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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As the little black cats paws sunk into the sand, and she made her way around all the grandiose sandcastles; a small white creature followed her from behind. It hid behind the sandy walls and seemed to take pleasure in hiding from the little cat. Until it finally jumped out, as if to suggest it wanted to play. "Brrrrwwwiii"

(Throw a ball, or bait, or a rock! Or run! Don't forget to throw 1 10 faced dice.)
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Izuru wandered the fields and greeted Michael, a small white creature drifted across a gentle breeze, floating beside him. It spiraled above him for a moment, seeming to almost lazily swim through the air.
(Throw a ball or bair or a ball! Or Run! Don't forget to throw the 1 10 sided Dice to see if you catch it!)
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

As Lauren looked around for a buddy to capture the sudden movement of red and orange in her peripheral put her on alert, whipping out a ball and looking to where it had went to catch a better view of it. It looked something akin to a monkey with two tails with flames flickering on the tips, its red fur reminding her of a red panda. She stood still as it hopped around, waiting until it was closer to throw a buddy ball at it in an attempt to capture it.

Actions: Threw a ball to catch a buddy

Moonberry Moonberry
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

"Found you, ya little shit" whispered Izuru while scrunching up his face. Gripping his leek very tightly and watching the little fluffy dragon like a hawk. The dragonkin began running the numbers in his head over how he would catch it. He had a one in ten chance of catching this thing. No idea where he got such an exact number from but it seemed right. Shifting from side to side rapidly like he was attempting to do some kind of exploit. Izuru whipped out his Buddy Ball and pointed at it with the leek before pointing at the Dragon Buddy.

"Get in the ball fucker"

.Throw Buddy Ball

Michael listened attentively as Izuru shared his approach to finding and capturing Buddies in the fields. Michael scanned the area, noting the spots Izuru pointed out as already searched.

When a small, white creature appeared, floating through the air with a grace, Michael observed Izuru's immediate reaction. He watched as Izuru calculated his chances, a determined focus taking over his expression. Michael couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement for Izuru's methodical yet passionate approach to capturing the Buddy.

As Izuru prepared to throw his Buddy Ball, Michael stepped back slightly, giving him space while keeping an interested eye on the unfolding scene. "That's an interesting technique," Michael commented, his voice carrying a hint of encouragement. "I'm still looking for my own Buddy to catch. Watching you, I'm thinking strategy might be as important as luck in this. Any advice on what to look out for in a potential Buddy? Also, I could help but note you were saying some interesting things earlier. Where you from?"

Michael's stance was relaxed but attentive, his hands casually resting in the pockets of his long coat. He was genuinely interested in finding a Buddy that resonated with him, but could patiently wait.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry
actions: looking for buddy in grassy field
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry

Surprised to see the little rock buddy that had appeared, she thought it was rather cute and wasn't entirely expecting it to be so.
"Aww, you're such a sweet cute little thing, I could just pick you up and hug and love you and~- ah! What're you doing, d-don't bite me!" Squink delighted in the cute little buddy before it had came towards her as if it were angry, not entirely sure what the little buddy would exactly do if it got its tiny, stubby hands on her. Although it was cute, this wasn't seemingly a very kind buddy and may not have been the one for her, but at least she'd maybe try to catch it so she got at least one. Considering she was given ten balls, it felt like it might be harder than expected.

"Okay little guy, into the ball you go, please?" she chimed as she pressed the button on a ball to ready it.

Marcus Banecroft
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry


But why me?

He looked towards the letter in search of answers, standing like a statue amid the marketplace with a wrapped spear held amid the ground. His fully armored kit hid the inner machinations of his mind, as he wondered as to why he could possibly be invited to such an event. In truth, he'd....never really been invited to anything before. He looked over the letter. Front and back. Then he reread it, just to make sure he understood it all. And then recounted the details, searing it into his memory.

Then he raised the letter up above his head, looking straight up into the sky. The paper was held in such a way, as shield from the sun.

Must be the fates.

The man needed hardly another reason -- simply taking it as a sign from forces far beyond him.

Professor Blanchard's Laboratory




The shuffling of heavy armor accompanied wherever he went, having a rhythm synonymous to a march which came to a halt as he joined the group. Even turning his head seemed to make noise, as he looked around the new environment. His beastial helmet concealed his facial expression, but even a layman could tell he was probably curious as he took in the professor's various magitech devices. Soon however, his attention turned to the man of the hour, as he gave his briefing.

