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Azazell, nodded her head as she processed what had been said. "With that said, we have to come up with an effective and feasible plan. Kai'zen, little brother, how much has your magic improved?" Kai'zen rolled his eyes, "My magic has grown exponentially, but I don't really use it....Wait are you going to throw me into using another master level spell? Syphelia shivered then looked around at the others stating quite bluntly, "For those of you who weren't with us that century, that is what caused the great desert, you know, the one that dominates half a continent." Kai'zen shifted in his seat, "Well let's continue the discussion. Since these two seem to be agitating the rift is there any Wu we can dampen their aura. You know, pop a couple hundred sealing and restraining spells. Any thoughts."

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" We are made of restraining and binding spells. Our souls are permanently bound to this form with spells beyond what you can imagine, equal or greater then the spell that made that desert. I know of your spells, for i am probably the best magic user left on this planet. I have spent millennia uncounted studying spellcraft. " Orestes said. He did not lie as the very essence of the a Son was magic and the toughest material that the worlds had.
Lilly and Sayan glance at each other. "nothing like listening to a bunch of old beings talk about magic."

"I must agree, I feel rather insignificant."

Lilly and Sayan were whispering, this next voice has no care in the world if she was heard, and actually used a loud enough voice to make sure she was. "Wow, you people have no sense of boundaries do you? Yeah dragons are tough and beautiful and nearly immortal, sure you tech things are cool and magic and truly immortal, but honestly you've got a human and a half human here in your mists, at least remember your manners. no bragging in front of the mortals." Diana, a younger seemingly prettier version of herself, hangs upside down as if she were hanging by her knees from monkey bars. She flips off the monkey bars and lands on the table. This version of Diana wears a version of robin hood's clothes, and she has a gorgeous giant white oak long bow across her back. no obvious quiver of arrows. Slayer bow, can kill anything, even the metal men.

Clothes (pants pulled all the way down) http://static.bia2.com/review/nk4.jpg

The bow is about this size http://i51.tinypic.com/14bojzl.jpg 28 inches (about 2 foot 3 inchs) and Diana looks to be about 7-9 years old right now. She's about 4 foot 4 inches.
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The mention of the word old seemed to hit a sore spot on Kai'zen's older sister but she seemed to bite back her anger, as the woman dropped from the ceiling her face went from showing emotion to a deadpan expression which came with a no nonsense attitude. "The child's insults are nothing, but our palace is not a playground please refrain from treating it as such. Ah but typical rules don't apply to a being such as yourself, am I correct." Kai'zen's face turned to one of confusion when he saw the woman, he only just remembered to order the generals to stand down. At the appearance of the woman they had stood up quickly, magic of different elements blazing to life in their palms filling the room with different lights and auras. "Stand down, she's.....a friend? I seem to recognize you from somewhere. Also, we don't mean to brag actually that was their successful attempt at reminding me of my flaws. Humbling experience, but the fact that Lilly and Sayan haven't spoken is up to them they are welcome to contribute whenever they'd like. Though I would suggest taking off the hoods, we are all plenty odd enough that no on will stare at either of you." Syphelia nodded her head, "I seem to remember her fighting alongside us against the armory, but that has to be in the parallel world, so far they haven't caused any trouble and I doubt they would. Either way, what exactly is your name?"
"Oh, that's not me, that's later me," Diana says and hops off the table to stand by Sayan and Lilly. "I haven't done any of that yet, and I really hate spoilers. I'm here and I'm not supposed to, this isn't even my reality, I've never been in this world before. I can go to all worlds, but I never change realities, it's not supposed to happen. So, i'm going to help you all fix it. Starting with this, we need to find Sayan's dragon daddy," she says, sitting in midair, lotus style. Lilly's hood fell back when her head wrenched around to see the voice, she hasn't really noticed her hood since though. Sayan ducks his head at beings singled out. Diana pokes at Sayan, "They can't help if you doing show them. The Sayan i know isn't scared of anything."

"I'm not scared!" Sayan says, "And I'm not your Sayan, the Diana I know is older."

"Yeah, and a total scatter brain, her mind is looking every which way, she can't even focus without that other guy by her side. She'd misplace her brain without him. She's nothing like me, I can focus myself." She looks at him, "But you're right, I'm not being fair. My Sayan is older than you are."

"Does he know his parents?"

