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Fantasy Assassin Academy for the Wicked and Magical


Feeling fairly bored
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome one and all.

If you are reading this message, you are as follows:

A magical being.

Guilty of a crime, big or small.

A recruit in our training program.

We have been watching your every move. From the moment you committed your crime, from the first day you learnt how to fight. We have been watching, and we are impressed.

We cordially invite you, to join our specialist training facility. Not only do we offer grammar school education, but we will teach you how to better your powers and fight enemies. These enemies, who also happen to be living amongst you.

Our facilities are situated in a fairly remote island on the coast of England, with a population of around 5000. 400 of these people are students at our school, the rest, who knows? All we know is that some of them are threats to the island, and the people in it.

It's your job to take them out, take them
all out.

Only then may you go home.

Depending on your crime and ability, you will be sectioned off into groups. These groups also affect your dorm rooms, which will be decided by staff, but preferences will be noted.

The groups we mentioned above are your class groups. Which we have 4 of:

Class A: For the exceptionally skilled beings, who committed terrible crimes beyond comprehension

Class B: For the beings with high skill, who committed terrible crimes

Class C: For the beings who are skilled, and committed not-so terrible crimes.

Class D: For the beings who are quite skilled, and committed small crimes.

Of course, the skill level and crime level cancel eachother out, for example:

If the crime committed was minor, but the being's skill level is exceptional, that being would be rewarded Class B.

Another example:

If the skill level of the being is low, yet their crime was devastating, they would be rewarded a C or B class.

The classes are based 60% on ability, and 40% on crime.

Please also note, that everyone accepted into the facility is highly skilled in comparison to other members of their species, but may not be as skilled as some of the members of the facility. This is what the skill level refers to.

Crimes can vary for mass murder to vandalism, and anything in between.

(AN: if your character's crime happens to be vandalism or something that doesn't require the character to cause physical harm to someone else. (This doesn't include theft or large scale building damage) please explain how they use their powers in that situation. For example: A character who's crime is vandalism may be sneaky and stealthy to hide for cops, and good with a baseball bat and such weaponry. This is mandatory for characters who haven't committed large scale crimes that harm other people or buildings. However, if you wish to explain how a character uses their skills anyway, you can, and it will probably help you even more to get the class you want.

If you have any questions about this, don't be afraid to ask me in the OOC section)


We have some rules here:

-No swearing in class

-Respect other people's beliefs and traditions

-Do not try to escape the island, you will be executed

-You must work to the best of your abilities at all times

-We encourage fighting here, on the basis that you are bettering your skills, however do not fatally wound or kill anyone who is on our side.


Okay, so here are the rules of the RP:

-All rules of the facility apply, however, I do not mind swearing, as long as the teachers can't hear you, lol.

-Don't over power your character. You are allowed to make them powerful of course, but don't go overboard and give them an attack rating of 15/10 or anything.

-NO GODMODDING. This is my ultimate pet peeve. You touch or move someone else's character without their permission you're outta here

-Respect eachother! You're allowed to be a dick in the roleplay but don't bring it into real life.

-Any questions or queries, ask me in the OOC section. I've wrote a lot of this randomly on the spot and I could understand if you're lost on some parts. I'll always reply to you. If you have any ideas for the roleplay, I'd be happy to take them on board!

Check out the overview for more on the rules and how it works, thanks y'all.

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Matsuri42040 said:
Is this rp still open? (I'm interested as a Class A neko if possible)
Yup! Very open, we haven't even started yet. Just post your app and I'll decide the group

Time: 2pm, setting, training hall.

Students are training with a variety of weapons to better their skills. The hall is relatively empty at the moment, class has only just begun.


Kalucci looks around, there doesn't seem to be anyone here. Excellent! The swords won't run out this time. She took confident strides towards the sword wrack, when she hears the doors creak open

Sam walked into the room and looked around. Dang, there was nobody here! Except for one person, but they seemed to be aiming for the sword rack. That is one of those places Sam stayed away from. He did not like swords. Too long and clumsy. Not accurate. He looked at the girl and asked her, "Why swords?" as he started to walk towards the small knives.
Kal turned around to look at Sam. "Eh? Why not swords? Great for slashing, easy to hold. Causes more damage than your average knife" Kal said, hinting toward the knife rack he was walking to.

"I could never get the hang of knives" She admitted. "too...Small"
Kalucci aknowledged Crimson.

"Neither? Eh? What would you train with then? I guess a gun would be the next best choice... Or a battleaxe." Kalucci took out her favourite sword and started walking toward the training dummies.

"I'm Kal, by the way. You?"

"Crimson. And I'm not actually sure if this is considered a sword or not but..." He said to Kal, transforming his arm into a blade. He held it out to show her. @KebabQueen
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Aydin slipped in quietly barely making a sound. He had hid weapons on him, a glock that was special to him and a heavy duty sniper rifle across his back. He spoke not a word and seemed to blend with shadows watching people.

Kal took a step back, surprised at the sudden transformation.

"Woah.. That's, pretty cool. Can I touch it?"

Kal didn't know why she asked that, she should be training

Curse me for getting so distracted

Kal noticed someone move at the back, she turned around briefly, looking straight at the man in the shadows.

Was he watching me? She thought to herself. She decided not to act in it. After all, she had to train.
Kal was excited, and tried not to show it. She placed her finger on the blade, tracing it slightly. It sent a few shivers down her spine. She got a little carried away, and sliced the side of her finger.

Karl wiped her finger with her tie, staining it red.

"I'm fine I guess" Kal replied, clearly still annoyed at her clumsiness. "I'll live... So anyway, how did you get into the school? What did you do?"
Aydin wasn't just staring at the girl he was looking at everybody before pulling his glock from it's holster, taking aim at one of the dummies he began shooting, two shots in the head one in the heart. Easy. He then noticed the one girl sliced her finger. He walked over silently and pulled out some medic gear from his bag. "Do you mind?" He asked softly his eyes staring into hers.
Kal turned to face the quiet boy from earlier. She wasn't one to turn down free healthcare.

"Sure, do your worst. It's not a major cut or anything.." she replied, holding out her hand to him.
Aydin nodded and cleaned the small wound with some rubbing alcohol before putting some gauze around it. "You are no use if it gets infected, with your weapon being swords." He says a little blunt before putting his stuff away. He looks at her and the other person before shifting awkwardly. He then just turned and walked to his dummy inspecting his shots carefully.

Kal took more offence to that comment than she needed to.

"Whatever, I always have the other arm, besides, I'm not stupid enough to let it get infected" she shouted back, before picking at the wound and grabbing a sword with her good hand. I'd be of more use to that sword than any of the punks at this school, hand or none. She thought to comfort herself.
"Two is better then one." He says back his voice barely able to be heard. He wasn't a loud person. He began wondering if this institution would give him what he needs for real expertise. Explosives.

"Mass murder, killed some policeman. That's all. I hate cops" she said leaning against the wall.


Kal whipped her head around to face the boy. "What was that? I couldn't quite hear you" she said back to him. Jesus Christ can the kid talk? She thought.
Aydin looked back at her, his eyes narrowed. "Two is better then one." He repeats. He shifts the weight if his sniper rifle a tad bit as if to emphasise he has two weapons. Three if you wanted to get technical.

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