The Doctor paused mid-brief for dramatic effect. And Marcus peered slightly to his left and right, as if searching for how he was supposed to react....before then diligently staring on for the rest of the meeting. At least until it was time to go somewhere else.

But where?

Soon he was somewhere much larger than the building let on. In the face of utter confusion, Marcus looked to the professor as he explained this was a pocket dimension. He took for himself the mental necessities of where he was, the task at hand and the relevant resources. Buddy Balls. Bait. Map. It seemed that rather than a hunt or an extermination -- he was tasked with capturing these creatures and bringing them here.

It had been some time, since he had a task anything like this. But he made no noise of complaint. Quite the contrary. It seemed almost peaceful compared to what he was normally doing....but he quickly discarded the thought.

I must stay on guard.

He looked at the map, seeking to see the different zones for himself.

The Volcanic area seemed unpleasant, and there was enough soot blackening his armor as is. The mesa zone was undesirable for similar reasons. The tundra was preferable to the other two but less than ideal. The field was welcome but familiar. And finally was the beach. Somewhere...he has never really been. He would endure all manner of turmoil but today it seemed he had a choice in which option he was to take.

Beach it is.

For a brief moment, he inspected one ball...before stuffing it into a sack made from his tarp and tied in a neat knot on his person. And he would keep one ball at his side at all times, just in case he caught sight of one such creature.

Once he made sure he had everything he needed, he set off for the beach. He used the long, armor-piercing spear he held akin to a normal walking staff. A makeshift pouch of balls at his hips. His armor clattered with a constant, disciplined cadence and a trail of deep footprints pointed to wherever he so went.

The seashore awaits.

Actions: Walk to Beach.

INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • and the results…

    After spotting the Metal Buddy, Griffin was a little excited but decided not to show it to the best of his abilities. The thing looks kind of like a baby robotic rhino. Were all these little creatures so cute? He decided to attempt a friendly meet-up. Maybe the game of throw and toss was scary? He could imagine if these were actual babies. However, due to his previous failures, he decided to take out the bait. That was what this was for, right? He took it out and then got on one knee, placing the bait in front of the metal buddy.

    Attempt to catch metal Buddyw with bait.

♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Michael watched Izuru and asked for his advice, another of the soft white fluffy creatures drifted in with the spring breeze. This one twisted and did it's own loop de loops. It made a spiral around Michales head, letting out a soft purring noise. Perhaps akin to a cat, or maybe a small Pidgeon.

(Throw your ball bait, or a rock! Or run away! Don't forget the 10 sided dice! )
Novama Novama
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Interactions: II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

“Nice to meet you, Lauren, you may call me El-Melloi.” The teen magus responded in kind, watching her curiously with his crimson eyes. Upon her confirmation to be in the same endeavor as him, he nodded thoughtfully, sparing a glance towards his Servant as if trying to signal that Saber could relax slightly, but doubting that her nature would allow that. “I see, so your choice in coming here was really pragmatic. I myself am interested in seeing if I can find one of the metallic creatures. Metal is my specialty, after all.” He added. While any buddy would be welcome, he did have a preference in mind. Maybe he would be able to shift the creature using his own magecraft.

“I accept your invitation, let’s see which of these creatures we might find.” Keeping his small smile, he would begin to follow Lauren and she walked. Whoever, he would come to a full stop as a little flaming creature, resembling a monkey, would begin to jump and hop around. It appeared that Lauren had found her mark. “Seems like you have found one. The first one I tried to find was simply too quick for me to catch it. Good luck on capturing it.” The young magus said in earnest, watching her attempt to get the creature, while he began his own search after one of them.

Saber Alter observed the interaction closely, remaining alert for any sign of threat or subterfuge from the newly encountered Lauren. Though she appeared cooperative for now, Saber Alter did not let down her guard so easily. One could never be too cautious in an unpredictable realm such as this.

As the two arranged to travel together in search of creatures to capture, Saber Alter maintained her position at Adelhein's side. Her imposing figure provided a silent, watchful protection as they followed Lauren through the fiery terrain.

When Lauren spotted her first target, Saber Alter remained still, observing calmly but readied to act if the situation turned dangerous. She said nothing, leaving the capture attempt to the others as her role was focused on defense, not participation in the objective.

