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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~


Designer (7).png
Kuro's eyes grew to the size of saucers as she spotted the fluffy cloud like Buddy's that floated aimlessly in front of them. Her ears twitched with the feel of static that ran over the light fur on them, and she could practically feel the fur on her tail poof from proximity of these creatures. "Look Glacier! Aren't they just perfect? Is that lightning coming from them? Oh, I've got to get my hands on one!" Kuro excitedly whispered to the ice fox. She readied her Buddy Ball, and decided now was a good time to use it.

She tossed the Buddy Ball in the direction of the thunder cloud Buddy's and prayed to whatever god existed that it ended up catching one or even two of them. Kuro had no sense of danger about the entire situation, despite the live lightning and thunder that lived within those stormy cloud creatures.

Voider Voider Moonberry Moonberry
Jack Hayfield
Jack looks around, getting used to the environment of the fields before going to ‘capture’ any beasties. He probably won’t be that good at it anyway, subjecting creatures into magical balls into what he assumes to be against their will wasn’t really his forte. Well, he just hopes he meets something friendly. Maybe cuddly.

He looks to himself in a nearby puddle.
Right. He was a cute creature. His nose bunches up uncharacteristically. He can be mean! He can enslave creatures against their will like any other person here!

Jack goes to look for a beast.

Actions: Look for a buddy in the Fields
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry @Sona Radar

  • from earth to wind he/she hopes for earth

    As the Buddy would flee. Griffin would be sad, that was a horrible failure maybe if he sees another earth one he should throw a rock at it instead. But that was if he found another one. He silently wish Squink luck and would look around the area some more.

    Search for buddy in the Mesa Zone

♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Jack sat contemplating his adorableness, and ability to be assertive; a creature began to drift along the wind. It drew closer and closer to him without a sound, until eventually it seemed to spiral down around him, with a soft "Brheeee~" The creature landed as softly as a feather, tilting its head and looking curiously up at the little Kid.

SoftSmile SoftSmile
(Use this next turn to throw a ball or bait or a rock, and throw the dice to see if you catch it. You may also run.)
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


Though one of the creatures had fled after the ball was thonked on its head and failed; Another one quickly fell into its place. It pawed at the ground, and stared at Griffin, looking like it might just start charging too.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
(Throw the bait, ball, or Rock! Or run! And the Dice !)



Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

Glacier took a step back, as electric-filled buddies floated before Kuro & himself. "I must say... they are certainly interesting." He responded with his own whispering; and it was true, as they did seem quite interesting. A small part of him was disappointed no ice buddy appeared yet, though he elected to ignore that thought, for there was still much more time left & "buddy balls" to use.

Joining Kuro's action, Glacier reached into his satchel and grabbed a ball in his jaws; then, he whipped his head & threw it at one of the lightning buddies.

Action: Throwing a ball to catch a buddy
Location: Center

"Riight.... I feel like I have heard this somewhere." Eeriel stared at the so called professor with suspicion, this scenario felts like a fever dream brewed by some 10 years old. Yup, this must be what it is, a dream. Though ultimately she did chuck all those balls into her own pocket dimension.

"But you know what? Meshing two monsters into an abomination sounds fun so I'm gonna take your offer." Walking away, the cat keep walking to random direction until she finally arrived at the beach. The coarse sand immediately made her regret coming this way, but she's also curious on what she would find here

Travel from center to the Beach

Designer (7).png
The Buddy Ball immediately enclosed around the first Thunder Buddy, and then landed on the soft snowy ground. It shook three times, before a short "ding" noise came from within, and all was quiet. "Oh my god, I actually did it!" Kuro said excitedly before grabbing the Buddy Ball. She glanced awkwardly back at Glacier, "Uh- I mean, of course I did it! There was never any doubt that I wouldn't get it on the first try. Really, it was effortless!" she let out a silent sigh of relief in her mind only, thankful that she was lucky enough to actually catch something as mystical as this on her first try.

