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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Squink just crossed her fingers and hoped that the how manyeth time would prove actual results rather than finding nothing at all or another of the same rocky Buddies.
Search for buddy.​



At this point, Glacier couldn't help his ears turning backwards. "Perhaps... a more aggressive approach is necessary." He thought aloud.

Stepping back, Glacier grabbed yet another ball from his satchel, before leaping forward and releasing it from his jaws, attempting to meet the floating ice buddy mid-air.

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 4/10
Bait: 0/1
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
With his first attempt being unsuccessful, Adelhein notice that the little creature was still occupied, licking the small piece of the candy-looking food. Without missing a beat, he would try once more and as many times as needed.


1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 8/10



The ice sprite floated to this side, still clutching to the bait; missing his target, Glacier tumbled back down onto the snow covered ground.

Getting back up, Glacier could feel the more bestial side of himself gain traction in his mind; rearing up to leap forward, he let out a growl, yanking another ball from his satchel. "I do not know how close or different we are... but I am a natural authority of ice, and I will not let you defy me so easily, creature!" This time, Glacier charged forward, aiming to directly strike the buddy with the ball held firmly in his jaws.

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 3/10
Bait: 0/1
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
The second attempt was met with the same failure, the buddy ball hitting the small metallic creature, but being unable to capture it. However, both Master and Servant kept a detached expression to the poor attempt, not really thinking much of it. Adelhein would reach, once more, into his coat to retrieve another of the balls, pressing the button in the middle of it and launching towards the critter.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 7/10
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Ceylan continued to search, his efforts brought him to a shallow wading pool. A lone turtle like creature sat basking in the warmth of the beach. It lazily picked its head up and glanced towards him, with a slow blink.

(Throw a ball or bait or the rock ! Or run! Don't forget the 1d10!)
Elvario Elvario

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

With one buddy in the ball, he was soon to spot another. This time it was a water one. “Would you like to join as well?” He'd ask, as he tried to capture it by throwing a ball at it.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)

Character Theme
Character Sheet
Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Time to do this buddy catching thing another try, hopefully this would prove well.
1. Search for Buddy.​

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

It seemed like the doggo's good vibes attracted another creature to join the team. He smiled. “Welcome to you as well.” He stated. For a moment, he hesitated. Then he figured he'd try to look for just one more on this beach.

Actions: – Searching for a Buddy (Beach Zone)
Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Michael continued on in his wanderings, a light wind began to push at his back. And after a second, he began to notice that there were several of the small wind creatures, drifting along the breeze. Some of them spun around, some flew a straight course. And some just went where the wind blew them. One or two dive bombed towards his head, before pulling up abruptly.

(Throw a ball to see if you can catch one! Or run There's a lot ! Maybe throw a rock. Do you really want to try the bait with a swarm? Don't forget the d10!)
Novama Novama

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Upon seeing another [Wind] type appear, he shook his head. “I'm sorry buddy, I don't think my previous friend will like the competition.” He stated it, as he waved the creature goodbye.

Actions: – Allow creature to flee.
Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As the warrior tred the wave lapped sands, a creature drifted in with the salty breeze. It spiraled around him and swept in a slong arc, dipping low to the ground for a second before lifting up again to spiral up in the air above him. Then when it seemed to reach it's Zenith, it began to fall back, and float down gently like a feather. It seemed almost relaxed as it drifted down.

(Throw a ball or bait! Or a rock if you're cruel. >_> don't forget the D10! )
Maverick Six Maverick Six

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Having allowed the creature to flee, Ceylan would [Travel] on to the next area. This one had caught his interest. The red rock formations were among the few things he hadn't seen yet during his travels. Needlessly to say, he was eager to figure out what he'd find here.

Actions: – 1. Traveling: Move to a different zone. [Beach Zone to Mesa Zone]
Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)

Moonberry Moonberry Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Location: Beach Zone

Gravity took over his knees, buckling his soul down to the earth. "My kingdom!" Hands met the base of his helmets skull, gripping with extreme anguish. "What have I done to deserve this!" Whatever imaginary crown Annellanus had imagine was on his head was shattering every moment this rampaging beast took down another structure. This beast was like no other. Strength unlike anything he has seen before. It took down entire market places in one fell swoop! Castle gates were met with such force that it cracked with the sound of thunder! Paws swallowed house districts!

So much suffering caused his stomach to ache.

He heard their screams. His kingdom was falling and yet there was nothing he could do. The beast was simply too fast that no guard or militia would be able to keep up with it. "MURDERER!" Was the only thing his emotions allowed him to spat out.

The only thing left to do was build a castle wall. The biggest one yet while the black blur was distracted. It was raised up to his waist and matched the durability of all of his creations combined. He draped down an eastern empire flag down the great wall. He vowed that this wall won't fall. It can't!

A new foe approached.
One of the bell towers rung, warning Annellanus of another kaiju. It was one of wind and fuck. The wind elemental dragon landed on another fortress. He could hear his men screaming as its weight crushed them like grapes. Ants to a boot. "Ready the catapults!" Placing a buddy ball on a tiny make shift sling.


Gilgramfried dolphin dived to his belly in anticipation of an explosion. Protected by the greatest wall ever made.

Actions: 1-Throw buddy ball

9/10 Balls
1/1 Bait
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • New Adventuring Pal!