Hearing Adelhein's encouragement to Lauren, Saber Alter turned her head slightly to acknowledge her Master, though her eyes never fully left the unfolding scene. Only when Lauren had succeeded or failed in her attempt would Saber Alter's attention shift elsewhere, continuing her vigilant surveillance of the area as Adelhein began his own search.

Cooperation for now was permitted, but this stranger had not yet gained Saber Alter's trust. Only time and continued evidence of harmless intent would begin to wear away at her wariness in unfamiliar surroundings such as this. For the safety of her Master, caution was key.


1 - Search for buddy


Michael's attention shifted to the soft, white fluffy creature as it danced around his head. The gentle purring noise it emitted was calming, drawing a rare, soft smile from him. He reached up slowly, attempting not to startle it, his movements deliberate yet filled with a sense of wonder. The creature's proximity and its curious behavior suggested it might be considering him as much as he was considering it.

"This must be one of the Buddies," Michael murmured, his voice low and filled with fascination. His neon blue eyes followed every loop and spiral the creature made, trying to understand its movements and the possible meanings behind them. "You seem to have a knack for finding interesting friends," he commented, half to Izuru, half to himself.

Michael then focused back on the creature, considering Izuru's previous actions and his own instinct on how to proceed. "Seems like you're quite taken with me, aren't you?" he whispered to the Buddy, extending his hand a little closer, inviting the creature to interact more directly.

Remembering Izuru's method, Michael cautiously reached for one of his own Buddy Balls, holding it gently in his other hand, not yet aiming it at the creature but ready to use it if the moment felt right. "I wonder if you'd like to come with me? We could explore this place together," he said softly to the Buddy, his approach gentle, aiming to build trust before he ultimately toss a buddy ball at it to try capturing it.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile
actions: trying to catch a wind buddy normal
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • and the results…

    well the metal buddy didn’t flee. But he didn’t exactly catch either, Griffin did wonder how long the little robot looking monster would stay here, he took out a Buddy Ball. He wasn’t going to toss it perhaps hoping to not risk scaring it off. He carefully took one out and pressed the button opting to give it a weak toss in hopes that it would catch the metal buddy.


    Attempt to catch metal Buddy with buddy ball after using bait.


Michael watched as his first Buddy Ball attempt failed to capture the wind Buddy, the sphere bouncing off gently. He observed the creature's reaction closely, noting its continued playful movements around him. It seemed unfazed, still curious, or perhaps even more intrigued by his attempt.

Taking a moment to recalibrate, Michael took another deep breath, his focus sharpened by the initial failure. "Let's try this again," he murmured to himself, his neon blue eyes following the creature's dance through the air. This time, he aimed to time his throw with the creature's loop, hoping to align with its movement rather than disrupt it.

With a gentle yet firm toss, Michael released the second Buddy Ball, watching it sail through the air towards the wind Buddy. His approach was more in tune with the creature's rhythm, hoping this attempt would be more successful in inviting the Buddy to join him on his journey.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile
actions: trying to catch a wind buddy normal

9/10 balls
1/1 bait
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter
Once more, Adelhein’s attempts were met with failure. He could only get a glimpse of the creature, through the corner of his eyes, not even being able to register how they looked like or their shape before it simply vanished. Still, he wasn’t one to lose his patience so easily. Patience was key back when he was a student in The Clocktower, and he had been thoroughly tempered with their teachings. With that, the young magus would try once more, searching for one of these little creatures.


1 - Search for buddy

With the wind Buddy now securely within the Buddy Ball, Michael felt a surge of accomplishment and visibly beamed, his body's tattoos glowing briefly. His first Buddy captured, he pocketed the sphere with a sense of newfound confidence. Eager to expand his companions, he immediately scanned the grassy fields for another potential Buddy. The success bolstered his determination, and he moved through the meadow with careful steps, his glowing eyes alert for any signs of movement or the distinctive presence of another creature to befriend and capture.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile Moonberry Moonberry
actions: looking for a new buddy

8/10 balls
1/1 bait
1 wind buddy

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

In all his wandering through-out the world (which was a lot), he'd never ended up in such a peculiar situation. Considering this was research on the topic of coexistence, he felt inclined to help. Considering he was a natural [Fetcher] and [Shepherd], collecting a flock of odd creatures was an alluring thought.

Although the situation was a tad bit complex, at its core it seemed simple enough. Wander around, find a creature, throw an orb at it. That should work out well enough.

[Shepherd] - Character has guided those of bestial natures or stupid minds to better paths and pastures. Character will be more likely to gain recognition as being wise but will also garner no shortage of problem creatures to his side.