"What about you, Glacier? Gonna give the Buddy Ball a try? You could use one of them to ride on or reach taller places!" She said. "Or they could snow on you forever so that way you can go anywhere you want! I read a story where a snowman did the exact same thing when I was a little kid." She was down 1 Buddy Ball now, but she'd made quick work of collecting one type of Buddy already. That left 9 more to go! And with the bait, she could even the odds some more.

Voider Voider
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry @Sona Radar

  • from earth to wind he/she hopes for earth

    After seeing a new one, his face lit up. They seemed to be everywhere! He was ready to try again. Silently praying this would be enough. Throwing a rock at it? Wasn’t that basically attacking its own element? What if it ran away again? Regardless of that, he grabbed his rock and tossed it at the little earth monster with a thud. Hoping for the best, he figured it was all he could really do. Especially if these buddies liked to run.

    throw rock at Buddy

Jack Hayfield
Jack jumps as the buddy lands near him. He holds his chest like he’s about to have a heart attack, heaving heavily. The bell around his neck chimes as he attempts to catch his breath. “S-Sorry, but you did kinda scare me. Hi. I’m Jack.”

Jack introduces himself to the creature, pulling out some bait from his pocket. He stays still, allowing the creature to come to him.

Action: Give bait to Buddy
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
Last edited:

Location: Beach Zone

He hasn't seen any lady to swoon yet, but what compelled him even more was the gods beachly materia. The heat of the sun was baking but it was nothing compared to the training fields of Otenza. Annellanus had no need for a buddy when man's best past time was right here beneath his very feet. Perfect quality and absolutely gleaning with vicious seduction. "By the gods!" To hell with the buddies he shouted!

A tear across his face
Dramatized blurs creases his vision
Happiness overwhelms

Sandcastles were built with increasing detail across the beach zone. "This is the best ground I've ever touched, Professor Branchard competes with the divinity!" It was as easily molded like the most expensive clay yet so texturally firm. A whole castle, a whole kingdom could be built here! And he'd have a fortress to defend himself against the hordes of buddies that will maw his gates. "I have to secure the area before anyone realizes how perfect this sand is." There have been entire wars fighting for the best qualities of sand. Appalled at this pocket dimensions ability to produce the most silky land.

Action: Searching for a buddy
Last edited:
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry @Sona Radar

  • from earth to wind he/she hopes for earth
    Griffin’s wings stayed folded behind his back. He felt deflated. This one ran away as well. Why was he having such rotten luck? The Earth ones were so cute too. He briefly wondered if he would have better luck looking for a wind-based buddy. Though he doubted there were ones in this specific area. However, leaving seemed pretty redundant, and he just felt like being stubborn, plus this was like a different kind of adventure than he was used to. No matter how saddening for him, it was when they ran away. He would look around again.

    search for a buddy

Location: Beach

Now not only she must deal with sand sticking into her paws but she found another unexpected things. Sandcastles, lots of it, it really was a world created by 10 years old huh.

Without much thought Eeriel charged through one of the castle, immediately demolished it.

"That's right, this kaiju is unstoppable!" The cat screamed at no one before charging another castle. Then another one. For a few moments she just looks like a regular cat having zoomies on the beach. But regardless of that, her keen senses still trying to pick up any signal of any potential buddy nearby

Searching for a buddy

Moonberry Moonberry Wheatley Wheatley

The villager John had came to this place after having received a suspicious invitation. Oh well, it couldn't hurt to give it a shot at least. Listening to the professor's instructions, he'd nod his head attentively. It seemed like they would be playing a game of sorts. That sounded fun.

"Now where to go..." The boy asked aloud to no one in particular. Most of the areas seemed terrible. Like visitting a voclano?! What if he ended up stepping into lava by accident? And the ice biome would be so unpleasant to travel in, he didn't have any winter clothing on him at all! Mesa was just a barren land, lame. With that in mind, he had to choose between the beach and the fields probably. Come to think of it, he hadn't been to any beaches after being isekaid here, so he might as well go with that.

Head to the beach.



