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Kai'zen shook, the feeling of his normal body so refreshing yet weird it made him tremor. Syphelia walked around to Kai'zen's other side where she transformed in a miniature blizzard until her head rose over the twister and it died out revealing her shimmering scales, although she felt the same odd sensation as Kai'zen did she resisted the urge toshake knowing that there was a lot less space now and that she would probably damage something. Kai'zen stepped over giving Syphelia more room before turning his head to Lilly, his voice ringing in her head "I though you said this city was safe for dragon, why would we be shot at?" He lowered his head to allow her and Sayan to hop on if they wished.

(Sorry for thew extended poofery, had a three week camping trip that I had to prepare for and in all the madness I couldn't alert you and any of my other rp friends)
(No worries, my thread wasn't deactivated so i don't mind)

"yeah, in town," Lilly mutters and then motions to her less than equip to climb casts. "I'll need to be helped up." Sayan jump flies up and then reaches down for Lilly's kitty carrier, she passes it up, and then he reaches down to help Lilly herself up. With a simple spell of being as light as a feather on Lilly's part, Sayan pulls her up with no difficulty and she settles with the same 0 weight on Kai'zen's back. She holds her kitty carrier on her lap.
Orestes meditated quietly as waited for the dragons. Koroland sat inpatiently as he sharpened his ax, waiting. Their pet disc waited for them to send it out, also impatiently, randomly lighting the pair of armors feet aflame.
Kai'zen nods, "Alright then, let's be off." Both dragons raised their wings and leaped into the air lifting off easily and gaining speed rapidly, turning the city into a small speck behind them. "We'll be cruising soon, you may want a spell that will make it easier to breathe for you." Syphelia flew point making it easier for Kai'zen to coast on her wake. Kai'zen spread his wing a bit more and gained altitude letting out a bellow. On the horizon a spike could be seen hanging from some clouds. Kai'zen and Syphelia rose above the clouds to reveal the grand palace before them though still small it was steadily growing. "it looks closer than it is due to it's size but we're still pretty far." said Syphelia flying next to them while still facing front a bright blue eye locked on them.

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When the Dragons flew out the Disc took off after them, Wildly spinning its blades around it. It flew next to Kai'zen, before flipping, trying to throw the riders. Gravity seemed to not affect the riders due to a enchantment to deal with just that. " You think we breath? How quaint "
Kai'zen rolled his eyes and let jet of blue flame out of the corner of his mother the armor's slide comment. "Are you always so sarcastic?"

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" You have clearly never met Orestes. He is the most sarcastic person you will ever meet. " Koroland said. He hadn't even looked up as he worked on his individual blade edges.
Kai'zen refocused on the growing palace grunting, "You'll just love my sister then."

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"It's so pretty up here, is it really fun to fly?" Sayan asks, looking at the clouds and ground. He wished he wasn't riding, but his wings wouldn't be able to keep him up here. They'd tire half way to the ground if he fell from this height. He pulled his wings in tight to his body so he didn't catch any air in his wings. He didn't want to fall, and he didn't want to be the cause of Lilly falling either.

"I tried giving broom lessons but you thought it was too silly." Lilly says, smiling at the boy.

"It must be the dragon genes," Sayan giggles, "The idea of flying on a broom stick is just too funny."

"Sure, but it's the closest to flying as a human can get. Daemon used to fly on brooms until he got too heavy and too old for it. He'd need a specialized riding broom if he were to try flying again."
Syphelia nodded, "It's fun if you stay within your limits, or if it's an short to intermediate flight if it's a long one though then it can get tiring." Kai'zen nodded his agreement then chimed in, "Of course there are ways to fly longer distances withn ease, like coasting the way we are now, there's also a nice updraft that we generate near our cities for young dragons to learn to fly, it's quite fly to coast around almost like the water dragons and their "Surfing"
"I like the idea of flying, but I can't." Sayan reaches out a touches a cloud. He couldn't remember a time when he felt free.

"You can and you will, have more confidence," Lilly says, touching Traveler's nose with her finger.
" Flying is merely about channeling the right magic or using the right summons. While whenever we know of journey we use these Discs we all can cast powerful flight magic, or teleport, or even both. Black Dragon even has a machine built into him to let him fly. thought i prefer summoning magic. " Orestes said. His meditative state had allowed him to slowly focus and he had random half seen magic runes floating around him, His defensive spells rechecking themselves.
"But dragons are born to fly, to be able to fly without using extra magic. i'm not a very good spell user, and I can't summon anything. i've even tried riding a broom but the air catches my wings and i'm pushed off. I don't think I'm meant to fly." Sayan says.
" Summon magic is hard. It took me four thousand years to master it. It was not really very hard when you learn it. I, for instance, can summon a Elemental creature for any occasion. Even a Daemonic creature for anything i need. " He spoke quietly.
"I don't have a thousand years to learn," Sayan says, being only half dragon, he probably only had a slightly extended human life. he might even look young for most of his life, but he doubted very much a thousand years.
"I can't speak for other beings, but for dragons flying is a part of our nature, it's easier for us to learn the same way it's easy for birds to learn. And don't worry there are ways to teach halfbreeds flight it just takes a bit longer." Kai'zen nodded a bit as he said this and Syphelia grinned, "You'll see there are halfbreeds all over the palaces training ground."

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" You Draconics rely too much on what Nature gives you instead of what you can make with your power. Koroland hates magic and yet can use combat abilities far beyond a dragon's " Orestes felt the need to point out, for that was his primary observation of Draconics.
Ma'am looked out of the corner of his eye at the armor. "And look where that got you, to gain great power is to succumb to it needing e be n greater power to return to what nature gave you. Also we dragons don't just rely on our Nature otherwise we would still be in vast cave systems, we've advanced learning things far beyond understanding, we just use what we must and only that, if I went around using my full strength on everything there would destruction abundant leaving the world in ruin. Syphelia alone can freeze continents, believe me it wouldn't be pretty."

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"And all I can do is make some funky little swirl," Sayan says, making the mini whirl in his palm.

"Dark dust, rainbow dust, sparkly dust, maybe you're a dust dragon," Lilly says and Sayan giggles.

"Yeah sure, I'll turn the world into a sparkly dessert," he giggles harder.
Kai'zen laughed, "That on the other hand, would be very pretty." He turned his attention to the city as a small swarm of dragons rose from the military base and turned towards, them. "Don't worry we're in no danger they are just coming to escort us, oh and Sayan don't worry if you get odd looks, we all will. Isvraiyei doesn't get many visitors and I haven't been there in a while, Lilly will be the first human to ever set foot there as will the armors be the first of their kind."
"I'm honored," Lilly says, "Has Daemon been here before. I wouldn't be surprised if he had. he's been everywhere practically. Plus, I'm pretty sure he had a dragon girlfriend once upon a time."
" Do you know what would happen if we tried to destroy the world instead of defend it? We cannot die, We cannot be killed and have prefected the arts of war we specialize in. To wage war on the Legion would be suicide. Orestes could create a virus that would fuse organic with inorganic." Koroland snapped, annoyed at the seeming arrogance of the dragon he dealt with.
(Why is this thread a "Fandom"?)

Lilly sighs and steps into sarcastic annoyed mode, "Okay girls, we get it, you two are sooooo much better than us mere mortals. You can stop rubbing it in now. I'm soooo sorry us mortals don't have the life span or mind capacity for such devistating world prowess as you guys do." Mode change, "Now if you two don't mind, Koroland, shut up, or I'm tellign Daemon you're being rude, Kai'zen, we're honored, really, but you two getting in a fight over who has the bigger stick, this journey will take a very unpleasant turn for the worse."

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