    After replenishing his items, Griffin takes his Metal Buddy—who he’ll name Nickelas. back to the Mesa Zone. Letting the Metal Buddy stay by his side and walking with him at the same pace. Nickelas was significantly slower than he was, so Griffin put an effort to slow down and match Nickelas’s speed. The two would journey back to the Mesa. It would take a while, but eventually Nickelas and Griffin would arrive back at the Mesa Zone.

    Action 1:
    Travel back to Mesa zone

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.

♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Kota walked amidst the beach he came upon a jetti. Rocks covered in slimy algea with waves lapping up along them. The crashing noise making a gentle whooshing noise. Amidst the rocks and the waves, a strange little turtle seemed to be fighting to climb the jetti. It struggled and flopped a few times. "Mawp...maawhp"

(Throw a ball or bait, or a rock maybe? I mean if you really gotta. Don't forget the d10!)
SixSense SixSense

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Now in the new zone, Ceylan looked around to see if he'd spot any of the creatures here as well.

Actions: – 2. Searching for a Buddy: Look for a buddy in your current zone.
Balls: 8/10
Bait: 1/1
  • Wind: 1 (Regular Stats)
  • Water: 1 (Regular Stats)
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry

  • who goes there!

    “Okay, Nickelas, tell me if you see anything.”

    He tells his little buddy monster as his yellow eyes gaze around the surrounding area looking for yet another buddy to try and befriend. Hoping he comes across another earth one. He had his supplies at the ready and held the bait in his hands. Ready to catch anything nearby.

    Action 1:
    Look for buddy in the Mesa zone

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.

Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Sighing as she yawned and wandered around murmuring to herself about her misfortune.
"Oh, this day isn't going well, and I was so excited... hello mister bird... " she mumbled as she past a Shadow buddy she hadn't seen before, immediately perking up and swinging her head to look wards it in surprise. It was something that wasn't a rock! Hooray!

"You! You're pretty, h-hello, do you mind if I be your friend? Please don't fly away mister birdie. O-oh, I know, here, I have some yummy nummy food for you! I tried it too, it's very good, you can have it" she smiled and tried to hold positive, using one of the bait pieces and throwing it towards the Shadow Beast as she crouched and tried to be as friendly as possible.

"Pleasepleaseplease be my friend, you can have a cute name and we can go on some little adventures and have a great time togetheeer...." she murmured to herself quietly as she crossed her fingers, hoping that this would be her first buddy of the day. Immediately trying ahead to use her piece of bait, she didn't want it to run off in case her bad luck returned and caused her to fail her first attempt. She really wanted the shadow bird.

Use aid (bait).​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein's third attempt had been unsuccessful. He now would have his 4th attempt, not really planning to changing tactics until his was on his very last Buddy Ball. With that, he repeated the throw once more, launching the ball towards the small metallic creature.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 6/10
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

The sight of the small little lightning cloud caused Izuru to immediately wonder how the hell this thing ate or shit. However he couldn't be picky with his potential catches. Lightning Types tended to have moves which could paralyze. Paralysis would be pretty useful for catching other Buddies for materials. The thought of catching a whole bunch of buddies via paralyzing them was enough to motivate Izuru to try and catch this cloudy thing. Speaking of which, the Professor hadn't given them any means of identifying these things. None of the other participants had used their skills so Izuru assumed doing so was forbidden for the sake of the research. Plus he didn't have access to his usual kit so trying to play this like normal was absolutely out of the question. Skulking his way out of the bushes. Izuru immediately yeeted his Buddy Ball at the sparky misty boi who was probably freaking out right now.

  • .x9 - x8 Buddy Balls
  • .x1 Bait
  • .x1 Wind Buddy

.Try to Catch Buddy:
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As the young man walked around, his nose going red from the cold, a small tinkling noise seemed to drift around his head. His ears suddenly got a lot colder, Until the noise almost seemed to be laughter. A small sprite floated out infront of him, looking as if it was giggling. "Brwwiri"
(Throw a ball or bait or a rock! Don't forget the dice ! I Wouldn't blame you if you threw a rock. It's cold enough here!)
LightningJay LightningJay
Last edited:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Now having laid out the bait for the Shadow buddy, she could only hope that her catch (or the one thereafter) would prove totally amazingly successful. It was just like that someone else said, that you had to go ahead and try and stuff... she didn't really remember what the inspirational quote she was told was, but hopefully it would provide meaning now.

1. Catch the Shadow buddy (Bait used).​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

The teen crimson eyes would narrow slightly, looking at yet another failed attempt. There was a curious 'mmmm', made in low tone, which escaped his throat. Shrugging, he would go for his fifth attempt, throwing another Buddy Ball at the critter, which was still engrossed with the bait he had used previously.

1 - Throw Buddy Ball

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 5/10



The sprite managed to dodge in the nick of time, only the side of Glacier's muzzle hitting it.

Dropping the now inert ball, Glacier took another stance, ready to spring forward; however, he didn't immediately go for it as he had the last few attempts. Instead, Glacier stood silently, watching as the ice buddy chewed on it's piece of bait.

This time, Glacier discreetly grabbed another ball, approaching the buddy slowly & deliberately. Upon getting what he deemed close enough, Glacier snapped forward, tossing this ball with less distance but more speed.

Current Location: Ice Zone

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 2/10
Bait: 0/1

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