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Fandom Anything, forever accepting

Dragon looked down and watched the others tumbled down. His flip belt kept him standing on thin air as he tried to figure out where he was.

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Sayan shivered and looks around the tunnel he was now in. He pulls out his sword and slices at the wall. Sparks cascade off the wall. "Give me back my friends!!" He cuts at the wall some more, but only makes scratch marks. "Okay, be calm," he starts down the tunnel, slices the walls along the way. if his friends managed to find the slice marks, they might be led back to him. Maybe he'd even tick off the Sentinels.

Meanwhile, a tunnel opens on the far side of the oubliet, it's lit with a soft glow. Behind then, the cute opens out so there's a dark tunnel behind them.
Black Dragon looked at the slowly distorting area around him and decided he had had enought of this place. He drew out a Sphere of brass that was covered in weird runes and twisted the top before dropping the thing. When it hit the ground a massive blast of reality spread out like a force wave. Reality seemed to realign around Dragon as he suddenly was on solid ground, looking down a continuing tunnel with no end in sight.
Dragon picked up the metal orb as its runes recharged and started walking down the tunnel. He knew it was only temporary but it might get him to whoever he was supposed to find faster. Since his Flip Belt gave him zero gravity he took a single blast of his jetpack to get him at maximum speed. He occasionally would kick off of a wall or the roof or ground if he came too close but moved faster then a car would on a freeway. If anyone in this plane knew what those even where.
Suddenly, a thousand men shaped figures fill the rift and the world's reality shatters the tunnel, leaving Black dragon in oppressive darkness. The figures line the walls, since Dragon had seen them once, he'd always be able to see them. They whisper together the same few lines over and over again. If translated it would be 'The sun protects you, the moon does not, upon the height of Luna full, you shall burn in the silver light of our goddesses, our goddesses, our goddesses.'
Swearing in languages that where old when the moon was born Dragon pulls out a dimensional cascade device. Upon firing the weapon started to draw all magic into its muzzle and use it to overcharge his Anti Magic generator. To further ground reality he set off another Logic Bomb, cementing the reality around him back to Earth. Dragon shouted " I was chosen to find you because of this! Orestes knew that you wouldn't leave reality alone! We are slowly gaining memories and skills from the other versions of us! And we are trying to keep the alternate versions of us away. Do you not understand what is happening? "
'The maze was born to protect our goddess. Respect her maze, or perish as thousands before you have." half of the Sentinels point one way, the other half, the other, and two tunnels open. "One leads to the dragons, the other, the young halfling."
" I care not for the Draconics. I search for your supposed Goddess on orders from the Daemon, Of your precious Moon. The Draconics are here merely because of the Half Dragon, To show me the entrance. I need to find your Goddess to stop a apocalypse! Do you know that word? Maybe Ragnarok? Armageddon? The Cataclysm? Total Annihilation? Demonic armies that are unkillable striding these grounds after me? Any of these getting through your thick skulls?" Dragon barked in agitation. He stowed his Cascade and his reality slicing arm blades extended.
Rising into the air Dragon suddenly flew down the tunnels at ungodly speeds, Now simply shattering chunks of wall to keep a strait line at where he could see the body heat of what must be the child. Ramming through a wall to avoid a nearly half mile diversion he landed next to the small Dragonling. Looking at the small child he quickly explained what the shadows had said while looking for anything the would match the description with a multi-spectrum scanner. (The scanner.)

"A dying colt?" Sayan shakes his head and starts searching the tunnels for a dying colt. Eventually, he spots a young colt, not dying, but without his mother he would soon. he heads to the colt and helps the thing up. "Follow me okay?" He leads the colt forward down the tunnel. "Maybe I can keep him, since his mother isn't around."
" This is what the Damnable shadows meant? A lone infant horse? How is that a Dying horse? It bears no injuries." Sighing a sight that echoed around in his boots Black Dragon looked around the area they where in. It looked to be a circular chamber that had tunnels opening up like clockwork at intervals around them.
"Without his mother he'll die. A colt lost in here is a colt left for death. See how skinny he is. he's close to death as it is, and now he's spooked so be quiet for a minute. If Daemon's friend doesn't already know we're here, she does now." Sayan pets the colt. he mulls over Dragon's words. The Shadows said he was a halfling . . . is that why his wings didn't work. "Say, Dragon, the shadows didn't say what my other half was, did they?"
" No but Orestes thought you to be half Human or Elvish. Depending on weather your father or mother was a dragon you might have been in egg form for thousands of years. The eggs of a true dragon take a long time to hatch if they are under care of a dragon. Ones that are not attended tend to just stay the same until they are hatched. For all we know you might even be Illariate, The race that all of us Curst Armor. I really do hope that whoever we are looking for shows up soon. I must speak with her."
"So must I, now, what if she knows who my parents are." Sayan follows the tunnel as it spirals downward for a quarter mile before it opens up in a cavern. A pocket with gem encrusted walls, a film of the purest water Saya had ever seen lays across the floor, two people stand there. An elf looking male with silver hair and silver blue eyes, and a girl with long black hair and red eyes. The bandages she wore seemed to make up most of her outfit, except for the over large purple shirt that seemed to only be held up by the fabric around her shoulders, but not over them.

