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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~



Ceylan (Event) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

“Welcome to the team~” He spoke, his tail happily wagging behind him as he saw the creature enter the ball. Perhaps his words had reached it and it felt like tagging along. With one creature in the pocket balls, he figured he'd see if the gods would keep favouring him and went to look for another one.

Actions: – Searching for a Buddy (Beach Zone)
Balls: 9/10
Bait: 1/1

With the latest Buddy successfully caught on his first throw, Michael's enthusiasm only grew. He quickly pocketed the Buddy Ball, his neon blue eyes shining with excitement from the back-to-back captures. Eager to continue his streak, he wasted no time and immediately set off deeper into the grassy fields, his gaze darting around the landscape for any sign of movement or the distinctive presence of another Buddy to capture. His steps were swift and purposeful, ready for whatever challenge or new companion the fields might offer next.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry
actions: looking for more buddies

7/10 balls
1/1 bait
2 wind buddies

Now that he had caught his first buddy, it was time to head back. The professor did mention he was capable of training the lil monster thingies, perhaps it was time to put him to the test.

1. Head back to the professor

Michael's latest search through the grassy fields yielded no new Buddies. Undeterred, he adjusted his long coat, took a deep breath, and decided to press on, his resolve firm. With his eyes scanning the horizon and every rustle of the grass beneath the wind, he continued his quest, determined to find another Buddy to join his growing team. The fields were vast, and he knew that patience and persistence would be his allies in this adventure.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry
actions: looking for more buddies

7/10 balls
1/1 bait
2 wind buddies
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Seeing as her search attempts to find a new buddy to attempt her focus on only ended up with her finding another Earth one. Sighing softly, she walked away from it and kept on looking.
"There has to be some other things around here, surely it's not that empty and all the same thing. I don't really wanna catch a little guy that looks like I'll accidentally stub a toe on him... " she mumbled quietly in thought as she opted to just avoid the buddy found in order to go looking for another one. Hopefully the Mesa Zone would afford her better luck than what it was offering her right now, she only had limited balls on hand before having to return back to the Professor and wanted to at least return with one or two before heading back. At least finding something she felt fondly attached to was desired.

1. Flee current Buddy.​
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Battle with Chris R. - The Room Flash Game

Saber Alter narrowed her eyes upon spotting movement, focusing her heightened senses on the emerging creature. As it blew out its musical note, she studied its appearance and posture carefully, gauging whether it intended hostility or merely wandered unaware.

Having made no overtly threatening moves yet, Saber Alter remained motionless, continuing to observe silently from a distance as not to startle it. Her hand hovered near Excalibur Morgan's hilt all the while, ready to act on a moment's notice if needed.

She turned her head slightly to catch Adelhein's attention without breaking eye contact with the mysterious newcomer. "Master, there is a creature here," she informed him in a low tone, maintaining her guarded yet non-aggressive demeanor for now. "It seems harmless, but remain vigilant. I will watch and see what it does next."

Her alert eyes tracked the being's every move, analyzing its behavior and intent. Caution was key until more was understood about these strange beings that inhabitated this fiery realm. But for now, an opportunity for capture presented itself, if handled carefully and peacefully.

As Adelhein’s attention was caught by Saber Alter’s words, he would turn his head, gazing at the small metallic creature. It had a striking resemblance to a very small rhinoceros, however it was bi-pedal. It almost looked like it was man-made, rather than a natural creature. He had found his mark: the metal buddy he had been looking for, and he would not let it escape him.

Without thinking twice, the teen reached into his pocket, retrieving the bait which he had received from the professor. It almost looked like a candy. While he had a fleeting curiosity to try and lick the bait to check if it was sweet or sour, he held back the impulse. Instead, he threw the bait towards the small creature, watching with narrowing eyes as it became increasingly distracted by the treat.

Using that opportunity, he retrieved one of the buddy balls and, pressing the button in the middle of it, launched towards the creature in an attempt of capturing it.


1 - Bait

Bait 0/1
Buddy balls 9/10
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • New Adventuring Pal!

    He caught it. He caught the Metal Buddy! He was excited. This had brightened his mood. He had finally caught his first adventure buddy. He held the Buddy ball as if it was a very precious thing before letting the Metal Buddy back out. As Squink congratulated him, he told her.

    “Thank you! I am sure you’ll find something.”