[Fetcher] - One way or another this character has ended up on taking at least one task involving retrieving or fetching an item. Fully embracing their dog-like features.

With that out of the day, he'd take his 10 balls and 1 bait. Resiting the urge to follow someone else in order to play Fetch with the balls they'd be throwing around, he went his own way and [Travelled] to the [Beach Zone], as the light, the gentle breeze and the calm waters seemed to call out to him.

Actions: – Travelling to [Beach Zone]
Balls: 10/10
Bait: 1/1
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Saber kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings, she was able to spot a creature poking its head around a large mound of basalt. As soon as it realized she'd spotted it, crept out, blowing out a long tooting note through its mouth.

(throw a ball or bait or a rock. Or run! Don't forget the dice!)
Maxxob Maxxob

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Having arrived at the beach, he figured it was time to [Fetch] some of the good stuff. That said, he'd need to spot a creature first. He wondered where he'd have to look if he wanted a [Light] based creature. After all, he'd be inclined to look at the sun, but his eyes wouldn't like that. In the end, he just looked around in general and hoped for the best.

Actions: – Searching for a Buddy (Beach Zone)
Balls: 10/10
Bait: 1/1
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Michael successfully caught his first buddy, another creature blew past. This one landing directly on his head for a minute. It popped its head down to look at Michael for a moment, hanging upside down. One blink, two blinks. Then it pushed off his head and started to drift along the breeze again.

(Throw a ball or Bait, or run! Don't forget the dice !)
Novama Novama
♫ A Wild Buddy Appears ♫


As Ceylan maneuvered around the many extravagant sandcastles that littered the shore, a small creature with white feathery fluff and fur came diving in on a breeze that carried a large wave in. It dove straight into a sandcastle, making it explode with a loud "PHSWHA" sound. A few long seconds after the impact, the little creature poked its head up above the sand and looked up to Ceylan. "Fhrwii?"

(Throw a ball or bait or a rock. Or Run! Don't forget to throw the 10 sided dice!)
Elvario Elvario
INTERACTIONS: Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy

  • and the results…

    Griffin would attempt to toss another Buddy Ball at it. Hoping it would catch the Metal Buddy this time. It may not be earth but it still seemed like it would be a good adventuring companion.


    Attempt to catch metal Buddy with buddy ball after using bait.( 7 balls left)


Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

“Woof?” He replied on instinct, upon the odd creature making some sort of noise at him. He'd watched the great destruction of Sandcastle Avenue #145 with a mixture of intrigue and excitement, his tail in a gentle wag, as he suddenly recalled what he was here for. Taking out one of those Buddy Balls, he gave it his best shot trying to throw at the creature. All in all, he was definitely more of a [Fetcher] than a thrower, so he hoped this would work. “Don't worry, I'll take good care of you.” He promised the creature.

Actions: – 3. Catching a Buddy: Attempt to catch a buddy using the provided items.
Balls: 9/10
Bait: 1/1

Michael felt the light touch of another creature landing on his head, its curious gaze meeting his as it peeked at him upside down. He remained still, not wanting to startle it, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at the creature's boldness. After it pushed off and started to drift away, Michael's smile widened slightly in amusement and wonder. "You're quite the explorer, aren't you?" he said softly, watching the creature drift on the breeze. Motivated by this unexpected encounter, he prepared another Buddy Ball, ready to attempt capturing this new, adventurous Buddy.

mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia @SoftSmile
actions: catching a wind buddy

8/10 balls
1/1 bait
1 wind buddy
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Sighing as the capturing failed, she noticed Griffin had managed to be successful in catching one of the wild buddies and clapping gently a little for him. The little Metal element creature he had caught was rather cute, one which she in fact admired quite a lot more than the first Earthen buddies that had made appearance.
"Congratulations, m-maybe I'll be able to actually catch one thing today too... " she laughed nervously as she had glanced at the buddy she failed to catch. If there were more options around, then perhaps she should take a gander for something that was more keen to her interest if she was only going to be able to catch one thing today, plus she wasn't a fan of the first greeting she got from the little rocky guys. Taking a look around, she hoped to find some other cute creature to try and make a target of, perhaps she'd have to attempt going somewhere else if her efforts in the Mesa didn't prove much luck.

Search for a Buddy. (In Mesa Zone, Currently 9 balls, 1 bait)​

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