"You're right you know," she giggles and winks at the boy. "I do know who your parents are, but I'm not allowed to tell you." She looks at Dragon and glowers at him, her mood changing in a heartbeat. "You killed no less than ten of my Sentinels in your mad dash through my precious walls. Do you know how long it will take to create new ones? I don't think you do. It takes ten hundred thousand years to make just one!! I don't have time enough for that!!" She crossed her arms and stamped her foot. "Good luck getting any information out of me."
Dragon mindlessly followed the youngling as he thought and fought with the memories that ran through his head as he saw what another version of him was doing. Something about fighting a reality bending girl that wanted to freeze them in time. Looking up he saw the pair at the water. Looking at the girl he relised this was the girl another version of himself had fought or was fighting. Speaking strait into her mind he simply showed her what he had seen and what other Curst had seen recently. He did this to avoid lies and also to keep the kid and the Elf from overhearing what was happening.
Diana transferred the data to Sinju, he remembered everything she couldn't. it also kept him in the loop. "So what do you want? I can't remember everything you know?"
Sinju looks at Sayan, the one Daemon insisted was important. He spoke to Daemon briefly about him, seems Daemon is not the only one looking after the boy, and though Diana didn't know it yet, her knowledge of the boy's parents, would soon have her keeping a close watch on him. Like her, Sinju also spent time in many places at once, though not as many as she, but he was in enough places to know the future, most of the future anyway. Though, there were so many possibilities.
" The worlds are coming closer together and we are starting to gaining the memories of those we are mirrors of. We have seen worlds burning and embroiled in massive wars to stop those of our kind but evil and chaotic. Daemon insisted i tell you." Dragon whispered into the girls mind.
Dianan thought about it, "You're sure it doesn't have something to do with the ancient monsters waking from the depths of the banished realms? The worlds being closer, yeah, that's a problem, my mind is reeling. Too many memories i have that I'm not supposed to, I shouldn't be able to see the other me's in the worlds. Listen, the first thing that needs to be done is those monsters waking up. They're most likely causing the bulk of the disturbance. And those reality bombs you keep ruining my maze with, also has something to do with it, so stop it. You create a lot of flux between realities doing stuff like that. If those bombs make tunnels in just the right directions. a new world will slip into ours, and who knows what that'll do." She waves her hand in the air, stirring it. "Tell the dragons to take the halfling with them when they go to take on the banished monsters. Ooh, Lilly too, don't tell Daemon she going. One of you should go too, but one that doesn't block out magic. Hmm, what else, Sinju, am i missing anything, I really hope not."
"The dragons should take Sayan to the doctor they told him about. He won't be able to fix his wings, but with some time the muscles may be able to lift him. A strength tonic should help with that." Sinju says.
Kai'zen and Syphelia were walking through the maze Kai'zen not rushing his senses were keen andhe picked up the conversation being had. They stepped out of the tunnel a serious look on Kai'zen's face for once "THEY don't have to tell me anything YOU on the other hand have some explaining to do." Syphelia wrapped her wings sround Sayan with surprising warmth and speaking softly "Are you alright?" Kai'zen looked at the gathering and sat down a chair of stone rising to meet him by his will. "Seems safe enough, so were fighting the abyss beasts then, you do know how incredibly dangerous that is on our side and theirs?" An image flashed in his mind and he winced having two layers of vision, one had his reality and other seemed to be his aswell except he was in his dragon form ad was facing the...red armor? The monstrous face before him could not be the helm of the red armor, it didn't make sense. Or did it he thought figuring out different possibilities his vision faded replaced by knowledge he didn't have before. "Ok scratch that we really have a problem here, so how do we fix it?"

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"I already said," Diana said, rolling her eyes, "wait," she looks at Sinju, "I did, didn't I? THe worlds aren't that messed up yet. Yeah, I said it already. Don't cross the tunnels, kill the ancient monsters. Dragons, halfing, Lilly, curst . . . that tonic thing Sinju was talking about, I think that just about covers it." Diana smiles and waves, "bye now, I have to go to another time. Don't fail, or I'll know. Oh, and tell Daemon hi for me." She disappears.
" Well she was anything but helpful. Orestes thinks we have maybe three days or so before at least a one of the Curst burst through into our reality. I have seen what the armours are doing in alternate realities. In one of them i believe Koroland might have killed one of you two." dragon said. Shifting his stance he looked out into the caves. A seeming strait cave looked to go strait out. He sighted as he looked at it. If only he knew the entrance.

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