    She ran away afterward, probably to look for something else. Perhaps she just wasn’t interested in the little earth Buddies? Regardless, he gave it a pat on the head before walking with it back towards the lab. Griffin was going to replenish his supplies. He still had an Earth Buddy to catch, but he still adored his new metal companion. He was wondering if he should name it. Once arriving at the Lab once again, he would replenish his supplies.

    Action 1:
    Go replenish supplies.

    Supplies: 1 Bait, 10 Buddy balls.

Location: Beach

There it is!

Eeriel coud smell the damn creature somewhere behind her, stalking her as if it was hunting her. Silly critter, it was the other way around!

Using the remnant of a sandcastle as an obstacle, the cat ran around it to make the buddy lose sight of her. Only to quickly showed up behind the creature.

"Gotcha!" Eeriel conjured one of her ball from her pocket dimension and threw it.

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry
Mention: Wheatley Wheatley (Gilga Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario LightningJay LightningJay


While not quite as quick as everyone else, Marcus made it to be the beach with energy to spare. The beach was quite a sight. He had seen the sea but it was from the perspective of a city, rather than a beach.

Blackened, metal greaves sank heavy into silk sand. The sun beamed down, but it wasn't too hot here. It seemed to be just right, though a bit humid due to it's nearness to the ocean. The air smelled of sea salt without a single sign of ship nor rusty anchor within sight. The wind blue gently, causing his the blood red mane of his helmet to flutter behind himself. It had almost felt as though a warrior such as him didn't belong here.

But of course, I am on a quest.

A sense of duty drove nearly everything it was that Marcus did. So it was that he would decide to "earn" the privilege of being here by the fulfillment of his task. After all, he had a job to do, albeit a more enjoyable one than usual, he would dedicate himself to the capture of these so called buddies as he would to most tasks. He looked primarily for the so called buddies as he stood almost entirely still.

But he noticed that others had reached the zone much before he did. He noticed another warrior of similar level of armor as he, building sandcastles in the ground. Then, he noticed as cat who had taken to rampaging through said castles in almost a callous display. The armor shook, clattering as even he gave way to a small chuckle.

Still, others were present and already capturing. Indeed, one person had already caught a so called buddy and was already on his way back. Another dog like fellow seems to have just caught one of said mythical creatures and given him a sneak peak as to what they were like. The creatures reminded him more of critters than any sort of monster he'd slain, from what he observed. The man seemed also intrigued with the "Great Sandcastle Destruction" but was already on his way to finding another one.

Better not fall behind then.

The search for a critter of his own continued ever on. Given the lack of much danger he observed in others trying to catch their buddies, he holds a ball in his hand to prepare.

Actions: Search for a buddy.

10 Balls
1/1 Bait
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Seeing as Griffin had left her to do her search on her own, she hoped his words could prove true as she began taking a look around to find something of interest to attempt to catch. She had proven very unlucky so far, and it would be disappointing if she couldn't find a buddy to call buddy before the day was over.

1. Search for Buddy.​

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Kota would finally reach the beast after a moderate trek. Relieved with the decision he made, it’s been quite the while since he’s seen said scenery. The sound of the waves crashing into the shore soothed the Kitsune.

“Time to find some buddy’s!” He smirked and clenched his fist as he looked around for some buddies.

Search for buddy
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Even after yet another attempt was her luck forced to find another of the same, sighing she only supposed fate was trying to force her into attempting to catch a buddy she wasn't particularly interested in anymore. Seeing the same one for the third time was now giving her a dislike for the little rock creature, supposing that staying and throwing balls may likely only waste more time she was just going to have to pass and keep on looking so she could hopefully get something or anything today. If she was going to have bad luck, she might as well have not wasted it trying to catch something she really wasn't fond of at this point, which for Squink not being fond of a cute creature was a lot. Although repetitive failure was one thing that got to her quite frequently.

"Off I go again... " she sighed quietly, hoping to leave it and find something else.

1. Flee from Buddy.​
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Glacier padded through the snow, a tiny little sprite began to float around him. Giving off a tinkling little giggle as it danced around his head. "Fhreee"

(Throw a ball, or bait or a rock. Or run! Don't forget to throw 1 10 faced dice. )
Voider Voider


( Moonberry Moonberry )

As the sprite moved around him, Glacier instantly recognized it's icy nature. "Why, hello there... would you like something to eat?" He asked, fishing the bait out of his satchel and throwing it for the ice buddy to catch.