Mentions: ( Moonberry Moonberry ), Kuro ( Lolory Lolory )

Glacier's throw was, not unsurprisingly, fairly off the mark; there was only so much force you could give with your neck, of course. So, as the ball fell to the snow, and his target ran away, Glacier simply accepted that this first try was a failure.

Turning to Kuro, Glacier gave a smile at her enthusiasm. "Congratulations, Kuro!" He noticed her initial, more surprised exclamation, but decided not to comment on it. "I hope that you and your buddy... will get along nicely. As for my own attempt... it was not successful, but that was to be expected." Glacier gave the best shrug he could, given his anatomy.

"I shall continue to look... there are many more, I am sure." Glacier said to her, scanning the area once again for any sign of more buddies.

Action: Search for a buddy in the ice zone

Arriving at the beach, the villager would walk around in search for a buddy.

Action: search for a buddy at the beach

Through the haze of volcanic gases and the light refracting from the heat of the lava flows, Lauren cautiously walked through the barren landscape of the Volcanic zone without too much issue. Having swapped into cooler clothes before entering the biome she now wore a thin crop top with which she could much more easily stay cool with, the fabric remaining opaque and unrevealing despite being drenched in sweat. And while she didn't have any shorts to replace the long pant legs for something cooler and more breathable fabric, they did absorb some of the sweat trickling off of her body - which helped with keeping her metallic legs from getting too toasty. As she walked along she drank some water from a flask to keep herself hydrated and cool, reaching a colder part of the biome where she could cool off a little and rest a bit. Finding someplace to sit down Lauren slid the straps of her bag off of her shoulders, allowing her back to breathe a bit while she sorted through her supplies. She had enough water to search for a buddy for at least a few hours, with some food and extra clothes she can change into to better deal with some of the other biomes within the dimension. She came prepared for an adventure, and that was exactly what she was getting.

With enough time to cool down and snack on some of the food she brought with her, she packed up her bag and slung it back over her shoulders - polishing off her flask of water and attaching it to her bag before continuing to look around for a buddy to capture. Her eyes darted back and forth as she remained vigilant, though the sight of a figure slowly approaching immediately put her on edge. She wasn't sure if they were even human at first, though even if they were she was reluctant to trust strangers she recently met. Lauren gripped one of the straps to her bag with her metallic fingers, taking advantage of her arms [Rigid Plating] to provide passive defense to her chest while appearing to act calm and collected. She managed to mask her expression with the look of curiosity tourists tend to make when sightseeing, and upon seeing the young mans face she gave a genuine slight smile and a gentle wave with her spare hand. The lad seemed to be suave and composed, with her pausing as he approached up until only a few footsteps worth of distance separated them. With a quick question and brief introduction to himself and the servant behind him, she figured that he was probably one of the other visitors exploring the dimension for the experiment as well.
"Nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Lauren Linn, but feel free to simply call me Lauren." Lauren began with a simple introduction, her eyes looking to both him an his servant before continuing on. "As you suspected, I was invited here for the same reason you were - to partake in the experiment and collect data for the zoologist to work with. I wasn't expecting anyone else to come this way myself... Though as for why I came here, sand tends to cause the joints in my feet to lock up and metal limbs is a really effective way to get frostbite very quickly." Lauren concluded as she began to look around for a buddy she could capture, beginning to walk past Adelhein and his servant before briefly turning back towards them. "I'm going to try and find something to catch, you're more than welcome to join me if you want to."

Action: Search for a buddy

Maxxob Maxxob Moonberry Moonberry
Location: Beach

"Where is it? Where...!" After a few inutes of futile searching Eeriel became frustated and another poor sandcastle become the object of her lash out.

"You damn buddies come here and fight me!!"

Searching for a buddy

Moonberry Moonberry Wheatley Wheatley

1712030532996.pngMichael ventured south, his steps leading him to the expansive grassy fields of the Pocket Dimension. The area was serene, dotted with trees and shrubs, offering a peaceful contrast to the more extreme environments he had learned about earlier. As he moved through the grass, his keen eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of Buddies or perhaps even other participants who might share his curiosity for this zone.