"no spoilers, if you want to find out then you ought to show big sister your face."
Kai'zen looked at Azazell as she gained a look of confusion and hope, it seemed odd but The silver dragon and his frosty companion knew the reason. They looked towards Diana as she spoke to Sayan and Kai'zen began to wonder something. "So what exactly are your versions of us all like?" "Is he just as incorrigible as he is here?" Syphelia chimed, "Pipe down you two, Sayan let us see what you have to show, otherwise it will be difficult to help you." Kai'zen looked at Sayan an encouraging smile on his face, Sayan was behaving similarly to when Kai'zen was first introduced to this table. It has been a long time since but he still remembered the feeling and his father clapping him on the back with pride afterwards. He hoped Sayan would become more comfortable here, but he felt that only proof of their tolerance would put him at ease.
Diana thought about it for a second, then points at Kai'zen, "You're ruling this city in the sky. Sephelia, you're general of his army. The suits are moon based and not sun based. Daemon is dead. Lilly is a high level cleric demon slayer." She points at Azazell, "I've never actually seen you before."

"What about me?" Sayan asks her.

"Well, you're more confident, and," she leans down and whispers soemthing to him.

"No possible way!" He says to her.

"Yes possible way, but you two were more in align age wise in my version."

"I got a chance though right?"

"First things first, ditch the hood and gain some confidence." Diana says and Sayan promptly dispels the cloak, hood and all.
Orestes seemed amused by the time warping presence. Koroland was merely annoyed at the presence of time travelers. Even when they died they refused to stay dead. He channeled his rage into his warp stone, distorting his magical presence.
"Hey! Stop that!" Diana says, her own presence distorting. "You're wigging me out! And every other version of yourself in every universe close to this one! If you guys don't stop doing stuff like that all the universes will collide with this one!! Gahh!" Her outfit shifts and the bow becomes a sword with the same sort of properties. She also ages to middle age. She looks battle scarred. She blinks, "Kai'zen? When did you come back alive? And so young too."
Kai'zen's eyes shifted to their true form when he felt the shift in magic he nearly shifted himself until he caught himself. When Diana changed he looked a bit confused, it only became worse after they heard something that made all the dragons in the room tremble, "Wait...me.....dead? How, better question why." Azazell looked worried and Syphelia looked at Diana, "What happened to you, one moment you're young and have a bow the next you are older and wield a blade. What has happened in your world?" Azazell nodded wondering the same thing, "If you have already fought and experienced this cataclysm, can you tell us what we may be up against more specifically who."
"The suits killed you in the last battle," Diana disappears and reappears near him, she pokes at his face. "You were ancient though. I never thought I'd see you this young again." She crosses her arms, then spots the suits and whips out her sword, "Koroland, Orestes."

"Whoa!" Sayan says, "Diana, they're nice, no killing them."

"Nice?! They've tricked you."

"No, you're in a different universe, Diana. Why do you think someone you thought was dead is alive?"

Diana lowers her sword, "That would make sense."

"Now, the cataclysm."

"What cataclysm?"

"This one, the parallel universes are going to collide."

She gives Sayan a confused look, "Parallel universes collide? That happened before I was born."

"Oh geez," Sayan says.
Koroland laughted hard as the others changed before suddenly distorting. His own image changed and he became even larger. He was suddenly over 20 feet tall and very wide. His form was clearly from some past untold. This was his form during the war the Horus had committed. Orestes was the only one that seemed unaffected by the time distortion, his own potent wards protecting him. He gazed around the room before asking " What fools am i surrounded by? I only know Orestes. These are Draconic fools, yet undecided of whether or not to aid us or resist us. "

" I am a General in a war, and have no time to deal with you. Where has Horus gone to? Where have i gone to? Girl you best answer before Gorehead steals your head. " Koroland said as he looked around, seemng lost. Orestes was busy carving a protective circle, one that bound the person in it to that location across plane boundaries.
"Horus has been dead for years!" Diana lowers her sword, "You aren't from my universe after all, I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or not." A ripple crosses the room and three Diana's end up in the room. THe sword one, the bow one, and then the one from earlier in the rp. They look at each other and then all sort of freak out at once.

"Paradox! Paradox!" Bow Diana dives behind the suits. Diana hide behind Azazel, and Sword Diana disappears behind Kai'zen.
Koroland raised a foot and looked at the girl hiding behind him. He looked at the other pair that had the same appearance. He growled and looked around. " What do you mean Horus is dead. He is a God in my world, literally unkillable. As am i at this point. Orestes, assuming that is you, seems to have shrunk and lost power. He and then a pair of our brethren where transformed into Gods upon the fall of the last city that opposed us. "
"Oh please, as if you suits could manage something evil," Bow Diana says. "Ted would never allow something like that to happen. He likes this planet, it's important to him."

"Wrong universe Diana," Sayan says to her.

"Oh right, oops, my bad."

"Our suits tend to be neutral good," Diana says.

"The ones I know are like him and try to kill everyone on this planet." Sword Diana says. "This is frustrating, I want to go home!"

