bringing her nails to her arms and she began scratching them rapidly. She hadn't taken her medication, and with the loss of her only friend, she felt a deep and vast loathing for the nurses. Now stressed, she cradled her head in her arms, rubbing her temples with her fingertips. Without Elijah, she doubted she could survive in this place.
Ethal Carr Ethal turns her head to the tumult and uproar, and her eyes considerably widen at a hysterical inmate. One oily finger is put to her lips, and to the woman she shakes her head and mouths an advising warning.

Stop, solitary and terrible are the most notable three words of the many others she mouths. For one reason or another, she appears visibly worried for her.
Liberty quietens down at the stranger's words, but she can't quite stop herself from feeling a deep hatred for the whole place that she was imprisoned in. Once eventually calmed, she bit the edge of her thumb, tearing at the skin. She did not want to go to solitary, especially if it was worse than where she was now. Throughout her stay, she had heard about solitary. And, she had only been living in the asylum for about a day or two. The nurses tended to her and provided her with her advised medication and waited until she had become so relaxed that she seemed incapable of even standing.
Ethal Carr Ethal rises to her feet and, rubbing bacon grease onto the cloth on her thigh, approaches the woman. "You look new here. You don’t want to be put in solitary confinement," she whispers dearly. "It’s terrible. Really, really terrible. Did I say it was terrible? Well, it is. If you act up, that’s where you’ll go."
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Liberty nodded. "B-But they stole Elijah.....Inconsiderate nurses...." She felt a little nervous around the woman, but she felt nervous around most people. It was an effect of her medication. The chewing of her thumb worsened to the point her thumb was bleeding, but her medication prevented her from hurting herself further. Everyone looked so crazy....She couldn't quite understand why she was there, nor the new woman who was in front of her. "I'm Liberty."

@Two Fives
Ethal Carr Tenderly, Ethal reaches out and guides the woman's hand from her mouth. "I'm called Sky," she introduces herself. "Would you like to eat? It's bacon and eggs for breakfast today. The bacon is alright, I'd say. You'll like it. Well, I think you'll like it, at least. Try it."
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Lyanna strode calmly into the cafeteria, her normal neutral expression on her face. She grabbed a tray and sat down, beginning to hastily dig in to the food, not caring how bad it was. She had been here now for around a year, and though she still put up a fight when doctors tried to get anywhere near her, she was used to her normal cycle. It was almost easy in a way, not having to worry about doing anything. She fought of the temptation to smile, and instead looked curiously around. There seemed to be a few newcomers, but her meds were kicking in so she didn't want to speak to them. She assumed that Roran would be in soon, so she waited.


Roran came bounding into the cafeteria, grinning when he noticed Lyanna. He placed his tray opposite her and started eating, the smile never leaving hus face. It was obvious that he'd had his meds for the morning, and he wanted to jump up and run around outside, like he used to do before everything happened. It was harder to grow even the smallest forget-me-not now, and Roran missed it, even after staying in the institution for nine months. The two said nothing to eachother, instead exchanging some exasperated looks about the watchful doctors, all paranoid that they'd escape.
"No," she spoke gently, "I-I'm not hungry. Plus, I'm vegetarian....I can't stand meat..But, thanks." She answered truthfully. Being able to talk to animals meant she felt guilty about attempting to consume them. Softly, she flashed the woman a smile, appreciating her kindness. Momentarily, her eyes rolled slowly and almost reluctantly. Her gaze locked on the Sky. "It's nice to meet you. I dare say you're the only kind person I have met so far."

@Two Fives
Ethal Carr "Come sit with us," She turns on the tip of her heel and points to one part of the table in the centre of the cafeteria. "I haven't finished my food yet. I should do that."
"I wouldn't want to intrude," She let out a wild smile before looking back at the floor. But, this woman seemed friendly, so she decided to go with her. "Yes, okay then. I would love to."

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