It wasn't long before Michael noticed two figures in the distance. As he approached, the details became clearer: one was a goat centaur looking creature (Jack), evidently at ease in the natural setting of the fields, and the other appeared to be a human-looking demon youth(Izuru), whose presence in such a tranquil place piqued Michael's interest, his eyes focusing intensely. He slowed his pace, not wanting to alarm them with a sudden approach.

Michael observed them from a respectful distance for a moment, taking in their appearances and demeanor.

Deciding to introduce himself, Michael cleared his throat gently to announce his presence before stepping closer. "Hello," he said, his voice steady, aiming to convey his peaceful intentions. "My name is Michael. I'm here exploring the fields and looking to understand more about this place and the Buddies that inhabit it. I'm assuming you are as well. I didn't catch you back at base. May I ask, have you been in this dimension long?"

His attire, notably less common with its long coat and glowing circuit-like tattoos, might have seemed out of place in such a rustic setting, but Michael's demeanor was open and friendly. His neon blue eyes glowed with genuine curiosity and a ready openness to new acquaintances. He stood with an ease that suggested he was prepared for either conversation or the need to spring into action, should the peaceful setting offer up any surprises.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia SoftSmile SoftSmile
actions: going to grassy fields
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Griffin searched around the area for another buddy, his efforts were rewarded with a curious creature. It poked its head out from behind a skinny plateau. It stepped out slowly and blew a breath out with a small noise almot like a trumpet. "Fwyuu"

(Throw the ball, Bait, or Rock/ OR Run away!)
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Annelanus enjoyed the relaxing sun and breeze; a small white creature drifted along with the brine on the air. It landed with a soft grace on one of the masterfully crafted sand castles. It tilted its head, watching the armored man enjoy the finer aspects of life.

(Throw a ball or bait, or a rock. Or Run! DONT CHUCK THEM)
Wheatley Wheatley
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Glacier padded through the snow, a tiny little sprite began to float around him. Giving off a tinkling little giggle as it danced around his head. "Fhreee"

(Throw a ball, or bait or a rock. Or run! Don't forget to throw 1 10 faced dice. )
Voider Voider
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As John enjoyed a stroll along the beach, he noticed several lovely detailed sancastles. And from one of them, a small white creature with feathers and fur poked its head out to peek at him.

(Throw a ball, or bait or a rock. Or run. Throw 1 10 faced dice to see if you catch it.)
LightningJay LightningJay
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Lauren spoke with the curious child and the older woman, a small creature hopped around from one rock to another. Jumping across the river of flowing lava as if it were a babbling brook. It spotted her and began to jump up and down on a rock, before leaping across to another rock, just in front of her.

(Throw a ball or bait or a rock. Or run away! Don't forget to throw 1 10 faced dice.)
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
Mentions: Novama Novama SoftSmile SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry

Izuru arrived at the rolling meadows of the Fields Zone with anticipation in his heart. His dragon tail was wagging from side to side whilst his eyes scoured the plains for anything resembling a Buddy. So far all he had found was a sheep child and some glowing dude. Neither of them seemed like Buddies so his attention wasn't exactly focused wholly on them. "Just got here... looking through the low poly grass for some decently leveled spawns" replied the dragonkin mage like that explained anything. Hopefully coming to the fields was a good call. The monsters in early grassy areas tended not to be anything too special. Izuru's plan of finding a good one and investing his time in buffing it up with a healthy amount of sacrifices was obviously the best strat if he wanted to reach endgame.

Technically this was all just an elaborate experiment to see how Buddies behaved once people tried catching them but Izuru had played enough Pocketmonz to know how these situations panned out. He and his little creature would eventually have to go battle four random turbo virgins with much more powerful creatures. Finding some more tall grass to rummage around in for a Buddy. Izuru pointed out to Mike and Sheep about the places he had already checked.

1: Look for Buddy

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