Before throwing a ball though, Glacier hesitated. "Would you like to join me?" Perhaps he could get it without using force? If Glacier was one of them, then he'd prefer to be asked first.

Action: Use bait (and ask if it wants to join him?)
Mentions: Novama Novama Moonberry Moonberry

Izuru had finally caught his first buddy on his first try. No doubt it was due to the stellar power of his leek. Raising his mighty vegetable to the sky. He decided to wait on naming or even seeing his new Buddy. There was always a chance this thing was just going to end up materials and developing any sort of attachment to it would just make things complicated. Mike seemed to have caught two Buddies of his own in the time it took Izuru to catch just one. He knew comparing himself to other people was bad but intrusive thoughts kept slipping in. Crawling through the tall grass again and licking the dew from flowers for sustenance. Izuru's mind was wholly focused on the acquisition of new Buddies.

  • .x9 Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy

.Search for Buddies:
Location: Beach

"Come here you li'l shit. I'm going to mush you together with a random fish and create the ultimate abomination!"

After her ball missed. Eeriel and the buddy entered another chasing session when they basically trying to get on each other's back. Using the nearby palm trees and sandcastles to trick each others with various degree of success.

Eeriel got her next chance when she decided to break the pattern a bit. Instead of trying to chase the buddy she turned around and reversed her path. True to her prediction the buddy ended up going straight into her reach and Eeriel slapped it with another ball.

Trying to capture buddy

8/10 ball
1/1 bait
1/1 rock

It was clear that training was useless when nothing happened to his buddy. John quickly left for the ice zone. Perhaps he could catch something new there.

Travel to ice zone



It seemed that the ice buddy wasn't responding to Glacier, intent on eating the bait he'd given it. With the imitation of a sigh, Glacier got out another ball, this time attempting to catch it while it was distracted.

"Sorry, little buddy... but this is how nature works." Glacier said, as much for himself as for the creature, before whipping his head to throw the ball.

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 7/10
Bait: 0/1
Last edited:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

"Time to do this... again, hopefully there's something around here other than those little rock guys. Today is just not my day... " Squink sighed as she hoped to find literately anything else, the rock creatures were truly starting to get on her nerves.

Search for buddy​
Moonberry Moonberry
John searches for a buddy in the ice zone, because now that he was here, why not? Although it would be nice if he got something new.

search for buddy
Last edited:
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Although he had tried to search through the low poly grass for anything that he could hit with his balls. The elusive Buddies continued to elude him. He may have had only the one for now. Yet Izuru could see the future in which he rode atop the back of a colossal Buddy, setting fire to cities so he could be the ONLY bard available for Open Mic Night. Truly there was no greater purpose for these little shits to serve than facilitating his efforts to escape poverty. Standing up and dusting off his clothes. Izuru decided to try another spot in the fields. Running with his arms behind his back with his leek strapped to his back. The eager dragonkin set off on a journey to find a Buddy in these fields that he could chuck his big balls at.

  • .x9 Balls
  • x1 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy

.Look for Buddy:
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Not finding anything once again, at least she didn't find another of the Earth buddies. Continuing to keep walking around, she wanted to get at least something before trying her chances in another zone, but it seemed like nothing was proving lucky at the moment. Perhaps eating the bait ball had some bad karma repercussions. Note to self, probably never eat bait again. Only maybe.

Search for buddy.​



The previous ball promptly fell short of the sprite, dropping into the snow. Meanwhile, it continued to float there, munching on the bait without a care in the world.

"Take three..." Glacier muttered, whipping another ball towards it with his mouth.

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 6/10
Bait: 0/1
(I wonder how high this number will get)
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Another of the same rocky creatures, Squink was really sick of seeing these Rock buddies. Time to go elsewhere in the zone and try again, this was getting annoyingly repetitive even for her. Maybe she could make a request to get rid of them all, surely nobody would care if they were taken out of the zone. It'd make it way more easier for anyone else who doesn't have to put up with them. She was considering making an active attempt to never catch an Earth one since they wouldn't leave her alone. They weren't even cute anymore.

Flee from buddy.​



Glacier had messed up his throw, and this time, it barely gained any air before falling like a rock. The ice sprite seemed to giggle at his failure, causing his tail to flick in irritation.

"Take. four." Glacier said aloud, attempting another throw.

Action: Throwing ball (Buddy baited; need a 10, but it doesn't flee)

Balls: 5/10
Bait: 0/1

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