"Stop being such a baby."

"If this weren't a problem I'd cut you into little bits."

"Both of you shut up already. I'm trying to fix this."
Orestes finished his spell and tossed out a orb that burst, isolating this dimension from the rest of the others. It would either summon every version of every person there, or it would restore the world to its normal way. His magic may have been improvised but he was one of the most powerful magic users to live, and there was a reason for that title.
The dragon generals all left at a wave of Kai's hand,"They all have more pressing duties." He looked at her a bit discombobulated, "Wait, like...visibly old??? Jeez I must've been a few millennia old for that, gods my dragon form must've been HUGE." He shifted more when the new Koroland and all the Diana's appeared feeling something pull on him just before the other versions of him popped into their reality. "What the hell?!" Their question went up and then came the Syphelias. One with a short skirt short hair and clothes that fit her form, the other that had bright ice blue armor and a permafrost great sword on her back and a serious expression on her face ( Like that's new) They all stood by their respective Kai'zen's and looked over the others. "Well that is interesting, but it is to be expected. Now all of you SIT DOWN." Azazell's voice was commanding and they all sat down one pair glaring at the armors.
Orestes started swearing in a tongue that was old when the world was young. His second action was to glare at the 7 versions of him that appeared. There where also a few version of Koroland now present. These various types of armor all had diffrent heights and weapons, with major variations in the suit. The only constant was that one was red the other blue. The Orestes all gathered together into a huddle and began channeling their magic into a concentrated orb of energy.
"Paradox!!" The Dianas shouted.

"We're in so much trouble right now," Bow Diana whimpered, "I can just sense the black hole ready to happen, the major catastrophe, the simultaneous deaths."

"Younger me, shut up," sword Diana says.

"She's not the younger you, she's another version of you."

"You can shut up too. Alright, fixing," sword Diana gets up and claps once and says something in another languages that sounds a lot like a curse.The origonals on this unvierse remain, but all the others return to their own universes.

Diana takes a seat by Lilly, "That could have been really bad. I say you all head out pronto dente, this can't happen again."
Kai'zen's looks at Diana after she has finished arguing with herself and pushing all the other versions of themselves out of their reality. "Agreed, but we still don't have a sure method of ending this crisis." Azazell looked at Kai'zen, "If you two are going to go you'd both better use Full Release, quit using all that low level magic." Kai'zen turned towards his sister a dark look in his eyes, "You know if I go full strength what could happen In my current state I am one step away from my silver body. Not everyone is meant to be a dark dragon." Azazell looked annoyed, "As fearful as you are of yourself we both know you need more experience in that form otherwise you'll never EVOLVE so quit being so whiny this is the perfect opportunity to strengthen yourself." Syphelia grabbed Kai'zen's arm as he rose out of his chair violently and cut him off. "Lady Azazell is right, regardless of your fears we have to do this. I'll be there with you so it'll go better alright?" Kai'zen's sighed exasperatedly and nodded, "Fine but I won't use that black sword." Azazell scoffed and shook her head, "We both know you will little brother, and when you all return You have a match with Zendravix the wind dragon." "What? Is he after my throne or is he still upset about Zylena." "Actually it seems like he just wants you dead.....kidding he wants a fair match to test his strength with yours, which I'm sure if he wins he'll THEN try to make a case to claim the throne. "Well I just won't let him win, even as a dark dragon I still have some skill and I'll work on them more as we end this crisis." He and Syphelia stand up. She looks at the others an abnormal look of kindness on her face, "Now you'll all see the real us come, we can finish the plan as we go the speed to fully release us is always active in the form of a rune on the floor of the armory, you know in case of emergency." She gestures to the door on the other side of the room where the generals exited from and take a few steps in the direction before pushing the door open, and holding it there.
( sorry was not home for some time )

Orestes flew inwards when he fused, but in that time they had shared what realities they came from. There where many good and many bad. There where also a few horrible ones and a single amazing one. He would wait to see how the others would take it when their own reality started to shape itself.
Sayan thought quietly to himself, then glanced at Lilly who was intently watching the dragons talk. He looked away quickly and thought instead about his wings. What kind of person with wings couldn't fly? "Wait," he said aloud, "What about the strength tonic thing Diana was talking about? Shouldn't we do that before we go?"

"We will Sayan, we won't leave before that, promise," Lilly says lightly.
" Litte Draconic, I learned old transmutation magic. If i could be allowed i should be able to grow your wings to full functionality. The only thing is that it would be somewhat painful to experience rapid growth. " Orestes said thoughtfully as he looked at the small draconic. He then reached up and pushed the hood back and pulled off his helmet to get a better look. Where a head should be only a pair of burning orbs remained.

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